Farrah in Fairyland (7 page)

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Authors: B.R. Stranges

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #teens, #fantasy action adventure fiction novel epic romance magic dragons elves unicorns war law legal reform, #teens 13 to 15, #fiction fantasy epic, #fairies hunter magic fantasy

BOOK: Farrah in Fairyland
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“Farrah, maybe
this spell isn’t the spell for you.”

At first,
Farrah was upset, she sat down on the ground and held her knees
tight into her chest as she cried.

“Farrah, I
have an idea,” exclaimed Giuseppi in excitement.

reluctant, Farrah took Giuseppi’s hand as he extended his.

“Come on!”

“Where are we
going?” Farrah shouted back as they ran floatingly down the


stopped, Giuseppi pointed to an area down below from where they
were standing. It was the Tooth Fairy training facility. It looked
desolate, having been abandoned for the Sole. Considering that
Tooth Fairy training only took place in the Naive season, it
perplexed Farrah as to why her friend would want to take her

“I don’t get
it,” Farrah stated, confused.

“Don’t you
see, Farrah, if it is a Tooth Fairy you want to be, it is a Tooth
Fairy that you will become. What better way to prove to all of
Fairyland that you would be a great Tooth Fairy, than to display
all of the spells that Tooth Fairies can perform.”

Farrah looked
at her friend. Despite his reputation as being dim-witted, he was
at that moment the smartest fairy in all of Fairyland.

“Pure genius,”
she said as she gave Giuseppi a big hug squeezing his wings
tightly, once again causing him to blush.

Chapter 9: Training Sequence

The two fairies
walked the grounds of the training facility combing over every last
inch of space. They pictured how different it would be with dozens
of future Tooth Fairies immersed in training. Farrah was
captivated. She had wished her entire life to train in that
facility, a dream that slowly dissipated as the years went by.

The grounds
were outstanding. In the middle was a large rectangular building
that stood ten stories high. That was where the Tooth Fairies
practiced their aerial techniques. Much like the gruelling,
rigorous training that an astronaut at NASA has to go through in
order to withstand the varied pressures of a vessel’s speed and
altitude, a Tooth Fairy faces similar challenges. Especially when
having to fly through a storm. Since the Tooth Fairy never took a
day off, they must be able to fly through tornadoes, hurricanes,
and blizzards – whatever nature has to throw at them. At the
training facility, spells were cast to simulate these different
weather conditions.

Giuseppi pulled
on the large doorknob to the building, but it didn’t budge.

“Looks like
it’s locked, Farrah, what are we going to do now?”

Already one
step ahead of him, Farrah had taken some Pixie dust out and
sprinkled a pinch onto the doorknob.

shouted. The door instantly flung open.

“How did you
do that?” Asked Giuseppi, frozen with astonishment.

actually a spell that most bakers know. You see, there are times
when we have to deliver baked goods to fairies that are not at
home. This allows us entrance - we usually just put the baked goods
on the kitchen table.”

“Makes sense,”
said Giuseppi, sounding satisfied, before he headed on through the

followed behind her friend. This time it was Giuseppi’s turn to
perform a spell. He threw a little silver Pixie dust up into the

“Lucce!” He
whispered. The room was quickly illuminated.

Farrah looked
at him with an impressed look.

“Oh, well,
fisherman have to start really early in the morning. Sometimes it
isn’t even light out. This little spell helps us to see.”

Farrah nodded
in understanding. However, after a few minutes, she began to wonder
how on Fairyland they were able to simulate the weather. She
scanned the room. It was an open space. Farrah palmed the walls and
much to her amazement, they were coated with a soft substance that
she was having a hard time identifying. It felt and looked like
blue cotton candy. Farrah ran her hands over the silky wall for a
few more seconds. She assumed that the coating was used for safety
reasons, just in case a fairy crashed into the wall.

With her back
up against the wall, Farrah wiggled her butt up against the
cushioned surface. She would have continued a bit longer if
Giuseppi hadn’t called for her. He was standing in front of the
wall that was furthest from where Farrah was. As she approached,
Farrah saw three large sacks on the ground. One labelled snow,
another labelled wind and the other labelled rain.

“This must be
the Pixie dust that they use to make weather,” said Farrah as she
dug her hands into the sack labelled rain.

thinking, she threw the dust into the air. Within seconds, a breeze
swirled around the room. At first, it was pretty mild, almost like
a baby’s breath. Giuseppi looked on unimpressed by the lack of
violence when the wind started to pick up. It transformed into a
chaotic swirl until it turned into a powerful gust. Although they
tried to speak, their voices were muted with the wind filling their

DID YOU DO?” screamed Giuseppi.

The wind became
so strong that Giuseppi’s body was swept off his feet. Farrah
looked on in horror as her friend began to circle in mid-air
resembling the flush of a toilet. Giuseppi tried to wiggle his
wings in an upward motion to get back down to the ground, but the
wind was far too powerful. As Giuseppi passed over Farrah, she
tried to jump up and grab his foot.

Farrah flapped
her wings as hard as she could to get more height, which worked for
a second. She just barely hung on to Giuseppi’s heel. Attempting to
manoeuvre her free hand to get a grip of Giuseppi’s other foot, her
hand slipped and she fell to the ground. Fortunately, the sack
labelled WINTER had broken her fall. Unfortunately, for the two
fairies, the Pixie dust poured out of the sack. Farrah quickly
propped the sack back up against the wall, but it was too late.

The winter dust
was swept into the funnelling wind. It had increased to such a
fierce velocity that Giuseppi’s body looked like a big blur as he
whirled around and around. Within seconds, it began to snow. At
first, the beautiful snowflakes floated like butterflies at the
centre of the wind tunnel. Then it began to get very cold in the
room, causing Farrah’s teeth to chatter uncontrollably. Before
long, the snow had turned to a full out blizzard. Farrah grabbed
the handle of the door to keep from getting swept into the
mini-tornado. However, with her frozen fingers, she knew that she
wouldn’t be able to hang on for much longer.

Farrah could
hardly see as she attempted to shield her eyes with her free hand.
She called out to Giuseppi, who was now completely engulfed in the
blizzard tornado. Scanning the room, Farrah spotted a fourth sack
in the corner at the back of the room. It was labelled HALT, which
she could only assume would stop the fairy-made weather.

Her body was
stiffened by the increasing cold. Looking at the sack that appeared
as if miles away, Farrah was unsure about how she was going to get
to it. She looked down worriedly, anticipating the sight of two ice
cubes in place of her feet. Surprisingly, all five toes looked
normal. It appeared that the area just a few inches off the floor
was untouched by the blizzard. Taking a chance, she let go of the
door handle and thrust her body to the floor. Flapping her wings
anxiously, she made it to the ground. It was a slow crawl to the
sack, but she made it.

Her eyelashes
had become frozen to her forehead, making it hard to blink. Her
breath looked like dancing angels in the cold room. As she dug her
hand into the sack, she realized that she didn’t actually know what
to do with the Pixie dust. On a hunch, she threw it up into the
air. The dust vanished into the blizzard snow, but fortunately for
the two fairies, Farrah’s effort had done the trick. Instantly, the
wind disappeared along with the snowflakes that evaporated in mid
air. The room was completely dry. It had been returned to the state
that it was before the two fairies had entered.

Rubbing her
eyes, Farrah spotted Giuseppi’s limp body that had fallen to the
ground. He laid face first in the dirt and he wasn’t moving.
Fearing the worst, Farrah scampered quickly to him. She approached
her friend cautiously. The panic subsided when Farrah saw
Giuseppi’s chest expanding and collapsing as he took in each
breath. He was alive, but not conscious.

Farrah slapped
her friend on the face, but it did nothing. She slapped him again
this time a little harder. Still nothing. Finally, she whacked him
as hard as she could. That caused Giuseppi to scream out.

“Ouch! What did
you do that for?” He reacted as he rubbed the side of his

“Umh, sorry,
Giuseppi, you were out cold.”

happened?” Asked Giuseppi as he tried get to his feet, but he was
too weak to stand.

“Just stay

inspected her friend. He seemed to be okay - no broken bones. The
only thing visible was a large gash above his left eye.

Farrah tore a
piece of her clothing and dabbed at the trickle of blood that ran
down Giuseppi’s forehead. He winced in pain as he rubbed the back
of his head.

Giuseppi. I’m going to try to get you up.”

grasped Farrah’s outstretched hand. Using her tiny wings to
generate some velocity, she leaned back, shooting him up from the

Farrah,” said Giuseppi as he dusted off his clothing.

Farrah was
about to respond when she noticed that Giuseppi had landed on the
sack marked RAIN. Terrified, she pointed to the Pixie dust that had
spilled out of the sack beside Giuseppi’s feet.

“Run!” shouted
Farrah, as she took off for the door. Luckily, the adrenalin in
Giuseppi’s body had kicked in, providing him with some momentary
strength. He scampered quickly behind her making sure to pull the
door shut as he left the building.

The two
fairies took a minute to catch their breath before they spoke.

“Farrah, I
don’t know how you always manage to get me in this type of mess,”
Giuseppi said before he collapsed tiredly to the ground.

apologized profusely, but her gaze was drawn to another building
just off to Giuseppi’s right. It was shaped like a large globe.
There was a tiny door at the lower part near where Australia was
marked on the map.

“Come on,”
shouted Farrah, who was already running in the direction of the

“Oh no, not
again,” thought Giuseppi as he quickly ran after his friend.

Chapter 10: Some Luck

Farrah had
heard about the infamous globe room. This place was where Tooth
Fairies learned how to identify the locations of the boys and girls
on Earth who had fallen teeth. To assist with navigation, each
Tooth Fairy carried with them an enchanted mirror called a Veddo.
With the Veddo, the Tooth Fairy could see a real-time image of the
child on Earth. At the bottom of the mirror was the location of
that child.

As expected, it
is extremely important for a Tooth Fairy to have good mapping
skills. They must be able to instantly identify the location on a
map or globe and then travel to that place on Earth. That is where
the globe room came into play.

Before the two
fairies entered the large globe, they slowly walked around the
building. Although Farrah had studied various maps of Earth on her
own time in the library, this was by far the most detailed map that
she had ever seen. The shape of Italy captivated Giuseppi.

“Hey look,
Farrah, Italy does look like a big boot that is kicking a

Ignoring her
friend, Farrah walked up a little closer to the globe and caressed
the smooth nooks and crannies.


“Oh, yeah,
sorry - you’re right, Giuseppi, it does look like a boot.”

As Farrah
continued to look at the globe, she noticed that there was a tiny
button, directly at the bottom. It was smack dab in the middle of
the South Pole. After a few seconds, Giuseppi spotted it as well.
Afraid of what was going to happen, Giuseppi cautioned his

you’re aren’t going to press that button, are you? Don’t tell me
that you have already forgotten what happened to us just a few
short minutes ago?”

Farrah’s finger
hovered over the button. She was getting that feeling that she
always did when she experienced something new. She was caught up in
the moment, almost as if in a trace. This had gotten her into a lot
of trouble in the past. At that moment, her curiosity took over.
Before Giuseppi could get to her, she pressed the button.

Fearing the
worst, Giuseppi took cover under a picnic table. He lay on the
ground and waited for some sort of bang, but it never came. When he
finally gained the courage to come out from under the picnic table,
he saw a wondrous sight. The globe had turned into a 3-D hologram,
much like the virtual video games that Earthlings like to play. All
of the major historical and modern landmarks had become 3-D

Giuseppi joined
Farrah. Her eyes were working a mile a minute. The CN Tower could
be seen in Toronto, there was Big Ben, the clock tower in England
and the Empire State Building in New York. Farrah was fascinated by
the sight of Niagara Falls, its holographic image accompanied by
the sound of the rushing waters.

focus was once again on Italy, and in particular, the Coliseum in
Rome. Glancing at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, he wondered how such
an unsound building could remain standing for so long. For over an
hour, the two Fairies poured over the natural and manmade landmarks
of the world.

There was the
Eiffel tower in Paris, the Statue of Liberty in New York and the
Great Wall of China stretched out across the land. The faces of
Mount Rushmore in South Dakota could be seen along with the Great
Pyramid and the Sphinx on the Giza Plateau in Egypt. Every landmark
was there. Later, Farrah hypothesized that the landmarks were
probably used to help the Tooth Fairies pinpoint exactly where they
had to go.

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