Heart of Stone (12 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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Still feeling completely out of my depth I
nervously sip my drink admiring the Tuscan garden setting.

“We meet again,” a voice breathes in my ear.
Startled I jerk around and look up into a familiar face. Blake
stands in front of me – a little to close for my liking –

“Ah…Hi Blake.”

“Gabriella, lovely to see you again. Can I
get you another drink?” He asks tilting his head towards my half
empty glass.

“No thank you, this one is fine for now.”

“Drinking the hard stuff tonight I see,” he
states. “I have a feeling you may need another one very

“Oh really and why is that?”

Blake just shrugs his shoulders.

Ingrained manners kick in and I reluctantly
smile politely without saying a word.

Throwing my drink in his smug face would be
my preferred choice.

“And what lucky man has the honor of your
presence here this evening?”

“I’ve come with Aidan tonight.”

Why wouldn’t he know this – they are

“Ah… so you’re here with my brother – his
date twice now and in no less than a week at that. What an
enchanting woman you must be Gabriella to garner such avid interest
from Aidan,” he sneers.

“Of course Aidan is known for his fickleness
– he normally has a very short attention span when it comes to
women. But I can see you’re a uniquely rare beauty. Perhaps you
would do me the honor of having dinner with me one evening. I can
assure you, I would not leave a beautiful woman as yourself
unaccompanied for one moment let alone standing abandoned in the
middle of a romantic garden setting. You may discover my company
that much more
than that of my brothers’.” He
says raking his eyes suggestively down the length of my body.

Seriously! This guy is a total

“Seriously! You’ve got to be
me right? You’re
on me when I’m here with
brother?” I hiss incredulously, my voice rising with
each word and my fists clenching, itching to punch his arrogant

Bake’s smug face doesn’t alter as he stands
there shrugging his shoulders once more.

Total fucking douchebag!

“I think I would rather swim in a tank of
hungry white pointer sharks then crawl out and play with a nest
rattlesnakes then to spend anytime alone with you,” I say in a
falsely sweet voice.

“Blake, what are you doing out here?” Aidan
demands coldly stalking towards us.

“And here he is, the man of the hour. Good to
see you too brother.” Blake’s sarcastically greets.

“Just having a friendly chat with your
beautiful date here. Isn’t that right Gabriella?” Blake’s smug face

Does this douchebag know any other kind of

“Stay away from Gabriella. I won’t ask you
again Blake.” Aidan warns in a low manancingly growl, his eyes
narrowed in a death-lock with his brother’s. Abruptly he breaks the
standoff and his eyes shift towards mine.

“Come Gabriella,” Aidan commands taking my
hand, “dinner is being served shortly.”

“I wish I could say it’s been a pleasure
Blake...” Trailing off in unspoken censure as I turn and let Aidan
lead me toward a large table with seating for ten closest to the

“I don’t want you speaking with Blake again
Gabriella and I don’t want you anywhere near him,” Aidan demands

“With pleasure,” I agree then declare, “I’ve
changed my mind.”

Raising his brow in question, I immediately
answer, “Your brother isn’t a dick. He’s a giant douchebag. Of epic

Aidan snorts a chuckle then his face scowls.
“Why did you leave earlier?”

“Earlier?” Confusingly I ask.

“Yes Gabriella earlier when we arrived. You
walked away from me.” His tone is affronted.

Bewildered I stammer, “Um…ah… I thought you
were busy. Katrina said you had business to attend to. I…I didn’t
want to disturb you.”

Aidan’s face softens, running his knuckles
lightly along my temple he smiles. “You weren’t disturbing me
Gabriella. I want you by my side tonight.” He says gently then in a
more forceful tone he adds, “
leave me again.

I nod smiling in reply.

A warm fuzzy sensation erupts within my
stomach and that uncomfortable feeling of being out of place I felt
earlier vanishes.


I’m seated at the head table with Aidan
seated to my left. One seat down on Aidan’s left sits a handsome
distinguished older gentleman and next to him a woman in what
appears to be her mid-fifties. She has blonde perfectly styled hair
in an elaborate chignon, light grey eyes and a face frozen in
Botox. Blake sits next to her. “Mother.” I hear Blake address the
woman in greeting.

Holy shit! That must be Aidan’s

I quickly avert my gaze.

Next to Blake sits a stunning brunette, which
I assume must be Blake’s date – I wonder if she’s aware her date is
a slimy gutter snake - and next to her another middle-aged couple
are already seated and both smile warmly at me. I politely return
their smile.

Katrina sits down on Aidan’s right gazing
adoringly at him and immediately engages him in a conversation.
Shaking my head I finish the last of my drink wishing that I took
Blake’s offer up for another one earlier. I think he may have been
right about needing another drink.


“Pathetic isn’t it?” A warm honeyed voice

Turning my head to my right I glance into
amused green eyes almost at vibrant as Aidan’s. He’s young, around
my age or a few years older and a little rough around the edges but
there is no mistaking that signature chocolate tousled hair and
striking good looks. This must be Aidan’s youngest brother. He
seats into the vacant seat on my right putting his half drunken
glass down on the table in front of him.

“You have to give her an A for trying
though,” he says gesturing his chin towards Katrina’s direction.
“Hi there,” he smiles, “I’m Sebastian Stone, Aidan’s very charming
and extremely attractive younger brother.” And OMG the guy has the
cutest dimples I’ve ever seen. He has a mischievous grin plastered
on his adorable face and I instantly like him.

“Hi Sebastian, I’m Gabby Stevens. I’m Aidan’s
date for tonight.”

“Nice to meet you Gabby. Can I get you a
drink,” he asks flagging down a passing waiter.

“Yes a bourbon and coke please.”

“Ah a girl after my own heart,” he winks. “I
think we’re going to become good friends Gabby,” he declares then
orders our drinks from a nearby waiter.

“So how long have you been seeing my
brother?” He asks turning to face me.

“Not long, we met a few weeks ago at work

“Oh, you work at the Stone Corporation?”

“Indirectly, I’ve just started two weeks ago
at Morris Advertising. My cousin Mia works there too. She helped
get me a position in the events department.”

“A family affair huh. Good for you. Are you
enjoying it?”

“Very much, thank you.”

The waiter returns with our drinks discreetly
placing them down in front of us.

“And your accent, it’s Australian,” he

“Correct. You know most people I meet here in
Los Angeles assumes the accent is British.”

“Well, this is where I have an inside
advantage. I’ve spent some time in the land down under after
graduating college,” he says tapping his temple with two

“Ah, I knew there was a reason I liked you,”
I joke.

“Sebastian, would you mind not blatantly
flirting with my girlfriend?” Aidan interjects in a seemingly
friendly manner however there’s an undertone of warning in his

Sebastian grins in response then winks at

“What are you drinking?” Aidan asks me with a
frown on his face.

“Bourbon and coke, why?”

Perhaps if you weren’t spending all your
time talking to Miss Flirty Pants over there you might have noticed
Sebastian ordering our drinks.

Before he can reply several waiters appear at
our table placing the first course down in synchronization.


Small talk filters around the table and as I
lift my salad fork to take a bite Virginia – whom I learnt from
Sebastian is indeed Aidan’s stepmother and of course Sebastian’s
mom – raises her voice acknowledging me for the first time since
we’ve been seated.

“Dear I don’t believe we’ve been formally
introduced as yet. I’m Virginia Stone and you my dear are?”

“Um, Gabby Stevens. Nice to meet you Mrs.
Stone,” I hesitantly say as I feel Aidan stiffen beside me.

“Gabby,” she repeats my name sourly with a
curl of her lip. “And you work for Aidan?”

“Um… not directly no. I work at Morris
Advertising.” Why do I suddenly feel so small?

“Virginia,” Aidan says warningly, his eyes
narrowing at his stepmother. Blake I notice is smirking.

“Don’t be so sensitive Aidan, I can’t be
expected to keep up with all the countless woman you bring to
various functions.” She says dismissively and immediately turns to
the elderly gentleman on her right and launches into a
conversation. My salad fork still suspended half way to my mouth I
look around the table and only two sets of eyes are on me, both
sneering at my obvious discomfort.

Fucking Katrina and Blake

Aidan squeezes my hand under the table and
just as he leans towards me to say something a man approaches Aidan
in greeting, interrupting us. Aidan converses with him as I
continue to reluctantly eat my salad - although my appetite has
abruptly disappeared.

“Just ignore the pompous witch. It’s what I
do,” Sebastian whispers in my ear.

Smiling I look at Sebastian. He really is a
nice guy. At least Aidan has one family member I actually like.


Aidan is in deep conversation with the
gentleman seated between Katrina and Virginia. He is animatedly
discussing a new property venture and I marvel at his confident
articulation. Aidan’s charismatic presence is undoubtedly without
equal. In that moment it occurs to me that Blake is jealous of his
brother. Aidan is everything he isn’t.

Wow, not only is the guy a major fucking
douchebag but a petty jealous one at that

The main course is served with alternating
dishes, one being Filet Mignon the other Swordfish.
I shudder.

Of course –
just my luck
– the waiter
serves me the Swordfish. Biting my lip in contemplation I wonder
how I can discreetly eat the accompanying vegetables and discard
the offending fish.

At the corner of my eye I notice Aidan glance
impassively at the dinner servings laid before us. Discreetly he
smoothly exchanges our plates around giving me his steak and taking
the Swordfish whilst continuing his business conversation without

Once more that warm fuzzy feeling bubbles up
inside me.

Holy cow, he actually remembered that I
don’t eat seafood

And he swapped our meals around!

What an incredibly thoughtful thing to do –
God, Aidan is so sweet at times.

Squeezing his thigh in an appreciative
gesture I lean in close whispering in his ear, “Thank you.”

In response, Aidan slides his warm hand over
mine lacing our fingers together stroking his thumb in circles over
the softness of my skin as he continues his conversation.

His affectionate caress elicits a beaming
grin to curve my lips as I leisurely glance up only to encounter
Katrina shooting daggers in my direction. In return I send her the
sweetest sugary smile I can manage. Not even her nasty glares can
dampen my euphoric mood at this very moment.

With the final course of desert consumed, the
music lulls as the emcee takes the podium speaking to the room at
large and then introduces Aidan.

“You’re giving a speech?” I inquire in
surprise. He squeezes my knee under the table and chuckles quietly.
“Yes Gabriella, I am hosting this Benefit after all.”

“Oh,” I lamely reply. He leans over and gives
me chaste kiss on my cheek then gracefully rises and saunters to
the podium shaking hands with several people on the way.


Aidan’s voice resonates clear, assertive and
mesmerizing as he talks about the significance of successful
programs that support suicide prevention. He touches on the
importance of aid in dealing with this debilitating disease and the
devastating effects it has on the family and friends of the people
who have succumbed to the illness. Aidan quotes sobering statistics
and lastly he talks about how this issue was extremely personal to
his father who started the annual charity benefit twelve years
earlier. In closing he thanks the room for their generous
contributions and the room erupts with a standing ovation. I’m in
complete awe, moved beyond words at his fervent impassioned speech.
A single tear escapes and I hastily wipe it away before anyone

Aidan commanded the room with just his voice
alone and through his speech I get a small glimpse of the
powerfully successful formidable business leader he is.

As Aidan leaves the podium he is bombarded
with eager well-wishers clamoring to shake his hand.

“He knows how to work a room.” Sebastian says
leaning over and grinning. I nod in agreement. “What say we hit the
dance floor Gabby and lighten the mood?” Sebastian stands holding
his hand out to me.

“Why not, but I have to warn you I’m not much
of a dancer.” I caution placing my hand in his.


The orchestra strikes up as a male vocalist
begins to nostalgically sing ‘Unforgettable’. Sebastian twirls me
around once then pulls me firmly into his arms swaying in time to
the music. Laughing at his cheerful easy-going manner I can’t help
but enjoy myself. We chat comfortably like old friends while
dancing through the next two songs.

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