Final Encore (13 page)

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Authors: Scotty Cade

Tags: #gay romance sex

BOOK: Final Encore
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his mouth. Ian ran his tongue up the shaft and licked the

perfectly shaped head, tasting the precum which leaked

from the slit.

Ian was rewarded with the sounds of Bily’s

moans as he caressed the hair on the back of Ian’s

head. Ian slowly ran his lips up and down the length of

Bily’s cock and felt it sweling with each stroke. Ian

alowed Bily’s cock to slip out of his mouth as he

whispered, “Are you okay?”

“Perfect,” Bily responded. “You feel so good.

Can’t hold on much longer.”

“Go for it,” Ian said.

Bily paused. “I’d like us to come together, if

that’s okay? I want to jerk you off while I’m kissing you

and looking into your eyes.”

“Oh yeah,” Ian replied. He eased up to join Bily

and reached over to open the drawer to his bedside

table. Retrieving a bottle of lube, he flipped open the

top and squeezed a dime-sized amount into both their


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Ian asked again.

Bily only nodded, but Ian got the message.

They were glistening with sweat, and the air

seemed charged with electricity. Bily knew he was

going to come at any moment and slowly moved his

hand up and down Ian’s rock-hard cock. His mouth

covered Ian’s with long, deep, passionate kisses, but

never once did he break the gaze into Ian’s green eyes.

In that moment, looking into Ian’s eyes was like seeing

everything: the sun, the stars, the universe, past the


Bily broke the kiss for just long enough to say,

“God, Ian.” He came in a great rushing wave; it moved

through him pulse after pulse, forcing his load into Ian’s


Stil trying to catch his breath, Bily laid his head

on Ian’s shoulder and licked the sweet sweat that had

accumulated there. He began to move his hand faster

and faster, and when he lifted his head to look at Ian,

Ian’s head was back with eyes shut and mouth open.

Gorgeous, Bily thought. He leaned forward to

suck on Ian’s neck and moaned softly. Then Ian tilted

his head down and kissed Bily. Ian’s tongue pushed

into his mouth, and when it slid over Bily’s tongue,

Ian’s dick pulsed in his grasp, and Ian moaned into

Bily’s mouth. His come was warm on Bily’s hand, and

Ian was panting heavily when he puled out of the kiss.

They lay there against each other for several

minutes, not sure of what to say, not even sure if any

words were adequate to express what they were

feeling. The room was dark except for the embers from

what was left of the fire and the candles as the flames

danced on the ceiling. The air smeled of sex, lingering

around them like a fog, and the silence between them

was somehow comforting.

Bily finaly broke the silence. “You’re realy


“You’re not so bad yourself.”

“How’s your ankle?”

“What ankle?” Ian replied with a grin.

“Let me take a look,” Bily said. He reached over

to the bedside table and turned on the lamp and was

shocked at the size of Ian’s ankle. It had swolen to the

point where it looked like Ian’s skin would pop at any


“Damn,” Bily said. “This doesn’t look good at al.

Stay put.” Bily leaped out of the bed, stopping for a

moment to stoke the fire before he headed for the


When Bily found the bathroom light switch and

flipped it on, bright lights flooded the room, and he

immediately shut his eyes against the intrusion. After a

second he slowly opened them and they gradualy


He stood in the middle of the large bathroom,

staring at an oblong sunken whirlpool tub in the center

of the room. Beyond the tub was yet another massive

stone fireplace. On either side of the fireplace were

floor to ceiling paladium windows with frosted glass

panes, framed by heavy gold velvet draperies drawn

back with black rope tiebacks. He quickly scanned the

room. To the right was a long mahogany vanity with

double sinks and a closed door that, he assumed, led to

the toilet. To his left, running the width of the room, was

a large glass-enclosed natural stone shower, with dual

shower heads on either end and a large rain

showerhead in the center. Bily grabbed a washcloth

from the towel rack near the shower and approached

one of the sinks. He turned on the hot water and waited

for it to heat up.

Ian heard water running, and in a couple of

minutes, Bily appeared beside him with a hot

washcloth. Ian felt a warm, wet sensation touching his

thigh and eventualy his hand as Bily wiped away the

thin layer of sticky come.

“Thanks,” Ian said.

“My pleasure,” replied Bily.

Bily puled the comforter up over Ian, and in a

flash he was gone again. Ian heard him bouncing down

the stairs and, within minutes, climbing them again. This

time he had a fresh icepack in one hand and a bowl of

ice in the other. He puled down the comforter, paused

to look at Ian’s naked body, and positioned the

icepack again on Ian’s ankle.

“If I remember correctly,” Bily said, “at this stage

of a sprain, we should be alternating hot and cold


Ian just looked at Bily in amazement.

In the blink of an eye, Bily was in the bathroom

again. Ian once again heard water running, this time with

a heavier flow, and instantly knew that Bily was

drawing him a hot bath.

Ian thought, Bily doesn’t know it yet, but I won’t

be alone in that bathtub.

Bily turned the water on in the bathtub and

adjusted the temperature. He grabbed a large bath

towel from the rack near the shower and placed it

alongside the sunken tub. Noticing that the fireplace had

permanent logs which he assumed were gas logs, he

looked for a way to turn them on. At the base of the

fireplace, built into the hearth, was an on-off switch. He

flipped the switch into the “on” position, and with a

whoosh, blue flames shot out from beneath the logs.

Near the bathtub faucet was a footed silver tray holding

a grouping of glass bottles and jars, an assortment of

candles, and a book of matches. Bily knelt down next

to the tray and read the labels, seeing that the bottles

contained bath salts and oils, which he knew would

make for a nice bath. He chose a bottle of bubble bath

and poured an ample amount into the quickly filing tub,

and immediately, bubbles started to appear. He lit a

couple of candles, stood, took a quick look at his

handiwork, and as he was exiting the bathroom,

adjusted the lights for the perfect ambience.

Ian had propped himself up on a couple of

pilows exactly where Bily had left him, shivering a little

from the icepack, but he seemed to be relaxed and in

pretty good condition, considering. Bily puled the

comforter down, gently removed the icepack, and for

the fourth time in one day, scooped Ian up and carried

him into the bathroom.

“Bily?” Ian said as they entered the bathroom.

“Yes, Ian?”

“I need to pee.”

“Okay.” Bily changed direction and walked

toward the toilet. “I’l stand you up at the toilet, but no

weight on that foot, okay?”

“Yes, sir,” Ian replied.

Bily balanced Ian on one foot while he took care

of business. When Ian was through, he shifted his

weight over to Bily, who helped him over to sit at the

side of the sunken tub, letting his legs hang over into the

welcoming, hot bubble bath. Bily got into the tub and

then helped Ian step in and lower himself to a sitting

position. Bily stood to get out of the tub, and Ian

grabbed his hand.

“Not so fast,” Ian said. “Sit.”

“Nope, I don’t want to chance hitting your ankle.

You need to be stil, and if I get in this tub with you, al

bets are off,” Bily replied.

“Sit,” Ian said again. “Please.”

The look in Ian’s eyes told Bily he realy had no

choice. Besides, he wanted to be as close to Ian as he

could be. He eased back down into the water across

from Ian and placed Ian’s foot in his lap to secure it. Ian

simply smiled in victory and leaned, looking at Bily.

Ian relaxed in the warm water. The security of his

ankle in Bily’s lap and Bily’s legs on each side of him

made him feel oddly content.
How can this man, a

man I’ve known for such a short time, make me feel

this way?

He unconsciously reached for Bily’s right leg,

placed his right hand under the heel of Bily’s foot, and

with his left hand, began to massage his calf. Ian

worked his way up and down Bily’s leg, massaging

intently. He continued his way down over his ankle and.

with his thumbs. began to massage the bal of Bily’s

foot. Ian watched as Bily closed his eyes, laid his head

back, and relaxed into the pleasure.

As Ian gently rubbed Bily’s foot, he, too, relaxed

and closed his eyes. His mind instantly went to this man,

this sweet, sensitive man across from him. Bily had

been so attentive to his every need. He’d taken care of

him al day and continued to do so into the night, with a

gentle and genuine touch to which Ian was not


Ian tried to get lost in the moment, to simply enjoy

what was happening, but his mind wouldn’t alow it.

The same thought came rushing back to him over and

over again.
Can’t love and can’t trust.

He had long ago decided that he could never

totaly give his heart to another man, never totaly trust

anyone again. The risk of loving, trusting, and possibly

losing was far too great. The stakes were too high, and

his heart, even after so much time had passed, was stil

too sensitive to chance it.

Anyway, why was he thinking about this? They

had just met. But for some reason this man had affected

him, touched him in a way that made him think about

things differently. It was way too soon to tel, but if Ian

were honest with himself, for the first time since Todd,

he felt optimistic about the future. Very scared, but

optimistic. Would he be able to make the leap?

Bily opened his eyes. He had dozed off and

didn’t know how long they had been in the tub, but

from the look of his fingers, it had been a while. Ian was

resting his head against the back of the tub with his eyes

closed. He couldn’t resist the urge to lightly pass his

hand over Ian’s ankle. Ian lazily opened his eyes, and

Bily, already wishing he hadn’t given into the impulse,

said, “I’m so sorry, Ian, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You didn’t,” Ian said. “I wasn’t sleeping, just

enjoying the moment, and besides, it actualy felt good.”

Looking at his hands and Ian’s toes, Bily said,

“We’re pretty shriveled. We better start thinking about

getting you out of here and get that ice back on your


“You’re the boss,” Ian said.

Bily gently moved Ian’s ankle from his lap and

stood. He took the towel he had placed by the tub and

dried his arms, back and chest, and then helped Ian to

his feet, never alowing any weight to be applied to his

ankle. With the same towel, Bily dried the top half of

Ian’s body, then stepped out of the tub. He finished

drying himself as Ian sat on the side of the tub once

again. Bily helped him stand and used the second towel

from the rack to dry Ian’s butt, crotch, legs, left foot,

and finaly, with great care, Ian’s bad ankle and foot.

Ian knew what was coming next and was totaly

prepared when Bily again lifted him with great ease and

walked back to the bedroom. He gently placed Ian on

the bed, propped up his head and back with the extra

pilows, and covered him with the comforter. After he

emptied the melted icepack in the bathroom sink and

refiled it with the extra ice he had brought up earlier,

Bily returned to Ian, puled the covers back, and softly

applied the last icepack of the night to the tender ankle.

He puled the covers back, kissed Ian on the lips, and

said, “Wel, this should hold you for a few hours. I’l be

right back.”

Thankful for the dimly lit room, Ian smiled at Bily

as he did the best he could to hold back the tear that

slid down his cheek. He silently watched as Bily

returned to the bathroom. Bily flipped the lever to

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