Forever Yours (5 page)

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Authors: Nicole Salmond

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Forever Yours
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She had just made herself a fresh cup of coffee and sat on the deck chair on their unit balcony. She had finished work for the week, leaving time for her to relax. Opening her laptop she checked her emails. Nothing, still no emails of job offers. She recently went to a job interview at the beginning of the week and felt it was promising, but had yet to hear anything, doubting she was successful if they hadn’t made contact yet. She’d been to a handful of job interviews in the past few months, all ending up the same way; they wanted someone with more experience. And although she was frustrated by this, part of her welcomed it. Deep down, she didn’t envy the accountants at her firm and often cursed herself why she chose that career.

She found working as an admin assistant at the accounting firm utterly boring. She had considered pulling out of her accounting degree many times, but every time she went to, she convinced herself somehow that it would be better once she finished, and it was the only thing that kept her feeling like she wasn’t lost in this world. When she graduated, she knew it was meant to feel like the long four years of university was all worth it, but it didn’t feel like that at all to her, and she didn’t know why. She was scared and hesitant to graduate as she knew it would mean she had to get a job in the real world and follow her career choice that was something she was not overly fond of.

She closed her laptop, putt it on the side table next to her and lay back on the chair. Unexpectedly she heard screams and the front door slamming shut, bolting herself upright to look inside the unit. Claire was running to meet her.

Guess what just
Stella!” she exclaimed. Not waiting for Stella’s response, “I won two tickets to Tristan Woods’ concert!” she squealed, jumping up and down on the stop.

Stella’s heart stopped for a moment.
Tristan Woods.
Stella barely managing words spoke softly, “What…How?”

“I heard on the radio that they were giving away standing tickets to his show for three lucky listeners. I called up and correctly answered a couple of questions and voila! I won two tickets for us to go to his concert! But you’ll have to hurry we’ve only got an hour before the show starts and it will take us at least twenty minutes to get there.” She turned and starting running off to her bedroom.

Stella sat there shocked and in silence. She couldn’t go. She couldn’t see Tristan
she knew she would have to think up a reason not to go. She got up and walked slowly towards her sister’s room where she watched her flipping through her wardrobe mumbling to herself
outfit would look the best. Stella stood at the doorway, trying to think up the best excuse for her not to go.

“Claire, its short notice, I don’t even know who the singer is,” Stella lied. “Maybe you should take someone else.” She didn’t want Claire to think something was wrong, so she tried to keep a straight face.

Claire turned and looked at her, frowning. “No way Stella, you’re not backing out of this one, no one else would be able to come last minute and I’ve never won anything in my life.” She moved forward and held Stella’s arms. “Please Stella, it’s just one night and I never get to spend any time with you. You’ve been miserable the past few months and you say nothing’s wrong, but I’m not stupid.”

Claire knew Stella better than
it had been a struggle trying to convince her that nothing was wrong with her and it was just work that was getting her down. Claire knew otherwise though, but she didn’t want to push the matter too far and upset Stella. “I
go out with you, have a good time, forget all our worries. Please Stella, Please…” Claire gracefully fell to her knees, holding Stella’s hand, begging her to go.

How could Stella forget all her worries when he was the one person she was trying to avoid, trying to get out of her mind and move on with her life? Secretly she knew that she wanted to see him again. She looked at her sister’s pleading eyes. She realised they hadn’t spent much time with each other lately and Stella knew she was depressing to be around, not even Claire could break her out of the spell. Claire had stayed home for weeks trying to comfort her and make her happy, she owed Claire that much to do this for her. It was a concert anyway with probably over a thousand people, so she doubted Tristan would see her anyway.

“Ok. I’ll go, if it really means that much to you.”

Her sister beamed, leaping up and giving her a tight hug, jumping up and down. “It does Stella! It will be awesome! Just you wait.” She turned, walking her way back to her dresses, pulling out a deep blue dress with spaghetti straps. She had seen Claire wear it before and it looked stunning on her. She threw it at Stella, who caught it in mid-air. “Here, you can wear this tonight.” Stella raised her eyebrows at her. “Stella,” her sister grunted.

Stella rolled her eyes, breathing in a sigh, “Fine.” She smiled at her sister and watched her continue going through her dresses, picking up each one and holding them up against her.

Stella felt her herself becoming more nervous now. She didn’t know what to think, what to do. What would happen if they made contact? What then?

Her sister turned to her, realising Stella was in a trance.

You need to get ready Stella or we’ll be late!” She strode over to Stella, pushing her out the door.

“Yes Sir!” Stella saluted Claire, mocking her persistence. Stella strolled down the hallway into her room. She silently stood in front of the wardrobe mirrors holding the dress up against her, giving herself a reassuring small smile. There’s no way he would notice her amongst the crowd she convinced herself, he’d probably forgotten about her anyway.




Tristan rested on the long black leather couch in the dressing room. He could hear the screams of the crowd from the main stage. He had just finished his final tuning on his guitar, readying himself for the concert that lay ahead.
knew he only had a couple of minutes to spare before the show started. He was debuting his new single
he had written it not long after he met Stella. It’s like he had discovered a passion within him that he’d never felt before, making his song writing come so easily.

He had spent the past three months with only thoughts of Stella. He was convinced she didn’t want anything to do with him after that night, or else she would have called. He’d been traveling around the country doing gigs trying to distract himself from notions of Stella, but no matter what he did or where he went he could not stop the memories flowing, the desire to see her again.

His career had really started to take off, his fan base had nearly doubled and he was getting internationally recognised. It had been his
dream come
true, but he still felt a touch of sadness. He missed Stella and wondered why she had not called. Was it something he did? Was it the fame? He was glad to be back at the Gold Coast, he planned on tracking her down after the concert tonight. He found a place to live and had instructed his agent, Ben to base
from here for the time being, until he could sort out his relationship with Stella. Ben was reluctant at first, but knew Tristan was not himself of late, and he needed Tristan to be on his
game as his career depended on it.

“You ready Tristan?” Ben asked standing at the doorway of the dressing room.

Tristan stood, grabbing his guitar in one hand. “Yep, let’s do this.”




and Claire stood amongst the crowded theatre. Thanks to Claire’s persistence they were tightly held next to each other, pushing their way to the front of the stage along with the other thousand or so people trying to do the same thing. Stella tried to focus on the stage, deep breathing to calm herself, as she listened to the crowd chanting his name. They screamed for him, as she watched as the stage lights circled the stage, anticipating his arrival. Then after a long anxious wait, the sound of his voice spoke through the speakers. Stella franticly searched the stage, her body tensing when she spotted him walking out from behind the side curtains. He stood confident and cool as he walked to the centre of the stage taking a seat on the stool. The crowd roared in screams, he looked over the stadium and grinned at the crowd’s response to his presence.

“I wrote this song only a few months ago and I’d like to share it with you all tonight,” Tristan happily said over the microphone, the crowd cheering at the sound of his voice.

“It’s about a girl I once met who stole my heart, and no matter what I do, I can’t get her out of my head. So here it is, my debut single called
Forever Yours
,” Tristan calmly spoke as he started up the song, strumming his guitar while his backup band joined in.

Stella felt as though her heart had just stopped. Had she been so naïve in thinking she had meant something to him, when he had just announced to the whole crowd about a girl he had met. Could she have been more stupid? It was Tristan Woods here. Girls hang off his every word, wanting him, craving him.

She watched him as he started singing. She couldn’t be there. She couldn’t listen to him sing about another girl he was with. She glanced over at her sister who was too engrossed in his music. She took a step back, searching for a way out, and then a voice in her head told her to stop. Stop and listen to his words. When she did, she was breathless.


“…Little did I know you would steal my heart away,

And I’d be left here, yearning for more.

Wasn’t it you who once said,

Everything happens for a reason, accept it and move on.

If you’re not happy, then do something about it.

Well my beautiful girl,

I’m doing something about it, I’m taking a chance.

I’d do anything to hold you again,

To love you.

I’ll be your forever,

Forever yours, if you’ll have me.

Stella I’m yours.”

Stella felt the whole world disappear. All she could hear was his
all she could see was his face. He’d said her name, he’d sung about what she’d said to him the first night they’d met.

Suddenly she felt the crowd push her, Tristan was now up and singing around the stage, the closer he got to her the harder the crowd pushed.

She watched as Tristan continued singing, the crowd shoving with all their might. She tried to push against it, but it was no use. He stood now, but a few metres away from her, the crowd loving every moment, hanging off his every word. The stage lights circled the stadium, and she felt the light shine on her.
Tristan’s gaze moving with the light.
Before she had time to react his eyes were on her. He stopped singing, his face registering shock, and then he smiled that killer smile that made her go weak at the knees.

Stella’s body froze. What must have only been seconds, felt like a lifetime frozen in
Without realising, the bodies behind her thrust themselves at her, her feet giving way as she crumbled to the floor losing sight of Tristan in the process. Before she had time to pull herself from the ground, and register what was happening, she felt a hard blow to the back of her head, the world around her crumbling into darkness.




“Stella, wake up.” Stella could hear his voice, the darkness fading as she blinked her eyes open slowly, taking in her surroundings.

She was lying on a couch in a brightly lit room, Tristan kneeling over her, and Claire by his side. She thought she must have been dreaming.

“Stella, are you ok? You took quite a blow to the head.” Tristan put his hand over her hair. His touch was so
her heart ached to touch him back.

“Yeah, I just… What happened?” Last thing she remembered she was looking up at Tristan as he sung those beautiful words to her.

Claire pipped in, “You got pushed to the ground by the crowd and got knocked out.” She looked at Tristan, all dreamy eyed. “Tristan stopped the show and everything once he saw you down. They had security bring you back into the dressing room. Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine, honestly.” Stella attempted to pull herself up on the couch. Tristan had stopped the show for her? Stella couldn’t believe it, and then a sharp pain hit the back of her head. Her hand reached for the back of her head. “I remember now.”

“You gave us a heart attack
, lucky you’re ok,” Claire said rubbing her sister’s arm in reassurance.

“I’m really sorry Stella, but the crowd is going wild. I have to finish the show.” He looked at her sympathetically then took his attention to Claire. “Could you tell the boys I’ll be ready in five to go back on? They are in the dressing room across the hall.”

Claire glanced at Stella, wondering if she should leave her or not. Stella gave a nod and smiled. Claire returned a smile, pulling herself off the ground and walked out of the room.

Stella and Tristan were looking at each other now. “Why didn’t you call me?” he asked. Tristan’s question caught her off guard. Surely he wasn’t waiting for a girl like her to call him when he clearly had a loyal following of thousands of girls waiting for the chance to be with him. “I’ve missed you Stella. More than you know.”

She was silent. She couldn’t believe his confession. Had he really missed her as much as she missed him?

“I…I… I don’t know why. I didn’t think you really wanted me to.”

“Of course I wanted you too. I wouldn’t have given you my number if I didn’t want you to call me.” He looked confused. “I wanted to see you again Stella. I changed our schedule to come back to the Gold Coast so I could try and find you again. I can’t get you out of my head.

“I used to write all my own songs, but then one day I stopped, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t write anything. Anything I did write sounded meaningless and empty. Then I met you and it’s like the words flowed through my veins. I wrote song after song just thinking about you.”

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