Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3)

BOOK: Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3)
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By E.M Reders



All rights reserved by author

Copyright©2016 by E.M Reders

Cover Art by E.M Reders

Published by E.M. Reders

This is a work of fiction

Hex’s Desire is a work of fiction and all characters, events and dialogue found within this story are of the author’s imagination and not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

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Vampires are a myth, right? A story told to scare children - and the occasional adult - at night?

Well, not exactly.

Vampires are real, though they are not exactly what you think they are. Do they drink blood? Yes. Are they allergic to sunlight?  Yes. Do they live forever? Well, no actually. But they do live for a very long time. But the reasons for these are not because they are the undead. They are, in fact, very much alive. They’re just not from this planet.

You see many centuries ago, the planet Chaetdor was destroyed and the survivors of that planet set out on a mission to find themselves a new home. Earth was never part of the plan. A primitive world with little technology and a sun that was harmful to the Chaetdorian body. When there was a fault with the ship, they had no choice but to land on the foreign planet and hope that they could fix the problem quickly, so they could continue on their journey. That did not happen. The fault was worse than they had first thought and had caused them to crash during landing, seriously damaging their vessel. With the lack of technology on earth at that time, they were stuck. They hid their craft and adapted with their new world in order to survive.

There were just two problems. One, they were highly sensitive to the earth's sun, meaning that they could only venture out at night. And two, in order to maintain a humanoid appearance they needed to consume human blood. Stories of large, handsome, pale men with fangs soon spread, and the myth of the vampire was born.

But now, it is time for them to leave…

Chapter 1


Hex had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. The moment that he could finally tell his brother of blood, his commander and Chaer, that the ship had been repaired and they could leave Earth, at last. He could not wait for his brother’s reaction to the news.

Using the console in the engine bay – also known as Hex’s second bedroom – he connected to the control deck.

“Teks, you there?”

Stupid question really. His brother was never anywhere but the control deck these days. They had been stuck on Earth for centuries, waiting for the technology and materials they needed to be developed in order to repair their ship. And Teks, like the rest of them, did not have much to do without them. His main job nowadays was keeping his tribe from going insane from boredom.

A hard job, apparently, but Hex had the perfect solution to that problem. Not that anyone would take him seriously. Some even accused him of already having lost his mind. But really, what was wrong with human television? It certainly helped him starve off the boredom.

“Hex, what do you want? I’m busy.”

He doubted very much doubted that.

“Well stop whatever it is you’re doing and start calling the tribes back. It’s done.”

“What is?”

“The ship you dim bat.”

He heard Teks’ low growl at his use of the human expression and could not help but chuckle. His regular use of human insults really pissed his brother off. And the truth was, he did not like or understand half of them himself, but it was just too much fun not to screw with his brother.


“Yes. I just installed the last component. She’s going to run like a dream.”

His words were met with silence for a few seconds before Teks’ voice boomed over the speakers. “About fucking time!” Then the connection cut off.

“What, not even a thank you or well done?” he mumbled to himself as he flopped down in the chair in front of the console and leaned his head back.

Maybe now that the job was done, he could take a break, enjoy himself while he still had the chance. Because once they were back in the blackness of space, there would be little chance of that.

Hex had spent his first few centuries on Earth working around the clock with the other Technos, doing whatever he could on board to repair the ship. But, once everything that they could possibly do was complete, boredom and depression had set in.

The human world had been a very primitive one back then, and he had been less than impressed by it. Thankfully, the humans finally began to make progress, invent things that were of interest to him. It was only then that he had finally left the underground cave system they used to hide from the human world and explored his temporary home.

And he was very glad that he did. Not just for the entertainment he found in the human TV shows during the last few decades, but also because of their females.

Hex had spent many a moon cock deep in the sex of a human female, especially during recent decades. Once it had been quite difficult to entice a single woman into his bed – they seemed to believe that there was something wrong with sex without commitment – but over the last few decades, he had found less resistance. There were plenty of, as the humans called them, easy women out there nowadays.

Since he had returned to the ship a few months ago at his brother’s request, he’d unfortunately been denied permission to leave. 

He understood why, though. His eyes had already returned to their silver orbs and his markings would not be far behind. It was too dangerous for him to be out among the humans now.

The Chaetdorian body was capable of adapting, of blending in with other races. They could literally change their bodies into the forms of other species. But to do that, they needed to ingest the blood. And to keep that form of disguise for a long period – for example, centuries – they needed to ingest it on an almost daily basis. And that was where the problem lay.

Feeding from humans hadn’t been the problem, there were plenty of them out there. Unfortunately, it appeared that their long dependency on human blood had major drawbacks. To suddenly stop taking human blood after so long caused some terrible side effects, ones that no one in their right mind would want to endure.

Hex had come across some pictures in his brother's private files once when he’d hacked into his system late one night. Teks had been acting strange, preoccupied and Hex had wanted to know why.

Well, he knew now... and it wasn’t pretty.

The only way to avoid any side effects and return their bodies to their natural state was to slowly reduce the amount of blood ingested over a long period of time. That had been what Hex had been doing ever since his return. And while he was happy to be returning to his true self, and looked forward to the day that his body would once again be marked by silver, it didn’t change the fact that he was now stuck having to take blood from Joel.

Joel, a human male, was one of few that knew of the Chaetdorians and worked for them in the outside world. The Earth’s sun was highly dangerous to them so they found it useful to have a few trusted humans in the fold. And while he was all willing to give up his blood for the cause, and Hex did find the human quite entertaining at times, it wasn't the same as feeding on a female, her warm, curved body pressed against him, preferably naked.

Hex was just getting comfortable, just closing his eyes when his brother’s voice sounded over the console. “Hex?”

Yawning, stretching his hands up over his head. “Yeah."

“I need you to go to deck seven and finish the changes. Then I need you check that everything is in order for the humans. Food consoles working. Cleaning units up to standard. You know the drill.”

“When are they arriving?”

After they had discovered that they couldn’t just give up drinking human blood, Teks had set in motion a plan to take a select group of humans with them and had deck seven of the ship remodelled for their comfort. Of course, with Hex’s vast knowledge of the human world, it had been his job to see it completed.

“In one earth moon. Torq and his males are doing the pickup.”

Just his fucking luck. With such a short deadline, there was no time for him to rest. He needed to head straight to deck seven that instant and get back to work.

“Okay, I’ll see to it. How many are we expecting?”

There were twenty-five cabins on deck seven, but only nineteen of them were complete so far. He really hoped he didn’t have to finish them all by himself.

“Fifteen in total.”

So a few more had been added since he had last hacked his brother's system and check out the list that made him reconsider his brother's sexual preference. There did seem to be a hell of a lot of cock on that list.

“Any females?” Maybe if there were things wouldn’t be too bad. Taking from Joel wasn’t the worst thing in the universe, but Hex would much prefer to sink his fangs into a beautiful female... then maybe his cock too.

“Yes, but don’t be getting any ideas, brother. These humans are for blood only. I will not have you fucking your way through them like you have half the female population of Earth.” And with that, the connection was cut off, again.

Sighing, Hex pushed himself up out of the chair and went to fetch his tools. He could have reconnected with the control deck to carry on their discussion, but there was no point in arguing with his brother. The  just did not understand. Too long cooped up on the ship without the company of the opposite sex.

As he locked down the engine bay, not wanting anyone tinkering with anything while he was away, he realised that the side effects of blood withdrawal might not be his biggest problem. It seemed he was more likely to suffer from a server case of blue balls?

Chapter 2

"Katie? Katie, wake up."

She did hear her friend’s words, but Katie just could not utter enough energy to answer, or even to move. She must have drunken way too much.

That had been the plan after all. To celebrate her finally seeing the light and ridding herself of Paul and his cheating ways.

Just a few minutes more, that’s all. Then she would open her eyes and see what was making her friend so upset.

A few hours later, though it only felt like minutes, and Katie finally managed to pull herself back to the waken world and stared at the white, glowing ceiling above.

Glowing? Where the hell was she?

The last thing she remembered was being out with her friends, having fun. Then there was running away from Eric, Nora's stalker ex-boyfriend and hiding in an alley. Something had happened then, something huge and life altering, but she couldn't for the life of her remember what it was.

Her head hurt. Her back ached. What had happened after that to cause all this pain?

Pushing herself up, she found that she wasn't that surprised at the pain in her back, considering she’d been laid out on the cold, hard floor... surrounded by the bodies of her friends. She would have panicked at the sight, but as she could hear Jessie snoring loudly from the other side of the room, she knew that they were alright.

But still, something wasn’t right. There was something missing, she was sure of it.

No, not something. Someone.

Nora! Where was Nora?

Turning, she grabbed the shoulders of the nearest body to her. Hannah. She needed to wake her up, wake them all up. They had to find Nora and make sure she was okay. Had Eric done something to her?

When her friend groaned but refused to open her eyes, she yelled, “Hannah, come on. I think Nora has been kidnapped.”

Though, now that she thought about it, maybe it wasn’t just Nora that had been taken against her will. She got a strange mental flash of a group of large, tattooed men with strange eyes and fangs coming towards her.

“Stupid alien hunks,” Hannah mumbled, pushing her away and rolling over in an attempt to sleep some more.

Like Katie was going to let that happen. Grabbing her bag from the floor beside her , she pulled out a spray bottle filled with water.

If there was one thing she had learnt over the years, it was to always be prepared for a night out with the girls. And strange as it may seem, a spray bottle of water had its uses. Just like now.

The second the water hit Hannah’s face, her eyes snapped open. “What the hell, Katie?”

“I think we have been kidnapped.”

At her words, Hannah’s mouth dropped open. “Oh.”

“And Nora is missing.”

“The aliens must have taken her.”

“Aliens?” But even as she said it the events of that night came flooding back to her.

They had been kidnapped. She remembered it all now. Eric chasing them, grabbing Alice, his knife against her. The strange guy, the alien that had come to their rescue before drugging Alice and calling in his troops to do the same to the rest of them.

This was so not good.

Together they managed to wake Jessie, then Katie moved over to Alice. She had been the first one to be drugged. Shouldn’t it have worn off her already? Then again, the effect of the drug they had been given might be different to everyone. Alice was much frailer than the rest of them.

“Alice? Come on, Alice, wake up. Nora’s gone.” The woman’s eyelids fluttered but refused to open. Shaking her a little harder, though not too much as she didn’t want to hurt her fragile friend, she screamed, “Alice!”

“Okay, okay. I’m up,” Alice moaned, pushing herself up with a little help from Katie. “Where are we?”

“Some alien torture cell, no doubt,” Hannah inputted. “They’ll take us out of here one by one and dissect us. But not before they probe us.”

“Probe?” Katie laughed. “I tell you, if the probing is to be done by those hotties that kidnapped us, I have no problem volunteering to go first.” Now that Hannah and Jessie had jogged her memory, the images of last night were getting clearer. And the thing that stuck out most was how yummy those aliens were.

“You wouldn’t,” was Jessie’s only reply, a look of disgust on her face.

“What happened?” Alice asked, getting the conversation back on track.

“That big fellow drugged you. Then he called his friends and the rest of us suffered the same fate,” Jessie explained simply.

“And Nora?”

Sitting down beside Alice, she told her the truth. “I have no idea. She was one of the first to drop when those guys came at us. I vaguely remember her calling my name before I woke up, but when I did come around, she wasn’t here.” And now Katie felt really bad about not fighting the drug that had put her to sleep. Maybe if she had, she would have been awake and able to help Nora, stop her from being taken.

“What do we do?”

“The only thing we can,” Jessie said with a sigh. “We wait.”

“With bags at the ready,” Katie added with a smirk, pulling her bag in her lap and holding on to it like the lifeline it was. There were a lot more useful things in there than a spray bottle.


Hours later and there was still no sign of Nora returning or anyone else for that matter. Jessie was insistent that they were being watched, that there were eyes and ears in the walls. About an hour after they had awoken, a small hatch had opened up in one of the walls with a try of... something. It appeared to be some kind of food, but they all refused to eat it. It could have been anything. But when Alice started to grow paler and weaker, no doubt through lack of food, they decided to take the chance.

If the aliens intended to poison them, so be it.

None of them seemed to fall ill from the food, but it was far from appetising.

It was official. Aliens could not cook.

But aside from the inedible muck they were given, Katie had another problem. She really needed a wee. She had drunken an awful lot of alcohol before her kidnapping, and it was now insisting on vacating her body.

“This is insane," she complained, crossing her legs and doing a little jiggle. "They can’t keep us locked up in here like this. What about our human rights?”

“I don’t think aliens care too much for human laws,” Hannah replied, sprawled out on the floor with her hands behind her head as if she were tanning. 

Crossing her legs not doing any good, she started pacing the floor. Gazing  up at the ceiling, she wondered if there were cameras hidden somewhere like Jessie thought? And microphones listening in to their conversion? Only one way to find out.

“Well they need to care if they don’t want me to relieve myself in the corner,” she yelled loudly at the unseen.

“Eww. Please don’t,” Jessie moaned.

“And I will. You’ve given us food – I think – so what about use of the facilities? Is that too much to ask?”

Apparently not. It seemed that Jessie’s paranoia was spot on for a change. They were being observed, the proof of which opened up in the wall a moment later.

Rushing forward, jumping over Hannah in the process, Katie signed in relief. “Well thank fuck for that.”




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