Heart of Stone (10 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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His chocolate hair is its usual tousled array
as he casually lifts his coffee cup to his full sensual lips and
takes a sip. Even in this relaxed intimate environment he radiates
power, strength and confidence.

Trepidation momentarily immobilizes me - the
glass of juice suspended half way to my mouth as realization hits

I’m falling in love with this beautiful

“What I wouldn’t give to know your thoughts
right now.” He muses aloud.

Ah… yeah I don’t think so. I could just
picture Aidan’s face – me confessing that I’m falling in love with

How fast can he run?

“My thoughts?” I ask and he nods once. “Right
now?” I ask. He raises his eyebrows in affirmation.

Unwavering I gaze at him and blurt out,
“You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever met. But… you’re also a
little… scary.”

Aidan frowns at my confession. “I scare

“Ah… yeah. But not in a bad way more like… an
overpowering intense kinda way,” I poorly articulate.

“Hmm, I see.” He considers me soberly for a
few minutes as if he is weighing carefully the words he wants to
say. His face then hardens into a determined expression as he takes
a deep breath.

“Well I guess this is a good enough time to
discuss this as any,” he mummers.

“Gabriella, I’m a man that likes control. I
necessitate both dominance and control in all aspects of my life. I
wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t. I make no apologies for
it,” he states in an authoritative tone. “Which reminds me, are you
on birth control?”

Uh what?

“P...pardon,” I splutter confused at the
direction the conversation has taken.

“Birth control Gabriella,” he impatiently
repeats. “Are you on some method of birth control?”

“Yes,” I squeak then clearing my throat I
continue. “I’m on the pill.”

“And how long has it been for you?” He asks
in a low voice, his expression still hard.

“How long for what?” I shake my head in
confusion. I have no idea what he’s asking me.

“Apart from last night Gabriella, how long
has it been since you’ve had sex with a man?” His voice softens
marginally but his unwavering gaze is insistent.

“Ah… um over nine months.” Hesitantly I say
blushing. I can’t believe we’re discussing this.

“Good. I’m clean. You’re clean. Next time I
fuck you I want nothing between us.” He boldly asserts casually
taking another sip of his coffee like he’s discussing a recent
business merger.

Holy shit! I can’t believe he just said that
to me?

“I...I can’t believe you just said that… I… I
can’t believe we’re even discussing this,” I stutter.

“Now, come here Gabriella,” he demands
completely ignoring my statement.

Whoa – I feel mildly annoyed, extremely
aroused and entirely dizzy from the last few minutes of our

“Baby come here,” he asks again this time
using his seductively honeyed voice.

And just like a moth to a flame I comply.


Aidan puts his coffee cup down on the table
and grips my hips gently tugging me closer as I straddle his lap.
“Hmm this is better. You were too far away before,” he says on a
smile. One of his hands slides around and down palming my ass, his
other glides up between my shoulder blades.

Leaning forward so my chest is flush to his I
intertwine my arms around his neck kissing his soft full lips. “I
agree, this
better,” I whisper deciding to file the past
few minutes of our conversation and how I feel about it in the

not now but think about it later – much later pile

“So what is on your agenda today Miss
Stevens?” Aidan asks placing soft sweet kisses up along my

“Well… groveling forgiveness from Mia is
first up.” I sigh breathlessly. Aidan raises his brow in silent

“I forgot to let her know I wasn’t coming
home last night. I’ve several missed calls and frantic texts on my
cell this morning from her.”

“I’m sure she will forgive you. You were
extremely preoccupied last night, if I recall.” He’s now wearing a
mischievous grin.

Giggling I retort, “Distracted would be a
better word Mr. Stone.”

“Stimulated,” he counters.

“Invigorated.” I reply leaning in trailing my
tongue across the seam of his lips. On a growl he twists his hand
in my hair forcing my head to one side and proceeds in giving me a
long deep wet kiss with lots of tongue and roaming hands.



He breaks the kiss on a moan. “I’d love
nothing more than to keep you tied to my bed all day baby but I
have to fly to Boston late this morning on business. I’ll be back
tomorrow afternoon.” His expression is slightly irritated but

A twinge of disappointment stabs through me.
I understand he’s the busy CEO of a large corporation but right
this moment I’m enjoying our secluded little interlude.

My face must betray my mood because his
knuckles gently lift my chin to meet his penetrating emerald eyes.
“Pack an overnight bag for work on Monday, I want you to stay the
night with me after the Benefit tomorrow evening.”

“Okay.” I agree on a grin. His face softens
with a reciprocating grin.

He pulls my head toward him and places a kiss
on my forehead. “Come baby, lets get you home.”


Chapter Ten.


There’s a nock at the condo’s door. I glance
at the clock – three forty-five. Almost six hours since Aidan
dropped me home and it’s silly I know, but I miss him already.

While Aidan made me toast I got dressed and
then he drove me back to Mia’s leaving immediately after laying
another long deep hot kiss on me.


Major groveling was required on my behalf to
win over Mia’s forgiveness – she was really scared something had
happened to me and I guess with our family history I don’t blame

“Seriously thou M, I’m really,
sorry I didn’t call or text you.” The memories of my mom’s car
accident are still all too painfully raw. “I miss her so much M,
every single hour of every single day.”

“I know you do Gabby, me too.” Mia gives me a
small sad smile. “I know we’re both adults so we don’t need to
check in with each other every five minutes but just text me honey
when you next stay out all night so I won’t worry. Okay? And I’ll
promise to do the same although with the dry spell I’m having
recently not sure if I’ll be having any sleepovers in the near

“Aw poor Mia,” I commiserate. “I know!” I
exclaim excitedly, “Next week at ‘Friday’s Girls Night Out’ we are
so going to find a hunky man to hook you up with.”


Her anxiety appeased it was then time to be
subjected to the ‘Mia Inquisition’.

I gave her a watered down version of my
evening with Aidan.

“Ohmigod Gabby he’s soooo hot!” Mia


Together Mia and I spent the day cleaning the
condo, grocery shopping and planning which dress stores to visit
for attaining the perfect dress for me to wear to the Benefit
tomorrow evening.

I’m now lounging on the couch emailing my dad
back home when a knock comes on the door.

“Gabby can you get the door”, Mia shouts from
the kitchen.

“Yep got it,” I call back already half way to
the door.

I open it to find a tall elegant
mocha-skinned woman with a stylish short Afro and friendly coco
eyes smiling warmly at me. She’s holding several large black
garment bags over one arm and in her other hand she has a bag
packed full of what appears to be shoeboxes.

Designer shoeboxes. Hello!

“Miss Gabriella Stevens?”

“Um, yes I’m Gabby Stevens,” I warily

“Girl, it is great to finally meet you. I’m
Alisha Jones.” She says grinning.

“Um… okay,” I say drawing out the word in

“Hey G who’s at the door? Oh… Hi?” Mia
arrives and is looking between Alisha and me in question.

“Hi, I’m Alisha. Do you mind if I come in?”
Alisha asks and not waiting for our response she walks through the
door between Mia and I and proceeds dumping all the garment bags on
Mia’s couch. “I’m Mr. Stone’s assistant,” she says in way of
introduction pulling shoeboxes out and placing them on the couch
next to the garment bags.

“Oh… I thought Katrina Fairchild was Aidan’s
PA,” I answer as Mia closes the front door.

Alisha looks at me curling her top lip
unpleasantly. “He has three of us. William and I are the nice
ones,” she declares. “Anyway, Mr. Stone has asked me to bring you a
collection of gowns and shoes to choose from for tomorrow nights
Benefit. And FYI, this is the fun part of my job,” she says on a

“Fuck me,” exclaims Mia. “These are all top
designers Gabby. Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, Louboutin! Ohmigod I’m
in heaven,” Mia squeals ferreting through the shoeboxes.

“I know! Best assignment ever. You just have
to see the Donna Karen gown – oh and the Elie Saab dress is to
die for.
” Alisha cries unzipping and opening the garment

Flabbergasted I gape openmouthed at what
would have to be thousands of dollars worth of dresses and shoes
now laid out on Mia’s couch.

“I can’t except any of these. This is…
too…these are worth are fortune,” I splutter.

“What!” Screeches Mia and Alisha in

“Shit Mia, just one of those dresses cost
more than a months salary,” I say exasperated.

“Gabby honey, Aidan did invite you to a very
formal event at the last minute possible and he likes you sweetie.
You’re dating him
you just spent the night at his place…
with him - why the fuck not?”

“Why…why?” Again I’m sputtering, my voice
raising an octave or twelve. Not only am I embarrassed that Mia has
mentioned my personal relationship with Aidan in front of one of
his staff – a virtual stranger at that but I can’t believe she
expects me to be excited about this.

“We’ve only had dinner together a couple of
times Mia.”

In my peripheral I notice Alisha talking
quietly on her cell. “And because this is too much M, we’ve only
just started dating as a couple. If I accept this,” I say with a
wave of my hand indicating the extraordinarily beautiful collection
of exorbitantly priced couture that is currently spread over Mia’s
pristine white couch. “What does that say about me?”

“It’s a
Gabriella,” Mia censures.
Aidan Stone likes you as in really
you, he wants you to have a nice dress to wear to a black tie
Benefit that
he invited you
God Gabby
!” Mia


“Excuse me ladies,” interrupts Alisha, “I
don’t mean to disturb this highly entertaining family spat but you
have a phone call Gabby,” Alisha says holding her cell out to

What the fuck now!

“Hello,” I say hesitantly.

“Choose a dress Gabriella.” Aidan responds in
way of greeting.


“Choose a dress,” he repeats.

“But - ,” I begin to protest but Aidan cuts
me off.

“Alisha’s been instructed to present you with
an assortment of gowns for the Benefit tomorrow night - select one.
I haven’t got time to discuss this now I’m in the middle of a
meeting,” he says impatiently.

You’ve got to be shitting me! Alisha the
traitor rang Aidan. And now he’s annoyed at me.

Oh this way too much.

“Aidan I… I can’t possible except,” I
stammer. “I mean it’s an extremely thoughtful gesture not to
mention an over-the-top extravagant one but –“. I irritably

Cutting me off once again Aidan retorts, “I
think I can afford it Gabriella. Now as I’ve mentioned I’m in the
middle of a meeting - ”

Oh not this time buddy, I won’t be

“Aidan I can buy my own dress and shoes thank
you very much,” I snap my voice rising once more.

Aidan sighs loudly, pauses and then I hear,
“Excuse me one moment gentlemen.” Then a rustling sound as if he’s
walking. “Gabriella,” he murmurs in that soft seductive tone of
his. “It’s a gift from me, please choose one baby.”

Fucking shit! I’m such a pushover when he
uses that tone and calls me ‘Baby’.

And the thing that really, really annoys me
is he knows it too.

“Oh all right,” I grumble ungraciously.

A silent pause descends between

“Aidan?” I call quietly.

Another silent pause

“Yes Gabriella?”

“Thank you,” I murmur, my voice softly
sincere. “This is a really sweet and generous gift Aidan.”

Yet another pause

“You’re very welcome baby. I’ve got to go now
but I’ll call you tonight. Okay?” His voice is affectionately
tender eliciting a warm gooey feeling in my belly.

“Okay, bye.”

“Bye baby.”


Turning around with narrowed eyes I scowl at
both Mia and Alisha as I hand back Alisha’s cell to her. It is
obvious they have both been eavesdropping. In unison, they both
break out into a fit of laughter and I can’t help but join in with

“Come on Gabby try this dress on first. I’m
dying to see what it looks like.” Mia squeals handing me a sapphire
jeweled halter-neck Michael Kors gown with plunging backline.

“Here,” Alisha says shoving a shoebox towards
me, “the Jimmy Choo’s would go perfect with that dress.”


Three hours later, one exhausting fashion
parade, a whole dish of Mia’s homemade nachos devoured and four
bottles of red wine consumed - resulting in both Mia and I being
highly inebriated, Alisha refrained from drinking the wine because
she was driving - Mia and I say our goodbyes to Alisha.

Collapsing on the lounge Mia declares
slurring, “ G, best afternoon in frickin ages. Seriously that chick

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