Heart of Stone (5 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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Dam, I should have spritzed some perfume on
and freshened my lip-gloss before I walked over here. Oh who am I
kidding I probably won’t even see him.


With a death grip on the Benefit files I step
out onto the fifty-first floor into a huge marble floored
reception. An immaculately dressed brunette is perched behind a
sleek black granite reception desk - her name plaque says

She impatiently looks up at me as I approach.
“May I help you with something.” She professionally albeit coolly
asks looking me up and down.

“Yes, I’m here to see Katrina Fairchild
please. I have the final guest list and floor plans for the Stone
Benefit she has requested.”

“And you are?” She asks picking up the phone
and pressing some buttons.

“Gabby Stevens, assistant events coordinator
from Morris Advertising.” I quickly reply just as she speaks to
someone on the other end of the phone.

Geez what’s with the attitude from Miss

“Please take a seat Miss Stevens, Ms.
Fairchild will be with you in a moment,” she says dismissively
hanging up the phone.


Sitting down on the plush black leather sofa
I take a good look around at the reception area. The whole effect
is very modern and sleek but extremely impersonal. While admiring
the beautiful abstract paintings adorning the walls and the
intricate woven patterns in the charcoal colored marble flooring I
notice four dark frosted glass doors that lead into offices I
presume. Amongst the four doors there is only one set that is a
double entry with an ‘S’ insignia engraved into the frosted glass.
I wonder if that’s Aidan’s office.


Whilst scrutinizing the décor with my eyes,
the clicking sound of high heels walking briskly on the marbled
floor draws my attention. Looking down the corridor I see a tall
extremely attractive woman approaching in my direction. She looks
stunning with her almond shaped brown eyes, short glossy blonde
hair cut in a sharp straight bob and her very expensive Channel
black business suit. She blends so perfectly with the surroundings
here I wonder if she stood really still against the wall would she
blend in and become invisible just like that mutant in the X-Man
movie. I suppress a giggle at the thought.

“Miss Stevens I presume? I’m Katrina
Fairchild. I do hope that is the final guest list and floors plans
you’re holding there.” She says nodding to the folder in my hand.
Her tone is frosty and sharp. Hmm…maybe not a mutant, Cruella de
Vil perhaps. Maybe she has 101 little puppies locked away in her

“Yes, please call me Gabby.” I reply giving
her my brightest fake smile. She snatches (
yes actually
) the folder from my hand and begins to flick through
the pages. I really have an urge to snatch it back out of her
hands. I can see now why Jeremiah detests this woman.


I hear the ping of the elevator signaling the
opening of the lift door but I’m too occupied in my thoughts of
slapping Miss Frosty with the file that I don’t bother looking
behind me.


Oh flipity flip I
that voice and
as if on queue my entire body hums to life just from sound of his

Turning around I look up into those
captivating emerald eyes. “Aidan, hey how are you?”

Oh great now I’m blushing

“Remarkably well now that I’ve run into you.
What are you doing here?” He inquires smiling at me.

“Um… I’m…”

“Aidan!” Katrina purrs. Miss Frosty melts
instantly. It’s a wonder there’s not a puddle of water on the

“I’m so glad your back, I have the final
guest list for the benefit if you would like to go over it with me
now.” Gushes Katrina cutting me off.

Aidan’s eyes never leave mine as he curtly
replies. “Not now Katrina, Miss Stevens and I have an urgent
appointment. Hold all my calls for the next thirty minutes please
Claire.” He directs still not breaking his gaze from mine.

Reaching out and firmly grabbing my wrist
Aidan leads me into his office towards the wall left of the
reception desk. Huh, I was right, his office is the doubled glass
doors with the ‘S” insignia. I really want to check out his office
but he doesn’t let me go until my back brushes the walls’ surface
within his office. He abruptly drops my wrist and places both his
palms on the wall either side of my head. He pauses staring at me
then slowly leans in towards me so all I can see is his incredibly
handsome face. Taking a deep breath I inhale his intoxicating scent
and unconsciously lick my lips blinking rapidly. I watch in
fascination as those penetrating emerald eyes flash wide whilst
staring at my mouth.


“I’ve been thinking of doing this for the
past twenty-four hours.” He rasps.

Before I can ask what, Aidan’s mouth is
suddenly pressed hard against mine, his tongue demanding entrance
while he wraps my ponytail around his hand tugging firmly. His
other hand slides down my arm, around my waist to my lower back
pressing my body firmly into his. I respond fervently opening my
mouth and meeting his tongue with equal demand. Reaching up
tangling my fingers through his soft hair I moan deep and long into
his mouth. The world instantly melts away - there is nothing more
imperative than this very moment with Aidan - in his arms and I
uninhibitedly kissed him back for all I’m worth.


Aidan abruptly breaks the kiss leaving me
dazed and breathless. My legs feel like liquid and as I sway
slightly he grabs hold of my shoulders to steady me.

“Your kisses are


My involuntary reflex kicks in and I
automatically cup my hand over my mouth in complete and utter shock
that I actually said that out allowed.


What the hell is wrong with me?

I really do not possess a brain to mouth


He’s standing there looking at me with yet
another one of his ever so sexy smirks planted across his too
handsome face and begins to chuckle.

I narrow my eyes putting my hands on my hips.
“Are you laughing at me?”

“Yes I am,” he says unapologetically. “But
only because you say exactly what’s on your mind. I find it
refreshing Gabriella and cute as all hell.” He says teasingly then
softly flicks my nose with his index finger grinning.

“Oh… well okay then… I guess.” I mumble

Aidan Stone thinks I’m cute!

“I would like to take you to dinner tonight
if you’re free?”

“I’m free.” I blurt.

God I’m such a dork! Way to play hard to get
Gabby NOT.

“Good, I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty.” His
emerald eyes are sparkling as I am treated to his sexy mega watt

“Come Gabriella, I’ll walk you out.”


Aidan holds the door open for me as we exit
his office and walk together towards the elevator. I steal several
quick sideway glances at him; he’s wearing an expensive grey woolen
suit that looks as if it’s tailor made for him and a pale blue
shirt with matching tie. He looks striking and smells deliciously
unique - sandalwood and cinnamon – an intoxicating combination.
Before I realize what I’m doing I lean towards him inhaling



“Gabriella, did you just…

Oh my God!

Mortified that not only did I actually sniff
him but he also caught me doing it.

What is wrong with me today?


The elevator doors open and I hastily step
inside pressing the ground floor button then slowly turn to face
him. Oh he’s smirking at me again. Well two can play this game.

“Yes Aidan I was sniffing you. You smell
scrumptious.” I say giving him my cheekiest grin then add. “Almost
good enough to eat!”

I wink at him just as the doors close leaving
him standing there with his mouth gaping open at me.

Score one for Gabby…yay

Chapter Six.

“Hey Gabby you’re home. How was your day
dear?” Mia greets me as I walk in the door. Mia finished work early
today so I caught a ride home with Jeremiah. She hands me a glass
of white wine as I enter the kitchen.

“Thanks M, busy day but all good.” I flop
onto the kitchen stool. How was your day?”

“Not too bad for a Monday. Hey I’m heading
out for drinks tonight with the girls, it won’t be a late one so do
you want to come along?”

“Uh…no thanks M I kinda have plans tonight.”
And here it comes…twenty questions from my beautiful inquisitive

“Plans? Okay G spill!” Mia’s eyes are bugging
out at me, her full attention now focused towards me.

“Aidan asked me out to dinner.”

Mia opens her mouth but before she speaks I
beat her to it.

“Jeremiah sent me over to Stone Tower this
afternoon to drop off some files. I ran into him and he asked me
out to dinner for tonight.” I blurt out quickly ending on a shrug
of my shoulders.

“Aidan Stone asked you out to

Blushing I nod at Mia.

“Oh My God! I told you Gabby he likes you!
Where’s he taking you? What are you going to wear?”

I still haven’t told Mia about Aidan taking
me to brunch yesterday. I’m not sure why, maybe because I can’t
quite believe he’s interested in me.

“Oh I have the perfect shoes you can

I love, love, LOVE Mia.

Forty-five minutes later I’ve filled Mia in
with all the juicy details including meeting the frosty Katrina


I’m dressed in a pair of fitted silk crepe
black slacks, a citrus colored jersey knit halter-top that hugs my
waist tight but has a soft draped neckline and patent-leather black
pumps. For my make-up I did the Smokey eyes but went light with the
rest of my make-up only adding a hint of blush and lip-gloss. Mia
put large soft curls in my long hair then tied it back loosely with
a large pearl clip at my nape.


“Do you think this top is too revealing?” The
halter-top leaves the majority of my back exposed. It’s sexy as all
hell but I don’t know where he’s taking me so I’m second-guessing
my wardrobe choice.

“Gabby it’s
and the color looks
amazing against your skin.”

There’s a knock at the door and
instantaneously I feel a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

Ohmigod, Ohmigod, Ohmigod,
” I chant silently as Mia opens
the door to greet Aidan.


We pull up outside at an upscale restaurant
in Beverly Hills and the valet opens my door as Aidan gets out of
the Porsche and hands him the keys. The drive took just over thirty
minutes and the conversation between us was casual and easy. We
discussed the weather, my job and apart from Aidan’s crazy driving
I’m feeling relaxed. When he’s not freaking me out by kissing me, I
really do enjoy his company.

Aidan takes my hand and we walk in

“Mr. Stone it’s lovely to see you again.” The
gorgeous hostess beams at him as he politely nods back at her.

Just great! Another smitten female in awe of
all that
Aidan Stone.

Yep he’s with me tonight lady - so back

The hostess barely glances at me as she leads
us to a small intimate table for two situated in front of floor to
ceiling glass windows.


The waiter arrives handing the menu to us
both and without pause Aidan orders a bottle of the 2011 Kistler
Sonoma Mountain Chardonnay then dismissing the waiter he looks at
his menu.

I know absolutely nothing about wines but
Aidan clearly seems to be an authority on the subject with the
confident way he instructs the waiter of his choice. I can’t help
smirking at him and I almost want to roll my eyes.

“Is there something amusing you

“No, not particularly.” I fib smiling
politely back at him. He returns my smile with a small shake of his

The waiter returns and pours us each a glass
of wine, places the remainder of the bottle in a silver ice bucket
beside our table then retreats a small distance away, clearly
intimidated by Aidan’s authoritative presence.

Well you’re not the only one

“What would you like to order,” he asks still
glancing at his menu.

“Hmm… I think I’ll have the poached

“Good choice,” he murmurs then with a flick
of his wrist he summons the hovering waiter reciting our orders. I
smile at the waiter as I hand him the menu back.


“Does everyone just jump when you say

Uh oh - now I’ve done it! Why do I have to
say almost every thought that pops into my mind?

I have his full attention; those penetrating
emerald eyes give me a piercing glare. A few moments of silence
passes between us before he speaks.

“No Gabriella, not everyone
just jumps
at my word but we are in an expensive restaurant where excellent
and efficient service is to be expected.” He replies

And just when I think I’ve offended him he
smirks reaching out to tap my nose with his index finger in a
playful manner.


“You have a very commanding presence Aidan
and truth be told it can be a little intimidating at times.” I
state pulling my top lip between my teeth and holding my breath
awaiting his reaction to my current observation.

To my surprise Aidan lets out a loud burst of
laughter throwing his head back and
holy cow
his laugh
sounds incredible. It’s a deep throaty sexy sound and I let my
breath go in a whoosh of air.


“It’s adorable how you voice every thought
that crosses your mind. You really don’t have a filter with that
gorgeous little mouth of yours do you Gabriella.”

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