Forever Attraction (3 page)

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Authors: S.K. Logsdon

BOOK: Forever Attraction
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She sets her beer down and licks her soft pink lips. Dear God!

“The lasagna. I love how you slather the top with homemade alfredo. I, also, love the bread. I think I can eat two whole loaves on my own.” She smiles shyly peering down at her plate. I love that she can eat. I hate salad crunching bunny rabbits for women.

We talk some more with casual conversation. I believe her wholeheartedly. I don’t think Andrew set her up with these facts. I’m positive she knows Amy and my mama. That’s so hot. Alexis is the woman Amy has been basically in love with for two years. Now I can see why. She’s beautiful, witty, intelligent, sexy, and I hope I get to know more as time goes by.

I’m convinced Amy was right, I’m going to marry this woman. No if’s, and’s, or but’s. This
the woman of my dreams. Hands down. Perfect. I don’t care if I don’t know her. I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. Now the question is, will she or could she ever feel the same? She’s not looked at me like she’s interested. But hey, I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before. My self-esteem is horrible, so when a woman picks up on me it’s nearly impossible for me to read into it. I just think they’re being nice. I just hope she digs me, as much as, my snake and I like her. I can’t wait to tell Amy. She’s going to be excited, jealous probably, but still excited.

I can hear wedding bells in my future. Now, how do I go about wooing her into my arms and making sure she never lets go? That is the question. Maybe Amy can help?

Chapter Three



My eyes open and the stupid sun is shining brightly in my windows. I need some curtains for my bedroom. I stretch my arms above my head.

What the hell happened last night? I met the woman of my dreams. We go to a club, and I watch her being pursued by some weird dude with blue hair. Although, she didn’t appear to be interested. I wanted to dance with Alexis. But I knew if I did, I’d cream all over my stomach in minutes. My dick wouldn’t stop throbbing.

I look down and toss my sheet to the side. Yep, he’s hard as a rock this morning too. Go figure.

Whoever that man was, that tried to pull Alexis from the club last night, got real lucky when her magical hands landed on mine. I loved how my fist fit perfectly between both of her hands. I thought I was going to blow my top and kill him. Touching her like that. Her arm was red, and I’m pretty sure I fell into a fit of murderous rage for a few moments. Scared the shit out of myself. But, when I touched her back and peered down into those majestic eyes, I thought it was all over. I nearly proposed marriage right there. Damn, I’m pathetic. Maybe she sensed it because she ran away so fast I couldn’t catch her. I tried begging Anne for her number, but she refused to give it to me. I’ve got to see her again.

I left the bar and came home and tried to fall asleep. My heart still aching to touch her again. Look at that beautiful face. Believing in love at first sight, I know, is for suckers. Now, I’m one of those suckers. Happy to be. God, the way she moved her ass when she danced. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Alexis is like the woman I’ve pieced together in my fantasies. The woman I’ve always pictured marrying. I know, I’m such a sap.

But, when you grow up with a sister like mine, you learned to roll with the girly punches. I played Barbie’s with her to keep her happy. We cooked with her easy bake oven, frosted cupcakes, baked cookies for school, and painted her toe nails and fingers on an occasion. I knew more about makeup by the time I was a freshman than I did about sports. I’m not what you’d consider a typical man’s man. I do like football. Go Dolphins! But, cooking and listening to music are my go-tos. I watch some movies. I love to read. That was the big ta-do growing up with a mother like mine. You had to read a book a week. Nonnegotiable. If we didn’t, we got dealt some rather harsh punishments. And, if you’d try to sneak it past Mama and claim you read, she’d somehow know you were lying and you’d get paddled, even as a teenager. I know that may sound severe, but I respect my mama more than I do anyone else on the planet. She’s the only person I take shit from. Anymore that is. I used to get walked on by Sophie. After her, I tightened up my game, and now I’m a rather steadfast and strong man. Which I’m proud to be. It’s gotten me far in life. My net worth is somewhere north of twenty million and less than twenty-five. That’s, of course, after I take out all my work expenses. None of that could have happened if my life hasn’t played out how it has. As much as I wished those eight years with Sophie didn’t scar me; I’ve gotten past them now and take it more as a positive outcome than a negative. If it wasn’t for her, I’d never have attended Sullivan University in Lexington Kentucky. Ergo, not ended up with such a successful business.

I look down between my legs staring at my one eyed monster peering back up at me. I know, I know. You need jerked this morning. There’s a heaviness weighting down my balls…again. It only took about two minutes last night to finish. I’d been so juiced from Alexis that I could barely make it back home in a cab before relieving the building pressure between my legs.

I cup my balls with my left hand tugging them slightly. Oh, fuck, yes! My right hand grabs the base of my shaft and I pull up to the tip. More pre-come oozes from my slit. With my thumb, I swirl it around the head slicking it up. Squeezing my balls a bit firmer I work my member. Root to tip. Yes that’s good! Real good. Throwing my head back against my pillow, I close my eyes groaning loudly.

Yes. Alexis is sucking my cock. Those beautiful full lips wrapped around my shaft pumping up and down as she moans excitedly in her throat. Those eyes of hers burning into me. Shittttt! Her hot wet mouth encapsulating me, slowly stroking my dick. Her perfect pink tongue ravishing my thick bulbous head. Paying extra special attention to the little patch of nerves on the underside of my head.

Yes! I breathe faster and pick up the pace jacking my dick. Fuck this is good. My body is tingling head to toe. I need to come so damn bad! Oh, Alexis.

Her eyes burning into mine as she grabs my balls and fondles them firmly with her delicate fingers. Oh, fuck. Touch my balls baby! Yes. Her mouth sucks harder and needier, her eyes glazed with lust.

I beat my dick like it owes me money. I’m so damn close.

Knowing I’m about to blow my load in her awaiting mouth, a smirk curves up at the corners as she sucks me down deep into her throat, fitting my girth with ease.

That’s right, baby. More.

Fucckk… I’m riding the edge of climatic ecstasy. My body jerks wildly, as I fuck the head of my dick faster and explode. “Oh, fuck, Alexis.” I grunt, my come shooting straight into the air and landing on my stomach. Tremors take over my body as I jerk back down to reality.
That was awesome. Nothing like a little fantasy to get your day started.

I roll out of bed, and make my way into the bathroom. My snake is down to a semi now. Good. Standing next to the toilet I grab my dick, right below the head, and aim to pee. I finish and wash my hands. Turning around I open the steam shower and turn the nozzle to make it extra hot. I love when my skin gets beet red from the water. I need to wash all this come off my stomach. That was the best masturbating session I’ve had in months.




‘Hail to the king, Hail to the one, Kneel to the crown, Stand in the sun.’ My phone sings. I’m sitting in my living room completely engrossed in work. This restaurant shit is no joke.

Pull my phone from the floor beside the beanbag and answer it. “Hello.”

“Hey, dude, we’ve got another night out on the town tonight.”

“Another?” I groan. I’ve got too much work and Andrew’s done nothing to help.

“Yeah, Anne and her friend.”

“Alexis?” I sound hopeful. But, after she ran out last night at the club, I’d be shocked if she wanted to see me again. Although, I’m determined she’s not going to have a choice. I’m going to make her one way or another.

“Naw, man. I tried to get her to come. Anne said she’d bring a different friend tonight.” He explains, and my heart instantly sinks into aching territory. God, I’d give this all up just to see her face again. To touch her soft silky tan skin. Yeah…yeah… I’m totally chicking out!

“I don’t want to go.” I whine, like a two year old whose mom just told him he couldn’t have a piece of candy.

“Dude, you’ve got to. They already made plans. Her friend can’t be stood up.”

I huff frustrated into the phone. “Fine. Pick me up whenever.” I snap and hang up without another word.




“So your name is Brad?” Mary asks. She’s apparently my date tonight. Wearing a blue flannel long-sleeved button up shirt tied right under her average breasts. Tight low rise jeans hugging her curveless body. She’s pretty with medium length brown hair and a sweet southern accent. But, she’s no Alexis. I couldn’t be any less interested.

“Yes, it’s Brad.” I respond mechanically. I’m not sure where this is supposed to go. But Andrew and Anne are living in their own little world sitting across from us here at Diner 12, another one of Andrew’s restaurants.

Please come and take our orders already. I need to get out of this place as soon as possible. I don’t want to be rude, but damn.

Andrew has his tongue sloppily shoved down Anne’s throat. This is uncomfortable as hell.

“So what it is a sexy man such as yourself do for work?” Mary inquires with a blatant innuendo that she is interested in getting me between her legs tonight. That’s not going to happen. I’d rip the poor woman in two with my giant snake, and I can’t, under any circumstances, sleep with one woman when I’m madly, hopelessly and stupidly in love with another woman. Oh, my beautiful Alexis, I wonder what you’re doing right now.

“I’m a restaurateur,” I explain in as few words as possible. My face a blank slate. Her body scoots closer to me in this already crowded booth. I spot a waiter standing by the bar and nod him over.

“Sorry, may I take your order?” the waiter in a white dress shirt and black slacks asks.

Andrew pulls his wet lips from Anne. They are both breathing erratically with flushed faces. It’s obvious the pheromones are riding high at this table. Minus mine. Mary slips her hand to the top of my knee. I jerk away. I think she gets the hint because she crosses her hands dejectedly over her chest.
, that was a close one.

We all order, and I get a burger and fries. There isn’t much else you should order at a diner except maybe pancakes. There’s some unwritten rule in my book that diners are the place for burgers, and they certainly taste better here than some fancy place. That’s why none of my restaurants serve burgers. Even on the American part of the menu, which all of them have. One of my quirks, I suppose.

“So how’s Alexis?” I ask Anne as she sips on her diet coke through a white and red striped straw.

“She’s wonderful.” She says looking into my eyes.

That’s all, that’s it? Nothing more? What is it going to take to get these people to agree to give me her number?

Fine they want to play it this way. I can play the game. “I want her number. Now, which of the three of you is going to give it to me?” I glare at each of them individually. Paying extra special attention to Anne. I know she’s close with Alexis. I could sense it when we were out. Now, this girl who’s sitting way too close to me, they aren’t friendly at all. I think they’ve exchanged glances a time or two. But, not so much as a word has passed cordially between them.

Andrews’s shoulders slump like he’s hiding something. What, I can’t be certain. Anne ignores my question her eyes dancing around the room. Now Mary, she could care less what I said. I peer at her out of the corner of my eye, and she’s moved her hands between her legs and is rubbing her female parts from the outside of her jeans. Jesus, she much be some crazy nympho. I keep my eye on her, and her face is now a little red as she bites her lip. Oh, fuck! She’s masturbating right here next to me. What the hell is wrong with this woman?

Our food arrives and I scarf it down in record time. Not paying a bit of attention to anyone else at the table. I’m certain the nympho next to me didn’t reach the climatic plateau because she’s slightly flustered and is having a hard time eating her salad without her hand twitching.

I swallow my last bite and gulp down my water. “So are we done?”

Andrew raises his brow at me frustrated. “No, I think Anne and I would love to go for a walk.” He states his tone anything but friendly.

Fine, I’ll go, dammit.

“Uh, okay.” I slump down into my seat on the verge of having an all-out temper tantrum. First, I’m forced to go on this fucking date. Ok, maybe not forced but it was implied. Secondly, I have to sit next to a woman, who if I’d tell her to, would take me home with her. And, she’d probably fuck my brains out. Even if her pussy was shredded thanks to my monster. Thirdly, I can’t get any of these fuckers to give me Alexis’s number.

Ten minutes later, we are out of the booths. Andrew is strolling down the sidewalk with Anne sweetly tucked under his arm. I’m walking next to Mary. We’ve barely spoken tonight.

“Do…” she says and shakes her head. Like she wants to finish the sentence but is forcing herself not to.

“Do... What?” I press, out of politeness. I haven’t been the best date tonight. If anything, I probably scarred the poor nympho because of my rudeness.

“Do you…?” she bites her bottom lip. “Want to…?” she stops and sucks in a deep breath, grabs my arm to keep me from walking. I turn to face her and she leans up, her hands on my shoulders. “Do you want to fuck?” she whispers sexily next to my ear.

A shiver of disgust rolls through my body, and I try not to gag. I take a step back from her.

“No, I’m sorry, Mary, I’m not interested.”

Her mouth drops into a serious pout, and she walks ahead without me to catch up with Anne and Andrew half a block away.

That’s it I’m leaving. They’re in their own little world, and I’m not going to standby as the love of my life is out there, not even knowing, she’s the love of my life. I’ve got to do something.

I pull my cell out of my pocket and make my way back toward the Diner to take a cab home. It’s ten already. Amy should still be awake.

I hail a cab, and once inside I call my sisters private number.

“Hello, dear brother of mine.” She answers enthusiastically.

“Hi, sister of mine.” I tease back. Just hearing her familiar voice makes me feel a hundred times better. I love my sister so much. “Hold on a minute, Amy.” I pull money out of my wallet and hand it to the driver through the little window between the seats, and I scoot out of the back door. I should have taken my BMW to the restaurant. But every damn time we go anywhere Andrew insists on sending a car.

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