Forever Attraction (7 page)

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Authors: S.K. Logsdon

BOOK: Forever Attraction
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“This…weekend?” I perk up a brow facing him. Oh, Jesus his face is only inches from more. Those lips of his are calling my name. I need to touch him. I need his mouth on mine. I’ve never needed anything else like I need him right here, right now.


I smash my lips to his with an all-encompassing longing. I purr as the warmness flows into my veins. God, I’ve missed him. His hands find my cheeks, holding my lips to his in a long suspended moment of just breathing, both of our chests rise and fall rapidly as the electricity sparks between our bodies. My lips pressed firmly to his. Gently opening my mouth I lick his lips, welcoming him inside me. I turn and sling my leg up and over his beefy thighs, straddling him. I can feel a gigantic erection poking at me through this jeans. I want to touch it. But I can’t. Instead, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him closer. My chest against his chest. Melding us together as one. I part my lips again and his tongue darts into my mouth fervently and swirls hastily with mine. I groan as he makes love to my mouth with such passion. Our lips unable to keep up with our need to be inside of each other. A growl rumbles in his chest as his hands leave my face and latch firmly onto my hips holding my core against his. I suck his bottom lip into my mouth nibbling it, as my juices pool in my panties.

Fuck he’s hot and such an amazing kisser.

Running my tongue over his bottom lip I nibble and suck it like I would his cock. He groans kneading my hips with his perfect fingers. I pull away from him and lock eyes with his. My body being drawn into the deep blue ocean of his eyes. His gaze swallowing me up.

Moving his hands from my hips he slowly caresses my back sending sparks of pleasure through me. “That feels nice.” I arch my back purring.

He nuzzles his face down into my breasts, cupping my shoulder blades in his hands. I press him against me holding him to my soft mounds. “I love you so much.” He whispers.

Kissing the top of his head, I say “Baby, tell me more about all the stuff we came here to talk about. Please. Before I rip off your clothes and we get nothing accomplished.”

A deep rumbling chuckle comes from his mouth as he kisses the top of my breasts through my shirt. “I want to rip your clothes off too, sweetheart.” He kisses my breasts again and my clit screams for him to suck on her. I take in a long deep breath to calm my nerves or I will have him right here. I lift my leg to get off of him and he grabs my hips holding me in place.

“No, I need you here.”

Nodding, I settle back down against the hard cock in his pants. My needy hole contracting, seeking to be filled. Sweet Jesus, not now! I need to talk to this man not have him fill me balls deep with what I assume is a way more than average member poking at me from between his legs.

“Okay talk.” I shake my head trying to ignore the fact that my hormones are so high right now I can barely sit still.

“Just please let me finish before you say anything. I need to get this out.”

“I can do that.” I give him a warm loving smile. As my heart pounds in my chest and the butterflies flap worse than ever.

“So the first day I met you with Andrew. I wasn’t looking to date or a girlfriend. Not after what Sophie my ex did to me. That was her name by the way.” I nod, and wrap my arms around his shoulders. “I’ve been a single man most of my life. Happily, I might add. Until that day I met you. I didn’t believe you at first when you said you knew my family. But then of course I was proved wrong. You see, Amy’s been bragging about you for years. She’s kind of had a crush on you.” My eyes widen with surprise and he chuckles. “Yeah, well I can’t blame her. So anyhow. She’s been trying to convince me to meet you and date you because she can’t. I know this might make me sound like a complete cheeseball, but now I know what it feels like to be one of those people who officially believe in love at first sight. That’s how it happened with you.” I smile and give him a quick peck on his lips. Making him smile in return. I love his smile. It warms my belly. “I love your lips.” He says kissing me again, holding his warmth against my mouth.

Pulling away he shakes his head. “Sorry I can’t think straight when I’m around you. Now where was I? Oh yeah, so I’ve been kind of planning all this out along the way on how to make you fall in love with me too. It’s been tougher than I imagined. But when you agreed to do the apartment I thought I had an in with you. So I took it. Listen, I’m sorry if I rushed you about moving in—,” I press my fingers to his lips to shush him.

“I will move in with you.”

His eyes light up and a beautiful elated smile reaches from one ear to the other.


I nod. “Yes, really. I want to be with you. I’ve sort of felt the same way you have this whole time. Doesn’t work well when you’re supposed to make your money performing sexual favors.”

He frowns.

“Stop that.” I finger his bottom lip. “I’m all yours if you want me, Bradly. I’m not going to sleep with men anymore. Just one man, and that man is you.” I grind my pelvis against his cock. He growls and pulls me into a deep embrace. Resting my head on his shoulder I nuzzle my nose against his neck. “Brad I love you.” I whisper, trailing soft gentle kisses along his neck.

His body shudders and he sucks in a sharp breath. I kiss his soft skin again. I do love this man. I guess I always have. He’s amazing and I couldn’t be happier.

“So how’d you get all that stuff for me at your apartment? Like the body washes and stuff. You didn’t have time.” I ask, keeping my face pressed against his beautifully tanned skin.

“I sort of bought them the day you agreed to do the apartment.”

“How’d you know that I like all that stuff?”

He shrugs. “Lucky guess I suppose. I did a lot of research online and I smelled a bunch of products before I decided on the items. You liked it all?” he sounds surprised.

“Yes, that body wash is the same stuff I use at home. As are the Bedhead products.”

“Now you will definitely use them at home in our apartment.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Yes, honey.” I run my soft tongue across the length of his neck and down to his throat. He growls, breathing heavily. “I want you inside of me.” I moan grinding my hips down into him. I’ve learned all I need to. Now all I want is him inside my pussy.

Pushing my shoulders he pulls me from him. “Look at me.” He instructs firmly.

“Yes?” I whimper biting my lip, slyly glancing at him.

“We can’t make love, baby, until tomorrow night.”

My nose crinkles up in confusion. “Why

“You will see. Now let’s eat.” He answers decisively as he reaches out with his long arm and snatches up the picnic basket by the handle. Sitting it down beside us, me still in his lap. He flips the lid back and retrieves two juice boxes and hands me one. I smile like a giddy school girl. How damn sweet is this? Seriously.

Two sandwiches and a bag of grapes are produced out of the inside of the basket and we eat in silence as I watch him bite and chew his food. Even the way he eats turns me on. Once we finish and I climb off his lap.

“Cuddle with me.” I seductively sprawl out on the blanket, tugging the other over me for extra warmth. But if he was next to me right now I wouldn’t need warmth. He’s like his own sun.

“Baby we need to get back. And if I lay down and cuddle…” He pauses to rake his eyes up and down my body and sighs. “If we cuddle, I will end up fucking your brains out, baby.”

A jolt of electricity shoots through me and tingles my clit into a desperate wanton state. Fuck! He’s hot.

I lick my lips. “Then fuck me baby. And we can make love tomorrow night.” I shoot him a dirty grin.

He growls deeply with that panty dropping voice of his. “Our first time will not be a fuck, Alexis. I will make love to my woman.” He states firmly. And I melt into a puddle of gooey love.

“Well… okay.” I pout weakly.

When he puts it like that how could I refuse to wait? Although the next thirty hours is going to be torture. But I’m not going to make myself come. I want him to do it. Delayed gratification is a bitch.

Chapter Nine



“You ready to go into town for a girls day out?” Amy asks standing in my doorway.

“Yes, just give me a second.”

I grab my jean jacket off the Victorian loveseat facing the fireplace in the pink room and follow her out the bedroom door, down the stairs and out the front door.

It’s Saturday now. Yesterday after Brad and I had that arousing and heartwarming conversation in the woods we came back up to Amy’s and he’s basically avoided me the rest of the day. He left for a few hours and came back late last night with dinner from Vino’s.

I don’t know if he’s avoiding me because of that strange stipulation we can’t have sex until tonight and it’s hard for him to keep his word? It seemed that way in the woods. He couldn’t stop touching me and holding me. All the while he had a giant boner. It’s strange though. Romance one second and the next I’m sitting in the living room most of the night chatting with Amy about work, friends, sex, loneliness, love and Brad growing up. Wow, that one was a doozy. Apparently Brad was an upstanding brother to his older sister. She had no problem telling me all about him playing Ken who as she explained it was a rather horny doll who tried to molest all the Barbie’s. I laughed so hard I cried when she told me.

The best part about the night other than the company of course was that Amy finally confided in me about her sexuality. I just found out she’s gay. Which in all honesty was a shock to hear. I never thought of her that way. Not that it matters one way or the other. I’m just surprised I didn’t find out sooner. I don’t have any gay friends. Lots of bisexual ones. But not gay, not until Amy that is. According to Amy she’s the female in the lesbian part of a relationship. She would love to have a sexy woman who’s dominate and loving. Any woman would be lucky to have Amy. She’s amazing, beautiful, smart, articulate, caring, witty, sexy and one of my top favorite people on this earth. Brad being the first of course. Mama and Becka on the tip top of that list as well.

We pull up outside a little spa about twenty minutes from Lolita’s. Amy’s been jamming to country the whole way. I’ve been lost to my thoughts so I don’t mind a little twang thumping in my ears. Amy woke me up this morning. Well it was almost noon. We were up until three this morning talking, drinking hot chocolate by the fire. Per her request I threw on my new white dress that I purchased the last time I was here. It’s long and has a brown belt that rides on the curves of my average hips. It’s not long-sleeved so I wore my jacket over it and a pair of my brown ankle boots. It’s total country hot. Amy’s in her normal clothes, a pair of jeans, button up shirt, her long brown naturally curly hair drifting down her back, landing just a few inches above her butt.

In tow I follow her into the spa. It’s a quaint little place with only one other customer inside.

“We’re here for the full workup.” Amy says talking to a bubbly bright eyed younger woman with honey blonde hair behind the counter.

“Yes, Amy and Alexis. I have you both down here. Will you please come this way?”

We follow this lovely young woman to the back. Inside a small room there are four lockers lining a wall. “Please remove your clothes and put on the robes.” She instructs and leaves us to change.

“What are we getting done today, Amy?” I question her with a raised brow. I knew we were having a girls’ day, but I thought that meant nails and coffee. Not an actual spa day where I have to be naked under a robe.

“Brad ordered us massages, mani’s, and pedi’s, our hair to be styled, and faces painted on professionally.” She giggles all excitedly, clapping her hands.

What a dork.

“Ok.” I smirk.

He must have a date planned for me tonight. That has to be why he wants me to get all dolled up. That’s the only logical explanation. Maybe it’s to Vino’s? I know we ate take out from there last night but I love that place. I could eat it every day, all the time. It’s that good.

I strip down, even removing my panties. I’m not ashamed of my body. Amy follows suit and does the same. I’ve never seen her nude until now but her body is beautiful. Who am I kidding, I’m an artist I find almost all bodies beautiful. It comes with the territory I guess.

Outside the locker room we are met by two women in white coats, both of them have a hip holster with a bottle of lotion.

“I’m Mary.” The older woman with graying hair introduces, offering me her hand. I shake it. “I’ll be your masseuse today.”

Amy greets her masseuse and all four of us walk down a small white hallway with two doors labeled one and two. I go into one with Mary as Amy waves to me with a giant smile ducking into room two with Olivia.

I disrobe and hang it over a chair as Mary holds a white sheet up for privacy. I could care less but I know it’s protocol. I lay down on the green massage table face down, my head cradled in the face hole.


“Yes.” She lowers the sheet onto my body, folding it down so only my upper body is exposed. Leaving my legs completely covered.

Dimming the lights, she turns on some serene music and goes to work on my entire body for a whole hour without a word. Her hands are soft, yet firm, and she kneads my body in all the right places. I feel a total weight lifted off of me. I can’t believe Brad went to all this trouble to relax me before a date. I guess this will be our first real date as what? Girlfriend and boyfriend? That seems so childish of a term. Boyfriend. He’s way more than that to me. I just pray he doesn’t change his mind and back out. I can’t wait to make love to him tonight in the best room ever. Sex in the pink room. Hell yes! Butterflies reappear in my tummy at the thought.

The masseuse leaves the room once the massage is complete and I get up and pull the white robe back on, tying the belt around my waist. I leave and find Amy standing against the wall waiting for me with sleepy eyes and a satisfied smile. I know how she feels, that was amazing.

“This way ladies.” The honey blonde woman from earlier waves us into the main part of the spa where the beauty chairs are and two more women are awaiting us.

After three more hours of primping, painting, curling, plucking, smearing, spraying and scrubbing. We are all finished. I’ve got my makeup done classically with a pink lipstick that looks fabulous with my brown hair and golden skin. My eyes are highlighted perfectly for my greenish hazel eyes. My hair’s curled and put into a fabulous up-do. A lot like I would have worn to prom when I was a teenager if I had went. Little rhinestones are placed into my hair and I don’t think I’ve ever felt or looked as beautiful as I feel and look right now. My white dress pairs nicely with the mix of colors on my face. Amy has her hair in a half up-do and subtle make-up. All except for her lips that are now rosy red in color. Red looks fabulous on her. I could never pull it off, but I’m glad she can.

We leave with my purse in hand and take her Chevy Tahoe back to Lolita’s. I can’t wait for Brad to see me.

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