Forever Attraction (6 page)

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Authors: S.K. Logsdon

BOOK: Forever Attraction
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He swallows hard, his face flush with yearning. Unable to sit still, acting as though he might keel over at any moment if she doesn’t crack the paddle across his ass again. The sexual tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a spoon.

“Please make me come, mistress.” He begs firmer this time and sighs with obvious relief that it came out loud enough she could hear.

She bends over and kisses his hot butt cheek in soft supple pecks across his backside starting on one muscled cheek and then moving to the other. Light moans purr out of John’s throat, loving Becka’s affection. Spreading his cheeks she grabs the end of the plug and pulls it out of his ass, dropping it on the floor. He grumbles in sadness as it leaves him.

Her fingers are placed in its wake, fingering his hole and spanking his ass with her bare hand. Loud smacks erupt through the air mixing with his deep feral grunts of pleasure.

“That’s right, mistress loves having her ass played with too. Do you like what mistress doing?” he groans, biting her lips, watching her fingers plow in and out of his butt. Her hips start to circle like she’s just about to come herself, without even fingering her pussy. Damn she’s on fire tonight. This is totally hot to watch. Two anal lovers in the same room. How perfect is that?

“Oh, yes, baby.” He lovingly moans. Wow this is a first. A gentle heartwarming cry erupts out of his mouth as she bends over and kisses his reddened cheeks with caring regard to the tenderness.

“Mistress is going to make you feel good sweetie. I’m going to make you come. Are you ready?” she inquires in a soft sweet tone. It’s almost like they are making love in a strange way. He pushes back into her fingers as she massages his insides.

“Yes, please, baby. Make the naughty boy come.” He shivers, tucking his head down against his chest.

“Count to three lover.” She licks his cheek slowing her pace inside of him.

“One.” He counts and she pushes into him with a jolt.


“Three.” He cries out, his body quivering, stream after stream of hot white silky come hits the floor beneath him as she gently milks his prostate. “Oh God.” He jerks and as she keeps milking and more and more come drips out of his cock.

“Just a little more, baby. I can tell you’re almost done.” She wiggles her hand a few more times, and I see more come shoot in short spurts out of his slit. Pulling her fingers from his ass she bends forward placing her lips on his pucker and kisses it over and over. He groans appreciatively. “Thank you.” She mutters so quietly I barely hear her.

I seriously feel like I just experienced my first anal love making session. It was hard and heavy at first, but then, it slowed down the closer he got to coming and she literally made love to him with her fingers. I almost want to smile at the sweetness of it all. But I don’t want to ruin this for them. This might be the beginning of an amazing and pleasurable partnership. I mentally give myself another pat on the back for such a good decision on hooking them up. He gets what he wants. She gets money and a man who loves the same sexual stuff she does. It’s a win-win for everybody. The thought of leaving this life behind has just laid to rest. Time to move on with my life and leave my client to my best friend.

Chapter Eight



“Hello, Hello. Alexis. Wake up.” I hear a familiar voice calling to me.

I open my eyes. Dang, I guess I was too tired to try and make it inside.

“Hi.” I smile crookedly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Amy asks, talking to me through the window of the rental car.

I grab the car handle and pull it, pushing the door open. Amy steps back so it can swing outward. Lifting my legs out of the car like they’re a hundred pounds apiece, I yawn loudly and stretch my arms and legs out in front of me. Getting that fantastic morning pull in my muscles after sleeping upright in a car for God knows how long. I crack my neck side-to-side but the kink is relentless and achy. Note to self: Never sleep in a car again.

“Sorry, I quit my job in the city and one of my regulars is stalking me. I was afraid to turn on my phone to call so I rented a car and came up. I hope that’s okay.” I shrug warily. I hope she’s not too full or mad that I’m here unannounced.

A big smile washes across her pretty face. Her curly brown hair is tied up into a messy bun on top of her head and she’s sporting a heart printed pajama set. Completely adorable. I missed her tremendously and it’s not even been a month.

“Let’s get you inside. Stay as long as you’d like. Lucky for you, yesterday all my guests left and my weekend is free.” She says warmly, holding out her hand to me.

I take it into my mine, allowing her to help me from the car. I’m exhausted. After the session at John’s last night, we sat and discussed the new arrangements with him and Becka. And he was fully onboard with the change of domme. Then Becka and I rode back to Brian’s in a cab and I decided I didn’t want to stay in the city. I had to leave right away. It’s like running away to that one special place in the whole world that feels like home. Which is exactly what Lolita’s B&B is to me. I retrieved my belongings from Brian’s, kissed him and my best friend and I took a bright yellow taxi to JFK so I could rent a car. Airports are the only place in the city with afterhours rental car services. So I picked up the cheapest and crappiest rental, a Ford Escort that’s like six years old. And I drove up here to Lolita’s. I didn’t get in until four this morning. I was planning on staying up until six and then knocking on the door but I must have fallen asleep in the driveway.

Amy helps carry my two bags and purse from the car and I follow her into the plantation house, through the red double front doors. It’s beautiful here all year round but in the fall it’s magnificent. The entire B&B is surrounded on all sides by forests. The only way in and out is through a small gravel drive, that’s lined thickly with trees and bushes. But as you drive up the path you’re abruptly welcomed with two acres of well-maintained land, a pond, a giant white plantation house and a beautiful courtyard in the back. Which is where Brad and I spent one night outside talking under the starry sky. That’s when he finally got to hear why I did what I did for a living. But that’s all in the past now. What’s in my future I can’t be certain. But I do know being an escort is not it. If not for Brad’s sanity, for my own as well. Joseph was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Inevitably forcing me to move forward in life, changing course into the arms of a handsomely rugged man. Or at least I hope.

I drop my bags inside the closet of the pink room, Amy standing behind me.

“Want some hot chocolate?” she offers.

“Sure, sounds great. Meet you down in a few.”

Amy retires from my room and I follow my vacation routine by throwing myself onto the bed. I make snow angels with the covers, giggling. This is so much better than being in the city. The happiness this place brings to my soul is indescribable. I wonder how long I can stay here without going broke. It’s not like I have anything to get back to. Other than apparently my ex-client turned stalker and a best friend whom I’m sure will survive without me for a while. She’s a big girl with a new eager, sexy, and fun client to keep her busy.

Reluctantly sliding off the best bed on the face of the planet. I pull my hoody off over my head and then stand to fuss with my hair in the mirror. It’s not too bad. I changed when I got back to Brian’s last night. I tug a big baggy black skull t-shirt over my head. Shhhh… It’s Brad’s. Don’t tell anyone. I stole it on accident when I came back to my apartment the day I picked up clothes to stay at his place for the interior designing job I did for him. I kind of stripped out of his t-shirt that I had borrowed since my clothes were dirty. But when I undressed I instinctively threw it into the dirty laundry hamper and now I’ve sort of inherited it and slept with it and worn it a few times. I’m seriously love sick. I realize I’m a size medium in junior’s sizes and he’s a double XL in men’s. But I feel cherished somehow when I wear it. Just like I do when I wear the panties he picked out and bought for me here a few weeks back. I’ll never forget that day at the clothing shop in town about five miles from Lolita’s. The redhead hit on him, he turned her down and then I got to select his boxers. Even though he’s a boxer briefs kind of man. But at the same time he selected two pairs of panties for me. The only pair of full butted undies I own. The rest I wear are thongs. Not that I don’t like boy shorts or bikinis. Thongs were sort of a uniform requirement for an escort. So I never saw the need to purchase other types. Now, I will seriously have to rethink my choices and probably take a trip to Victoria Secret for some less slutty under garments. I wonder what I’ll feel like not having to think about my wardrobe options from a work point of view. I’ve done that for four years. Now I get to pick whatever I want for the hell of it. Well if that doesn’t make me at least a bit excited I don’t know what will.

I smile and take the stairs down to the living room to meet Amy. She’s a sister to me. More than a sister in some cases, mainly because I actually talk to her. I haven’t spoken to either of my sisters or my parents in probably three months, maybe longer. I don’t hate my family. But I don’t fit into their box of perfectionism. And no they’ve never known about my previous career path. Wow that feels really good to say that. Previous career. Hum… What’s my next career path?

“Hey.” She smiles sweetly, her legs tucked under her, sipping on some hot cocoa.

“Hey, back.” I answer, picking my cup off the floor and drop down beside her on the couch. I sip the chocolaty goodness, a delighted groan vibrates in my throat. “Delicious, thanks.”

“You’re most welcome… So…Are you up here because of a stalker and you really quit your job? Or… Are you here because my brother did the strangest thing by asking you to move in with him?” A smirk curves up at the corners of her mouth with her mug pressed against her bottom lip. She sips her cocoa, never breaking the smirk.

What a devilish woman. I wonder when Brad told her and why.

I sigh and pull my legs up onto the couch, tucking them under my butt. “I came here because of Joseph. He’s tracking me. Or he was…and yes, I did quit my job. And yes, your brother did ask me to move in. It’s a just one big shit storm.”

She giggles and bites her bottom lip. Those eyes are giving her away. She knows something but she’s not spilling the beans. We’ll just see about that.

“Ok, spill.” I tease, glaring at her speculatively.

She shakes her head, giggling more. So I reach out my hand and pinch her knee, making her squeal. Not in delight.

“If I tell you something you have to promise not to tell Brad.” Her face is serious now, her playfulness gone.

I nod understanding. “Cross my heart.” I take my fingers making an X on my upper left chest, right above where my heart lies.

She exhales loudly. “So…I know he’d kill me if I told you this. But my brother is completely in love with you.” My mouth falls open. “And…he’s sort of felt that way since before you two stayed here a few weeks ago.” My eyes widen. Holy shit! “I think he’s been worried about telling you. I didn’t get enough details to know exactly when he first felt that way. But if I had to guess I’d say the first date.”

Oh my God! He knew, when I knew. What’s the odds? I close my mouth, and I stare at Amy in amazement.

“Hey.” Someone says from behind me. My heart leaps into my throat as I jump in my seat, completely freaked out. I turn around. I’d know that voice anywhere. Swallowing hard I gaze into those beautiful blue eyes of his.

“Uh… Hi… Brad.” I sputter out in a choppy mumble. Could I sound like any more of a dumbass?

His eyes illuminate as a bright smile flashes across his face. Jesus, he’s gorgeous. I bite my lower lip, drinking in the sight of him. Completely flabbergasted.

This man loves me? How? Why? With those looks and that amazing personality he could have any woman.

“She’s right you know.” His deep voice speaks to me, making love to me with his words. My needy core awakens to his call.

“Brad I’m…” Amy says and he raises his hand to cut her off, so she stops mid-sentence.

“Amy, it’s okay. She needed to know. I’ve sort of been a coward about all of this.” He jams his hands anxiously into his jean pockets and begins rocking back on his heels. Keeping his eyes locked into mine. My heart sputters in my chest and I have this desperate yearning to throw myself into his arms. But I swallow down my need and focus on his words as they speak deep down into my soul. “I do love you Alexis. As an escort or not. I. Love.
. I know I’ve kind of went about this all wrong. But it just kind of came out the other day. I’m sorry if I scared you.” He confesses lovingly, like he’s selecting each word out precisely for me.

My heart soars. He loves
. It’s
who he loves. Oh, wow, is this what true happiness feels like? If it’s not I can’t think of anything else that could top it. The butterflies are floating inside me and my body wants him, and him alone.

“I quit my job.” Is all I can think to say. I’m a loss for words. What do you say to a man who says that? I can’t tell him I love him too. That’s cheesy. I want to tell him at the right moment. When it feels perfect and right now isn’t it.

His lip quivers and he sucks in a deep breath. “You did?” he croaks out, his eyes watery. Oh no, Brad don’t cry. No, crying. Shit. What do I do?

“Yes, baby.” I whisper tenderly and resume nervously chewing on my lip.

“Can I interest you in a walk? So we can talk.” He pulls one hand from his pocket, offering it to me.

I sit my mug onto the floor and stand, facing him. A chuckle erupts through the heavy emotional air. “I see you stole my shirt.” He eyes me and smiles.

I tug on it. It’s huge on me. “Yes, but not intentionally.” I smile shyly.

“Keep it. It suits you.”

He approves! I could do a little dance. But I won’t.

“Shall we?” I wave my hand fluidly through the air gesturing toward the door.

“Yes, but you need a coat or something warmer than my shirt. It’s chilly out and you don’t need to catch cold.”

Awe, he’s adorable. Worrying about my wellbeing. I think I’ve just died and gone to heaven.

“Ok, Bradly.” I giggle and run back up the stairs and grab my jean jacket in the closet. I tug on my black ankle boots without a heel and find my way back downstairs. “Ready.” I pat the arm of my coat to show him I’m all bundled up.

“Good.” He smiles at me and opens the front door. “Ladies first.”




“So are we going to talk one of these days?” I tease. We’ve been outside walking along dirt covered hiking trails through the woods for the past twenty minutes. No words have been exchanged. I walk beside him and occasionally in back when the path narrows. But it’s quiet and peaceful out here. The crunch of the fallen leaves are the only sound that fills the air. What a welcoming sound. Brad was right though, it’s chilly and I’m glad I put on a coat. It’s not cold enough to see my breath but if the temperature dropped another ten or so degrees I easily could.

“It’s just up ahead.” He points in the direction we’re walking.

I keep an even pace with him although he’s a lot taller than I am. So I have to work extra hard to match his stride. Not that I’m complaining. Just being near him feeds my love for him. God, how could I have fallen in love with such an amazing man? And how stupid was I to wait so long to say yes to moving in?

A few more paces and we are standing in an alcove nestled into the forest where the trees frame a perfect little resting spot. It’s been set with a thick navy blue blanket, a traditional picnic basket, a dozen red roses and another blanket for warmth, I assume.

“This is for you my love.” He smiles and takes my hand, guiding me onto the blanket. I sit, my legs crossed and he finds a spot right next to me so we’re touching. I love being nestled up next to him. This is my favorite place in the entire world. I’m sure of it.

“How did you…” I trail off unable to find the words to express how much this means to me. No one has ever been so sweet.

“When did I have time to do all of this?” He drapes the blanket over my lap and scoots closer to me, wrapping his muscled arm around my back, cuddling me.

I sigh and nod. “Yes.”

“Let me tell you a little secret.” Leaning down he places his mouth an inch from my ear. The hotness of his breath awakens my pussy and I’m instantly wet. Hell, he’s deliciously hot and he doesn’t even know it. “I got a call last night from Brian. He sort of told me you were going to be here today. So I’ve had a little time to plan this weekend out.”

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