Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (32 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)
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Let her be okay.  Please let her be okay. We are almost there
Angel.  Just hang on.

Soon I was staring at the house that held my world inside it.  Everything in me just wanted to run in there kick the fucking door down and get to her whatever means necessary.  I began to clench my fists and my breathing became faster as I thought about what has happened to my

“Stick to the plan Carson.  We all want her saved and safe.”

I nod my head and exit the truck.  It was time to get my girl back!






“Son of a bitch!” I screamed when I got back in my car.

How could it be that this little bitch is gone and he still won’t give me the time of day?  Why does he think that I was the one to take her?  He was proving to be a very tough nut to crack.  I am seriously considering just walking away.  Giving the whore to
Rocco and walking the hell away from Carson, but then I think about the look in his eyes as he looked at me.  He looked at me like he owned me. 

“We’ll see about that asshole!” I say to my empty car. 

Continuing to just drive around, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t followed.  There was no way I was taking a chance on them finding the little tart.  Pulling into a parking lot, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through some of the pictures that I had on my phone.  I needed the reminder.  I need the encouragement right now.  At this moment, I was losing my focus and my touch.

No man has ever been able to resist me.  No man has ever told me no.  There wasn’t going to be a man to do that now.  No men beg me.  They beg for sex and they beg for their lives.  Never will a man deny me what is rightfully mine again.  Carson was mine whether he wanted to be or not.

I dial Rocco’s phone.

“Yeah,” he answers breathing funny.

“Stay out of that room Rocco!  I’m not kidding!  If she is harmed, he is less likely to bargain with me.”

“Too late.  That little bitch spit in my face and broke my fucking nose.”

“How in the hell is she getting the best of you guys?  You guys are the best in the business! What the fuck!”

“She caught me off guard.”

“Because you’re thinking with your fucking dick instead of sticking with the plan! You don’t get her now.  Stay out of the room!  I will sell her back to the Garcia brothers.”

I hear him curse before I hang up the phone.  They were so fired when this was all said and done!  Their incompetence is what is screwing this mission.  I should be getting ready to get married and living in the lap of luxury until the sudden death of my beloved husband.  Memories of my first husband come back to haunt, but right now I welcomed the rage it empowered me with.

“Dani?” A tall, long blond haired man asked.

“Yes and you are?”

“My name is Richard Callier.  You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” He whispered.

Dropping my head to hide my blush.  “Thank you,” I murmured.

“May I have this dance?” He asked softly.

I looked up and into one of the most amazing smiles I have ever seen.  It literally took my breath away.  My words and breath left my lungs.  I stared into his beautiful blue eyes and just nodded my
head, placing my hand in his.

We danced
to several songs and before I knew it, it was ten at night.  Tonight was the first night I felt like I was alive.  I just didn’t want this night to end.

“I’m sorry, but I must be going.  Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

Before he could say anything to me, I ran from there like Cinderella when the clock struck midnight.  Only I left nothing behind for him to try on every maiden in town.  The thought kind of made me smile.  I hear him calling my name, but I don’t stop.  My father would kick my ass if he even knew I was there to begin with, let alone meeting someone.

The days passed quickly and I really had to resist the urge to go back to that place and find this Richard.  My studies were hard to concentrate on because I kept thinking about him and his smile and the way he made me feel beautiful.  The look in his
eyes, I just couldn’t explain, but whatever it was had me feeling hot all over.

Shaking my head, I set out to the store to get a few things for a project that I was working
on. Once inside the store, I wandered around aimlessly, not really wanting to go back to the house to listen to one of my father’s many lectures.  Honestly, how many times can the man tell me what my place was when I was old enough?

Reaching for a package of construction paper, when another grabbed my hand and I yelped.

“I’m sorry, Dani.  I didn’t mean to scare you.”

My hand went to my mouth when I saw Richard standing there.  To say I was stunned was an understatement.

“How…” I stammered.

“I have been searching for you everywhere.”

“Why…”I stammered
, still unable to form complete sentences.

Looking around, I see that people are starting to look our direction and my unease must have been palpable because Richard quickly grabbed my hand and led me outside and behind the store in a secluded alley.  No one could see us.  I looked up in
to his eyes and before I could utter a single word, his mouth came crashing down on mine.  It was my first kiss and it was amazing.  When he finally pulled away, I was breathless.

“What did you do that for?” I said stupidly.

“I can’t get you out of my head.  Every time I close my eyes, I see your face, hear your laughter.  Dani, I really like you.”

“I really like you too.”

“So why did you leave?”

“Because I’m not allowed to date,” I say embarrassed hanging my head.

“You could have told me that,” he said, lifting my head to look in his eyes.

“Right and have you think I’m some kind of spoiled brat.” I bit out.

“I would never think that, but I do hope that you consider the option of giving us a try. Even if it is in secret.”

I smiled at him.  “Really?”

“Oh yes, really,” he whispered before taking my mouth with his again.

We continued to date in secret, but a secret can only be held for so long.  My father found out and demanded to know what was going on.  He sent me to my room after smacking me for the first time in my life.  When I knew he would not be back in, I snuck out of the house and ran to our meeting spot in tears.  When Richard arrived
, I ran into his arms and cried.  He held me until I stopped crying.

“What’s wrong my

“My dad found out about us,” I sobbed into his chest.

He lifted my head and ran his hand over my swollen and reddened cheek. “Did he do this to you?”

I nodded my head.

“Dani baby, we need to just stand up to him together.  I love you and I want to be with you, but the secret has run its course.”

“What did you say?” I breathed.

He smiled and cupped my face again. “I love you Dani Rennick.”

He leaned down and kissed me tenderly. “I love you too, Richard.”

Time passed and we eventually married when I was about to turn nineteen.  My father wasn’t happy at first, but when he saw how happy I was he was fine with it.  Richard treated me like a queen for the first few months of marriage, but things slowly began to change.  He wasn’t there for me when I needed him after the murders of my parents.  He stood by me at the funeral and all the legalities of things, but at night when I had nightmares…he wasn’t home.

I left one day to visit
a friend and stayed gone most of the day.  When I came home, I noticed things had been knocked over.  My husband’s tie was on the ground as was his suit jacket.  I made my way up the stairs.  Our bedroom was right at the top of the stairs.  My heart was racing and my stomach was in knots.  I heard the noises before I even opened the door, but I still opened it anyway.  There on our bed was my husband naked with one girl riding him and him eating out another.  My heart stopped beating.  My blood turned cold and every ounce of caring nature in me left.

I closed the door and walked downstairs and sat in the kitchen.  I listened to the noises increase and get louder until the noises stopped and I
heard the door open.  I watch from my hidden corner in the kitchen as he kisses each of the girls and sends them out the door.  He smiles and waves, watching them leave before shutting the door and walking back inside.  Crouching down, I grab the first thing my hand touches as I hear his bare feet pad into the kitchen.

When the light turns on, I stand up and hold my hands behind my back.

“Dani?  When did you get home?” He asked.

“Too soon apparently…” I hiss.

“What are you talking about?”

“The whores you just sent away…were they good?”

He froze, staring at me before a smile stretches across his face.  “Yes, actually. Very satisfying, but the women before them were just as good.  They are the only ones that allow me to have both of them at once though.”

“What?” I breathe.

He just laughs. 

“I want a divorce
, you asshole!”


He walks out of the kitchen with no further fight.  I sink to the floor and cry.  That wasn’t the worst of my problems. I find out during the divorce that he got everything and I was left with nothing.  That included the money from my parents.  I was left penniless. When you are left with no other options you sink to new lows.  I did.  Following him and everything he did, I found out that he had cheated on me the whole time even while we were dating.  When he wasn’t with me, he was with other girls.

I snapped one day, broke into our home and waited for him under the bed.  He of course came home with some floozy and had sex with her and sent her on the way.  When he came back in the room, I was sitting on the bed.

“What the fuck are you doing here! I’m calling the cops!” He roared.

The click of my gun stopped him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I say calmly.

He turns slowly. “What do you want?”

“Why did you treat me like this?  I thought you loved me.”

“Love you?  No you were just a means to an end.”

“You’d have nothing if it wasn’t for me.”

“No you’d have nothing if it wasn’t for me.  Your parents would still be alive and you’d have nothing.”

“You…you killed my parents?”

“Of course I did.  It was the only way to get the money.  I brought those girls home on purpose that day.  I wanted you to catch me.  I was running short on time, as you now know.” He smiles.

“Time to write a note, my love.” I smile.

His smile drops and he stares at me swallowing hard, “Note?”

“Why yes
, because you are so depressed you want to say one final goodbye to everyone.  I suggest you take the chance I’m giving you.  I’m not playing around.”

He nods his head and moves to the desk.  I sit on the bed aiming the gun at him the whole time.  As he writes, I see his shoulders shaking.  Was he laughing?  My answer came when he turned around and tears were falling down his cheeks.

“You know I loved you. I mean truly loved you.  I went against my father for you.  You could have had all this and me.  Why couldn’t that have just been enough?  Why did you have to lie to me?”

“You never know what you have until it’s gone.” He whispers with his head
hung down.

, you can go to your grave knowing that I loved you with all I had and you not only broke our marriage, but me as well.”

After I had him set everything up I made him wait until I was ready.  I went and read his letter. He stood there watching me.

‘Have you ever come across that one person you can’t live without, but have no clue how to live with them either? That happened to me when I was eighteen years old.  I was in a club watching all the women around me when I saw the Angel sitting at a table just watching everything in awe.  It was a buddy of mine that told me who she was and I had to introduce myself.  What I wasn’t prepared for was the feelings I had as I held her when we danced and when I didn’t see her for so long.  I have never chased a woman or pursued a woman before her.  She was the only woman I ever pursued. I did something horrible to her because I thought that if she saw the real me that she’d run on her own anyway.  I set her up, but I didn’t realize it would be me that would cause her to walk away.  No, that’s not right either…I thought if I made her leave and see what loss was like she’d see me in a different light. I thought she’d come running back to me.  These two months have been the worst in my life.  I tried to fill it with women, but they were not the one woman that I truly wanted to be with. I loved her and only her, but I didn’t know how to handle that.  My home was not a happy one.  My parents fought and my surroundings were not the best.  There was no example to look up to.  So in short, I ruined the best thing in my life because it was all I knew how to do.  I loved you, Dani and I always will.  It is because of this love that I can no longer deal with my day to day life and I must find an end to it.  Please, whoever finds this tell Dani that I did truly love her, but it scared me to death.’

I had tears coursing down my cheeks when I looked up at him.

“You love me?”

“I always have.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Dani, there has never been a single woman I have fought as hard for as I fought for you. Never.  You are the only one.”

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