Forever Attraction (4 page)

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Authors: S.K. Logsdon

BOOK: Forever Attraction
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“Ok, sorry.” I apologize sincerely, nodding to Clyde the late night door man on my way into my building.

“So what’s up brother? Something wrong? You don’t normally call so late.” She sounds concerned.

“Well… I need to get that artist’s number from you.” I try to keep calm and even. I don’t want to reveal my feelings quite yet. Not on the phone anyhow.

“You mean Alexis?”

“Yes, I need some art for my new apartment, and I thought I’d give her a ring to see if she’d do some for me.” I open the door to my apartment, step inside and toss my shoes against the wall.

Home, Sweet Home. Sorta.

“You’re going to talk with her? Brad, if you do you know what’s going to happen.” Her voice is stern. I hate when she gets all big sisterly on me. I’m a grown ass man.

“What’s that, Amy? I promise to be nice.” I plead. I just need her damn number. Give up the fucking goods dear sister of mine.

“When you meet her, you’re going to find her as irresistible. She’s a really great person, Brad. And a talented artist. Get the art. But, if you like her, which I know you will, you need to at least go on a date with the woman. Don’t just use her for art.”

“Why does it matter, Amy? Why can’t I just order art?”

“Because! Somebody I know has to date her. If I can’t. You better. She’s fantastic Brad. I’m not kidding. She’s funny, sweet, loving, sexy as hell, has the most beautiful hair and soft skin. When she stayed here last Christmas, we did the friendly girl cuddling on the couch in the living room. We sipped cocoa. Mama was in bed. I rubbed her sock covered feet. Even though she insisted it wasn’t necessary. I got so turned on…”

“No more…” I cut her off, “I don’t need to know about you and your female fantasies. I get it. She’s wonderful.”

No, shit, she’s wonderful. Truth is I don’t want to hear about my sister touching the woman I love. It makes me insane with jealousy. Even if it is my sister. I want to be the one to rub her feet and make love to her. I can’t wait to tell Amy about it all, when the time is right.

“Okay, I’ll try to be friends with her.” I say evenly.

She exhales loudly into the phone. “That’s a start. If you like her Brad. Woo her. If I can’t have her, you better.”

“I know, I know. You’ve said this for the past year and a half. I will woo her.” I snicker, chuckling into the phone.

“Don’t be a smartass.” She snaps.

Apparently she doesn’t think I’ll try. Not like I’ve given her reason to think otherwise. I’m not exactly Mr. Stud who dates a bunch of women, or one who woos any of the ones I have. It’s never been my sort of thing. Now Alexis, this is different.

We chat a few more minutes, and I hang up with having procured her number. I’m going to call her bright and early tomorrow morning. Hell yes!

Chapter Four



I open my eyes. Damn what time is it?

I roll over on the air mattress and pick my phone off of the floor that’s sitting on top of the jeans I wore last night.

Good, I can call her now.

Shit, I can call her

My stomach instantly tightens up at the thought. Thirty-six hours that I haven’t heard her voice. I grab my stomach and roll onto my side taking in a deep cleansing breath. I’m nervous as hell.

You can do this Brad. You can call her. It’s just a phone call.

I slide open the phone and find her number in my contact list and click send.

“What the fuck do you want at nine in the morning, Brian? I need my beauty rest.” She snaps.

Oh, fuck! Bad timing, and who’s Brian?

“Ummmm… I’m not Brian.” I stammer. Smooth Brad. Real smooth. “Hello? Is this Alexis?” Now that’s better.

“Yes, this is she.” She says calmer this time.

“This is Brad.”

I sit up in the bed and scrub the side of my face with my free hand. I can’t believe I have her on the phone! My stomach is in knots.

“Good morning, Brad, how can I help you? Anne is still sleeping, but I can wake her.”

Whoa she lives with Anne? And she still wouldn’t see me? Fuck! She doesn’t like me.

My heart instantly aches. I rub it a little.

“You live with Anne? And you still wouldn’t come to dinner last night? Am I that horrible?” I ask. I can’t keep my voice from sounding hurt even if I tried. I am hurt. I’m in real physical pain over here. This sucks.

“No, no Brad. I’m sorry, I just thought it was a one night thing. I’m not interested in dating at all. I only went along because Anne asked. I’m sorry. I figured Mary would be better suited if you were looking for a girlfriend type of relationship.” She explains with a gentle loving tone. Damn, I love her voice.

I look down and yep, my dick loves it too. He’s fully awake and ready to play. I swipe the pre-come from his head and wipe it on my jeans next to the bed.

So, she thinks I’m looking for a girlfriend? Ha! I’ve never been
for one.

“Alexis, I didn’t say I wanted a girlfriend, and I never asked you to date me. I thought we could have dinner as
. I don’t know where the significant other part comes into play because I don’t have the time or want to have any woman in my life that way. I just enjoyed your company strictly as friends.” I state steadily. Keeping each word equal to the rest.

My dick has other ideas, and I have to try to keep it together. She can’t think I need her. That’s too much too soon. I have to work her into my freshly hatched plan.

So I lied to her, sue me. I don’t want to be her friend. I want to be her man. But, I can’t very well come out and tell her now can I? That would sound completely insane. I feel insane enough that I feel how I feel. Even though it’s the truth and I’m not going to hide from it.

“Ok, sorry. I was under the impression from Anne that you were seeking a hookup or a girlfriend.”

I laugh deeply.

A hookup or a girlfriend? What? Those don’t even fall into the same category. And, Mary to be a girlfriend type. Ha! No way. She’s the hookup type of gal. Not the take home to mom type. My mother would eat her alive.

“I don’t need sex from you, trust me. I’m not like Andrew in that way.” I reason with her.

don’t think we should be friends, Brad. It’s not a good idea. Stick with Mary.”

“I don’t like Mary. I like you. You know things about my life that nobody else does. It’s cool to be able to talk about. When I met you the other night, I didn’t want to be set up either. Then in walks, an attractive blonde and her even prettier friend. That was enough to throw me off my game. Then the Amy and my mom stuff came up and… I dunno. It’s kind of cool. Don’t you think so too? I mean you said so yourself, you don’t know anyone who’s heard of that place. Yet, we bump into each other and my sister happens to own it.” I shrug.

Come on throw a guy a bone here. I’m trying to be your friend. Take the bait. Do it, please. Why do you have to be such a challenge?

“Ok, so how’d you get my number?” she asks completely ignoring what I just said to her. Great, now we’re off on a whole different topic. Smooth transition Alexis. Good God, even her name is sexy.

“I tried to get it from Andrew, then from Anne and then from Mary. They wouldn’t give up the goods. So, I called my sister and told her I needed it.”

“You told your sister!” she screeches.

Yes, I got your number. So there. Ha-ha-ha. I chuckle darkly, playing with my goatee. “Simmer down. I told her I wanted to contact you to get some sketches for my new apartment in the city. That’s all. She was fine with handing it over. She even made me sit through a ten minute conversation about how great you are. She loves you more than she loves me, and I’m her flesh and blood.” I try to level out her frustration. I can hear her breathing rapidly into the phone and my dick loves it.

“No, she doesn’t. And Amy is great too. I’ve got to get up there to visit soon. I miss it. And after this long week at work I need the R and R, like yesterday.”

This naive little woman. If she only knew how Amy feels she’d realize Amy would pick her any day over me. I get it. If I didn’t I think I might be a little insulted.

“You should go next weekend. I think I’m heading that way soon too. Maybe we’ll cross paths.” Maybe just maybe she’ll take the bait. A little Amy and Alexis time. It might do her some good.

“Can’t, I’m busy all night Friday and into Saturday.”

Son of a bitch! Can’t a guy catch a fucking break around here? Is she playing hard to get or what? Does she have a boyfriend? Maybe? Shit, I never asked that. But, I don’t think she would have gone on a date with me in the first place if she had a boyfriend. Although, I’ve heard of women going anyhow. It wasn’t like she appeared to be all that interested when we went out.

I suck in a deep breath. Keep it together. Just ask the damn question.

“Why? Do you have a boyfriend?” I drop my voice down trying to keep calm, breathing in and out slowly.

“Yes, I sort of do. It’s complicated but we see each other a few times a week. Keeping it casual.”

Fuck! Not a boyfriend. Shit, Shit, Shit. This can’t be happening. Maybe keeping it casual is good. Maybe I have an in. I don’t date or try to date taken women, fuck. And, I’ve never pursued a woman before, not like this. I apparently have no game. I need to take a class from Andrew or something, because he’s got enough game for the both of us.

Our conversation continues on another five minutes and she agrees, to my delight, to do some art for me. I couldn’t be happier. That’s the only positive I’ve got going for me today. This fucking sucks. That, and the fact that talking to her has made my dick so hard it’s painful. How is that possible? I just jacked him yesterday.

I drop my iPhone onto my jeans and lay back onto the shitty air mattress.

“Yep, you stupid dick. I’m going to jack you, and you’re going to be a good boy for the rest of the damn day.” I tell my dick out loud. Not sure if my brain signals ever transmit downstairs. He seriously has a mind of his own.

Grasping my dick in my right hand, I use my left to tug on my balls. Fuck. Yes. Clear pre-come is oozing out of my shaft. I pump my long dick and squeeze the head to secrete more of my fluid. I use it to lube my head, and I pinch the sensitive spot under it. Oh my God! I’m so fucking close. Just talking to Alexis on the phone has me ready to burst. I pinch it again. “Fuck, yes!” I moan into the air throwing my head back against the pillow. My other hand twisting my balls lightly. I don’t like it super hard, but I like it to jolt a little bit of electrical pain through my body. It pumps up the testosterone and I come harder. A little pain never hurt anybody. That’s why I have so many tattoos. They felt good when I got them. Didn’t hurt. Although I’d never consider tattooing my dick or anything. That’s just crazy.

I swirl my clear come all over the head again. It’s silky slick and I press the spot under my dick right where I pinched. Now it’s even more sensitive. Hell yeah!

It’s fantasy time.

I close my eyes and imagine Alexis standing in my kitchen her body bent over my island her legs spread wide so I can plow right into that sweet little cunt of hers. I caress her sides as my cock slides up and down her ass, my pre-come glistening as it wets her soft supple skin. She coos as I reach around and cup her perky breast in my giant hands. Arching her back, her ass rubs against my dick teasing it to slip inside her perfect wet hole. I kiss across her shoulders as my fingers pinch her hard nipples. “Oh, yes…Brad, I love you.” She moans, rolling her sexy hips against my boner.

“I’m going to make love to you, baby.” I kiss her shoulder again and grasp my dick in my hand. I slide it up and down her dripping slit. She’s so ready for me. I press into her hole slightly, and she cries out in ecstasy as I enter her amazing tightness.

Shit! I’m close. I open my eyes and squeeze my balls firmer. Fucking Christ, Alexis, how do you do this to me? Baby, I’m going to come just for you! I jack my head fast and quick paying extra attention under the head. Yes… “Alexis!” I scream into the air as hot jets of my white creamy spunk shoot out and arc, landing on my chest. I jerk and my toes curl as I keep pumping the rest of the come out of my dick. I breathe in deeply trying to catch my breath. Damn that was amazing!

Scooting off the bed covered in my come, I stroll into the bathroom and use my towel to wipe the come off my stomach. Standing in front of the mirror, I glance at myself. This man, I am looking at, is going to make these vivid fantasies a reality. This man, I am looking at, is going to make the most beautiful woman mine. I am going to buck the hell up, and I’m going to take my sisters advice. It’s time to woo Alexis into being mine. Wish me luck.

Present Day
Chapter Five



It’s been six days since Brad’s proposal to move in. I told him on Monday I needed more time. Okay. That’s not entirely true. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around what he’s proposed. Thinking it over, tucked into my bedroom for the past three days. Only leaving to grab Chinese from the delivery guy and flowers that kept being delivered. I started getting flowers from Brad on Monday after I sent him a text. Yep, I’m lame. I sent him a text. I couldn’t very well hear that ultra-sexy voice of his now could I? That would make me say yes to moving in and that’s just crazy talk. The flowers are beautiful though. Three bouquets total, all red roses, and each one keeps getting bigger and more elaborate. He’s not called or hounded me, and for that, I give him mad props. He’s not being pushy. He’s giving me my space. Which, is what I need right now. No, what I need is Lolita’s and Amy. But, that’s not going to happen. Not today, anyhow.

I’ve spoken with Becka about it all, and she’s staying on the sidelines. Not that I blame her. I couldn’t very well give her advice if she was posed with this dilemma. The worst of it all is Joseph has been badgering me. The iPhone he purchased for me has been beeping and ringing nonstop. I’ve had to turn it off a few times, just to get some sleep. At least Brian my boss, also known as my pimp, has been gracious enough to give me some time to myself. This is a defining moment in my life and I’m fully aware of what is at stake.

Becka has spent time with me in bed, cuddling and watching movies. We kept from the romance in all categories and went more blood and gore. We watched all the Exorcist movies yesterday. Had us both finicky and freaked by the time our marathon of the five films was through. We even got through it all with no sexy touching. I think after that one time deal at the gangbang a few weeks ago, Becka’s gotten her little lick-my-pussy fascination out of the way. To which, I am immensely grateful for. I don’t think I could handle another stone on top of the mountain of shit my life is going through. The thing I am having the hardest time wrapping my head around is; why in the world Brad wants me and why didn’t he tell me sooner? I mean, he said he wanted to be friends, and all of a sudden, he wants me to be a live in girlfriend. That seems a bit drastic. Okay, not a bit. A lot. Asking me out on a date; reasonable. Asking me to move in; not. I don’t know if I can quit my job and just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.

I know I said I could quit it all and become an artist or some shit. But, when faced with the choice, it’s hard to make. I love what I do because of the money I rake in. Sucking a man’s cock for hundreds of dollars is fun and it keeps a steady income. Plus, I’ve enjoyed Joseph for almost ten months now. I love spending time with him and all the spoiling he does. Not the extravagant stuff but the roses and champagne. I’m quite easy to please.

I’ve lived this life, as an escort, for the past four years and some odd months. I can’t just drop it all cold turkey. I’d probably go through major withdraws, and my body would die from money and orgasm deprivation. Yes, that’s rather dramatic but it’s true. I love getting off. Even though, the past times I’ve had sex since the weekend with Brad I haven’t gotten off like normal. Even with Joseph, I was seriously underwhelmed. What has Brad done to me? I know. I know. It’s love. But is it really? It couldn’t be some deep seeded curiosity? A prefabricated feeling? What the hell am I thinking? Of course it’s not. I’ve been fascinated with Brad since the beginning. Since, the day I walked into the damn room at Andrews’s restaurant, and saw him with his thick body, blue eyes, sensual voice, and hipster clothes. A hottie by anyone’s standard. I could be blind, deaf and dumb and I’d still want the man. I’m hopelessly in love. Or is it recklessly? I can’t be sure which.

“Hey, sweetie, we have another delivery.” Becka says holding another vase of red roses in her arms. There has to be three dozen in that bouquet. They’re long and in a tall crystal vase. Completely breathtaking. Brad’s a charmer, I’ll give him that.

“Put it wherever.” I wave her off and slump back into bed, depressed.

I hate making Brad wait for an answer, but I can’t very well agree without a proper run through in my head. Sleeping with a client after someone proposes to move in seems wrong on a thousand different fronts. So, working my sexual mojo is out of the question. I did draw Amy two more canvases this week for Lolita’s. They’re medium sized and will fit perfectly with Amy’s décor. I can’t wait to see her again. I miss Mama and her already. Surprisingly neither of them have called. My guess is Brad hasn’t exactly confided his strange idea of romance to them. I can’t say it’s not romance because it is. But over the top, way too soon kind of romantic. To be honest, I’m not so much as worried about myself. Other than missing my job and the steady income. But, I’m worried he’s bitten off more than he can chew. What if he changes his mind two days later? Or a month? Or a year? I’ve never been heartbroken. I have no idea how I’d take it. That’s what scares me more than anything else.

“Hey, sweetie, Brian’s called me twice. He needs to you to call him. Something’s urgent.” Becka says standing naked in my door frame. She must have decided to remove that pretty green dress she just had on.

“Okay, thanks.” I smile.

I roll over on my bed and reach to grab my usual phone from my nightstand. I search through it to find Brian’s number and hit send.

“Thank you for calling me.” He says answering the call.

“Becka said it was urgent.”

“Well… It’s two things really. Or two men to be exact. Joseph has been bombarding me with phone calls. Threatening to sue me if I don’t make you see him soon. He’s going off the deep end, Alexis. Keeping him away for a week is seriously pushing his limits and my patience, because I can’t take it anymore. You need to decide to either see him or cut him off. I can’t take the harassment. I’ve got enough on my plate with you out of commission. Do you realize how many complaints I’ve gotten from other customers because you can’t service them? I sent Mary on a few dates that I would normally set you up on, and let’s put it this way, I got chewed out from one man and the other refuses to use her again. If you’re never coming back, you got to decide soon. I’ll have to restructure the business.” He explains. I can tell he’s very frustrated, but he’s not taking it out on me.

“I’m really sorry, Brian. I didn’t mean to put you through all this. But, I can’t sleep with anyone until I figure out if I am kicking Brad to the curb or not. I love him. So it’s either him or this job. That’s his ultimatum.” I apologize sweetly, trying to smooth over my extended leave with my boss.

“Did he actually say that to you?”

“Say what?”

“That you have to choose?”

“Sort of. Not that I have to. But that he can’t handle my job. I can’t blame him, Brian. If I was him, I couldn’t think of my man out sleeping with other women for money. I’d be sick all the time.”

Just seeing that redhead touching Brad when we were visiting Lolita’s was enough to show me I could never share him. I was half tempted to smack her around for just flirting with him. Apparently I’m more possessive than I thought.

“I see…”

I cut him off. “I’m assuming the other man on the roster of problems is John?”

“Yes, he’s been asking for you. I thought about setting him up with Bridget since she’s freaky. But I don’t think he’d like her.”

“Since I need time off. How about you set him up with Becka, and I’ll go over with her this week to help introduce them and walk her through what he likes. She’s pretty and kinkier than I am. They would be well-matched. Better than him and I are.” I offer, internally patting myself on the back for the idea. Honestly, they would have been better matched from the beginning. Although John hiding his kinkiness prevented Brian from matching him with the perfect partner.

“Okay.” He groans into the phone. Guess he’s realizing I’m backing out of my job, and he’s going to be losing money. My body doesn’t function like it did. What can I say?

“I’m sorry, Brian.”

“It’s okay. I just miss having you around. You’re my favorite.” He whines.

“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve just got a lot on my plate right now.” I add sweetly.

We talk a few more minutes and when we’re finished I’m officially Becka’s tutor for the John show. And what a kinky one he provides. The cool thing about it is they both love anal, so much. At least
do. I’m anti-anal. After what happened with a client, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have a cock in my ass again. Not that it was unpleasant the times I have had it. But, after a man tries to force you, it becomes a trigger for fear instead of pleasure. Total head fuck.

I throw back the covers and pad my way into the bathroom. Becka’s in there brushing her teeth.

“I got you another client.” I turn on the shower, adjusting the temperature to my liking.

“Oh, yeah? Who? Don’t say Joseph.” She says spitting toothpaste into the sink and washing it down with the running water. Tucking her toothbrush back into the flower holder in the corner of the vanity.

“John. This week you will have him and I will go with you this once.” I explain and step into the shower. Damn this hot water feels fantastic. I scrub my face, my hair, my body and shave my under arms, legs and pussy with conditioner and my Venus razor.

Getting out I dry my body with a pink fluffy towel and wrap my head with it to soak up the access water in my hair. I make my way back into my bedroom wearing my birthday suit. Speaking of birthdays mine is in a month. I’m a November baby. Going to be hitting the big two six. Brad’s a whole ten years older than I am. I don’t even know this man’s birthday and I’m supposed to shack up with him. The thought gets me every damn time.

‘I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose, fire away, fire away.’ Joseph’s iPhone sings. Shit! I thought I kept that dang thing off. I put that ring tone on it last week. It’s not rock. I didn’t want to taint the music Brad I share with Joseph’s ringtone. So Titanium seemed like the best choice.

“Hello.” I answer morosely.

This is the first time I have picked up my phone for the past week. I haven’t spoken to Joseph since the night before Brad came home and asked me to move in. I’ve not wanted to talk to anyone except Becka. Ok, I want to talk to Brad. I miss his voice and his face. But, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if I do I will instantly cling to him and it’s not logical to do. I need time. Time away from work, time away from him, time away from everything. Clear my head and direct the new path I come up with in my life. Debating if he will be on that long and winding road or not. That’s the main decision.

Ever since I left Brad’s Friday, I haven’t dreamt about him either. I don’t know if he scared me enough or if he gave me what I’ve been craving. Him. I have zero control over my dreamscapes, and honestly, I’m happy not to wake up having to finger myself into toe curling ecstasy, fantasizing about him and his sexy bod. What a mighty fine physique that is. Yum! Oh, shit, I’ve got to stop or I’m going to get too turned on and have to relieve my burning core.

“Hello. Hello. Hello. Tylah.” Joseph calls loudly.

Crap, I totally forgot I was on the phone.

“Oh, sorry. What’s up Joseph?” I ask more chipper this time with a little bit of buzzing between my legs after that brief Bradly stint of memories.

“I. Need. To. See. You.” He firmly states, making sure each word have its own validity.

“Why? Do. You. Need. To. See. Me?” I inquire smugly, following his example. I’m not a giant fan of pushiness and this entire week has consisted of his inability to rationalize our situation. That A; I’m an escort and B; I’m not his girlfriend. I’m starting to get irritated like Brian. I should just toss the fucking phone in the trash and be done with it. But, I can’t throw nearly ten months of intimacy down the drain, even if it is paid for by him.

“It’s been a week Ty, I need my pussy baby. I’m dying without it.” He whines.

“Joseph, I’ve got a lot going on personally in my life right now. I can’t discuss it with you, and I can’t see you either. I’m sorry. Last Thursday was a bad choice on my part. I should have said no then, but I felt bad. Please let me have some time to myself.” I plead with him gently.

Throwing myself onto my bed, I cross my ankles and get comfortable. I know this isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. Not after what Brian said about him threatening to sue. Which is preposterous, not to mention illegal.

“Let me help you through it.” He offers.

That’s a sweet gesture but we all know what he’s really seeking, sexual gratification. He’s a man paying for sex. It’s my job to provide a service. However, I’m out of commission right now. End of story.

“That’s a kind offer Joseph, but I really just need some time. Please.” I’m to the begging stage. I shouldn’t be, but I am. I hate dealing with this, and I hate to be a complete bitch to him. But, it’s looking like I might not have a choice. My insides feel completely wrong when I think about touching any man other than Brad. Even Joseph. And, if I’m honest with myself I’ve felt completely off my game since the weekend with him at Lolita’s, when I realized I loved him.

“Listen, I’ll pay whatever you want Tylah. But, that pussy of yours is going to come see me. I’m done asking nicely. I will find you, and I will fuck you, and I will make you like it. Like you’ve always liked it. That cunt is mine, and I’ve been nice enough to let John use it and whatever other man. I’ve been loving and caring, and I’ve spoiled the shit out of you. So, when I say, you’re going to fuck me, bitch; you’re going to fuck me until I come gallons, and I tell you to stop. Do you understand me Tylah? I’m not a man who takes no for an answer. If, I want that sweet juicy cunt of yours, I’m going to get it. I’m done playing nice just waiting around for you to throw me a fucking bone. You are mine. End of story Ty. I know where you live…”

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