Guarded Heart (7 page)

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Authors: C.A. Harms

BOOK: Guarded Heart
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He continued to look at me as he lowered his gaze to my
lips causing him to lick his lower lip. For god sakes just kiss me already. I
felt like yelling it out. Forget it damn it I’ll did it I. I pushed off the
counter and brought my hands to his face and met his lips with mine. He
responded immediately when he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer.
“Is that a yes to getting to know each other”, he whispered against my lips and
I smiled in return. “Yes, I would love to spend more time with you…you have to
know though I am going to be horribly insecure, jealous and clingy. I have a terrible
view of relationships and I am trying to look passed it all but you got to know
it may not be easy. If that’s too much…I understand.” He kissed me again this
time his tongue brushed my lower lip and then he pulled away entirely too soon
causing me to pout. A sexy grin spread across his face again, “Don’t worry
about it I think I can handle you.” He winked and then he guided me back
outside to join the party.



After the party had ended Wes decided he needed to get MaKayla
home and put to bed. He kissed me goodbye and told me he would call me later…
“Answer your phone.” I laughed and guaranteed him I would.

I went home to find Tony sitting in his car out front of
my house. I hated that he felt this was okay to keep showing up and pretending
that what he did was okay. “What the hell do you keep showing up here for?” I
yelled in his direction as he got out of the car and I walked to my front door.
He ran after me and came up behind me as I tried to unlock the door. He put his
arms around my waist tightly and squeezed me to him. “I can’t be without you
babe, please forgive me. Please Sam I love you and I messed up so big. I need
you! I am so unhappy and I need you babe…so bad.” I tried to pull away from him
but he just held me tighter. “God Damn Tony LET GO!” I used my arms and legs to
get free from him. When I turned to face him I noticed his eyes were red and he
looked tired. “I am miserable Sam, I love you so much and I only want you. I
love you.” I stood there staring at the man I once thought I would spend the
rest of my life with. A man who at one time I would have done anything
for…anything and not thought twice about it. I stared at him and…felt nothing.
I didn’t feel sorry for him or angry toward him I just felt disgusted that he
actually thought this attempt would change anything.

I finished unlocking my door and walked into the house
but before I closed the door I turned back to him, “Tony I want you to leave.
This time don’t ever come back. You chose your life…now you have to live with
those choices. You have a baby on the way and that baby deserves to have a
daddy…a full time dedicated daddy. Go back to Heather and make a life with her
because that’s where you belong now…not here not anymore.” I closed my door and
left him standing on the front porch.

 I placed my phone onto the sink next to the shower and I
stepped in. As I was rinsing my hair it rang. I felt like a teenager when I saw
‘Wes’ light up the screen. I leaned out and grabbed it quickly, “Two seconds I
have to finish rinsing my hair…” I quickly finished and stepped out to wrap a
towel around my hair. After I dried and threw on my nighty I picked up the
phone again.

Okay Sorry I promised I would answer so I had to even
though I was showering.

He laughed and I could sense his sexy grin,

In the shower huh…I have very good memories of you and
that shower.

Oh yes I do to. I let my mind wonder back to the morning
we had sex in my shower and I had to squeeze my legs tightly together. Oh how I
wished he was here right now so we could hit replay over and over…

Me too…We will have to try that again soon.

A deep moan escaped him from the other end of the phone
only causing me to feel wet instantly. Damn this man what was it with him and
his direct connection to my lady business.

Believe me I would be there in a second if I could. I
could definitely use me a little taste of Sam…it has been way to long. What are
doing tomorrow?

The sound of his voice was so sexy and he had me melting
against my wall where I stood leaning listening to his purr.

I think I’m free what do you have planned?

I was really glad now that I stuck around today at
Allison’s and didn’t bail when I thought he hated me. I was so happy at this
moment and I had every intention of enjoying every single second.

I am taking Makayla to my parent’s house for lunch and
the whole family will be there I was hoping you would join us…I already told my
mom you would be coming so you want to think real hard before you reject the
invite because my mom isn’t someone you want to offend.

His parent’s house…WHAT…was he kidding.

Wes you don’t want me tagging along with you to your
family lunch. I mean we just starting talking again and frankly we have had sex
more than we have talked so I barely know you. I will feel so awkward being

He sighed deeply…

How did I know you would say that? Let me tell you
something they actually have heard about you more than you think and I should
feel a little embarrassed by admitting that. I have a big family and I am very
close to each one of them. They are great and believe me when I say that you
will not have time to feel out of place. They are good people and everyone is
welcomed. My mother wouldn’t allow you to feel uncomfortable.

I took a deep breath and was getting ready to decline
when he started again.

MaKayla is excited you will be there too. She went to
bed early so it would come faster. She thinks you’re pretty great. I have to
agree with her…and after lunch Kay is staying with her granny and pappy so we
can be alone tomorrow night. Maybe a movie and dinner in…

Damn it he pulled the MaKayla card and that drove it home
by tempting me with alone time with no other than MR. HOT AND SEXY! He did not
play fair.

Fine…I’ll go.

He laughed and we said our good byes with him promising
to pick me up tomorrow at eleven am.



I opened the front door to MaKayla in a Beautiful purple
dress but her hair was a complete mess. Wes stood a few feet behind her holding
a brush and a bag of hair accessories. He looked defeated and just shrugged his
shoulders. I laughed then stepped aside to allow them in the door. I took Kayla
to the bathroom where I started on her ‘Rat’s Nest’. I was just finished up
with her Pigtails when I felt Wes place his hand on my hip and bring his face
around to kiss my cheek. “Thank you, hair is way above my head and she always
cries because I brush too hard.” I smiled at him before turning back to tie in
her purple bows. “All done Princess you look Beautiful”, I told her as I helped
her down from where she sat on the counter. MaKayla turned to face Wes, “Sam
did it soft daddy it didn’t hurt at all.” She then walked out carrying her baby
doll Wes had gotten her and went to the kitchen. He leaned forward and kissed
me softly whispering a thank you. I smiled in return and we found our way to
the kitchen. After grabbing my things I followed them out of the door and we
drove to Wes’s family home.

I took a few deep breaths as he parked his car in the
driveway. “Don’t be nervous Sam…really you look beautiful and they are going to
love you…come on.”

Before we could even reach the door it came open and I
assumed the two people standing there were his parents. The man was a skinnier
less built version of Wes in about thirty years. His mother was a tiny little
thing she could not have been more than five feet tall. She looked like the
most delicate lady I had ever met. MaKayla wrapped herself around them both and
then took off into the house to find her cousins. Wes introduced me to them
both and his mother hugged me and welcomed me to her home. We stepped in and
his father told me to make myself at home… “Don’t be nervous hun, with this
group you just got to jump right in or sweetheart they will surely eat you
alive…they smell fear.” He laughed and I felt Wes grab my waist and whisper,
“Come on baby you have more family to meet.”

The big family room and kitchen attached was swarming
with adults and kids. I felt overwhelmed I came from a family of just me and my
parents. The fact that I was now standing here in his parent’s home looking at
what appeared to be a small army made me feel like making a mad dash for the
nearest exit. I heard a few people yell out to Wes and a couple kids where now
hanging on his legs laughing.

“Everybody this is Sam…my girlfriend.” He turned to me as
if to weigh my reaction to him calling me ‘His Girlfriend’. Everyone started to
walk over to us as he went through the introductions of all his siblings,
nieces and nephews. He had two brothers one older, Randall and his wife Melanie
their two kids Kyle and Kendall. His younger brother Wade which plays as the
drummer in the band that played that first night I met him in the bar, his wife
Amy who was seven months pregnant with their first child. Then he had one
sister Rachel who was the youngest at twenty four and had twin boys Matthew and
Andrew and a five month old daughter Rose. He had a beautiful family and he was
right they were so warm and inviting. His brother immediately began given away
all his little secrets growing up and his sister told all the stories of when
he came to her rescue and would beat up all the boys that were ever mean to
her. Her husband Marty chimed in, “Hell he even beat the snot out of me when he
found me kissing her on the front porch after our third date.” Wes laughed,
“Kissing my ass Marty you were mauling my little sister against the front
door.” They all laughed it off.

I helped his mom and sister in the kitchen and I felt
like part of the group. They didn’t treat me like the new girl. I felt comfortable
and realized quickly that I had to joke right along with them. His dad at one
point gave me a light pack on the shoulder saying, “I think you are going to
fit right in with this rowdy bunch hun…no worries.”

Wes came into the kitchen to grab a beer and his sister
asked him about Sarah. He shot her a look and I turned back to what I was
doing. “What…sorry you know I hate that girl. I always have and it just pisses
me off that she left Kayla at the sitters like that. What does your lawyer
say?” I heard them talking behind me as I continued to keep my hands busy next
to his mom. I tried not to hear them as he discussed that his lawyer felt he
would be granted temporary full custody due to the fact that she had abandoned
MaKayla a number of times over the last six months to get loaded with random
guys. I had no idea that his ex was that kind of person seeing her you wouldn’t
have guessed that.

I hadn’t realized that they had finished the discussion
but I felt him brush up behind me as I stood with my back to everything at the
sink washing my hands. Wes had his hands resting on each side caging me to the
sink. I could feel his breath on my neck and smell his cologne. His presence
that close did crazy things to me and that I found to be unbelievably unfair.
“Sorry about that, I hate talking about her.” He brushed my hair back and
kissed my neck right below my ear. There it is again…direct-connect as I squeezed
my legs together. He pulled back and looked at me. I knew I had to explain why
I had just crossed my legs tightly. Damn it! How embarrassing. I turned to face
him and after a minute I looked up at him. By the look on his face I had a
feeling he already knew, “What’s wrong baby, you having a little trouble.” I
squinted my eyes at him damn him he knew what he did to me. “No I am good
thanks”, I had to push my way free.  He held me there to whisper before
releasing me, “Don’t worry baby I’ll take care of the need real soon.” I bite
my lip and walked away to hear him chuckle behind me. I had to get a grip I was
at his parent’s house for fuck sakes.

Lunch was great they were all so at ease with one another
and MaKayla had to sit next to me which made me smile. She was such a sweet
girl how could her mommy not see that? Before we left I had to let each person
hug me and thank me for coming. Wes’s mother thanked me for making her boy
smile. She placed a kiss on my cheek and then brushed away the lipstick she
left behind. Kayla had hugged her daddy and was still dangling from his neck as
he tickled her and laughed into her hair. He seemed to get sexier every time I
looked at him which was hard to believe.

We were on our way back to town, “So do you want to stop
anywhere or do you…” I didn’t look at him as I replied, “Nope…is your place
closer or mine?” He grinned and let out a deep laugh. I was not even going to
look at him he knew the effect he had on me and I had to find a way to get him
back for being a tease. Did I have no effect on him? He was kind of giving me a
complex. “My place is about two minutes away.” I just nodded and he laughed

When we walked up the stairs to his apartment he stayed
behind me and told me it was number four to the right. I kept walking and
didn’t turn. I was aggravated at myself for being unable to control my urges
around him. If I wasn’t so damn horny I would have made him drop me off at

After he unlocked his door and let me walk in ahead of
him I slowly looked around. It was a bachelor pad for sure. It was cute but
plain. I saw the evidence of MaKayla being here as her dolls and toys were
piled in the corner and in the center of the living room floor. I walked to the
other side of the room and turned to face him as he stood by the closed front
door watching me. After a moment of silence I let it out, “Do I seriously have
no effect on you…I mean I am so built up with…god. You stand here like you
don’t feel it and it is so UNFAIR! Because your voice makes my body feel
is on fire, your lips…and the way that you lick your lower lip…drives me insane
with need. The moment you are near me I can feel it without even looking I can
just…feel you and the fact that you’re standing here just looking at me like I
could walk out that door and you could just sit on the couch like nothing
happened it’s…frustrating the hell out of me.”

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