Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3)
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Chapter 10

Only a few days had passed since they had been abducted but so much had changed in that short time. Nora was happily mated to Corr, a Warrior of the Chaetdorian race. Katie had never seen the woman so happy or content. Alice too had now been swept off her feet by the alien that had done the abducting in the first place. Torq was a Slayer, which was another word for an assassin apparently. Katie would have been worried for her friend but it was obvious to all that saw them that there was a great and intense love between them. Torq would never let Alice know pain again.

But while Katie found herself immensely happy for her friends, she could not help the jealousy that bubbled within her. She wanted that. She wanted to find someone that she knew with a certainty would never leave her, never chuck her aside for somebody else, never steal her dreams. Which is what Paul had done.

She had been saving for years to put herself through the training she needed to become a qualified nurse. She had left university a year before she would have graduated when her mum had been diagnosed with terminal cancer in order to look after her. Her father had abandoned them both back when she was five so there had been nobody else to turn to for help, not that she wouldn't have been there for her mother, but it would have been nice to have had someone else there to share the load. After her mother's death, she had been too heartbroken and lost to go back. It was only after many years of unfulfilling jobs that she had looked into going back and finishing her education. She had saved for years to pay for the courses she needed to complete in order to become a fully qualified nurse. When Paul had drained her savings to pay for his bit on the side's designer shoes and whatever else she had asked for, he had demolished that dream.

One look at her two friends and the Chaetdorian males they had mated and she knew instantly that they would never do that.

“Hold on,” Jessie said, hand raised in the air in the universal signal for stop. “You’re telling us that you had dreams of Torq doing ‘sexy things’ to you before you actually met him.”


It was the first time since Alice’s shock decision to stay with the Cheatdorians that they had had a chance to talk to their friend without one of the large handsome alien males hanging around. Though, Katie doubted the twins were far away. They never were.

Apparently Alice had dreamed about Torq for over a week before they had found out that aliens existed. After seeing him in the flesh, she couldn’t bring herself to be parted from him.

The crazy thing was that they hadn’t even known each other’s name at that point, never mind have a conversation. She just couldn’t bear to be parted from him. The draw between the fated pair was too strong for either one of them to resist. And Torq had certainly tried.

Alice’s story had her thinking about her own dreams and the pleasure giving shimmering shadow that haunted her.

“It has to be a coincidence. Did you have dreams of Corr?” Jessie asked Nora. She had been the first to mate one of the aliens.

“No. But maybe things are different for the other tribes. Corr is a Warrior. Torq is a Slayer. There might be some difference in how they find their mates. And anyway, Alice has always been sensitive to things. She knew we were going to be abducted.”

“No, I didn’t,” Alice rushed in. She was never comfortable when the conversation turned to, what Katie like to call, her gift. “I just had a sense that something was going to happen.”

And Katie was starting to realise that maybe they should take note of Alice’s senses more often. Hell, if she had then maybe she wouldn’t have ended up with half of the losers that she had.

“Well has anyone else had any dreams?” Hannah asked, biting her lip nervously. Was she having dreams too? Katie could only hope, but knew her friend wouldn’t divulge the information until she was ready.

“Nope,” Jessie replied instantly then all eyes turned to Katie. Her breath hitched.


“Arrghh,” she groaned. “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? It’s simple. Has a hunky, tattooed alien male with fangs and shining eyes been fucking you vigorously in your sleep?” Trust Hannah to put it that way. Her words brought forth the images of last night's dream.


“Oh my God, you have. You’ve been dreaming about one of them,” Nora sang happily.

“Not exactly.”

Hell, how did she even begin to explain this? The dreams were so unclear, dark. It could be anyone, even a human for all she knew.

“Since we arrived here, I’ve been having this strange erotic dream. I’m with someone. A guy. But it’s all dark and I can’t figure him out. I can just feel what he does to me.” And boy did he make her feel. The things he did. The guy had her waking up screaming in pleasure every night.

“Can you see anything, feel anything that might hint at who he is?” Alice asked.

“Not really. Every so often I get a flash of silver, then nothing.”

“Silver?” Nora asked, sitting up in interest. “Could be a Techno, they have silver markings.”

Maybe, but then again, the only other detail she could glean from her dreams left her more confused than ever, and doubting that it was a member of the alien race that teased her so fantastically.

“What is it? What’s that face for?”

“Nothing.” She could feel her face burning with heat.

“It’s definitely something. Come on, Katie, spill.”

She knew they would not drop the subject, that they would continue to badger her until she cracked. Might as well just get it over with.

“He had a piercing.” There she'd said it. She hadn’t clicked on at the time, but as she had thought back over the dream while lying awake in her bed late at night, she remembered that little something extra the small addition to his member had given her.

“Well, that helps narrow it down. I’ll ask Corr if any of the Technos have a piercing,” Nora stated.

Unfortunately, it was not that simple. “Sorry to disappoint, but it’s not exactly in the sort of place that Corr would likely know of it.” Or at least she hoped not.

News of her dream lover’s intimate piercing had them all in hysterics for a few moments, but as time passed and the giggling subsided, Katie became more depressed. Two of her friends had found their match, their perfect soulmate since they had been brought here. Was is too much to ask that she find hers too?

“Come on,” Hannah said, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her to her feet.

“Where are we going?” Were they even allowed to leave the deck? The reason Nora and Alice were even on deck seven was because their mates had things to do.

“Hunk watching,” she explained to the laughter of her friends.

“What?” Nora giggled.

“Well it’s obvious that Katie wants an alien hunk of her own, and I for one wouldn’t mind finding out which of these hotties have gotten their junk pierced. Also, for the first time in days, we are actually free from overprotective, domineering males. I say let's enjoy it.”

Wonder who she could be talking about?

The main problem they found was actually getting off deck seven. While Corr and Torq had shown her friends how to work the some of the technology on the ship, the way to open the doors to deck seven was not one of them. Luckily, Katie knew someone that could help.

She wasn't very happy about it and refused to join the women on their hunk watching escapade but eventually, after swearing the women to secrecy, Temple agreed to open the doors.

After that, they found no resistance as they made their way through the ship to the viewing window on the south side of the cabin deck. While deck seven was too high up and facing the wrong direction to see anything in the underground cave, from the viewing window on the cabin deck that Alice and Nora stayed on with their mates you could see everything.


Chapter 11

Returning to the ship, Hex deposited the items he had picked up with another member of his tribe with instructions to take them to the human volunteers before he followed Torq on his mission to find his mate. “I thought the females were meant to stay on deck seven?” he asked as they entered the ship.

“They were, but I was informed by the twins while I was waiting for you that they hadn’t,” he growled, not in the least bit happy.

They found the females on the main cabin deck, giggling as they gazed out of the large viewing window.

“What about him?” one of the females asked, pointing out of the window at Xandr, who seemed to be taking his frustrations out on one of the many rock formations inside the cave.

“Nice… but not for me,” the beautiful blonde Hex hadn’t been able to get out of his head sighed. At the sight of her, his recently unresponsive cock stirred to life. 


It was only then that Hex realised what the females were actually doing. His fists clenched as jealously unlike anything he had ever felt before rode him hard.

She shouldn’t be looking at other males. She was his!


Breathing hard, he looked her over in the flesh for the first time, noticing every freckle, every dimple. She was truly breath-taking. And his mate.

He should have known. The moment he had seen her on the camera feed he had been drawn to her. No one had ever affected him like that before. How could he not have realised? Especially after he had failed to react to the sales assistant at the supermarket.

“I doubt there is a hot alien mate in my future,” his mate sighed sadly.

Oh, there was... and he wasn’t going to waste another minute.

When Alice turned and spotted Torq, she moved into his arms. “Well, if both Nora and I have found one, I’m sure you can too.”

Turning her back to the window, Katie’s gaze moved over Hex, sadness in her eyes as she said, “Well, I disa…” Stopping mid-word, her wide eyes swung back to him, her mouth agape.

Did she sense that they belonged together? Humans didn’t have the same senses as Chaetdorians, but Nora and Alice had quickly accepted their fated mates. Would he be as lucky?

“Katie?” Alice queried, worry clear in her voice.

Not given the females a chance to swarm his mate, Hex strolled forwards, quickly and carefully lifting her over his shoulder and marching down the deck to the cabin he, as of yet, had never slept in. He had never been so thankful of his brother’s insistence that he have one. 

"Put me down," she demanded, her fists raining down on his back. It didn't hurt, if anything it was kind of relaxing. He needed a massage.

Entering his cabin, hearing the doorway seal shut behind him, he allowed her to slip down from his shoulder and gently set her down on her feet. The feel of her body rubbing against his own had his cock straining even further against his leathers. He’d gone from impotent to rock hard in the space of an hour.

He still couldn't believe it. Since the moment he had seen her on the holding bay attack feed he had been drawn to her, found her incredibly attractive, but never in his wildest dreams had he thought that she would be his mate. As he’d walked down the cabin deck behind Torq, he’d felt a strange pull, an urge to push the Slayer Chaer out of the way and pick up speed. He knew why now. The human female he had drooled over, the one who's name sung to him, was his mate.

Stumbling back a step, she gazed up at him with wary eyes. He could scent her fear, but also... her hope?



This was insane. Katie had spent the last hour stood with the girls on the cabin deck watching the alien males outside the ship. Hannah would regularly point to one of them and ask if they were the male from her dreams. Both Alice and Nora had explained that they had felt instantly drawn to their mates and instead of trying to recognise the male – an impossibility as she had never once seen her dream lover – she should go with her gut, her instinct.

Dozens of males had walked by, some were Warriors and Slayers but the majority of them were Technos. She’d had to admit, there was something about the silver markings that drew her in, but none of the males she had seen had affected her. There was no pull, no drive to be with them.

She had almost given up hope when she turned to speak to Alice - whose mate had just returned - when she had set eyes on the most handsome, sexy-as-hell alien male ever.

It was him. She knew it was. And it was just like Nora and Alice had said. She felt drawn to him, found herself wondering what it would be like to have his body pressed against hers.

As it had turned out, she needn’t have wondered long as within a matter of seconds he had picked her up and carried her away in a fireman's lift. It was a good job she hadn’t brought her bag with her when they had left deck seven, otherwise, she may have acted without thinking and whacked him with it.

Gazing into his eyes as he stood before her in what she could only guess was his cabin, she found herself mesmerised. The silver orbs, while utterly alien, were actually easy for her to read. And what she saw in them was desire. A bank load of desire.

Looking him over, taking in his lean muscular body, her cheeks burned. She knew these aliens were huge, but... wow! The large appendage straining within his trousers left her mouth watering.

“I’m glad you like what you see, my sweet,” he said with a smirk. His cool voice sent shivers down her spine and straight to her core. “But I think I better introduce myself before this goes any further. I’m Hex.”

“Katie,” she found herself replying breathlessly.

“I know.”

Hold on. “You do?” How could he know who she was? She had never seen him before. She would have remembered him, that was for sure.

For some reason, he turned a little sheepish at her question, nervous to answer. “Well, I may have watched you on the cameras aboard the ship a few times.”

“You what?” Had she been wrong? Was this guy nothing but a giant perv?

“I saw the way you took out Dekon, the male that attacked your friends in the holding bay. Ever since then I’ve been bewitched by you. Are you sure your names not Samantha?” he teased with a wink.

“I’m no witch,” was her instant reply before she realised what he’d just said. “Hold on, you watch Bewitched?” She hadn’t seen that show since her mum was alive. They used to gather on the sofa on a Sunday evening to watch it. PJs and slippers on with bowls of popcorn at the ready. It had been her mother’s favourite show.

“Unlike the rest of my kind, I am not closed minded and find most human TV shows quite entertaining. Though I will never understand people's fascination with reality TV. Celebrities my arse.”

She tried to fight it, but the smile pulling at her lips was just too big to contain. She said the same thing to Hannah – the number one fan of all reality TV shows – on a regular basis.

“You’re beautiful when you smile. I think that will be one of my new projects.”

“What will? she asked, her heart picking up speed as he moved in closer.

“To make you smile so much each and every day that your cheeks hurt.” Placing his hand on the base of her spine, he pulled her against his warm, seriously excited body - judging by the humongous bulge she now felt against her stomach - and whispered in her ear. “And the other will be to make you scream in pleasure so much every night that your voice is hoarse for days.”

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