Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3)
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Chapter 5

Jepa couldn’t believe it. After all this time thinking that they would never find her, here she was. The perfect female for them... if she would accept them both, that is.

Hecto and he were identical twins, born from the same womb. That made them incredibly close. But their link went much deeper than that, making it impossible for them to find their own separate mates.

“She’s the one, brother,”
came Hecto’s voice in his mind.

That she was.

No, the only way they could ever be happy, stay sane, was to share a mate between them. But there in hand laid the problem. Who would want that?

OK, so there were a few out there it seemed that enjoyed multiple partners - at least in the human world - but long term? For all eternity? No.

They may have finally found a female that they were both drawn to, but that did not mean that she would want them both.

When Teks had asked them to escort the females to deck seven where the rest of the humans were situated, he had never dreamed of the possibility that one of them would be their mate. But the instant the door had dematerialized, allowing them entrance, they had felt it. The pull. The need. The desire. He wanted nothing more than to just stand there and gaze upon the raven beauty before him like his twin was doing now - Hecto could not seem to pull his eyes away from her. Unfortunately, the other two females in the room did not give him that opportunity.

Not even a minute in their mate’s presence and Hecto was now carrying one unconscious female, while he had the other asking a million and one questions in rapid fire.

Did she ever shut up?

Deciding to switch to his brother in the hope of getting some of her questions answered, she slowed her pace. “What’s deck seven?” she asked. She got no reply, of course. When Hecto arrived at a closed section and typed in the command to open it, her questioning of him started anew. “How did you do that?” His brother refused to answer once more, picking up speed in a hope to put some distance between them.

“You know, if you answered her questions, she may shut up.”

“Doubt it,”
came Hecto’s quick reply.
“Try it yourself.”

Fine, he would.

“Deck seven is where the other humans on board are being held,” he explained to the petite blonde before him, having to force his eyes away from his mate’s delectable ass. The scarlet dress she wore left little to the imagination. What he wouldn’t give to peel it away and lay her beneath him.

“Focus, brother!”

Startled out of his wonderings by the mental slap from his twin, Jepa focused back on the blonde. She was looking strangely at him is if waiting for something. But what?

“The answer to her second question, brother.”

Oh right.

“None of your business.” The last thing they needed was these two getting loose on the ship. The blonde and red head over Hecto’s shoulder definitely seemed a handful. Their mate on the other hand was strangely quiet.

“She will not be when sandwiched between us.”

The words were distracting enough, but did Hecto really have to send his visual fantasy to accompany it.

“So you’ve kidnapped others?” the blonde asked, her words finally piercing his mental fog.

“No we have not kidnapped others.” That had been Torq. “All the humans on deck seven are volunteers.”

“Volunteers for what?”

He knew what was coming even before his brother opened his mouth. Hecto did not speak often to others, but when he did, it was either extremely important or just plain stupid. Unfortunately in this case it was the latter.

“A harem.”

Their mate’s eyes could not have gotten any wider.

Chapter 6

A harem? “You’re joking.” They could not be serious, could they? Who would volunteer for something like that?

Then again, Hannah probably would enjoy it judging by her behaviour over the last few months. She seemed to have no problem getting down and dirty with any guy then quickly moving on to the next one.

“Yes, he is,” Hunk A growled at Hunk B’s back.

Thank God for that.

“So what are your names?” she asked as they continued on their way. She couldn’t really go on calling them Hunks A and B forever. And seeing that these guys were not from her world, she didn’t want to even attempt to guess what they could be called.

“Why would you need to know that?” Hunk A asked.

“So I know who to hunt down and bash to death with my bag if Jessie doesn’t wake up. I’m guessing the stuff you gave her was the same thing we were knocked out with to get us here. And I’ll tell you, the headache that followed was not pleasant one bit.” Jessie was going to be so pissed when she came to and her head was pounding again.

He seemed a little reluctant at first, but then sighed and answered. “Jepa.”

Looking to Hunk B, she waited but got nothing. It seemed that those two words before were all he was capable.

When Hannah froze beside her, a gasp escaping her like she had been taken by surprise, Katie pulled her attention away from the silent one of the pair and focused on her friend.

“Hannah, are you OK?”

Nodding, her mouth working but no words forthcoming, Hannah seemed unable to pull her gaze away from Hunk B.

The rest of the journey to the mysterious deck seven was done in silence, Jepa and Hunk B seeming to almost have a soundless argument the whole way. Jepa looked pissed for some reason and kept glaring daggers at his twin. When he wasn't focused on his brother, his gaze moved to Hannah, a frown on his face.

Was something going on that she did not know?

When they exited the strange lift type thing that didn’t seem to move anywhere – Jepa had called it a transporter – Katie entered a long, wide room set out like a huge lounge, but with odd machines running along one section of the wall. On one side of the room, there were dozens of doors. Actual normal doors, not the weird disappearing type that she had seen everywhere else on the ship. And opposite them next to the weird machines was a large viewing window showing nothing but rock.

Where were they?

Stepping further into the room, Katie took in the very human feeling space. It looked deserted, no other being in sight, but she could hear voices somewhere in the distance.

“Joel?” Jepa shouted from behind her causing her to jump. His voice echoed loudly through the open space.

“Who’s Joel?” she asked just as a door opened and a head popped round the corner of it.

“Oh hey,” the guy said, stepping into the room and smiling at them in welcome. When his eyes landed on Hannah his smile brightened – it seemed someone liked what they saw – then dimmed briefly for a moment when they alighted on Jessie’s unconscious body over Hunk B’s shoulder.

“What can I do for you?”

“We have three more residents for deck seven. They need rooms next to each other and showing how to work the consoles.”

Consoles? Was he talking about the strange machines?

“And clothes,” Hunk B growled, purposefully stepping in front of Hannah and blocking Joel’s view of her.

Interesting. Two more words to add to his vocabulary.

“Sure, sure,” Joel said with a smile. “Follow me.”

After they had been shown to their rooms – a still unconscious Jessie deposited in hers – Jepa and Hunk B left, if somewhat reluctantly, and Katie and Hannah were left with Joel as their tour guide. He showed them everything, from the state of the art entertainment centre with every movie and TV show known to man to the machines where they could get food. Not that Katie would want to eat anything it could give her.

“Isn’t there anything, you know, normal it can make?” she asked after he listed off a number of things he could recommend.

Shaking his head, he replied, “I’m afraid not.”

“Well is there a kitchen anywhere around here. Maybe we could just fix ourselves food.”

“Again, I’m afraid not. Not up here at least. But seriously, after a while, you will get used to it.”

But Katie didn’t want to get used to it, she wanted to go home... back to her small empty, lonely flat.

How had she ended up here? Just two weeks ago she’d thought she had everything worked out. A place to call her own (even if she did rent it). A job that paid good money (even if it did kill something deep inside her). And a boyfriend that loved her (as well as the slut he was secretly shacking up with and give all her hard saved money to).

Maybe Alice was right. What did they have keeping them here? Their lives truly and utterly sucked.

“The food actually wouldn’t be too bad if it had some flavour,” Hannah said as she prodded at the grey mush Joel had just removed from the food console.

“Maybe it needs some salt, or maybe a little pepper.” She looked around for some before she spotted Joel’s smirk. “Let me guess, they don’t have any, do they?”

“Nope. A lot of these aliens have never stepped foot in the human world, never mind tried any of our foods. I’m afraid we have tasted our last enjoyable meal.”

There was something about the way he said aliens, and the strange look in his eyes when he said it, that made Katie think that he didn’t like them very much. Though, why he would be here if he didn't, and as a volunteer at that, she had no idea.




Chapter 7

It seemed the females had taken care of the problem themselves before anyone had even managed to reach them. They’d managed to do what a squad of trained Warriors had failed to; take down a madness induced Chaetdorian Warrior. As he watched the feed over again for what felt like the hundredth time, he found his gaze once again drawn to one female in particular.

She was beautiful. He had never really been drawn to blondes in the past, and usually went for someone much taller, but there was just something about her that set his heart beating wildly and his dick straining against his leathers.

“Hex?” The sudden shout brought him abruptly back to reality. He had been so focused on the screen and the beautiful female upon it that he hadn’t heard anyone arrive.

How long had he been watching the thing? He had no clue. All he did know was that he seemed unable to stop.

“Over here,” he called out, letting the male know where he was but not turning away from the screen. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from her. She was just so...

Rounding the corner, Torq asked, “What are you doing?” 

Watching the female of my dreams.

Where that thought had come from he had no clue, but it proved one thing; he needed to get laid.

“Look at her,” he said, pointing to the screen. “I’ve never seen a human so brave, so ferocious. She took Dekon down almost by herself with nothing more than a handbag. She’s amazing. Have you seen this?”

“No. First glimpse I’ve had at what went off down there. It was all over by the time I arrived.”

“Well then,” he declared, setting the whole recording to begin again. As the feed showed Corr’s mate and the other females chatting, the action a little way off at that point, he turned to the Slayer and asked, “You brought them aboard, right?”


“Well, I’m glad you did. I like this bunch, especially her.”

His brother might be pissed – beyond pissed – but the more females on board the better as far as he was concerned, especially if there were more like that. He hadn’t had the chance as of yet to check out the volunteers up on deck seven.


“Is that her name?” It was perfect. “Katie… I like it. Might have to introduce myself at some point. It’s been a while since I enjoyed the company of a good woman.”

Silence descended as they watched the females chatting away, Corr’s mate doing her best to explain why they were there and who had taken them. When they suddenly jumped up, Hex said, “Oh, here we go. This is when the shit kicks off.”

Hex wasn’t sure how many times he had watched the footage now, but he knew  at just the right points to switch between the camera recordings to follow the fight through the door and out of the holding bay. But as he moved to do so Torq stopped him.

Why? Katie had gone out the door. That was the best thing about the footage; the beautiful female hammering Dekon with her handbag.

The feed of the holding bay continued, the fight moving outside, showing that one female remained. While the rest had given chase, wielding their large, oversized bags, a young fragile looking female stayed behind. She had her arms wrapped around her as if she was trying to keep herself together and she was shaking like crazy.

“Now that is one scarred human in need of a hug.”

“A hug?”

“You know, a human embrace, a show of affection and comfort where you pull another to you and wrap them in your arms.”

“I know what a hug is,” he snapped back.

Had the Slayer taken a shine to her? That was the only reason Hex could think of as to why he would be so short tempered on the subject. It took a lot to make the Slayer Chaer snap like that. And he should know, he’d been trying since long before their entrapment on Earth.

When Torq turned to leave, Teks entered. Seeing the rage in his eyes as he turned to face him, Hex quickly shut the feed down and asked, “What’s wrong, brother?”

“Bring up file 7751B from my private files,” he ordered.

OK. Awkward.

“Bruv, they are your private files. You know they can’t be accessed from here.”

“Give it a rest, Hex. I know you regularly hack into my private system. That footage you were watching just a moment ago was one of my classified files.”


“Now bring up that file.”

“Fine,” he moaned, tapping away at the console and hacking back into his brother’s system. “You’re going to change all your passwords again after this, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Not that it will stop you.”

No, it wouldn’t. He couldn’t suppress the smile that graced his face at the thought of the challenge. He wondered how many seconds it was going to take this time. And it would be only seconds.

With a few more clicks of the keys, he was in, bringing up the file that his brother had asked for. The moment it appeared on the screen his smile dropped.

“Mandy,” Torq sighed beside him, taking in the image of the broken human female they had known since she was a child. “What happened?”

“We don’t know. She was found like this back at the warehouse tonight. That building has been checked on multiple occasions since her disappearance with no trace of her found. I ordered one last sweep, just to be sure we hadn’t missed anything and they found this.”

“Looks like it could have been done in a rage, a frenzy. Could it have been done by one of our own?” Hex asked, thinking back to footage from the holding bay and the insane look in Dekon’s eyes. “You know, another suffering from madness?”

“It sure seems that way, but none of our males have been unaccounted for, and none has shown any symptoms of the illness. There is also the fact that according to early results from the medibay, there is no sign of any kind of sexual assault.”

Seriously? Any Chaetdorain male suffering from madness would have no problem with the idea of mating a woman by force.

Mating was an intimate affair, sealed with a bite to the neck during orgasm. Madness sent males into a kind of mating frenzy; that’s all they cared about, all they wanted. A mate.

“Are there marks?” Torq asked.

“Yes, there are what appears to be bite marks upon her neck, indicating at a forced mating.”

“That makes no sense,” he commented as he closed down the file, no longer able to stomach the image before him. What male - even a madness induced one - would forget the best and most crucial part of mating? 

What the fuck was going on?

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