Forever Yours

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Authors: Nicole Salmond

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Forever Yours
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The wind blew a cool breeze sending a chill up Stella’s spine. Her arms were crossed over her chest, trying to hold onto the little warmth she had left. She could not remember how long she had been standing over the gravestone, feeling the emptiness of her life surround her. She could feel the strain in her legs telling her she needed to let go, but she couldn’t bring herself to move.

He was dead because of her.

She had let herself fall so deep, feelings she had supressed for so long were now all too real and it frightened her. She once thought she knew what true love was many years ago. It wasn’t until she met Tristan she truly discovered the true meaning of the love between a man and woman.

A gentle tear fell down her cheek. If they had never met she wouldn’t be standing here, wouldn’t be feeling what she was feeling. She loved Tristan with every being of herself; she’d fallen completely and utterly in love with him. She had let herself experience feelings that she had buried long ago, making a promise never to feel like that again, to never let herself be hurt and feel the burden of love.

Yet here she was.
The harsh reminder of the tragedy of love.





Forever Yours




Copyright © 2012 Nicole Salmond

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except in brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews are permitted.


This is a work of fiction. The names, character, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Cover design by Kerry Ellis

Cover art ©

Used under license from







To all those people in the world like me who believe life is about taking chances, dreaming big, and living without regret.







To my beautiful husband, who no matter how crazy and ambitious my dreams are he always supports them.

You are my life, my love,
my everything


To Evelyn, my crazy little girl who showed me that even the simplest of things can be amazing. She helps me remember every day that life is meant to be full of laughter, challenges, love, and even the occasional tantrum.


A huge
thanks to all my family and friends who have helped me in this journey. Your support and help is greatly appreciated!


And lastly, to the wonderful
! Without your constant nagging and repetitive text messages telling me to hurry up and send you more chapters, I would never have finished this book. Your
awesome and I love you!

I might even write a book next time about cowboys ;)





Stella knew she couldn’t say no to her sister, she had been running around the unit for the past half an hour debating on what to wear and giggling like a school girl. She had been pulling out all the playing cards for a month now, trying to get this guy to go out with her. He had finally given in and agreed to go out to dinner with her, confusing Stella, as Claire was very good looking and never had any trouble with guys. But this guy was different; he had seemed resistant to Claire’s obvious charms and had made her chase him until it had become her life’s mission to get a date from him.

Claire knew it was her turn to do the night audit shift so she had spent the last ten minutes begging and bribing Stella to cover her.

“You’re the best
!” her sister said as she brushed a quick kiss on Stella’s cheek. Stella observed Claire as she took off across the room, taking one last glance in the wall mirror giving it a self-assured smile before grabbing her handbag off the kitchen bench and walking to the door with a skip in her step. “Don’t expect me back until tomorrow morning,” she giggled, giving a playful wink before closing the door behind her.

Stella and Claire had come to the agreement three months ago to share the night audit shift, although Stella was initially against it, Claire had proposed a very compelling argument.

At the time they needed a place to rent in the Gold
however they had a hard time finding anything in their price range as they both worked part time. Stella had graduated from University four months ago and moved to the city to find a job as an Accountant, unfortunately she had been unsuccessful and had to settle as an administration assistant at an accounting firm until a job opportunity came up, which she was soon discovering to be very rare.

Claire was three years younger than Stella, a young carefree spirit. She saw the world as an adventure and made it her life’s mission to conquer it. There was no such thing as ‘can’t’ in Claire’s life. Stella admired that about her; unfortunately she had learned the hard way that life wasn’t always rainbows and butterflies. She had found it easier to focus her life on her career and ambitions, there was no room in her life for surprises and adventure.

On her search for a job and her sister’s search for adventure they landed themselves at the Gold Coast. They grew up in the country so they were unacquainted with city living and the cost of living including the high rental costs, which Stella cursed frequently about.

Claire had discovered a local hotel needing someone to be the night auditor and had an agreement that instead of being paid a wage, as the work was unpredictable and someone needed to be on call all hours at night, they would get a unit rent free and have access to all hotel facilities. It was a perfect solution to their problem. They moved in momentarily and agreed they would take turns each night to do the night audit shift. Claire was adamant she would uphold her end of the bargain, but of late Claire seemed to always be coming up with an excuse to not comply with her terms of the agreement. It was hard to say no to Claire. Her smile was contagious and Stella couldn’t help but feel the need to see her sister be happy and free.

The job entailed being on call all night, something Stella initially wasn’t fond of, but soon discovered it was easy work and they rarely had to leave the room apart from the occasional late check-in, or the naked person locked out of their room. Yes, Stella unfortunately had the honour of being on duty that night and dealing with a poor naked guy whose wife had locked him out of the room because he was too drunk to even put his own clothes on. As unamusing as it was at the time, she found herself laughing about it now.

Stella stretched out her arms and legs on the couch, preparing herself for an uneventful evening, she had hoped anyway. Grabbing the remote she scanned through the channels until she found the Friday night movies. ‘The Notebook’, or ‘Groundhog Day’ was the selection for the night. She pondered briefly on the thought that her life was like Groundhog Day; waking up, working, sleeping. On the days she didn’t work she would find herself at the beach. She had a love for the water and enjoyed experiencing it as much as possible. Her growing love for the beach, sand and surf gave Stella a golden sun kissed tan which highlighted her dark long blonde hair and blue eyes.

She ended up settling for ‘The Notebook’. It was an epic love story, one that every person could only dream of having. She fantasized about her own life being so exciting, past experiences had made her doubt true love like that existed though. The male sex was only interested in one thing, and it definitely wasn’t love.




Stella approached the hotel lobby walking cautiously towards the two glass sliding doors, eyeing the two men outside dressed very formally in black suits.

Half an hour earlier she had received a call informing her of a late check in for the penthouse suite. She was curious who would be checking in to a suite at 11 o’clock at night, generally all guests who booked the penthouse suite made arrangements weeks, even months ahead, not half an hour before check in, especially when it cost easily over a thousand dollars a night. She pressed the red button on the wall next to the sliding doors to open them, allowing the guests to enter the lobby.

“Mr Bentley I take it?” she questioned the two men in front of her. One of the men nodded in agreement.

“Welcome, if you’d like to follow me to the counter I’ll check you both in and then I’ll show you to your room,” she said as she swiftly walked towards the main counter.

When she turned behind the counter glancing up she noticed only one of the men followed her, the other still standing outside near the parked car.

Stella clicked through the hotels computer system checking she had all their details. “I’ve already got all the information I need from you, including your credit card details for security reasons, so I’ll just grab your room keys and luggage trolley and I can show you up to the room.”

She moved to the back office, grabbing the penthouse keys and luggage trolley, and wheeling it out into the lobby. She walked the suited man to the hotels front doors to meet his friend, handing him one of the keys as they walked.

“Miss..?” the man spoke to her.

“Green,” Stella responded.

“I understand the hotel has a strict confidentiality and privacy policy?” he questioned her.

“Yes Sir.”
Where had that come from?

“Then I trust you will follow it?”

What was going on? Why did he just ask her that?
Stella wondered. She was taken aback by his questions, hesitating before answering him, “Of course.”

He nodded, “Good”.

They reached the hotels doors and she pressed the red button, putting the trolley in the door to stop them from automatically closing.

Trying to disregard the man’s strange question to her, she helped the men collect their suitcases from the car boot, taking them to the trolley to load. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted one of the suited men opening the backseat of the car and talking quietly into it. She watched curiously as a third man stepped out from the car. He looked to be in his late twenty’s, dressed differently than the other two men.

He was wearing dark faded jeans, and his broad-shoulders made the white shirt he was wearing hugged his muscles. He had brown messy hair and was tall, standing confidently next to the two other men. But of all his stunning features, it was his eyes that caught Stella’s attention; they were a deep mahogany brown. His look burned intensely into her, his eyes seductive and dark, and she found herself needing to catch her breath. He had an aura about him that made her want to stop and stare at him for hours, studying his strong facial features, loosing herself in his eyes.

She watched as he walked towards her with grace and confidence, clutching a guitar case. Stella suddenly realised she had been staring, dropped her gaze and held her hand out to grab the guitar case from the man. “I’ll grab that for you.”

He jerked the case back from her, smiling at her. “No
ok, I’ve got it,” his voice deep and soft.

She politely smiled turning her head to one of the men. “You’ll be in parking space 210. If you head out of the parking bay and turn left, it will take you down to the underground car park. You can use the key in the lift to get to the penthouse suite. You’ll need the combination 4724.” The man gave a nod and turned back to the car. She motioned to the other men, “Follow me then.”

She led the men through the lobby to the lift, once inside she pressed the combination into the keypad for the penthouse suite and waited for the men to come in next to her. She watched as the doors closed, the trolley had made the space in the lift confined and she could feel her shoulder rubbing up against the mysterious man.

She could feel his eyes on her; she suddenly wished she had made a bit more of an effort with her hair. His gaze made her uncomfortable, was he always so abrupt? Surely he knew she could see him staring at her. Stella could feel his eyes moving down her body. She cursed the hotel’s uniform; it was a light blue coloured shirt with buttons down the front, hanging loosely on her. Her black knee length cotton skirt also did no justice to her body as it hung freely from her hips. The hotel seemed to enjoy giving all their employees uniforms that were one size to big. She could only imagine what the mysterious man was thinking.

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