Heart of Stone (7 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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This man beguiles me.


“Gabby darling that dress is positively
illegal on you. If I wasn’t a fabulously gay man I would so be
making a pass at you right now”.

“Jeremiah you’re not only a fabulously gay
man but a very funny one at that. But thank you for the twelfth
compliment today that you’ve given me regarding this dress.” I
giggle smoothing my hand down the front of my bodice.

“So I’m assuming you have a hot date tonight
because girlfriend that dress, those shoes,” Jeremiah says
gesturing to my outfit, “would be one hell of a waste for just
grocery shopping?”

“Yes I promise you this outfit is being put
to good use. I have a dinner date with Aidan tonight.” I shyly

“Aidan as in Aidan Stone?”

“Yep, that’s the one.”

“I just knew he was into you!” Squeals
Jeremiah. “The flowers, your goofy love sick face all week. So
where is Mr. Tall, Dark and totally

“He’s picking me up and we’re going to his
house for dinner.” And just talking about going to Aidan’s for
dinner has my nerves rising to an all time high.

“Oh you are so going to get some tonight
girlfriend.” Declares Jeremiah on a wink. “Please tell me you’re
wearing sexy lingerie under that gorgeous dress?”

“Jeremiah! I scold. “No one is getting
, we’re just having dinner as friends.” I say


Actually I am wearing sexy lingerie but then
I wear either really cute or sexy underwear every day. My bras have
to match my panties. Kinda of a compulsive thing I have. Hello my
name is Gabby Stevens and I’m obsessed with Victoria Secret. And it
just so happens today I’m wearing my black satin push-up bra with
matching satin panties edged with black lace at my ass and little
black satin bows on the hips. But Jeremiah doesn’t need to know

Jeremiah raises his eyebrows at me and I know
he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. Blushing under the scrutiny I
busy myself by tiding up my desk.


“Gabby, word of warning sunshine,” says
Jeremiah and as I look up at him I notice his face is now serious
and somber. “Aidan Stone doesn’t do romance. Word on the street has
it he never dates a woman more than once. As casual friends have
fun…anything else…just be careful, guard your heart.” He says
tenderly grabbing my hand squeezing once. I nod giving him a small
smile that I know doesn’t reach my eyes while swallowing the huge
lump in my throat that has suddenly formed.

I know Jeremiah cares about me, but his words
of caution weighs like a ton of bricks in my stomach.


Moments later Aidan walks through the door
dressed in a charcoal pin-strip suit, light mint green shirt with
matching tie. He looks gorgeous every time I see him but in that
suit he is simply divine. His chocolate tousled hair is sexy and
those emerald eyes are just as intense as ever.

“Gabriella,” he greets coming straight
towards me. His presence completely dominates the room. He bends
his head to give me a quick chaste kiss on my cheek than turns to
acknowledge Jeremiah putting his hand out. “Aidan Stone.”

“Mr. Stone, nice to finally meet you in
person sir. I’m Jeremiah Wilder senior events coordinator here at
Morris Advertising.” Jeremiah says practically gushing. He shakes
Aidan’s hand fervently.

“Please call me Aidan.” Aidan smoothly
replies treating Jeremiah to one of his dazzling mega watt

“Of course sir.” Jeremiah appears to be a
little star struck. I refrain from rolling my eyes. Apparently
women are not the only gender who gets flustered by this exquisite


“I just wanted to thank you personally for
the opportunity to coordinate the benefit this Sunday.”

“Well with all reports you’ve done an
excellent job. I look forward to seeing the results of your hard
endeavors.” Praises Aidan.

And with that I realize Aidan is done with
politely socializing as he turns his attention back towards me.

“Come Gabriella,” he orders softly taking my
hand leading us out the door. It suddenly occurs to me that Aidan
is rather bossy. He doesn’t actually ask me to come or for that
matter he hasn’t really asked if I wanted to go out for dinner
either. He simply states, commands or directs.

Hmm, I’m not really sure how I feel about

I look back at Jeremiah as he waves at me. I
give him a wink in return as I walk out the door.


“Have you had a good day?” Aidan asks holding
my hand as he leads me towards his car.

“It’s been busy but good. How was your flight
back to L.A?” I ask glancing up at him through my lashes.

“Long. You look beautiful in this dress
Gabriella.” He murmurs gliding his hand lightly over my back.

Secretly delighted he’s notice my favorite
dress I smile at him as he opens the car door for me, helping me


As Aidan navigates through the traffic I
steal a quick glance at him. Even in profile he is extraordinarily
handsome, confident, his presence fills the small space of the car.
And that scent… sandalwood and cinnamon… heaven.

He pulls up to a set of iron gates, presses a
gadget clipped on the sun-visor, which opens the gates. With
another press of the button the garage door opens and the Porsche
smoothly glides in.

Flipping heck, I’m really having dinner with
Aidan, alone, at his home!

Deep breathes Gabby, deep breathes.


“Aidan your home is spectacular. The view is
amazing. I bet you find it hard to leave here every morning and go
to work.” I remark surveying my surroundings.

The house is a single story built right on
the edge of Pacific Ocean in Malibu. Double shiny black wooden
doors lead from the entry into a great room. At the opposite end
are floor to ceiling huge double glass sliding doors that lead out
to a large courtyard that faces an infinity swimming pool. Beyond
the pool is the ocean.

The house is decorated in warm creams and
beiges. The walls are painted cream with light taupe feature walls
and natural slate floors with rich dark brown accents. To the right
is the kitchen with a large island. The benches are in a dark
almost black granite marble with timber oak cupboards and gleaming
stainless steel appliances.

There is a huge L-shape coffee colored
leather lounge that is deep, wide and faces the left wall opposite
the kitchen. A massive flat screen television is mounted on the
wall, below is an oak cabinet housing one seriously big stereo
system. Between the lounge and wall sits a large matching oak
coffee table with remotes that I’m guessing belong to the
television and stereo. Vaulted ceilings with receded lighting add
an air of mystique to the ambiance of the great room.

Overall the house is opulent, masculine with
a modern contemporary feel. But there’s something missing I muse,
tilting my head to the side in thought. I can’t put my finger on


“It’s not difficult, I rather enjoy my work
but you’re right the view is breath taking.” Aidan answers my
question bringing me out of my contemplation.

“There’s nothing better then waking up to the
sounds of the ocean.” He says quietly. My ponytail is swept from
the back of my neck over my shoulder as Aidan’s lips softly skim my
nape. Goosebumps rise all along my skin as I shiver from the
contact and I instantly forget about his home decor.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” He breathes
into my ear.

“Yes please,” I murmur turning around to face
him. He smiles then turns and heads towards the kitchen. I watch
fascinated by how Aidan moves around his home as he goes to the
fridge and pulls out a bottle of wine. He always seems to be in
control, fluid with his body movements, confident, so


“Margot has left us dinner, pasta Alfredo I
believe. Are you hungry Gabriella?”


“My housekeeper.”

Oh I forgot he has a housekeeper who cooks
for him. I wonder what she is like. Is she young or older – perhaps

Really Gabby? You’re going to get jealous of
his housekeeper.

Pull yourself together – you’re not that
type of girl.

Heading towards the kitchen I smile, “Hmm
that’s sounds good, yep I’m starved. Can I help with anything?”

“No all taken care of. Here sit down enjoy
your wine while I get the plates out of the oven.”

Aidan places cutlery and napkins on the
breakfast bar then takes two large plates of pasta out from the
oven. He then goes to the fridge and pulls out two smaller bowls
filled with salad and places them down beside the plates of

Tasting my first mouthful I give a little
appreciative moan. The pasta is delicious.

“Hmm Margot is an excellent cook,” I mumble
with my mouth half full.

Aidan chuckles as he reaches across wiping a
small spot of sauce with his thumb from my lower lip then lifting
his hand towards his mouth he sucks the sauce off his thumb. His
eyes hold mine the entire time.
Umm… HOT!

Taking a deep breath I break eye contact with
him and continue eating my pasta. Throughout dinner we casually
chat about his trip to New York.


“This is really a breathtaking view. Do you
entertain here often?” I inquire while getting up and taking both
our empty dishes to the sink.


“Yeah, dinner parties, dinner dates, that
sort of thing.” I ask mildly hopping back up on my stool.

“No, the majority of my business dinners I
conduct at restaurants. And definitely no
dinner dates.
” His
matter-of-fact tone has me curious.

Quizzically I look at him on a tilt of my
head. “You’ve never brought a date back to your home for a meal

“I don’t date Gabriella. When it comes to my
private life I do not do romantic relationships. Firstly, I have
never had the desire or the patience to pursue one; secondly, I’m
incapable of the level of intimacy required for that kind of
entanglement. So the answer to your question is no, I have never
brought a woman I was
back to my home before… well
not until you.” His face is impassive as he looks directly at me
for a moment then picks up the bottle of wine and tops up both our

“You don’t date?”


“But you
go out with women?” I
clarify still confused by his admission.

He sighs loudly and looks over at me
resigned. “Of course I go out with women Gabriella,” he says
sardonically, “but never more than once. If I want to fuck a woman
I take her to an apartment I own in the adjoining building to my
office. As I have said, I’m a very private person Gabriella; I’ve
never brought a woman to my home for either a meal or to stay the

Oh my God, where do I even begin in
processing this!


“You have a apartment next to the

Really, that’s what I come out with?

“Yes, mainly for business purposes. Out of
town business associates, that sort of thing.”

“And to take your non-dates back to fuck?” My
expression is deadpan and voice neutral as I gaze at him.

now I’ve well and truly put my
foot in my mouth. Aidan’s face is no longer impassive - he’s
glaring at me through narrowed eyes, his irritation palpable.

“Yes Gabriella,” he curtly retorts.

“However now...” He pauses trailing off as
impatience or maybe it’s confliction that flickers across his face.
He clears his throat. “However now I find myself in new territory.
I would like to explore this… this connection we seem to have
further,” he gestures his hand between us. “I’ve already told you
how attracted I am to you and it is obvious you feel the same

“It’s obvious?”

“Yes Gabriella it is abundantly obvious to me
that you too, feel this attraction between us. Do you wish to sit
there and refute it?” He smirks raising one eyebrow in

“That’s what I thought.” He says in response
to my lengthy silence.

Dam – he’s so cocky! Am I that easy to

“So, as we are apparently both on the same
page in regards to our affections towards one another, the next
logical step is to pursue this. In other words Gabriella, for lack
of a better term, I would like to


Utterly speechless I nod my reply then bite
my lip nervously in contemplation. Aidan Stone doesn’t date women;
he fucks them, in a condo apparently. However, he now wants to
explore dating with me. And the way he broached the subject reminds
me more of a business transaction rather than a romantic heart to
heart. But he is right about one thing; I’m attracted to him. I
want him with every fiber of my being

Holy Shit! Time to change the subject.

“That was a really nice thing you did this
afternoon,” I say casually taking a large gulp of wine from my

Aidan looks at me questioningly, his previous
irritation seemingly evaporated.

Thank God!

“With Jeremiah. He really worked hard on the
benefit, you acknowledging his effort was a really cool thing to

“I believe in giving credit where credit is

“Still a lot of employers don’t take that
time and you being you…” I trail off.

“Hmm I don’t think I’m liking the sound of
this.” He frowns.

“Oh no I didn’t mean… what I meant to say is…
well you’re a busy man, you have so many Companies to oversee.
Morris Advertising is only a small one of those but you still
noticed his efforts. It was a sweet thing to do.” I finish off

Aidan chuckles. “Well I must confess I’ve
been taking a special interest of late in Morris Advertising,
especially the events department and one very beautiful new
employee they have recently acquired.”

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