Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (31 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)
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When he pulled back, I couldn’t hold myself back.  Before I knew what I was doing, I spit in his face and head butted him hard in the nose. He howled and stumbled backwards.

“Stay the hell off me and don’t fucking touch me
, you bastard!”

A loud piercing scream escaped me before
his hand landed over my mouth.

Oh God!






When I
hung up with Colleen the first time, my heart died in my chest.  All my head was doing was playing image after image of different scenarios that could be happening to her for the call to be disconnected.  As I crumbled to the floor, all I saw was her face…her eyes…her.  If anything were to happen to her, I couldn’t live with myself.  My body was shaking and it wasn’t until the tears started to land on me that I realized I was even crying.  Arms came around me, but even the warmth of Kayla’s hug couldn’t warm me.  I was cold to the bone.  This was a cold that would not be warmed by anyone other than Colleen being in my arms and safe.

After pulling myself together, I looked around the room.  All my sisters and even my mother had tears falling down their faces and my brothers and father looked broken and saddened. It was in that moment that I realized, I wasn’t the only one who had fallen in love with Colleen, but my whole family did too.  My heart sank furthe
r.  I not only let Colleen down by not protecting her, but I let my family down too.

Just as I was about to start talking, my door flew open and in walked hell on wheels.  I saw everyone in the room turn their head to the man walking…no storming into my house.  He had fury in his eyes and part me of me thought it was at me.

“What do we know?  Have you had contact with her yet? One thing I asked Carson! One damn thing and…” He starts shaking his head.

“Geno, I’m sorry, but sitting here yelling at me is not going to help us any.  You aren’t the only one who is worried and you’re not the only one blaming me.  I blame
myself for this fucking happening.  Do you know if any of the Garcia brothers are behind this?  She only mentioned Wendi, but she was working with them when she was taken by them…” I swallow hard.

“No, I don’t think they are involved.  According to my contacts, there hasn’t even been a search sent out for her or me for that matter.  Honestly
, that is more frightening than relieving because it means we can’t let our guard down.  Why is this chick so hell bent on you?  Is she an ex?”

, I have never met this girl in my life.  She showed up for the first time at the bar when I met Colleen for the first time.  It’s been mayhem ever since.”

Looking around into all the worrying faces, my heart sinks.  What if we couldn’t save her?  I’m not sure I can live without her, not after knowing what it
feels likes to have her.  Walking away from all the looks, I walk to my room, but I can’t walk in.  I stare at a scene that should have involved happy tears and love making and instead it is a reminder of exactly what I am missing.  It’s a reminder of what I will lose if I can’t find her soon enough.  It has been almost twenty-four hours, since the last texted I received from her.

If this was for me, they wouldn’t leave her around long.  They would want to get rid of the distraction as fast as possible, which meant I was running short on time. I walked down to my gym and again I couldn’t go in.  There in front of me like a movie playing was our time in the gym together.  She was so damn feisty and so damn determined.  Guilt hit me then.  I hadn’t trained
her enough to fight on her own, but I left her alone to do just that and pregnant.

“Oh God!” My knees gave out and I
fell to the floor again. 

With my head in my hands memory after memory of her and I crashed into me, each one hitting me in the heart and making it impossible to breathe.  My heart constricted and the pain was strong and caused me to hold my hand to my chest to try and relieve the pressure. I have never felt pain like this before, it was worse than any physical pain I have ever endured. I tried rubbing my
chest, but the pain just would not ease.

“Carson, you can’t lose control now.  She needs you to be strong and think clearly.” Jackson said next to me.

“My…chest…hurts…” I pushed out.

“Carson, look at me.”

I look up into the face of my sister Mary.  She had a worried look on her face.  Placing one of her hands on my cheek and the other on my chest, she leaned in and whispered in my ear.

“This is her calling you.  Use it.  Don’t let it knock you down.  Let it pull you to her.  Her heart is calling yours.  Answer it and find her.”

Just as I was about to answer, my phone rang again.  I bolted to the living room faster than I have ever run before.  Once I saw her picture come up on the phone, I answered it in such I hurry I almost dropped the phone.

Angel? Baby please, tell me you’re okay,” I pleaded.

Rage builds in me as I hear that she is going to be given to some guy.  No other man is touching her.  She is only for
me…mine.  My fist clenches at my side and my other hand grips the phone tighter.  I wait to hear if she can hear anything specific, when the noise through the phone causes me to pull the phone away from my ear.  I press the speaker button.

“Oh my pretty little whore.  Soon you will be all mine to do with as I please.  Soon…you will be mine,” a man says.

There is a short pause, then Colleen yells, “Stay the hell off me and don’t fucking touch me you bastard!”

I am frozen
, staring at my phone.  You hear her scream turn muffled.  I knew in an instant her mouth was covered.  It was a strained effort to not think about how her mouth was covered and focus on just what I was hearing.

There sounds to be springs squeaking and straining.
My heart was sinking with every noise I could hear. A loud smack came across the phone.  It was so loud that you would have thought it came from inside the room I was standing in.

“I will teach you what happens when you fight me.  Mmm, do you feel that?  It’s all for you and soon you will be screaming for me and I can’t wait.  Until then…”

You hear a muffled noise and a male groaning and my heart stopped in my chest.  Then there is silence.  The silence didn’t last long.  Sobs slowly began to fill the silence.  My heart was breaking.

Angel!  Please talk to me,” I yelled into the phone.

It was pretty clear that she had dropped the phone and that was the noise I heard that hurt my ear.  I continued to beg and plead with her to talk to me.  Finally a small tear choked voice
came on the line.

“Please Carson, hurry.”

Then the line went dead.  I stare at my phone a minute before wrapping my hand around it and raising my arm back to throw it across the room.

“Curry don’t!  That is your contact with her.” Mary’s words break through my pain.

“I need some air.”

With that I storm outside.  I began pacing the length of my driveway.  My head was working a million miles a minute
.  A basement? Shit, that could be so many different places; house, warehouse, business.  Her screams and crying kept echoing in my head.  It was a deafening and heartbreaking sound.  A sound that I never wanted to hear again.


I spun around so fast that my surroundings were a blur around me.  If it were not for my gate being shut I think my body would have taken off on its own accord to start beating the shit out of them and demanding answers.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I came to find out if you’d like to go to supper.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I roared.

“No, why would I be kidding you?”

“If you think that I’m going anywhere near you after what you have done,
you’re sorely mistaken.”

“Oh, but you will…”

“You think by abducting her that I’m going to fall at your feet and do as you ask?  WRONG!  I do not give two shits about what you want and why.  You are going to give me details on where she is being held and you’re going to give them to me now, or so help me God…”

“You will be begging me here soon.  You’ll see.” She walks away laughing, jumps in a car and drives off.

Somehow I managed to get a plate off the car and was about to walk inside to give it to Nate when my name was called again.  Turning around I looked at a pale faced, teary eyed man.  Far from the man he was when I saw him last.  Still, his pathetic appearance didn’t stop me.  I stormed to the gate flung it open.  Before he even had a chance to breath, my fist was hitting his face, his stomach…anywhere I could hit I was.  Tommy was on the ground, but not once did he beg me to stop.  Not once did he try to fight back.

Grabbing his face with one hand, I looked into his eyes.

“Why!” I roared.

“I was in love with Wendi.  I’d do anything for her.  But, I really enjoyed lunch with Colleen and felt so horrible for what I did.”

I stumbled backwards. “You felt horrible? You didn’t even help her!”

He smirks, “Trust me she had herself covered…until Wendi came up with a gun.” He finishes sadly.

I stared at him stunned.  “She’s my world.  What is your problem with me?  Why would you hurt her?”

Tommy seems stunned by my question and stares at me.  Not moving a muscle.  Silence is my worst enemy right now.  Silence is when I hear her cries and her screams. I grabbed Tommy’s throat and held him against the gate.  He continued to stare at me.


“You…have…it…all.” He chokes out.

“I have never had it all!  Not until Colleen came into my life.” I dropped my grip and he fell to the ground.

, he says, “You have a family that many would kill for.  Everyone likes you.  You have skill in the ring I only wish I had.”

“You were jealous of me so you set up my girlfriend?”


He doesn’t get to finish because I’m beating the shit out of him again. Hitting him with my fists, my knees, whatever I can hit him with.  It was pure rage that was coursing through my veins.  Every hit I heard her cry.  Every punch I heard her scream.  The rage was blinding so blinding that I didn’t realize anyone had come out until they were pulling me off Tommy.  Eli held me back with his arms wrapped under mine and his hands behind my neck.

“Jealous!  You motherfucker! She’s fucking pregnant! If something happens to them…I swear this won’t even be half the pain you feel, you worthless piece of shit.”

“Pregnant?” Geno says shocked and stares at me.

Shrugging out of my brother’s hold, I walk over to Geno.  “We didn’t want to tell anyone yet. We would have told you when we told everyone else. The only reason everyone knows now is because of this shit.”

“I know where she is.” Tommy says hoarsely.

I spun around so fast I almost fell.  “You what?”

“That’s why I came over here.  To tell you where she was.” He winces in pain as he moves.

“Why didn’t you say that?”

“You were beating the shit out of me.  I deserved it.  Go figure the first person I fall for and they were only using me to get to you.” He says sadly. “She’s at her place.”

After he gives us the address, I start to run to my truck.  Jackson stays to look at Tommy. I’m just about to shut the door on my truck when it’s held open.  I look up stunned to find Eli and Geno shaking their heads.

“Move damn it!  I need to get to her.” I yelled.

“Carson, we need to have a plan.” Eli says calmly.

“I have one.  Beat the fucking shit out of anyone that gets in my way and save my girl!”

“Carson, I want my daughter back safe and sound too.  If we go in there guns blazing, we might cause her to get hurt instead.  Neither of us wants that.”

I drop my head
in my hands. “I can’t sit here and know where she is and not do something.”  I look up at my brother and Geno.  “If she’s hurt because we wait…”

“What if she’s hurt because we don’t?” Eli says softly.

“I just want her with me, unharmed.” I cry.

Eli pulls me into a hug.  “I know brother and we will save her, I promise.  We just need a plan to do that so she doesn’t get hurt.  Tommy knows the house.  Let’s use that so we can get to her before she does get hurt. Okay?”

I nod my head.  There wasn’t much else I could say. We all headed back inside, including Tommy.  Jackson gets my first aid kit to tend to Tommy and I pace back and forth.  No one is saying anything and time is passing.

“Well?” I snap

“Tommy, what do we need to know before going over there?”  Eli asks.

“She has two guys working for her
… Rocco and Karl.” He smirks suddenly.  “She beat the shit out of Karl and he was out for the count when they left and did a number on Rocco too.”

A sudden sense of pride came over me.  She was able to take down a trained bodyguard.  Maybe she had been taught well enough.  I looked to Geno who had a small smile on his face as well.  Tommy went through the setup of the hous
e and how best to get to her, also warning us that they
had guns.

Within a couple of hours, we are headed out the door into my truck and Jason’s truck.  Geno, Jason, Eli, Nate, Colt
, Jackson and Jake all came with.  As we drove across town, my heart was racing.  I began to pray as we got closer to the house.

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