Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (28 page)

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“Hey,” he
said, standing up.

Sitting down, a waitress came over asking what I’d like. 
I just got a simple salad and water.  Today I was not in the mood to test my morning sickness.  We sat in silence for a moment.

“So what did you want to meet up for?”

“About the fight yesterday…”

“Hey, if you are apologizing about hitting me…don’t.  I asked you to fight me.”

“I know.” He hung his head. “I still feel like I did something wrong.”

“You do?” I asked puzzled.

“Yes, why do you sound so shocked?”

Well, because you aren’t exactly nice. Well, at least not to me or Carson.”

He sighs, “I really have no problem with either of you.  It’s just that…well Carson has it all…” he trailed off.

I reached out and placed my hand on his in a friendly comforting gesture.  “Tommy, no one has it all.  The people that are happy are that way because they accept what they have and stop missing what they don’t.”

He smirks. “Wow, insightful.  You really are nice, aren’t you?”

“I try to be,” I say with a shrug and he laughs.

We talked for a while, he was actually a really nice guy.  He was funny.  I wonder why he was always so mean and
gruff all the time.  We were walking back to the gym when I texted Carson.

: hey baby, I’m headed home. Lunch went well. He’s really a good guy. Just wanted to let you know.  I love you. What time’s the fight? Good Luck!

:  Good to hear.  Getting ready to head into warm ups.  Love you.  The fight will be on in about five hours.

I laughed at him and put my phone a
way in the hidden pocket of the shirt.  There were no pockets on the skirt or the shirt, obviously, so the designer decided to hide one.  You really couldn’t tell it was there and was nice to not have to carry my purse right now.

Tommy and I made small talk as we neared the gym.  He was joking and even laughing for most of the way there. 
Suddenly he looked nervous.

“What?  What’s wrong?”
I asked immediately on edge.

Shit, I’ve done something stupid.”

? Maybe I can help you?” Not at all relaxing.

“God, Colleen I’m so sorry.  Please forgive me.”

“What are you talking about?”  My nerves were on overdrive now.

“I’m so sorry.” He repeated.

Someone came up behind me and tried to grab me around the waist.  I ducked down and shifted out of the way, nailing whoever it was in the stomach in the process.  Another man came at me, I kicked them in the gut and he stumbled backwards. The first guy came back at me hitting me a couple of times. I hit back, knocking him for everything I was worth.  I had started in on the second one when I heard a click and felt the gun press into my back.  Frozen in my spot, I turned and to my horror Tommy was just standing there, shaking his head with a sad expression on his face.  He didn’t move to help, nothing he just stood there.

“Make no sudden moves or draw attention or I swear to
God, I will shoot you dead right here!” She hissed in my ear.

Slowly I
nodded my head, still looking helplessly for Tommy to help, but he only stood there and kept saying he was sorry over and over again.  He had brought me here to set me up. And here I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

My heart was pounding so loud in my
ears, it was deafening.  My vision was blurred and I felt the urge to throw up.  How was I going to get out of this?  Carson will worry when I don’t… Shit! I already texted him and said that I was headed home.  What the hell was I going to do?

Wendi walked me over
to an awaiting car in the side alley. Just as I got into the car, a sharp pain radiated from my temple and everything went black.






If Tommy could pull this off without fucking it up horribly, I think I might make him cum an extra time today.  It truly is amazing what you can accomplish with sex as the bargaining tool.  Tommy was eating out of the palm of my hands and I was really close to getting exactly what I wanted to.  If it all did go as planned, I may keep Tommy on the side, especially if Carson was no good in the sack. I sighed.  Many times the good looking ones never were.  A girl has to be able to get off or she will go crazy.  Well, I will anyway.  Sex was not just another orgasm for me.  It was my livelihood. If I didn’t have sex everyday, then I was stressed, flying off the handle, and not thinking clearly. This was where Tommy came in handy.  He was really good and knew just how to work me up and get me off.

“Are you sure about this Wendi?  I mean I’m all for messing with Carson, but this is beyond messing with him. 
Plus, she could get hurt.” Tommy said concerned.

“Tommy baby, it is necessary.  Believe me.” I cooed as I sauntered toward him licking my lips. “I need you Tommy.” I whispered before leaning up and kissing him.

It only took a second for him to respond to my kiss as was usually the case. Soon I felt the wall at my back and he deepened the kiss further.  Tommy’s hands wandered down my back before grabbing my ass and lifting me up.  My skirt fell in wave behind me as I wrapped my legs around his waist grinding against him until he growled loudly against my mouth.

Knowing just what I was doing to him, I tightened my legs and continued rubbing against him.  Yanking his mouth from mine, he reached down and freed himself from his pants before tearing my panties off me and ramming himself into me hard and wild, just as I liked it.  My moans fell out loudly.  The things this man does to me.  Thrust after thrust, I concentrated on the feelings…the sensations building in me.

“Yes, Tommy…make me cum.”

“God woman!  Your mouth…” he grunted before claiming my mouth.

He continued to pound into me and I could feel my release building.  Before I knew it, I was crying out as my orgasm took over me, vaguely aware that he was following with me. He switched our positions, his back to the wall, and lowered us to the floor.



“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he whispered.

Nope, it was time to cut him loose.  Pitty…he really was a wonder in bed.

How did I not catch the signs? 
Well, I had to string him until this last thing was pulled off and then I’d let him go.  He cradled me against him, running his hand gently up and down my back.  He rested his head on mine and I felt his chest rise with a deep breath.  Oh no, he needs to make the call and he needs to do it now.

I climbed off his lap and handed him the phone.  He stared at it like it had grown two heads. Snatching the phone back from him, I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.  T
hen I thrust the phone in his face when she answered.

He stammered through the conversation, but amazingly got her to agree. 
Finally, it was all working out.  Now, once lunch was done and she was in my grasp… he was gone.  Looking at him sitting on the ground still hanging out of his pants with a smile on his face as he looked at me, I decided one last time would do it.

Straddling him, I took his face in my hands and kissed him.  He stopped me from lowering down on him.

“I want to see all of you, my love,” he whispered. “I want to be skin to skin as I make love to you.  Show me all your beauty.”

There was a rule I had with men.  They never saw me fully naked.  Clothes were my barrier between the lies men spread and getting what I wanted.  No
man besides two has ever seen me naked before.  Now here sits a man that says he’s falling in love with me and wants to see me naked. 

Ah, what
the hell! He’s out today anyway.  I’ll give myself this one moment.

Standing back up, I reached for the hem of my
shirt, but Tommy’s hands stopped.  He was kneeling in front of me.

“No let me, please,” he breathed.

He slowly stripped my clothes from my body, kissing every inch of my bare skin before carrying me over to my bed and laying me down gently in the center.  He stood back up off the bed and took his clothes off.  His toned, muscular body bare before me.  He was rock hard and standing at attention.  Slowly he crawled up the bed kissing his way up my legs before he stopped at the apex of my thighs.  His tongue flicked gently at my swollen nub before trailing down through my wet folds.  He began to slowly push his tongue in me before he moved back up and focused on my clit.

Soon I felt him slowly insert his fingers in me.  First one, then two, three and four he pushed me higher and higher.  He sucked my clit between his teeth and bit down gently as he released it.  Suddenly an orgasm hit me and I arched off the bed calling out my pleasure.  Falling back to the bed, I watched as he continued to kiss his way up my body stopping to pay special attention to my breasts.  Immediately my body was ready for more.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long before he hovered over me, his tip pressing against my entrance.

Lowering his head, he kissed my neck moving up to my ear and whispering, “I love you Wendi.”

His lips glided to my mouth and claimed it in an achingly tender kiss.  Had it not been for the fact that he was pushing into me as he said it; I would have kicked him off me.  This bastard had a lot of nerve.  My thoughts soon faded as he rocked slowly into me.  He seemed in no hurry, no care in the world.  Slow, tender, deep thrust after another he slowly worked me up until I could feel the impending orgasm burning in my core.  Just as we both start fall
ing together, he freaking says he loves me again.  God the nerve of this fucker.  Regardless that was mind blowing.  Who knew he had it in him.

He tried to cuddle me afterward, but I pointed out that he needed to get to the diner and he got up and got dressed, but not before kissing me passionately and making a promise to rock my world
again later. 

No big boy you
won’t, but it was fun.

I was pacing the room when
Rocco found me.  He eyed me strangely for a moment, before turning his expression blank and carried on with business.

“Ma’am, are we set to go?”
Rocco said in his deep gravelly voice.

“Yes.  He managed
to convince her to go to lunch with him.  It still floors me that she agreed to go with.  She knows that Carson and he are not on a friendly level.  No matter…She will be in our control soon.  Then we shall barter.” I smiled triumphantly.

“And Mr. Jerkins?”

“What about him?  After tonight he will no longer be needed.” I stated flatly.

“Very well.  Then shall we go?”

“We shall indeed,” I smiled.


** ** ** ** ** ** **


It was painful and my anger boiled watching as this little tart was beating the shit out of my best bodyguards. 
Holy shit!  The bitch can fight!
  When the hell did that happen?  I could take no more.  She had already knocked out Karl, if she took out Rocco I’d be open for attack and I can’t have that.

I could smell the fear
rolling off her as I pressed the gun into her.  She was frozen like ice and I watched as she looked over at Tommy.  Colleen had finally put the pieces together that Tommy had set her up.  The dumbass kept saying he was sorry.  Fuck! I’m glad I was getting rid of his ass.

Fucking Pussy!

Once she was knocked out cold in the back of my car, I turned to Rocco.  “Tie her up and gag her, then get Karl in the car.  You have let me down.”

“Yes Ma’am,” he
hung his head.

I walked over to
Tommy, who still stood against the wall.  This fool was really soft.  I don’t do soft men.  I like them hard, tough, and uncaring. 

“Tommy,” I leaned in his view.

Turning his head, when he caught sight of me, he began to smile.  He stood up and walked toward me.  When he went to wrap his arms around my waist, I stepped back.  The thought of this man touching me again… Ick!

Tommy dropped his arms and looked at me with a hurt expression on his face.  “What’s wrong?”

“This thing…it’s over.”

“What?” He steps back shocked. “This isn’t a thing, Wendi.  Damn it, I love you.” He
said, moving toward me again.

Well, I’m sorry for that, but this has never been nothing more than sex and a plan for me.  The plan is complete.  I have the slut that keeps interfering and will soon have Carson.”

“Carson?” He said hurt.

“Yes, I used your hatred toward him for my gain. Truth is, I think Carson liked you aside from your mouth.  Well, guess he’s really going to hate you now because you just got rid of his girlfriend.  It’s been fun.” I turned and walked away laughing, leaving a stunned Tommy behind.

Oh, this
day just got so much better.  Nothing was more empowering than bringing a tough guy to his knees and for me I was about to bring another one down. So happy that I almost skipped to the car and climbed in.

was bound and gagged and out cold on the floor of the car.  I smiled.  This was the best view in the world right now. I sit here with the chip I need in order to bring home the winnings.  Carson was as good as mine.

“Get back to the house
Rocco and do it without drawing too much attention, eh?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

We drove off into the traffic.  I made sure to keep a sharp eye out for any unwanted attention. Honestly, I had no idea what Tommy would do.  Actually, I knew what he was going to do and the thought made me smile.  Suddenly a vision popped in my head…

“Dani?  Are you home?” I hear Henry call me.

“I’m upstairs, babe.”

The door opened almost thirty seconds later and Henry swooped
into the room and glared at me with a look that could kill.  Immediately, I was on edge.


“You lied to me!” He roared.

“Lied to you about what? I have never lied to you!”

“How can you stand there and tell me you love me when you don’t!”

Hurt ripped through me like an out of control train. “I do love you.  I love you more than anything.” I say
softly, fighting to keep the tears at bay.

“LIAR!” he roared and even though he was angry I could still see the pain on his face. “Explain this then!” He shoved a paper in my face.

On the front page was a picture of me and a partner in his company.  We were sitting at lunch smiling.  My heart stopped in my chest at what he must be thinking.

“Henry please…”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses!  Get the fuck out of my house!” He bellowed.

The tears rolled down my face and a sob escaped as I ran past him and out the door.  My heart
shattered in my chest.  I gave up so much for him because I loved him and he sees what he wants to see.  He doesn’t trust me.  I got a cab and headed to a hotel and curled up on the bed and cried. 

At some point I had fallen asleep and was rudely awaken back to my pain and turmoil by a knock at the door.  I rolled over to ignore it and started crying again.  Curling myself around a pillow, I let all my pain and turmoil run free.  I burrowed my face into the pillow more as more gut wrenching sobs left my body.

Suddenly the bed dipped and I whirled around to look into the face of the man that just broke my heart.  What was he doing here?  Hadn’t he said enough already?

“What do you want?  You want to break me some more?”

His face showed pain, like he was almost in physical pain as his head dropped. He looked back up at me and a tear trickled down his face.

“Please tell me I’m enough for you,” he whispered.

“You’re my everything Henry.  Even now as you broke my heart, I still love you with each and every piece.  I’m not sure I could ever stop.”

“Will you please stop seeing him?” His eyes pleaded just as much as his voice did. “I can’t live without you.”

“I’m not seeing him.  There has only been you.  We were having lunch to work out the details of a surprise party for you.”  I said cupping his face tenderly.

“Really?” He breathed.

“Yes, really.  You are all I wa…” his mouth smashing on mine stopped the sentence from coming out of my mouth.

Shaking the thoughts of Henry out of my head, I turned to find
Rocco staring at me.

“What?” I snapped.

“Where do you want her to go?”

“The shelter below the garage.
Where do you think I want her? In the basement you imbecile! Do make sure to lock the door, will you!”

I watched as
Rocco roughly grabbed Colleen out by her hair and threw her over his shoulder. See Rocco still forgets that I see all, I watch as his hand glides in between her legs and inches upwards.  Hmm, interesting… Rocco has the hots for a girl.  Here I thought he was gay.  Well, I think Rocco can have some fun with her if he does the one last thing I ask…

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