Heart of Stone (4 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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“Hi and thank you. I’ll just grab my bag.”
Blushing I quickly scoop up my purse and head out the door locking
it as I go. We walk to the car in silence my heart beating fast as
I try desperately to control my breathing - which is a feat because
Aidan rests his hand lightly on my lower back skimming my bare skin
with his thumb as we walk toward his car.

Get a grip Gabby I mentally chastise

He beeps the locks to a shiny white two-door
sports car and opens the passengers’ door for me to get in. The
smell of leather and Aidan encompasses me and I inwardly sigh.

“This is a cute car.” I say looking around at
the interior as he buckles his seatbelt. The interior of the car is
sleek and shiny with gadgets that look more suited in the cockpit
of an airplane than in an automobile. “What kind of car is

“Porsche 911-turbo-s-cabriolet but
is not how I would describe it Gabriella.” He says
mildly affronted.

“Oh…sporty then?” Chewing the inside of my
lip I glance at him and he chuckles shaking is head at me.


Aidan drives like he’s on a racetrack
swerving in and out of lanes and over taking slower traffic like
the road is his own personal checkerboard. I have a strangle hold
on the plush leather seat on either side of my legs and each time
he breaks I push my feet into the floor as if I’m the one braking
but I refrain from saying anything.

Ohmigod the guy drives like a


Aidan notices my death grip on the plush
leather seats of his – what I assume to be very expensive sports
car - and with one hand on the steering wheel he reaches over with
his other and slowly peels my fingers back from the seat and places
my hand on my leg than returns his hand back to the steering

“Relax Gabriella, enjoy the drive,” he calmly

What? Is he nuts?

“Easy for you to say.” I grumble under my
breath. “Are you in a hurry or do you normally drive like this?” I
sarcastically add.

“I said relax baby.” He says in a firmer

Baby! Aidan Stone just called me baby!

Instantly, my mind’s distracted, all the
anxiety I was feeling by his driving is temporally forgotten by him
calling me
and what that might mean.


Chapter Four.


We arrive at an upscale café in Santa Monica.
The café is set in a beautiful garden with oriental décor and as
the waitress escorts us to our table I again feel Aidan’s hand
lightly resting on my lower back. The electrical current from his
touch hazes my mind and sizzles through my body causing my
heartbeat to race. Taking a calming breath I tell myself it is only
brunch with a new acquaintance. New city, new job and new friend –
I can do this.

The host seats us in a cozy corner of the
café handing us both a menu and assures us our waitress will be
over to serve us momentarily.


“May I get you something to drink Sir?” The
waitress asks fluttering her eyelashes at Aidan while flipping her
hair around.

Isn’t flipping your hair all over the
customer in violation of the Food Code or something?

She’s practically undressing him with her
eyes. I suppose I feel validated in not being the only female
affected by his presence.


“Gabriella, what would you like a drink?”
Aidan asks with his eyes locked on me. His penetrating gaze is like
a tractor beam drawing me in and holding me captivated.

“Why do always call me by my full name?” I
blurt completely ignoring his previous question and the waitress
standing at our table.

He raises his eyebrows in surprise at my
sudden question – pauses for a moment than turns his attention to
the waitress. “Two coffees and two of the omelet specials.” He
orders curtly dismissing her.

“Ah could you make one of those coffee’s an
orange juice please.” I quickly call out before she leaves. The
waitress nods in acknowledgement - her facial expression is now
sour - then she turns and disappears.

I’ve never liked the taste of coffee I’m more
of a hot chocolate kind of girl.

Aidan is staring at me again, his eyes
probing and again I’m spellbound - I can’t look away.

“I’m sorry, is Gabriella

“Yes…” I say drawing the word out patiently.
“But most people call me Gabby. Gabriella is so formal.”

And now Aidan is
responding in a slow and patient tone as if I’m a small child and
he is trying to impart something important. “I think you will find
I’m not

We stare at each for a few moments in silence
– neither one of us breaking our gaze.

“Are you enjoying your new job?” Oh he’s
changed the subject.

“Yes, the first couple of days were
challenging but I’m getting the hang of it. By the way thank you
for the flowers they’re beautiful. Tulips are my favorite

“You’re very welcome.” He says smiling.


A few moments pass as we again gaze silently
into each other’s eyes, neither of us speaking then the waitress
returns setting our drinks and food on the table before us breaking
the spell. I watch her giving Aidan another longing smile but his
eyes never leave mine while he mutters his thanks.

“Eat up Gabriella,” commands Aidan picking up
his knife and fork.

We eat our meal while chatting (me doing most
of talking) – about the weather, my new job and Mia. Surprisingly,
I feel completely at ease and comfortable in his presence,
something I never thought I would experience from the first night
we met. The conversation flows easily as Aidan appears genuinely
interested in what I have to say, politely nodding and asking
relevant questions.


“Are you seeing anyone Gabriella?”

I look up surprised at his question, my fork
suspended half way to my mouth. “No. No one, not since…” I trail

“Since…?” He prompts.

“Not since my mother passed away seven months
ago.” He gives me a small compassionate smile. Taking a deep breath
I continue. “At the time I was dating a guy I met in college a few
years earlier. He wanted something more serious but after my mom
passed I realized life is too short, I didn’t want to take things
to the next level so we broke up.” He nods but doesn’t say anything
and I wonder what he’s thinking. His eyes are always so intense and
probing, when he looks at me - it’s as if he is trying to read my
every thought.


“What are you thinking?”

SHIT! Why did I just say that out aloud? My
brain to mouth really has no filter.

He smirks and raises one perfectly arched
eyebrow. “I
Gabriella, you’re an exceptionally
beautiful young woman and I very much would like to kiss you right

My mouth gapes open at his directness.


“Come.” He commands standing up and reaching
for my hand. Aidan throws a hundred dollar bill on the table then
taking my hand in a firm grip, he guides me through the café out to
the car and around to the passenger’s door but doesn’t open it. He
leans in towards me backing me against the car. With his hand still
firmly in mine he places his other hand around my waist, gently
draws my body against his and bends down feathering his lips across
mine. I feel his tongue trail along the seam of my lips seeking
entrance while never breaking eye contact with me. Entranced, I
close my eyes and open my mouth to his invasion letting out a soft
moan; with my free hand I reach up and run my fingers through his
silky chocolate hair.

I’ve been dying to run my fingers through
his hair for weeks now and Ohmigod it’s even better than I
fantasized about.

His tongue immediately dominates mine
probing; exploring and I instantly loose control and lean further
into his warmth increasing the pressure of my hold in his hair.
Aidan lets out his own deep moan into my mouth as he slides his
hand down the base of my spine and over my butt cupping than
squeezing firmly which extracts another groan from my throat. The
heat between us is consuming me - I’m completely absorbed in his
taste, his touch and his scent. I have a desperately irrational
need to draw closer to him as if he provides the very air that I


Aidan abruptly breaks the kiss draws back
releasing his hold on me and places both his palms flat against the
roof of the car on either side of my head. We’re both breathing

“WOW…that was…incredible!”

Fuck! Did I really just say that out aloud?
And I’m panting!

“That was more than just incredible baby.” He
whispers tucking a stray piece of my hair behind my ear then
glances at his platinum Rolex then frowns “I have a meeting I can’t
get out of. In you get I’ll take you home,” he says opening the car
door for me.


Climbing into the car I buckle my seatbelt,
my mind spinning and my body still quivering from Aidan’s kiss. I’m
utterly flabbergasted - not only did we make out like a pair of
horny teenagers in public but how freaking hot was that kiss! That
was the best kiss of my life.


The twenty-minute ride home (
yes I timed
) goes by without a word spoken between us and as each mile
passes I grow more and more anxious. His crazy driving doesn’t even
eclipse my thoughts of

Did he mean to kiss me like that? I didn’t
know it was even possible to kiss like that! I wonder if he will
kiss me again? Please, please kiss me like that again!


The car stops and Aidan turns the ignition
off pulling me from my thoughts. Turning to face me Aidan reaches
and glides his knuckles along my cheek. “Thank you Gabriella for an
enjoyable morning.” His voice is soft, tender.

“Thanks, I had a nice time too,” I smile in

A few moments of silence passes between

“Well I suppose I should go inside.” My tone
is reluctant. I really don’t want our time together to be over.

I open the door to get out as Aidan exits the
car. He walks me to the door but doesn’t touch me. I get my keys
out and turn around to reluctantly say goodbye feeling despondent
with the pending loss of his company.

He smiles warmly at me lifting my chin with
his finger and whispers, “Until next time baby.” He brushes his
lips softly across mine and then just like that –
he’s gone.


Mia isn’t back from gym so I plop onto the
couch running my fingers across my lips. I swear I can still feel
his mouth on me. Not knowing what is actually happening between us
I make up my mind not to say anything to Mia yet about brunch with
Aidan. It will only lead to a bazillion questions so it’s best not
to go down that path just yet. Besides the whole morning is just so
surreal, what would a gorgeous god like Aidan see in me? He is so
far out of my league…but boy oh boy can that man kiss!



Chapter Five.


Monday was turning out to be hectic with
several events Jeremiah had in the various planning stages so I was
relived I hadn’t had a moment to dwell on yesterday and a certain
tall handsome enigmatic man. Jeremiah has been frantic all day
finalizing details for a huge charity benefit coming up for the
Stone Corporation and as this is the first event he has been asked
to oversee since the merging, Jeremiah was out to impress ensuring
every little aspect went according plan. “Details Gabby darling,
it’s all in the details.” Jeremiah recited over and over throughout
the day.

Glancing at the clock I am surprised to see
it’s nearly two in the afternoon already.


“Yes Katrina I understand and I’m working on
it as we speak darling.” Jeremiah snaps through the phone. I looked
over at him with eyebrows raised in question and he just rolled his
eyes at me and mouths the word

“Okay Katrina I’ll have them to you within
the hour.” Jeremiah slams the phone down and glares at me. “I
hate that bitch!”

“Yeah I’m kinda sensing that. Who is

“Katrina Fairchild aka The Bitch from Hell,
one nasty piece of work who is in desperate need of an anal
extraction from the giant stick that’s currently wedged up her ass.
She also happens to be Mr. Stone’s executive assistant over at

Just the mention of his name has my heart
beating faster.

“Gabby I’m just printing out the final list
of attendees for the Stone Benefit Gala next Sunday along with the
revised floor plans, could you please take them over to Miss
Fairchild at Stone Tower? She is on the fifty-first floor.”
Jeremiah says shuffling papers around on his desk.

“Wait! You want me to go?” I’m instantly
filled with panic at the thought of going to Aidan’s office.

“Yes Gabby darling that is what I just said.”
Jeremiah replies sardonically lifting his attention from the files
on his desk and giving me a pointed look. “I have a meeting in
fifteen minutes with Mr. Morris regarding a new product campaign
launch and I can’t be in two places at once so you’re up. Besides I
really can’t stomach that woman anymore today.”

“Is she actually that bad?”

“You have no idea.”


Ten minutes later I’m standing outside the
impressive Stone Tower - which coincidently only happens to be two
buildings over - trying calmly to adjust my dress and smooth over
my hair whilst not dropping the important files Jeremiah has
entrusted to me.

I’m wearing my newly acquired and now
favorite A-line sage sleeveless dress, thin white belt, and nude
four-inch pumps with my long hair pulled back in a ponytail. I was
happy with my ensemble when I glanced in the mirror before leaving
for work this morning - cute but professional. Taking one last deep
breath I head in towards the elevators.

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