Farrah in Fairyland (8 page)

Read Farrah in Fairyland Online

Authors: B.R. Stranges

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #teens, #fantasy action adventure fiction novel epic romance magic dragons elves unicorns war law legal reform, #teens 13 to 15, #fiction fantasy epic, #fairies hunter magic fantasy

BOOK: Farrah in Fairyland
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Wanting to
enter the building, Farrah had to pry Giuseppi away from the
hologram of Stonehenge, a place that he had always wanted to visit.
Farrah used a dash of pixie dust and the Aperto spell once again to
unlock the front door. The two fairies cautiously entered.

At first, they
were a little underwhelmed. The inside of the building was not
nearly as exciting as the outside. The walls were painted dark
brown along with the floor and the ceiling. As Farrah stepped
forward, dust shot up into the air, causing her to cough. As they
looked around the entire room, it appeared empty. Not a single
table or chair was seen. More disappointing to Farrah was the
absence of any Veddo mirrors in the building. She had expected to
see shelves and shelves of them.

often fantasized about Tooth Fairy graduation. This is where a
newly anointed Tooth Fairy received their very own Veddo to help
them on their voyages. Farrah longed to hold a Veddo in her hands
ever since she was a little fairy. For her 5
birthday, her mother actually bought her a replica
Veddo. This was of no consolation to Farrah, however, who longed
dearly for the real thing.

Giuseppi and
Farrah had become bored with the globe building. They had resorted
to crawling on their hands and knees in hopes that within the
circular space was a trap door to another room. Their search was to
no avail however. Tired and disappointed, Giuseppi headed for the
door when Farrah called for him.

“Giuseppi, get
over here!”

“What is it
now, Farrah? Did you find a dead Spiderroach or something?”
Giuseppi said sarcastically as he walked over to his friend.
Farrah’s eyes were locked onto a particular section of the

“Does that part
of the wall look like it is a different colour to you?”

pressed his nose up against the wall to get a better look.

“Yeah, I think
you’re right, Farrah. Take a look at this, there seems to be a tiny
outline around it. I wonder if it is a secret door? Maybe it leads
to a secret room.”

excited once again, Farrah walked up to the wall and pressed on it
as hard as she could. It didn’t budge. Giuseppi joined in on the
pushing, but still nothing happened. Feeling defeated once again,
the two fairies dropped to the floor.

“There has got
to be a way to get in there,” said Farrah, as she unconsciously
rubbed the ground with her foot.

Farrah was
brainstorming different ways to get into the room when Giuseppi
pointed to the spot on the ground where Farrah was rubbing.

“Farrah, look
down. There’s some sort of writing on the ground.”

The two
fairies dropped and quickly swept away the dust to reveal the

“It’s a
riddle,” Farrah exclaimed excitedly as she stood up to get a better

“The entrance
to the secret room must be voice activated,” continued Farrah as
she read the riddle aloud.

How is it that
a Fairy can think that he has more Fairy dust, but in reality, he
does not have any more or less Fairy dust?

Giuseppi and
Farrah read the riddle over and over. Scratching his head in deep
thought, Giuseppi was the first to take a crack at it.

“Because the
fairy already used the Pixie dust?”

The two waited
in anticipation, but nothing happened.

“How about,
because the Pixie dust was fake?”

Once again,
nothing happened. The two fairies attempted a few more answers, but
none of them was right. Through a tiny skylight at the top of the
ceiling, they realized that it had gotten very dark as it was
getting late. Wanting to pack it in for the day out of fear that he
would get in trouble with his parents, Giuseppi walked to the door.
Farrah, however, did not follow her friend.

“Farrah – your
parents are going to kill you! I think it is best if we leave right
now. We’ll come back tomorrow – I promise.”

Farrah was
still focused on the riddle. She was in one of her classic trances
again. Although Giuseppi continued to plead for her to go home, she
didn’t hear him; she was too focused. Aggravated, Giuseppi was
about to leave his friend behind when she shouted out.

“I’ve got it!
The reason why it seems that a Fairy has more Pixie dust, but in
actuality, they don’t have more Pixie dust, is because they are
standing in between two mirrors, looking into both at the same

“What?” asked
a confused Giuseppi.

“Don’t you
see, Giuseppi, if a Fairy is standing with their back to one mirror
and looking into another, the Pixie Dust would look infinite.”

warning, the wall shot open. It had disappeared into the ground.
Without hesitation, Farrah entered the room, with Giuseppi
following quickly behind her.

Chapter 11: I See, Do you See?

It was a tiny
room, although much brighter than the circular shaped room. Fluffy
pillows lined the floor as they entered. Excited, Giuseppi dove
onto them and proceeded to do the backstroke. Farrah’s eyes,
however, where glued to the back of the room. A very large glass
cabinet scraped the ceiling of the room. Behind the glass of the
cabinet were rows and rows of Veddo mirrors. Farrah rushed over to
get a better look. She tripped, nearly falling to the ground, as
her feet were unable to work as fast as her enthusiastic brain.

Farrah was
thrilled at the anticipation of seeing and touching a Veddo.
However, standing in front of the cabinet she realized that
strangely, there wasn’t a door or a handle to get into the cabinet.
Figuring that there was another riddle to be solved, she swept away
a few pillows from the ground, but no words were revealed.

walked slowly over to his friend.

“You didn’t
think that you would be able to get a hold of one of those Veddos,
did you?”

“What do you
mean?” Farrah remarked a little snidely.

“Well, Farrah,
don’t you know that only a Tooth Fairy is able to touch a Veddo.
That’s probably why there isn’t any way of getting into the

It felt like
school all over again. Farrah was always being told what she could
and couldn’t do and it always made her angry. She shot Giuseppi a
nasty look.

“Hey, it’s not
like I made the rules,” responded Giuseppi, not taking kindly to
the look.

“You should be
happy that you were even able to see a Veddo. I bet only a handful
of fairies have ever been able to solve the riddle to get into this

Farrah was
getting that look in her eyes again. She was determined to get into
the cabinet. At that moment, she was willing to do whatever it
took. Abruptly, she left the room and strutted out the front door.
After a few seconds, she came waltzing back into the tiny room
holding a large rock.

“Farrah, wait
– I don’t think that’s a good idea!”

With the rock
in her hands, she charged the cabinet throwing it as hard as she
could at the glass. Giuseppi reacted by squinting his eyes tightly.
When he opened his eyes, he realized that the rock had bounced off
the window and landed on the ground next to an oval shaped pillow.
Giuseppi walked over to his friend, placed his hands on her
shoulders and shook her back and fourth frantically. He wanted her
to snap out of her daydream.

“I can’t
believe you just did that!” I mean it’s one thing to trespass, but
adding vandalism and theft to our repertoire of crimes doesn’t
sound like a good idea, Farrah.”

Giuseppi felt
uncomfortable having had to scold Farrah. He usually felt nervous
and often became quiet around her. The intense feelings that he had
kept from her, often painted a rosy picture of Farrah. As he moved
closer, one look into her eyes quickly returned the butterflies to
his stomach.

blushed as Farrah placed a hand on his cheek. He wanted so badly to
kiss her.

“You’re right,
Giuseppi. I’m sorry. That probably wasn’t the best plan.”

Despite her
words, Farrah didn’t move away from the cabinet. Instead, she
pressed her nose up against the glass to get a closer look, every
now and then having to wipe away the fog created by her breath.
Farrah found it strange that of all the dozens of Veddos before
her, only one of the mirrors reflected her image. It was the one
directly in the centre of the second shelf from the top. Also
curious, Giuseppi walked up to the cabinet, but his image was not
reflected in any of the Veddos.

“My grandma
once told me that the magical instruments of a Tooth Fairy are not
simply taken. They find their way to a Tooth Fairy as if it was
destined to be in her hands,” spoke Farrah softly.

At that
moment, Farrah had an idea. She stood back from the cabinet and
flapped her wings. At first, she flapped them at a slow, steady
pace. The entire time, her eyes fixed on the Veddo that reflected
her image. She waited for something to happen, but there was no
movement within the cabinet. Farrah flapped her wings faster and
faster, then remarkably, the Veddo began to rattle, glowing bright
shade of yellow.

“Wow, Farrah,
how are you doing that?” Asked Giuseppi as he stood in awe in front
of the cabinet, once again captivated by Farrah.

Farrah didn’t
respond, instead she flapped even faster. Her wings looked like two
streamers that were dancing in the wind. For a second, the Veddo
floated up a few inches from the shelf. It hovered in mid-air until
finally; Farrah became tired and stopped flapping her wings. The
Veddo gently returned to its original spot on the shelf.

Farrah, maybe you
destined to
be a Tooth Fairy?”

This time it
was Farrah’s turn to blush. Up until that moment, she had never
really known if she had what it takes to be a Tooth Fairy. Ever
since her father told her about his unfulfilled dream, she had
begun to think that her own dream would not be achieved. After her
rightful instincts in the weather room, solving the riddle and now
making a Veddo move, she was more than encouraged.

Farrah sat on
a yellow pillow. Giuseppi joined her, taking a green pillow and
placing it next to her.

“I know now
that I have to get my hands on that Veddo. The question of course,
is how?” Spoke Farrah, staring straight ahead in deep thought.

She remained
in deep thought for a while. Her eyes were glazed over for a number
of minutes until she sprang up to her feet.

“I’ve got it!”
Farrah shouted.

“I’ve got to
get my hands on some Tooth Fairy dust.”

flapped his stubby wings to help him get up to his feet. He landed
directly in front of Farrah and didn’t budge until she made eye
contact with him.

“Tell me you
are joking, Farrah – you know that Tooth Fairy dust is the most
precious item in all of Fairyland. You will never get your hands on

All fairies
knew that the King of Fairyland had gone through great lengths to
protect the precious Tooth Fairy dust. For starters, the King had
ordered a team of Securo Fairies to protect all the Tooth Fairy
dust round the clock. Unlike the other Pixie dust stacks, Tooth
Fairy dust was kept in a hidden cave deep at the centre of Mount
Michelutz. Fairies usually referred to it as Miracolo Cave, even
though it officially had no name. Ten Securo fairies were assigned
to guard the entrance to the cave at all times. Within the cave
were steel vaults enchanted with the most serious of booby-trap

Only the King
and the other royal family members who refined and stored the Tooth
Fairy dust had clearance to get inside the vaults. At each vault
stood two more Securo Fairies with watchbeasts. These were the same
beasts that travel along with the Fairy King and Queen wherever
they went. It is said that they never slept and that they could
smell trouble coming from miles away. Even more disturbing, a
watchbeast loved to feed on the blood of a fairy. The Securo
fairies did their best to satisfy the craving of the once wild
beasts, with frequent feedings of Gautuso carcases.

“Farrah, now I
know you have gone crazy! You know that Tooth Fairy dust is the
most well guarded item in all of Fairyland. Not to mention what
will happen to you if you do get your hands on some. You know,
sizzle sizzle.”

Farrah new
very well that Pixie dust that is held in the hands of none other
than a Tooth Fairy will quickly turn to acid, burning the skin off
one’s hand. Nevertheless, she would not let that deter her. Once
again, Farrah placed her hand on Giuseppi’s cheek, something she
always did when she wanted him to know that she was being dead

“Giuseppi, I
know you are worried, but I know now that being a Tooth Fairy is
what I am destined to do. If my hunch is right, the way to obtain
Tooth Fairy dust will be revealed to me. I understand if you don’t
want to go to Miracolo Cave with me, but I have to try.”

Blushing as
usual, Giuseppi took a second to respond, as if in a trance

“Ah, Farrah,
you know I’m with you through thick and thin. I’m just hoping that
your plan is a thick one, because if it isn’t, we could be in for a
real disaster.”

Chapter 12: Mission Miracolo

positioned herself in front of the mirror with her eyes closed. She
stood in front of the full-length mirror in her room a thousand
times before, but it was never a pleasant experience for her.
Although, she was a beautiful fairy, whose long blonde hair and big
violet eyes could grace the cover of any human magazine, Farrah
always focused on her ‘much too small’ wings. This time, when she
stood in front of the mirror, she pictured having long, extravagant
wings that would wrap forward, completely encompassing her

She also
pictured herself wearing the magnificent dresses that were worn by
the female Tooth Fairies. If she’d actually become a Tooth Fairy,
Farrah always knew that she would wear a green dress. To go along
with the dress she would wear an emerald tiara on her head with
matching green glittery shoes for her feet. Regrettably, her
fantasy was cut short by the sound of her hollering mother.

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