Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (3 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)
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Angel, I love the feel of your mouth on me.  You suck me so well.”  He panted.


“Are you wet and ready, Angel?  I need you.”

“Oh God
, yes…” I breathed.

I didn’t mean for that to slip out, but it did.  Praying like mad that it didn’t fuck up the scene here, I went and grabbed the bottle of soda sitting next to me and put it in my mouth
, then made a slurping like noise as I took it out of my mouth.

“I need you, baby.  Kiss me.”  I breathed again.

There was no stopping my hand from doing the same thing that I wished were his doing.  Before I realized it, my hand was in my shorts and I could feel the effects his voice and this scene were having on me.

“I need you too
…bad.  Make love to me.  I have never been this damn hard in my life.”  He breathed pleadingly.

“I push you to
a lying position on our bed and slowly crawl up and straddle your hips.  I take your hard cock in my hand and slowly lower myself down on you.”

“Oh shit!  You feel amazing,

, so do you.”

Angel, Faster.  I am getting close and I want you to fall with me.  I won’t fall before you.”

“Placing my hands on your chest I ride you faster and faster…Oh God!  Oh God!...”

“Fuck yes!  Fuck…Fuck…Fuck…”

“Oh baby…”  I cried out as my orgasm hit me.  In the midst of my body shattering
, just by a vision of riding a man with the sexiest voice I have ever heard, I heard him roar.

Angel, I’m falling with you!  HOLY SHIT! Ahhhh…Uhhhh…”  He exhaled a big breath and then all I heard was his ragged breathing.

“Mmmmm…baby that was amazing.”

“Thank you Angel. You were amazing.”

“Have a good night.  Thanks for calling.  You made my night.”

“No wait!  You need payment right?”

“No, Hun
.  This one was on me.”

“Is, uh, is this only your line?”


“Okay, great.  Talk to you again soon,
Angel.  Goodnight.”

When he
hung up the phone, I stared at it for a minute.  I have never done anything like that before.  Usually this shit doesn’t affect me at all.  What was it with that voice that caused me to lose train of thought and actually get wrapped up in the fantasy?  What made me create the fantasy that I did?

Even though I was more confused than ever with my reacti
on to just a voice, I knew that it was the best orgasm I have ever had.  That man could have a career in phone sex as well.  Laughing, I waited for my next call to come in.  No matter what crazy, weird, psycho thing called in tonight…I would still be thinking about that man, that voice, and the way he made me feel, hoping he would call back again…soon.







ying there on my bed, I stared at the ceiling.  My eyelids were heavy and my breathing was still calming down. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that phone sex could be like that.  That woman was amazing, it was no wonder that she was in the business she was in.  I am going to have to remember to thank Tommy tomorrow for being an asshole. 

About a week ago, Tommy had put a card with a playboy magazine in my locker at the gym as a joke about m
e not dating.  Inside the card was the number for “Fantasies Your Way” hotline, along with a message.

Since you
’re gay now, maybe you can remember your straight days with this book and this voice.  Who knows this chick could turn you back…

I wanted to kick his ass.  Because of recent events, I have learned t
o control my temper.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I was finally released back to fight again.  After promising my mother no more stupid antics, I took a deep breath shoved the shit in my bag and went home and pretended my punching bag was Tommy’s head.

It took a week for frustrations and not wanting to sink to watching porn before I finally called the number and boy did I wish I would have called sooner now.  That was the most explosive orgasm I have had
ever … now that I think about it.  Her voice in itself was making me hard.  When she called me baby…I groaned when my cock twitched.  Sleep…I needed to sleep.  Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.



@~^~~     @~^~~     @~^~~


“Dude!  Where the hell have you been?”

“Sorry…I had one hell of a night, you wouldn’t believe it.”

“I couldn’t give two shits about it, right now!  You promised you’d be here in time to relieve me before my first appointment.  Now I am ten minutes behind.”

“Jake, man…Take a shit would you!  I’m fucking here!  Stop bitching like a girl and get the fuck out of here.”

The evil glare from my brother had me about falling over laughing.  I was in a great mood this morning, even if I had to come here and do this for a few hours before I had to be at the gym for more training.

“Kay!  You have everything you need?”

Yeah, go be cute and do whatever you have to do for them to donate more.  Colt is going to host a football dog something or other. Hell, I don’t know.  If this is going to work, I need your help.” 

The more people that came around
, the more nervous my sister got.  I walked over and gave her hug.  She has been through enough.  I hoped she would soon begin to heal, but even I knew that may not happen.

“Go to your office lock your door and do all the work you need to.  I have you covered for a few hours.  I promise.”

She nodded her head. “Thank you, Curry.”

“Love you, sis.  I will knock when I need to leave.”

I stood there and made sure her door was locked, before I moved out to where I needed to be.  There was no way in hell I was letting anyone hurt my family anymore.  If someone dared, I would die protecting them.  My fucking family needed a break.  They needed happiness and peace.  I would do whatever I had to do to make sure that happened.  I think my brothers felt the same way.

The time passed quickly as I worked my magic raising the money needed for this new organization that was going to be built to help stop dog fighting.  My sister treated so many helpless dogs from dog fights only to have them return or die.  It was a hard thing for her to handle.  The police department had a task force that worked hard to try and break these up, but they just couldn’t get people to come forward enough.

That was the purpose of “Fighting for Dogs” organization.  They were going to be working with the police as a call center and shelter.  Hopefully between the two something will be done about these.  I am an animal lover just as much as my sister, so I was all for this organization and actually helped fund the building being built and will help cover costs as well.

Before I knew it, my time was up and I needed to get to the gym.  I was headed out after letting my sister know when a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.  My cock was instantly hard.  I quickly scanned the room trying to place where that sultry, seductive, completely addictive voice was coming from.  There w
ere so many people in the room, I couldn’t place her. The voice filled my ears again.  I scanned faster and just as I was about to turn, I saw a dark haired woman.  She seemed to be about the right height. Just as I was going to walk over to her, she disappeared into the crowd.  I tried to find her again, but all I could see was her back.  I just couldn’t find her again.


“Later, Colt!  Stop by tonight if you want to see the new piece.”  I yelled at my brother to be heard over the talking.  Kay walked up and I gave her one last hug and left.

Thanks to that voice, I had extra energy to work off.  I have not seen her face and have no idea how old she is or if she is even available, but that woman in one night has taken over my body.  It never reacts to anyone like that, but this woman not only got that reaction…I craved the reaction.

As I punched the bag, I pictured every arrogant asshole that has hurt my family and beat the hell out of it.  You want to make an enemy of me…threaten my family.  One guy at the top of my list right now…Alex Greene.  He and I go way back, at one point we used to be friends.  That asshole…I punched the bag with so much anger and force it popped right off and flew a few feet before landing on the ground.

“Carson, I told you to work
out not kill the equipment.”

“Sorry.” I huffed.

Moving to the next one, I started to beat the shit out of it.  There hasn’t been a day that has gone by that I haven’t thought about what he has done to my sister.  Not a day that I do not blame myself for it.  It was guilt and it was eating me alive.  My gambling got her into the mess she was in and now…now…


“WHAT!” I screamed.

“I think you need to take a break.  Go home.  Take a shower.  If you can’t get it out of your head man, I can’t put you in the ring.  Even if it meant a definite win.  It wouldn’t be right.”

Wiping the sweat from my face with the towel that Connor tossed me, I sighed.  No matter how hard I worked at it, no matter how much I tried to distract myself, I just couldn’t get it off my mind.

“I can’t get it out of my head, Connor.  I just…”

“You’re blaming yourself for something that you had no control over, son.  You’re blaming yourself for a situation that I am sure would have happened regardless of your previous debt.  As long as you blame yourself for it, it will always be with you.  It will always be in your head, destroying you.  Then he breaks not only your sister, but you too.  Do you want him to have that power?”

Though what Connor was saying made sense
, it pissed me off.  I turned to the body bag and began to kick and swing like someone possessed.  My surroundings blurred it was pure rage pouring through me.  My muscles jumped and tensed and stretched with every movement.  My target was no longer a body bag, but Alex fucking Greene.

Suddenly, ice cold water splashed me knocking
me from my daze.

“What the fuck!”

“Get your ass home now!  If you can’t get your head together…soon…I can’t fight you!”

Storming off, I punched the locker room door open.  It banged against the wall and caused the guys in the locker room to stare at me.
Standing in front of my locker, I stared at it unable to shake what happened to Kayla because of me.  I slammed my fist through the locker next to mine and kicked through my own locker.  I was getting ready to slam my fist into another locker when arms came around and held my arms down and squeezed tight.

Son of a bitch!

This was familiar from childhood, the only one of my siblings that dared to challenge me…

“Let me go, asshat!”

“No! Not until you calm the fuck down!”

“I am tell
ing you Eli, I am not in the fucking mood.  Let me go!”

“Connor called me and apparently he needed to do it sooner.  If you aren’t going to chill out
, then let’s take it to the ring.”

I laughed.  “Eli
, I would kill your old ass!”

“Challenge accepted.  Let’s go!”

Eli didn’t let me go.  He held me in the vice grip and walked me out to the ring.  Do you think he let me go then…NOPE!  He threw my ass into the ring.

“Keep your ass right there.  I need to get out of my suit.”

With that, he walked off and was back in shorts and tennis shoes.  Guys that witnessed the whole situation stood around.  I even heard a couple of them telling my brother not to go against me when I got like this.  Eli just shrugged and stepped into the ring.

“I am going to enjoy kicking your ass, Eli.”

I jumped up and down and rolled my head around to loosen myself up for the fight.  In my early years, Eli trained with me in order to help keep me focused.  He was now a lawyer and spent most of his time behind a desk.  He had no idea what he was walking into.

“Bring it on you little puke!”

Oh the old taunt from when we were kids.  Elijah was four years older than I was, so we got into a ton of scuffles that my dad usually had us solve by fighting it out.  Of course, because my dad wanted us to fight we didn’t. 

“We aren’t kids anymore.  I am not that little boy anymore.”

“No, but you are still just as annoying.”

We circled each other, both of us hop
ping from one foot to the other waiting for the other to make the first move.  The thing about my brother was he had no patience at all.  It was one of the things that made him a good lawyer.  He went into a case having an answer for any rebuttal that might occur. 

Eli swung and I dodged retaliating with a right jab to his face.  He swung again connecting with my jaw and
I connected with his stomach.  We danced around each other for a few moments before he came at me again, I shift dodging his jab and landed an uppercut hard and dead on causing him to stumble backwards.  We continued to punch each other.  I had busted his lip open and caused a gash below his eye and his right side of his face was already swelling.  I wasn’t sure what he had done to me, but he was asking for a death wish if we kept going.  We were both covered in sweat.  It was dripping down into my eyes burning them, but I’d be damned if I was stopping.  I swear though if Eli didn’t he was going to regret it.

I swept my foot out knocking Eli’s feet right out from underneath him.  He fell with a thud to the mat. Walking over to him
, I looked him in the eyes.

“Stop.  It’s enough old man!  You’re going to get hurt.”

Suddenly his fist connected with my groin.  I stumbled backwards, holding myself.

“You fucking asshole!” I groaned.

“Don’t call me an old man!”

I straightened up when I saw him lift himself off the mat.  We went at it for a while longer.  I knocked him down several more times.  Each time he got up slower than the last.  A sudden vision of Alex popped into my head.  I couldn’t control.  There
was no warning.  When Eli came at me, I went back with far too much force than I needed to use with my brother.  He fell back to the mat and didn’t move.  The sight of my brother lying there not moving stopped the rage cold.  I scrambled to my brother’s side.

“Shit!  Eli…man…I’
m so sorry.”

Connor pushed me away and the medic team
—that was always on standby when a fight, practice or not, were taking place—rushed in.  A few minutes passed and I stood there wanting to know something.  Connor turned around livid.  The vein in his head was popping out.

“Get your shit and go home!  If you can’t get it under control…I’m done! Look what you just fucking did
to your brother! GET OUT!”

He shoved me out of the ring.  I didn’t go to the locker room to change.  Grabbing my shit
, I stormed out of the gym and flew back to my house.  Once I got inside, I stormed down to my private gym and began to beat the shit out of the punching bag.

“I told him to stop…I told him to back off…Fucking idiot wouldn’t listen…Shit…”

Collapsing against the wall, I slid down and rested my arms on my knees and my head hung down.  My heavy breathing was the only sound that could be heard in the room.  First one, then another tear fell and landed on the floor.

“What the hell have
I done?” I say to the empty room, sucking in a breath.

“Exactly what I asked for.”

My head flew up and Eli stood leaning against the doorway.  He didn’t smile.  He didn’t smirk.  He just looked at me with sad eyes.  My head fell back against the wall and I broke down.

“Eli, she was hurt for so long and so bad because of me.”

“Carson, if you truly believe that you have control over someone else’s actions, then you are dumber than I thought.”

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