Final Encore (14 page)

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Authors: Scotty Cade

Tags: #gay romance sex

BOOK: Final Encore
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release the water from the tub, blew out the candles,

turned off the fireplace, and switched off the light on his

way out. He crawled into bed and slid over and

snuggled in next to Ian.

“Hey, cowboy,” Ian murmured. “What took you

so long?”

“Just doing my chores,” Bily replied.

“I’m glad you’re back.”

“Me too.”

Bily removed the extra pilows from behind Ian’s

back, and Ian slid down until they were face to face.

Ian gently kissed Bily and said, “Thanks for everything


“I wanted to do it,” Bily said. “I know this

probably sounds crazy to you, since we hardly know

each other, but something about you makes me want to

take care of you and keep you safe.”

Ian, with a lump in his throat for the second time

in ten minutes, raised his arm, and Bily scooted over

and laid his head on Ian’s chest. Ian wrapped his arm

around Bily and puled him in close, and that was the

way they slept.

Chapter 8

IAN woke around nine fifteen to the sound of thunder

and rain faling on the roof. He didn’t know why, as no

one but him had ever slept in his bed, but he instinctively

reached over for Bily. The bed was empty, and a brief

sense of panic filed him. Then the smel of fresh coffee

and bacon met his nostrils, and he smiled and exhaled

the deep breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He

was just about to attempt to get out of bed when Bily

tiptoed into the room with a breakfast tray and a bowl

of ice. He was already dressed, which told Ian that he

had gone out early to buy groceries for breakfast. Right

then, Ian made a mental note to stock the kitchen as

soon as he could walk.

“Morning, cowboy,” Ian said.

“How’s my patient this morning?”

“Better now, but I can’t believe you went out in

this weather to get stuff for breakfast.”

“There wasn’t a thing downstairs, and you know

breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

“So what’s your specialty?” Ian asked.

“On today’s menu we have… let’s see, where do

I start?” Bily grinned. “Fresh-squeezed orange juice,

fresh-brewed coffee, a mushroom cheddar omelet,

crispy fried bacon, and hot buttered toast.”

“Wow,” replied Ian, “that sounds great. Where’s


“I’l get mine shortly, but first I need to check that


Bily placed the tray on Ian’s lap and this time

puled the blanket and sheet up from the foot of the bed

to look at Ian’s ankle. The sweling had gone down

considerably, but it was stil very discolored. Bily gently

placed the new icepack on Ian’s ankle.

“As soon as we finish breakfast, I’l replace the

icepack with a hot compress and try to get more of the

sweling down before we head to the doctor.”

“Go get your breakfast, cowboy, and get back up

here pronto,” Ian ordered. “I’m starving.”

Bily obliged and headed downstairs to retrieve

his tray. When he returned he found Ian patiently


“Please eat,” Bily said as he sat down on the


“Not so fast, cowboy,” Ian said in his sheriff’s

voice. “In case you don’t remember, I’m naked under

these here sheets, and if you’re going to eat vittles with

me, you’l need to be naked as wel.”

“No need to remind me about what you’re not

wearing, but I’l do as I’m told,” Bily said.

Ian watched as Bily stripped down and crawled

into bed beside him. Ian reached over to the bedside

table, retrieved a remote, and pressed a button, and a

flat-panel television rose up at the foot of the bed.

“Cool,” Bily said. “What other tricks do you

have in this room?”

“Al in good time, my friend, al in good time.”

They ate breakfast as they watched Diane

Sawyer interview Tim McGraw on
Good Morning

. Tim was touting his new album, and Diane

was obviously smitten with him because she blushed

and batted her eyelashes throughout the entire

interview. After they finished eating, Bily took the trays

downstairs, and Ian could hear him rinsing the dishes

and loading the dishwasher. When he returned, he

handed the telephone to Ian.

“Time to cal the doctor.”

“Not yet,” Ian protested.

Bily shot back, “Okay, for every minute you

don’t cal the doctor, I’m putting a piece of clothing

back on until I’m completely dressed.”

With that, Ian opened the drawer of the bedside

table and removed his address book. He found his

doctor’s number, pressed the “talk” button on the

telephone, and began to dial, al the while grinning at

Bily. Bily was very proud of himself and made no

bones about it. After a brief hold and some

conversation, Ian hung up the phone. “He’l see me at

eleven thirty.”

“It’s ten o’clock now,” Bily said. “So that gives

us an hour and a half. How long wil it take us to get


“About twenty-five minutes,” Ian answered.

“Good, just enough time to get a hot compress on

that ankle before I get you into the shower and ready to


Bily went into the bathroom, ran the hot water

until it was steaming, and soaked a towel for a couple

of minutes. He rung out the towel and, within minutes,

was replacing the icepack with the hot compress.

“We’l need to pick up a heating pad,” Bily said

as he crawled back into bed and scooted up next to

Ian, the expression on his face turning serious. “Can we

talk about something?”

“Sure,” Ian replied.

“Look,” Bily started. “I don’t know how to

describe what happened between us last night. I mean,

I know how I felt and stil feel this morning, and I’m not

trying to make you say anything about your feelings. But

we were pretty intimate with each other, and although I

know we should have talked about this last night, I was

too caught up in the moment to have an inteligent

conversation. I feel guilty about it, so I’m saying it now.

I haven’t been intimate with anyone in a little over three

years. I was tested for HIV two years ago, and the test

results were negative. It’s important to me that you

know I would have never done anything to you or with

you if there was any chance that I was anything but

perfectly healthy, and I’m sorry.”

What is it with this man? It’s only ten o’clock

in the morning, and I already have another lump in

my throat.

“Bily, don’t apologize. I’m an adult, and I’m

responsible for my own behavior. But thank you for

saying it. I don’t know what happened between us,

either, and I don’t know where it wil go, but I do know

I want to explore what lies ahead. I’m drawn to you.

Your sincerity, thoughtfulness, and kindness shine

through from your heart. It’s real, you’re real, and that

is so hard to find. For the record, it’s been closer to

four years for me. I was tested, too, and the results

were negative as wel. Also for the record, no one has

ever slept in this bed besides me and now you, and I

like it that way.”

Bily was obviously touched, and the expression

on his face showed it. He leaned in and gently brushed

his lips over Ian’s, then settled in for a long, hot,

passionate kiss.

They stayed in that position, making out like

teenagers, for more than twenty minutes. Ian’s left hand

was running through Bily’s thick dark hair while his

right was holding him tightly by the back of his neck, not

wanting to let go. Bily alowed his hands to explore

every reachable inch of Ian’s body without breaking the


When they came up for air, Bily said, “If we

don’t get up, showered, and out of here, I’m afraid you

won’t be able to pry me out of this bed.”

“You’l get no complaints from me, Bily boy.”

Bily smiled and said, “If you think you’re going to

kiss your way out of a doctor’s appointment, you’re


“Busted,” Ian said. “Okay, let’s go. The sooner

we get out of here, the quicker we can get back.”

“Now you’re talking,” Bily whispered. He puled

the covers down to the foot of the bed and removed the

now-cool compress from Ian’s ankle, then lifted Ian

and carried him into the bathroom.

“Bily,” Ian said. “You’ve got to put me down.

There’s something I need to take care of, and you can’t

help me with this one.”

Bily got the hint and carried Ian over to the water

closet to gently set him on his left foot. Ian hopped his

way into the water closet and closed the door.

Bily went over to the shower, reached in, and

turned on both faucets. He noticed a control panel just

outside the shower door which said “Steam Shower.” It

had an on/off button and a timer.
This looks

, he thought, and he pressed the “on” button

and set the timer for thirty minutes. Finding where Ian

stored the extra towels, he retrieved two bath towels as

wel as two washcloths. When he opened the shower

door to place the two washcloths on the built-in seat,

the steam was already building, so he quickly closed the

shower door.

Bily was hanging the bath towels on the rack

when Ian emerged from the water closet. He hopped

halfway across the room when Bily met him and helped

him into the shower. Ian sat on the seat with Bily

towering over him as the hot water, and steam

consumed them both.

Bily lathered up a washcloth and began to

tenderly wash Ian’s back, neck, and shoulders and then

put the washcloth down and knelt in front of Ian. He

lathered both of his hands, raised Ian’s left arm and

washed his armpit. He then ran his hands down Ian’s

arm and soothingly massaged his left hand. When he

was finished, he did the same with the right. Motioning

for Ian to stand, Bily washed Ian’s cock and slid his

hands around and massaged as he lathered his ass. As

he ran his hands between Ian’s buttocks, he felt Ian

tense up.

“Sorry,” he said.

“It’s okay,” Ian replied. “It’s just been a long time

since anyone had a hand there, but don’t stop.”

That gave Bily carte blanche to explore and

please. Wasting no more time, he lifted the head of

Ian’s cock to his mouth and wrapped his lips around it.

This time Ian didn’t tense up but gasped and placed his

hand on the back of Bily’s head. It was definitely a

mouthful, and Bily was enjoying every inch of it. He

started to take some long, deep strokes, bobbing his

head back and forth as Ian’s gorgeous cock came to

life in his mouth. Ian moaned and tightened the grip on

the back of Bily’s head and gently pushed him down

again and again.

Bily decided to give Ian’s cock a rest and

explore his bals. He continued to massage Ian’s ass

while he took his bals into his mouth and teased them

with his tongue. Ian fel into a state of ecstasy and began

to go weak in the knees. Bily slid his fingers up the

crease of Ian’s ass, working fingers from both hands

into his smooth crack until he felt his tight pucker. He

slowly massaged it with his index fingers and could feel

Ian flexing his ass muscles in reaction to the pleasure.

Soon, Bily began to test Ian by slowly pushing a

finger inside his pucker, fucking him gently with his

finger. Bily again took Ian’s cock into his mouth; Ian

moaned and began to fuck his face. Bily decided to

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