Final Encore (12 page)

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Authors: Scotty Cade

Tags: #gay romance sex

BOOK: Final Encore
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“Are you sure?” Bily asked. “I don’t mind

sleeping on the couch.”

“Nope, let’s go up,” Ian said.

Bily lifted his head off Ian’s lap and began to

stand. Ian tried to do the same, but Bily put his hand on

Ian’s chest and nudged him back down. “Now come

on, Ian, wait one minute. I’l handle this…. I mean, do

you mind if I do this my way?”

Ian smiled and nodded as Bily removed the

icepack from his ankle, walked over, and placed it in

the sink.

“Just stay put. I’m going up to turn down the bed.

I’l be right back.”

Ian watched Bily climb the stairs as his mind

leaped into overdrive.
Is this man real? Why, after all

these years, do I feel a connection to someone

again? Why now? I don’t want this, I don’t need

this, but the pull is so strong. Should I take this to

the next step? Is it fair to Billy?
Ian didn’t have any

answers, but for some reason, he didn’t care.
The only

thing to do
, he decided,
is to take it one day at a

time and see how it plays out
. This was probably

going nowhere, and it would fizzle out like a dying

ember soon enough. Bily was probably just being nice

to him, anyway, and wasn’t realy looking for anything

more. That thought made Ian relax a little. After al, he

wasn’t a teenager any longer; he could enjoy a man’s

company and not make any more of it than that.

Couldn’t he?

When Bily reached the bedroom, he turned

down the bed and then walked over to the fireplace,

which was wel stocked with kindling, wood, and

matches, and started a fire. He looked around and

spotted some candles artfuly placed throughout the

room and lit each one. Taking one last look around, he

started downstairs. The room looked very inviting, he


He came down the stairs quietly in case Ian had

dozed off, but Ian was in the same spot Bily had left

him, staring at the ceiling. To Bily, he seemed to be in

deep thought, almost troubled.

“Ian,” Bily whispered. “You ready to go


“Anytime you are, cowboy,” Ian replied.

Bily turned off the stereo, made sure the fire

screen was in place to catch any stray embers, and

turned off al but one lamp.

Just as Ian stood, as reliable as a bil colector,

Bily had Ian in his arms again. Ian started to protest

and then felt himself melting into Bily’s chest, his face

buried against his neck, determined to enjoy the ride.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Ian

inhaled the comforting smel of wood burning, and he

knew Bily had started a fire. The thought made his

heart melt and, at the same time, skip a beat. If he’d

had any doubts about taking this relationship to the next

level with Bily, they were gone now.

Ian looked around the room as Bily placed him in

his bed. “How did you know this was my side of the


“Wel,” Bily said, “the telephone and clock are

on this side, so I just figured this must be the place.” He

sat down on the bed beside Ian. “I hope you don’t

mind, but I took the liberty to warm things up a little.

With that icepack on and off of your foot every twenty

minutes, I know you must have been chiled to the

bone. I didn’t want to take you out of a warm, cozy

environment and put you into a cool, dark bedroom.”

“I don’t mind at al,” Ian whispered. “You’re

being realy sweet. I don’t deserve this.”

“You deserve everything in life and more, and

don’t you forget it,” Bily said as he brushed Ian’s


Bily leaned in, and it wasn’t long before Ian felt

ful, warm lips over his. He wanted and needed Bily in

a way he hadn’t experienced in ages. Ian found Bily’s

lips to be hungry and forceful but tender and gentle as

wel. Ian leaned back on the bed and took Bily with

him. Moving gently without breaking the kiss, Bily

positioned himself on the bed next to Ian, careful not to

touch his ankle.

Bily began to explore Ian’s mouth, tasting him,

taking him, making him feel alive and deserving of al he

was being given. Finaly Bily broke the kiss. He moved

his mouth to Ian’s ear and whispered, “You okay?”

“I’m better than okay, I’m great. Please don’t


That was al Bily needed to hear. On the way

down to Ian’s neck, he stopped to run his teeth over his

earlobe. Ian shook as if he had caught a chil. His neck

tasted soft, sweet, and delicious. Bily covered every

inch of Ian’s neck with gentle kisses while he rubbed his

chest and caressed his nipples through his T-shirt. He

lifted Ian to a sitting position and puled his shirt over his

head to expose bronze-colored, perfectly round

nipples, wel-defined pectorals, and a set of six-pack

abs, al waiting to be tasted. Bily was in heaven. He

made another mental note about going back to the gym.

Ian felt out of control, shivering like a baby just

taken out of a warm bath. He wanted Bily in every

way, to cover him, to warm him, to take him. Ian lifted

up on one elbow and whispered, “It’s your turn,

cowboy. Off with the shirt.”

Bily blushed but did as he was told. Ian watched

Bily cross his strong muscular arms and grab at the hem

of his tight T-shirt to pul it over his head. When he

threw the shirt across the room, Ian saw Bily’s chest

muscles flex with the movement of his arms. Ian puled

Bily back down to the bed and ran his lips over his

already erect nipples. Bily moaned and whispered,

“That feels realy good.” Ian continued rubbing Bily’s

chest, flicking his tongue in and out over his nipples until

Bily’s shivers matched his own. He slowly moved up to

Bily’s neck and nibbled at every inch while running his

hands through Bily’s thick black hair. Ian felt somewhat

confined, as he couldn’t maneuver his right leg as he

would have liked, but hel, he didn’t care about the pain

right now. Al he cared about was Bily.

Bily gently roled Ian onto his back and straddled

his waist. He could feel Ian’s erection through his jeans,

and the thought instantly made him hard as a rock.

While staring into Ian’s eyes, Bily lifted up on to his

knees and motioned for Ian to lift his hips. He slid Ian’s

gym shorts down and carefuly off, never forgetting

about his ankle. Bily again straddled Ian and positioned

his ass slightly over his knees, careful not to put any

weight on Ian’s legs. In that position, Bily could see

Ian’s dick clearly outlined in his tight navy thigh-length

Polo briefs. The head of Ian’s cock rested right above

the waistband. It was perfectly shaped, thick and evenly

proportioned. Bily imagined neatly trimmed blond

pubic hair and a hefty pair of bals underneath. As Ian

watched Bily explore his body, his dick became

thicker, and his underwear began to strain a little more

against his cock. When Bily leaned forward, his face

was right at Ian’s crotch. Bily buried his face in Ian’s

underwear, inhaling every bit of his aroma. His scent

was clean and fresh, with a strong hint of his own male


Bily couldn’t stop. He ran his teeth along the

length of Ian’s dick through his underwear and felt Ian

shiver. Bily could feel his pulse throb with every beat of

his heart. Ian lifted up just a bit, and Bily slid his

underwear off as he had done with the gym shorts.

Finaly, Ian lay there naked from head to toe. Bily was

frozen. Al he could do was stare at the beautiful man in

front of him.

Ian sat up and grabbed at the waistband of Bily’s

jeans. “I want you naked.”

When Ian unbuttoned the top button of Bily’s

jeans, Bily gently roled off of Ian and stood at the side

of the bed. Ian watched intently as Bily released the

rest of the buttons on his 501s, shimmied his jeans

down to his ankles, and stepped out of them. As he

removed his socks, he felt a little exposed, but Ian

seemed to be enjoying the show. Ian smiled when he

saw the outline of Bily’s thick, erect cock tucked away

in gray Calvin Klein boxers and the trail of black hairs

fading from his navel into the concealment of his


“Now step out of your underwear,” Ian


Bily did as he was told. Ian raised the covers,

reached for Bily’s hand, and gently puled him back

into bed. Both of them naked now, their breath was

hushed as Ian moved his hand over Bily’s bare

shoulder, running his fingers gently across his flesh,

tracing his face.

Bily moved closer and was excited to find Ian’s

cock stil hard and pressing against his thigh. Ian closed

his eyes as Bily’s other hand moved down his body, his

fingers running along Ian’s soft flesh before finding his

stiff cock and starting to caress it. Ian moaned with

pleasure as he felt himself being taken over by Bily,

being consumed by him. When Bily shifted and slid

down, he was looking directly at Ian’s cock. Ian

whimpered when Bily took him into his mouth. The

moist heat of Bily’s mouth was mind-blowing for Ian.

He loved the feel of Bily’s tongue as it slid up and

down his shaft, curling around his skin. Ian wanted this

to go on forever.

When Bily tasted Ian for the first time, his

masculine scent filed Bily’s shalow gasp for breath.

Bily could think of nothing except making Ian happy.

This second, this minute, this hour, pleasing Ian was al

that mattered. Bily tightened his lips around Ian and

slowly slid up and down his shaft, amazed at how warm

and alive he felt. Ian’s cock felt amazing as Bily gave

himself over and let Ian’s cock invade his mouth. As

Bily continued to pleasure Ian, he felt himself becoming

rock hard and ready to come at any point.

Ian reached a hand down to Bily’s shoulder and

said, “Won’t last much longer, Bily. I’m close and I’m

not ready to end this just yet. I want to make it last.”

Bily slowly looked up to the most beautiful pair of

piercing green eyes he had ever seen. Ian’s wavy blond

hair framed his face, and his smile was warm and

wanting. He could get lost in those eyes and not care if

he was ever found.

Bily slid up to the head of the bed and took Ian’s

mouth, gently at first and then with a raw need Ian had

rarely experienced. When the kiss ended, Ian sat up

and gently roled Bily over onto his stomach. He

continuously rewarded Bily’s neck, back, and

shoulders with sensual kisses. His lips and tongue

traced Bily’s spine down to the curve of his ass,

stopping only to admire his round, hairy, muscular ass

cheeks. Ian brought his knees up, carefuly moved his

injured ankle over Bily’s ass, and straddled his lower


“Be careful, Ian,” Bily whispered.

Ian knew instinctively that Bily’s concern was

only for him, and just for a flash, he let himself feel

cherished. Then Ian reached up and placed his

forefinger over Bily’s lips as if to silence him.

Bily took Ian’s finger into his warm mouth and

savored its taste. Ian felt a bolt of pleasure run through

his body at the simple action. He withdrew his finger

and began to lightly rub and massage Bily’s back,

bringing chil bumps to his flesh.

Ian gently roled Bily over onto his back and

eased on top of him. He stared into Bily’s deep blue

eyes, imagining his head roling back in pleasure when

he came. If Ian had his way, that would be very soon.

He kissed Bily hard on the lips and then puled

away and began kissing his way down Bily’s wel-

developed, muscular chest. Ian’s lips found Bily’s left

nipple and began to tease it with his tongue. He felt Bily

arch his back and relax again. He teased both nipples

until they were hard and then he began to nibble at them

with his teeth.

Ian kissed his way down ever farther to the line of

hair that led to Bily’s bely button and continued down

to his groin. Bily’s dick was something to behold, Ian

thought as he kissed the tip and began to work it with

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