Forever Yours (15 page)

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Authors: Nicole Salmond

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Forever Yours
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Suddenly they both remembered that they were not alone when Ben tapped Tristan on the shoulder. “Would you like me to go organise Stella’s flight ticket and luggage?” Ben asked Tristan, winking at Stella.

‘Yes if you could Ben.” Looking at Stella he asked, “Where are your bags?”

“I left them at the front check in counter.” She felt her cheeks blush crimson as she recalled her recent actions. “It was the only way I could get your attention.”

“Did you ever think about calling me?”

Stella thought. No she hadn’t thought of that, instead she had made a huge scene in front of everyone which could have potentially got her arrested.

Tristan must have read her face and shook his head laughing. “It’s ok. I find this side of you very sexy.
Daredevil Stella.
Now the world will definitely think you’re crazy.”

“I couldn’t care less about what everyone thinks.” She pulled him close again. “I’m with you and that’s all that matters.”

She knew in that moment she had no doubts, she would follow Tristan to the ends of the earth if she had to. She couldn’t forget her past, she couldn’t change what happened. She didn’t know if she could ever move on from it, but she would focus on tomorrow. Focus on her future with Tristan, wherever it may take them.






Nothing could have prepared Stella for the next four weeks with Tristan. She had never experienced anything like it. From the moment they got on that plane her whole life changed and she knew it.

They had flown first class to London, Stella had joked with Tristan why they hadn’t flown on his private jet, which he’d modestly replied “Not my style.” Not, “I can’t afford it”, just he didn’t want to.

Stella noticed as they spent more time with each other, that Tristan wasn’t concerned with
she had begged him to tell her how much he made, she was curious to learn if he was as famous as she thought. When he had told her the money he had made in that year alone it had stunned her to silence. He was rich, very rich. This had also scared
she lived a modest life and never liked to splurge on unnecessary things.

Tristan felt happy and privileged just to have the opportunity to sing to people from all walks of life, the money was just a bonus. He told her he invested most of it in the bank, waiting till the day he would need it.

They spent the first two weeks travelling the UK doing concerts and attending the award ceremony, before moving to the rest of Europe. Stella enjoyed every second with Tristan, she went to every sound check with him, every concert, and all the press conferences he did.

The only part she didn’t enjoy was the paparazzi. They were always in their faces, snapping away. Privacy was hard to find sometimes. Tristan was famous, but fortunately not your Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie type of famous. Tristan and Stella could go to certain places without being noticed, but in any city where he was doing a concert he had fans left right and centre.

Even though she disliked the attention, she accepted that’s what life would be like with Tristan, and in that moment in time that’s all she cared about. Everything else, every other thought or worry she previously had, was gone. With Tristan she was herself again, something she hadn’t been in a long time.

During their last few days in Italy before they were leaving to go home, Tristan had taken her on a private tour through Tuscany.

Stella loved being on tour with Tristan, experiencing his life, but she was beginning to feel a bit exhausted. They constantly had something on every day and night and she didn’t get to spend much alone time with Tristan, so she was ecstatic when he told her about Tuscany.

The last four weeks had been amazing, an experience Stella would remember for the rest of her life. She had opened her heart to Tristan, something she had tried to avoid for so long, but Tristan made it so hard not to. She felt alive with him. Every night she watched him on stage she felt her love for him grow. He had this power and atmosphere around him that made you feel hypnotised.

Tristan went above and beyond to make Stella feel comfortable and happy at all times on the tour. Even when they couldn’t be together Tristan would organise site-seeing private tours for her, although Sam would have to go along to be her security, she’d rather him be there than be alone.

That was something Stella had never experienced with a guy before, the way Tristan felt this need to protect Stella, always keep her safe. He made sure she was always safe and never put in a position that she could be taken advantage of or hurt. He also didn’t much like when other guys paid any attention to her. He was definitely a jealous one, but she couldn’t complain because she felt the same, especially when very gorgeous women interviewed him. Thankfully Tristan never took any notice of their flirting, he almost seem disgusted by it.


One day while touring a local winery, they were walking the long rows of the vineyard listening to the Italian man explain the process of making the wine. She held Tristan’s hand as the man walked in front of them talking.

As much as Stella would normally love to learn everything about wineries, especially Italian ones, all she really wanted was to be with Tristan. They had spent the last four weeks on the go, doing everything by a carefully formatted schedule, she just wanted to be with him and not care or worry about anything else and where they had to be next, and as though Tristan had heard her thoughts, he quickly pulled her through a gap in the vines. “Quick, come with me,” he said quietly as they ran through the vines, quickly jumping through any gaps they saw before them.

Thankfully the vines were prime and full, ready for picking. For when Tristan stopped unexpectedly, he took her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

She quickly responded kissing him back with the same force. She curled her hands around his head pulling him in harder, yearning for more. His hands trailed her back and hips, grabbing her and placing her to the ground, his body over hers as he lied her down onto the soft grass. Stella giggled in response.

“Someone will see us,” she said as Tristan’s tongue found the side her neck, sending waves of desire through her body.

“No they won’t,”
Tristan whispered seductively in her ear as he pulled her dress up, his hand tracing her thigh and hips.

A moan crept out of Stella’s mouth as she felt Tristan’s lips hit the tops of her breasts, followed by the light drops of rain. Opening her eyes she looked up at the sky, the earlier clear sky was now dark and black, rain falling from the clouds, heavier with each drop.

Stella quickly pushed Tristan aside and jumped up. “We’re going to get soaked!” she exclaimed as the rain pelted down on them. Tristan, now standing next to her, grabbed her by the hand and they ran through the vineyard, seeking shelter.

Stella saw an opening with a large tree and what looked to be like the roof of a shed, Tristan must have seen it as well as he pulled her in that direction.

Lucky Stella was wearing a soft white cotton dress, so she wasn’t slowed down too much by her drenched clothing.

By the time they got to the tree they were well and truly soaked, their clothes clinging to their bodies. The shed that Stella thought she had seen was just a small roof, held up by timber, open on all sides. Thankfully the cover of the tree above the roof provided enough cover to be protected from the rain.

Stella pulled her hands through her hair, squeezing out the excess water. “I’m saturated!” she exclaimed, laughing and shaking her head.

Tristan stepped forward, and grabbed her hands from her head, holding them softly and placing them behind his head. His eyes were sharp, as he looked down at her, his mouth curling into a grin. She followed his gaze down her own body and saw the cause of his playful grin. The white material was flush against her skin; her once concealed breasts were now on obvious display, thanks to the rain drenching her dress.

“I like this look on you,” he murmured as he traced the outline of her breasts, catching her nipples with his thumb.

“Tristan,” she whispered, looking at his face, watching droplets of water fall off his hair, his face now serious.

Tristan’s fingers trailed down her body, stopping at the hem of her dress just above her knees. His hands circled her thighs, before grabbing the bottom of the dress and pulling it up and over her head, leaving her exposed.

She felt her inner goddess kick in as she stepped back from Tristan, creating distance between them as she unclasped her bra. Slowly she pulled the straps off her shoulders, letting it fall on the ground exposing her breasts. Her hands gently slid over her breasts down her hips. She placed her thumbs inside her thong and pushed it down over her thighs and calves, flicking it off with one foot.

Tristan’s eyes were hot and heavy, she could see his heart beating through his shirt, his body hardening as Stella bent her knees and crouched down until her naked backside hit the smooth grass. She extended her legs out in front of her, placing her hand behind her, so her body leaned to one side. Her right leg propped up slightly as her hand roamed her thigh.

Tristan’s resistance and patience ended there as he pulled his shirt and pants off and strode to her, leaning down over her. Stella couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction as she felt his hardness against her thigh.

His fingers sent surges of pleasure through her body as he explored every inch of her. She moaned as he found her most sensitive body part between her thighs. She arched her body back, her head gently hitting the grass as she met his hand, wanting more.

She didn’t care what they were doing out in the open field, anyone could find them at any moment, making it even more sensual and exciting. Just as she felt like she couldn’t take anymore, her body finding its climax, he stopped. He lifted her leg holding her knee. He entered her slowly, her body throbbing for the need to feel him inside her. She cried out his name as she felt him move inside her. She grabbed onto his head, holding on as he moved faster, his lips parting as she kissed him, her body melted into him as she bared her soul to him. With each passing movement she felt her body burn. As she was reaching her climax she felt the tremor within in her surface, their breathing thick and demanding. In that moment, she felt pure pleasure, the stillness it gave her. This was passion, pure desire and fulfilment. This was life, life with Tristan.






“It’s going to be hard not living with you anymore,” Tristan said as they approached her unit door.

“I know, but we’ve been together for the past month. I think a few nights apart won’t do any harm.” Stella reassured Tristan as he placed her suitcase beside them and took her in a deep embrace. Tristan had a pre-planned concert in Sydney that he had already committed to, one he was ready to cancel to stay with her, but Ben wouldn’t hear of it.

After their moment of heated passion in the vineyard in Tuscany, they had held each other waiting for the rain to stop. When it did they took their time walking back to the homestead and when they arrived there, they were met with the full force of Ben.

The farmer, after realising Tristan and Stella were no longer with him informed Ben that they were missing. The farmer’s panic and fear when he relayed the information made Ben also panic. So he had sent out a search party for them. Fortunately for Stella the farmer had been so immersed in his story telling he didn’t realise they were missing until they reached the far side of the farm, so when they went out searching for them they weren’t searching near where they had found shelter. Stella was mortified of the thought that someone might have caught them.

When Stella and Tristan had made their appearance, Ben was in the process of forming a full scale search. Thankfully, Tristan quickly told them that because of the rain they had found shelter under a nearby tree, and thought they would stick it out until the rain passed. Ben could tell Tristan wasn’t telling him the complete truth, but the colour of Stella’s face must have given away the real reason why they were gone when she
beetroot red when Ben questioned Tristan. Ben disregarded the events but not before having a long talk with Tristan about security and responsibility.

Stella was thankful to be
home, she was homesick, and thought the time with her sister would be good for her. As much as she loved being with Tristan and how he had made her feel alive again, she didn’t want him to stop doing what he loved, for her.

They had lived in their own little bubble the past four weeks, spending almost every second together. Stella still found the attention from the public hard to deal with, but she was slowly coping. Having a security guard with her at all times annoyed her, and she had spent the better part of the twenty three hour plane trip home convincing him she didn’t want any security when she got back. Tristan had tried to fight her on it, but he was starting to learn that when it came to Stella, she could be very stubborn.

“What are you going to do while I’m away?” Tristan asked.

“I’m not sure. For the first time in a long time, I don’t have any plans, and I feel good about it. Being with you Tristan was the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m happy, and it’s all because of you.”

“You deserve happiness Stella. And I’m glad you decided to come with me.”

They kissed once more before Stella turned the door knob and they entered her unit.

,” a deep voice called from the far side of the apartment. Tristan watched Stella become motionless. He scanned the room and found a man sitting on the
he was wearing dark jeans and a black hoodie, leaning back with one arm over his head and the other resting on his legs laid out on the couch, like he owned it.

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