Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (33 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)
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“You cheated on me the whole time!  Not just when we were married, but when we were dating too.”

“Because of how scared I was about the feelings I had for you.”

“Right! I’m supposed to believe that!”

“It’s true my beautiful.”  He took a step toward me, and then another until he was standing in front of me.

“Richard…” I breathed.

He leaned in and kissed me.  When I didn’t pull away, he deepened the kiss further.  A groan escaped his throat and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tighter against him.  I could feel how turned on he was by our kiss.

“I’m sorry, Richard.  We can try again.” I said breathlessly.

“That’s my girl.” He said before kissing me again and backing me up to the bed.

I dropped my gun and wrapped my arms around his neck.  He lowered me back onto the bed as his hand started running down my body.  Then suddenly there was air between us and I opened my eyes to find Randy holding a knife to Richard’s throat.

“Randy no!  He loves me. We’re going to try again.  Don’t hurt him!”

“Really?  Was this before or after he ended his engagement to Nancy Strom?” Randy hissed at Richard.

Richard smiled. “How’d you find out about that?”

“I have sources.  Miss, he was with Nancy the last half of your marriage.  It was their plan to kill your parents and take the money. He doesn’t love you. He was just trying to save his life tonight.”

“Is that true?” I breathed.

Richard only shrugged and that was the last thing he did before I grabbed the rope and put it over his head and pushed him over the railing.  Randy ushered me out quickly afterwards and went back in to take care of evidence he said. 
Dani did not live anymore after that day.  She died. Nothing was left of her. No family, no life, nothing…

Shaking my head, I was relieved to
feel the coldness come back into my veins.  It was time to go handle a bitch and get my man.

Arriving at the house
, I stormed the front door and past a begging Rocco.  I walked down to the basement and threw open the door that led to the bitch.  Before she could even react, I had her handcuffed to the posts on the bed.

“Now, I’m done playing. I told you to make a wise choice, but you chose wrong deal with the consequences of your actions.  I’m not stopping it.”

I whipped around and stormed back out of the room and back upstairs.  As I walked past Rocco toward my room, I yelled, “Have her!  Do whatever you want to her!  I don’t fucking care!  I’m done playing these little fucking games.”

smile was huge. 
At least someone’s happy.
I slammed my door and went about gathering up the things I needed.  This game was over!






Please hurry! Please hurry!

It was all I could do, was chant that over and over again.  My hope was dwindling and I had a feeling time was running out.  What was I going to do if Carson couldn’t find me?  The thought sent a shiver down my spine and my hand moved to rest over my stomach.  This was not going to happen again.  I wouldn’t let it happen again.  The question was now how was I going to get out of this.

I needed to think of something other than what might happen.  Something happy.  Memory after memory of my dad came flooding back in my head.  But one memory stuck out suddenly and my heart filled with so much joy.

“Daddy, why are there so many bottles of water?”

He laughs. “My beautiful flower.  They are not bottles of water.  It is different types of alcohol.”

“Can I try some?”

“Maybe when you are older my child, but seven is far too young to drink any of this stuff.”

“Do you drink it?”

“No, my child.  Daddy only sells it.  Others love to drink this stuff.”

“I won’t drink it then.  I want to be just like you, daddy.”

He hugged me tightly. “I’m so happy flower.  I’m so happy.”

He goes about his work and I scrub tables.  I like cleaning the tables.  Daddy said I did a great job with cleaning them.  I was in the back on my last few tables when a guy walks into the bar.  He and my dad were talking.  I finished cleaning the tables and ran to my dad.

“Daddy, I’m done with the tables.  Can I sweep now?”

The guy that was talking to daddy just stared at me and my dad stood there too.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

“No, flower.  Not at all.  Daddy would like you to meet someone.  This is someone close to daddy.”

The man squatted down next to me and put out his hand.  “It’s very nice to meet you.”

I step behind my dad and look up at him.  “You’re fine flower.  Daddy would never let anything happen to my baby girl with me around.”

I nodded my head and shook the man’s hand. “Hi.  I’m Colleen, but daddy calls me flower.  I like flowers.”

“I do too.  You sure are as pretty as a flower.” The man said and I saw tears in his eyes.

Reaching up, I brushed his cheeks as the tears fell down. 

“Why are you so sad?”

“Just realized what I’m missing and it hurts a lot.”

“Come here with me.  I want to show you something.” I look up at my dad and he nods his head with tears in his eyes too.

I put out my hand and the man takes it and stands up.  He is taller than my daddy, but he has the same kind eyes that I love so much.  Daddy says I have his eyes, but daddy’s aren’t the same color. 

“You have kind eyes like my daddy.” I
say, smiling at my daddy.

“Thank you.  You have kind eyes too.”

“Daddy says they are just like his, but he has a different color.  I have the same color as you.”

Yes, you do,” he says smiling.

“Come here, I want to show you something.”

He follows me through the back of the bar outside to another building.  He kept holding my hand like he was scared to let it go.  I opened the door and we walked inside.  This was my favorite place to be.  It was my space.

“This is where I get to play while daddy works.  He lets me clean and help get ready, but he doesn’t like me in there when all the people come in.  So he made this place for me to play in.  He monitors me on cameras so he knows I’m okay.”

He looks around at all my things around this little building.  “Looks like you can have a lot of fun in here.  Why do you come with your daddy to work?”

My face drops. “I don’t like my mommy.  She’s a bad lady.  So when I can daddy takes me here to get away from her.”

“What do you mean she’s a bad lady?”

“She yells at me a lot, hurts me and doesn’t let me eat.” I say quietly.

“It’s okay Colleen.  Daddy will save you one day.”

“I hope so.  Would you like to play with me?”

“I’d love that.”

We played house.  He played the daddy and I played the daughter.  He asked why I wanted to play the daughter and I told him it was the only thing I knew how to play.  He laughed.  I liked his laugh.  We played for a while.  My daddy came into the building and I ran to him squealing ‘Daddy!’ as I ran.  He scooped me up in his arms and hugged and kissed me.

“Hey flower.  It’s time for bed.”

“Do I have to?  We are having so much fun.”

“Yes, baby.  You have school in the morning.”

“Can he read me my story and put me to bed tonight?  He’s my best friend.”

Daddy looks up at him. “Do you want to?”

“More than anything,” the guy whispers sadly.

“Okay flower.  I love you.  You go right to sleep, though or you won’t be able to come up here on school nights anymore.”

I jump out of his arms squealing. “Okay daddy…night…love you.”

I ran right into the other guy's arms.  “Yay! You get to put me to bed!”

Hugging him tightly and he hugged me back. “Thank you,” he whispers looking at my dad.

“What is your name?”

“You can call me Eugene.”

“Eugene?” I scrunch my nose up. “How about Gene or no wait…Geno!”

“You can call me whatever you want.  How about that?”


Geno read me several books, way more than daddy reads.  I start getting sleepy after hearing my favorite princess story.  I cuddle into him. “I love you, Geno,” I whispered.

He kissed the top of my head and covered me up.  Leaning down, he kissed my forehead and I felt a tear land on my cheek.  I just laid there pretending to sleep.  Geno ran his hand through my hair for a little bit, kissed my cheek and whispered, “I love you Angel.”

He got up and walked out.  I snuck behind him a few minutes later.  He was in my dad’s office.  He was crying hard to my father.  Even my father had tears in his eyes.  I didn’t care about being in trouble.  I ran into the office and hugged him.

“Why are you crying?”

“Flower, you’re supposed to be in bed.”

“Why are you crying, Geno?” I asked ignoring my dad.

“Just hurting, I’ll be okay.  Come on let me put you back to
bed, okay?”

I nod my head and he takes me back and reads me more stories before I fell asleep this time.

He was in my life.  The pain in his eyes that day…I could still see them.  He was really hurting.  How could I have not seen this?  How could I have not known that he was not just someone that was special to my father, but someone special to me? My father tried to tell me.  He tried to tell me that sometimes lies were made to protect and not harm.  I should have questioned him more then, but I just didn’t pay attention to his words.  Would he have told me if I asked? 

Grabbing my phone immediately, I dialed Geno’s number.  He answered immediately.

“God are you okay?” He asks right away.

“You loved me and I hurt you because you couldn’t
tell me.  That was why you were crying that day, wasn’t it?”

“Colleen what…”

“Wasn’t it?” I yelled.

“Yes, I was actually begging your dad to let me take you with me.  I didn’t want to let you go.  I actually stayed with you all night that night until your dad took you home.  Colleen, I have always wanted you.  I just couldn’t have you and keep you safe.” He said sadly.

“You kept the name I called you.  Why?”

“Because it was the only thing I have from you.  Your dad got all the pictures and moments.  You giving me that name was all I had from you.  So I kept it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me as I got older?  Why not come back for me after mom died when I didn’t have to be ‘raised’.  You could have come back then.  Why didn’t you?”

He sighs.  “Because I was still stuck with the Garcia brothers.  There was no way I was giving them
any more reason to hurt you.  Your mom did enough damage.  If they would have known you were my daughter…baby they would have taken you for sure.  My staying away was the only way to keep you safe.  If you think for a second that it was easy staying away or that I was ever not there in some form or another, you’re wrong.  I may not have been there in person, but I was there.  I was always there.”

“Why didn’t you save me from them when they killed my baby?” I choked out.

“I…I didn’t know until it was too late.  It kills me that I was late, believe me it does.  When I found out…” His voice trailed off.

“I need you to understand.  I don’t hate you for your decisions.  I don’t hate you at all.  I just wish I was included in them.  My heart was what was played with here…by both of you.  I had a right to know.”

“Believe me, I know.  I wanted to tell you.  Especially that day, when you ran to him squealing ‘daddy’.  I wanted to scream that I was your dad, but I couldn’t.  When I left that day my heart was broken.  You have been my life, Colleen even if I haven’t been there.”

A sob escaped.  “I love you…dad.”

“Oh…” he broke off in tears.


I hung up the phone and called Carson.


“I just wanted to tell you that no matter what happens, you are my world and I love you.  Nothing will ever change that.”

“Baby we are on our way.  Please just hold tight.  I promise you baby, I’m going to save you.  We are going to be parents remember?  Just hang on please Angel.  I love you so much.”

“I love you Car…”
My phone died.

lay on the bed, curled in a ball crying when the door suddenly flew open.  Before I could even do anything she had me handcuffed to the bed.

“Now, I’m done playing. I told you to make a wise choice, but you chose wrong
, deal with the consequences of your actions.  I’m not stopping it.”

that, she left the room as fast as she came in.  Now I feared what was going to happen next.  I was defenseless.  There was no way of fighting back.  All I had use of was my legs. I just prayed that would be enough to fight off anything that was about to come through the door.

As if on cue, in walks
Rocco looking very pleased with himself.  The fear wanted to take over, but I had to keep it away.  I needed to focus.

“Ahh, mine at last.” He licked his lips.

“I will never be yours.” I hissed at him.

Oh, but you are right now!” He said as he ripped open my shirt.

I screamed and kept screaming and kicking my legs.  What else could I do?  He put a gag in my mouth and my screams were muffled.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” He hikes up my skirt and the tears start falling.

This was it and I couldn’t do anything to stop him.  I closed my eyes as he started taking off his clothes.  I couldn’t watch. Inside
I was dying piece by piece.

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