Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Hex's Desire (Chaetdorian Mates Book 3)
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Chapter 8

Katie awoke with a gasp, her body slicked with sweat and shaking from her climax.

What the hell? She’d had erotic dreams in her time but never had they been as real feeling as that, or been with the unknown.

She’d fantasised about a vast array of people from old crushes to celebrities, but this had been something different. She’d felt the guy’s hands on her body, his weight pressing down on her as he settled between her thighs. She had felt everything... but could see nothing but the occasional shimmer.

Had she dreamed of having sex with the invisible man?

Rising from the bed, she wanted nothing more than to take a nice relaxing bath. Back home she would regularly soak her problems away in a nice hot bubble bath. Damn those aliens for not having installed baths. They had installed practically everything else but forgot the two most important things. A bath and a kitchen.

Hell, even a shower would do but she didn’t know how to work the so-called cleansing unit that was the alternative. It had one of those strange panels she could not figure out.

Not wanting to even waste her time, she dressed in one of the jeans and t-shirt combos that Joel had given her last night. They were close to her size but still a little big. And the jeans were way too long for her petite frame so she had to roll them up a couple of times at the ankle. He’d promised that he would make sure more suitable clothing was acquired before they left the planet. She still couldn’t get her head around the fact that aliens were real, and that she would be leaving Earth and travelling the stars with them.

Exiting the room she had been given – a somewhat dull and empty place – she made her way over to the large viewing window and took a seat in one of the many armchairs positioned facing it. There wasn’t much of a view now, but she could only imagine the beautiful sights that awaited them in space.

“Can’t sleep?”

Turning at the musical voice, her heart pounding in her chest from being taken by surprise, she found herself gazing at the most stunning woman she had ever met.

Now, Katie had never been attracted to a member of the same sex, but hell, this was a woman to turn for. Curves in all the right places. Long, shiny black hair that made her look like she had just walked out of the salon. And her eyes? As black as coal.

Must be contacts.  

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” the woman apologised.

“Not your fault. I was miles away,” Katie explained, her eyes going back to the window.

“I know what you mean. I can’t wait to just sit here for hours and watch the stars,” she said longingly with a heavy sigh, taking a seat in the chair opposite her. “I’m Temple.”

“Katie. My friends and I were brought up here last night.” If in fact it had been night; it was hard to tell with them being underground.

“Right, I heard about that. Your friends are Hannah and...”


“That's it. Sorry, I’m terrible with names. I only remembered Hannah’s because Joel mentioned it once or twice.”

He had? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Hannah had a history of attracting creeps, and Katie got strange vibes from Joel, though, he seemed friendly enough. Maybe it was just her own history with men that was making her think the worst of the male population.

They sat together for a little while in a comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts before Temple announced that she was going to take a shower before the others rose. It only took a second before Katie was begging her to show her how to work the cleansing unit in her room.

"Think you can remember that?" Temple asked a few minutes later.

"I think so." Running over the short sequence Temple had just taught her to work the unit over again in her head, Katie was hopeful she could. "How do you make it look so easy?"

"It is really, once you get a gist for the language."

"You know their language? How?" During their short chat with Joel the night before, Katie had gotten the impression none of them did. The main door to the human deck had one of those panels, making it impossible for any of them to leave without permission. They were literally locked in.

Suddenly looking a little uncomfortable, Temple mumbled, "Just a little bit. Well, I better go." Before she could even move an inch to stop her, she was gone.

Fuck, she moves almost as quickly as they do.  

An hour later, feeling clean and refreshed, Katie found her friends waiting for her with what she assumed to be breakfast.



“You can go now,” Jessie snapped at Jepa and Hunk B – Katie still hadn’t learnt his name – as they took their seats at the table with Alice and Nora. “It’s not like we needed your assistance in the first place.”

Ever since Jessie had woken up after her second bout of sleeping drug, she had been in a foul mood. The fact that they were not allowed to leave deck seven unescorted didn’t help matters. Not that they didn’t have plenty to entertain them. Every five minutes it seemed another alien hunk was entering their new domain for some reason or other, and they all seemed very friendly.

“So, now that the stalker twins have left, care to explain yourself?” Jessie asked harshly. She had already admitted to Katie that she had forgiven their friend for her moment of stupidity, but that didn’t mean she would go easy on her.

Still, Katie thought the poor woman needed a break. She looked even paler and broken than before. God knows what was going through her head. “Oh leave her alone, Jess. It’s not her fault she’s a soft touch for a tall, well-muscled, scary-looking alien.”

“I’m not…”

“Oh yes, you are. I saw your face when that hunk came into the room. And I saw your reaction to him back in that alley. Can’t say I blame you either,” she giggled, “these aliens are ridiculously hot.” Which was probably why she’d been having those sexy dreams since they’d been here. So much hotness around, her nocturnal imagination couldn’t even handle it. Her dream lover was nothing but shadows, with the occasional silver shimmer, but hell was he good.

“Corr thinks that Torq might be Alice’s mate,” Nora said, pulling Katie back from her thoughts. “Says he’s been acting all strange since the mission that ended with us being brought here.”

This news caused Hannah and her to shriek in delight. Nora had explained all about Corr and how he had recognised her as his soulmate the moment they had first met back in the room they had all been caged in after they had taken care of that loser with their handbags before Corr had whisked her away from them again. Katie suspected that he just wanted to get her back into bed for some naked fun. It was the look in his eyes that had given it away.

“What mission?” Jessie asked, getting the convocation back on track.

“Well, have you noticed that some of the males look a little more human than others?” Nora asked. Katie had actually, but she hadn’t really thought much of it. “It’s because they have been drinking human blood.”

“What?” they all shrieked.

“They can make themselves appear human by consuming human blood. But, apparently, because they have been doing it for so long, they can’t just give it up without suffering serious withdrawal, so Torq and the other Slayers were sent out to retrieve a group of human volunteers.”

“So there are others here, other humans?” Alice asked.

“Yes. Fourteen apparently, though I believe their numbers just went up. The girls joined them last night. They have a whole deck of the ship to themselves.”

“Will they expect us to… you know… give up our blood?” she asked nervously. While they had all wondered why there were other humans on board, no one had given them a reason as to why. And after Hunk B’s harem joke, they had all been a little nervous to ask.

“I don’t think so. They may ask, but if you say no, I doubt they will try and force it.” Well, that was something at least. Though, from the dreamy look in Nora’s eyes, she had no problem being bitten.

What would it be like? Would it hurt or would there be pleasure? Katie suddenly found herself incredibly curious.



Chapter 9

Hex had been hoping that now the other humans were on board he would be able to feed from someone other than Joel, maybe even a nice female, but it seemed not. Entering the feed room located on the other end of deck seven to the living quarters the humans occupied, his mood plummeted at the sight of Joel sat there waiting for him. Was it wrong of him to have hoped that the lush petite female he had seen on the camera feed of the attack would be the one to have fed him? He still didn’t know what it was about her, but she had been on his mind almost constantly ever since.

“Is something wrong?” Joel asked.

Schooling his features, Hex replied, “Of course not. Any problems on deck? Everything running OK?” He had put a lot of work into the remodel for the humans. Now that they were in it, he wanted to make sure they were happy with it.

“Oh yes, everything is fine,” Joel replied. His left eye twitched.

He was lying, Hex could tell, but he had a pretty good idea what was wrong.

A few minutes later, his reduced quota of blood fulfilled for the week, Hex was just sitting back down in his chair in the engine bay when Torq came storming in, his eyes burning with rage. “I need your help. Alice’s old lover beat her to near death and left her for dead. I want him found.”

“Alice? You mean the broken female from the holding bay feed?”

“Yes,” he snapped. “But she is broken no more. Alice is my mate. I claimed her last moon.”

Wow. Torq - Mr I don’t want a mate - had actually claimed his female? Things were definitely changing around here. Fist with Corr finding his mate and now Torq. Were any of the other females the Slayer Chaer brought aboard destined to be mated?

“Congrats dude.”

“Dude?” Torq looked at him strangely as if he had lost his mind.

“It’s a human thing.”

Shaking his head, Torq sighed. “You are not human, Hex.”

No, he wasn’t and he wouldn’t want to be either. Over the years, he had witnessed some terrible things. Humans, while interesting to him, had major flaws. Why anyone would invent weapons that could destroy all life on their own planet was beyond him.

Hex had lost a planet, a home. To create something that could take that away from you was just plain stupid in his opinion.

Booting up the console, Hex took his seat as the masses of screens lit up. “What do you plan on doing with the information if I give it to you?” He had an idea but he wanted clarification first.

“Get her revenge. He needs to pay for what he did to her,” Torq stated, confirming his suspicions.

Well if Torq was going to leave the ship, then Hex was going with him. For two reasons. Firstly Torq wasn’t accustomed to the human world having spent very little time in it. And secondly, he had overheard the human females talking with Joel, moaning about the horrible food that the food console produced.

Yes, he had been watching them from his console; he couldn’t help it, he just needed to see Katie, make sure she was OK. Though why he had no clue.

Corr had also stated that his mate was less than impressed by the food available. It had been while watching the female called Katie that he had been given an idea of what might help, but he could only get the things he needed in the human world.

“Okay, but I am coming with you.”


“Then I guess revenge is out of the question,” he said, spinning around in his chair to face his friend.

“You’re not meant to leave the ship. Teks’ orders,” Torq growled.

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Anyway, I think he is a little preoccupied at the moment to worry about me.” After Mandy’s body had been discovered Teks had delayed their leave. Now he was working double time to find the killer and make sure that none of the males were suffering from madness. “He won’t find out, Torq.”

“He better not," Torq warned, giving in. "What information do you need to know?”




Finding Torq's target was relatively easy, but getting the male to leave his mate was not. Torq wanted nothing more than to take this fucker out, but it was hard for him to leave Alice behind, especially after Mandy's death and the attacks by Sekon and Dekon. Eventually, he was satisfied with leaving his mate with Corr's mate and the other females.

First thing on the agenda was taking care of Alice's abusive ex, which was taking longer than expected, then they could head off to the supermarket.

“So what is it you just had to pick up?” Torq asked as they hid in the shadows waiting for Alice’s ex to leave the large glass skyscraper he worked in.

“Salt, pepper, rosemary, among other things.” He had a huge list, though, he planned to just purchase every herb and spice on the shelves at the store.

A look of confusion came over Torq’s face and he asked, “What? Why the hell do you need any of that stuff?”

Unable to help himself, Hex burst out laughing. “You don’t know what it is, do you?”

“No. I don’t know much about the human world,” Torq admitted. Slayers like Torq had never had any need to visit the human world so they had no experience of their foods. He would be in for a big surprise if he ever did. The first time Hex had tried Indian food his mouth had burned for what felt like hours. He had since learned to stick to the milder spices.

“They’re seasonings. Things you can add to food to improve taste. Apparently the food our consoles produce is inedible, according to our new human guests at least. I'm hoping a few seasonings will quieten their moaning until I can reprogram the consoles to dispense some human dishes for them.” Which he planned to make his next big project.

A few hours later and the bastard they were after finally appeared. It didn’t take Torq long to fulfil his mission and Hex doubted the male would be found by anyone before the last breath left his body.

With Torq's red markings, inhuman eyes and his little experience with humans, Hex decided it was best to go into the supermarket alone, so he left Torq outside while he joined the humans inside. He had to wear sunglasses as his eyes had already changed back to their true form, but his markings were still yet to appear and he knew how to behave around humans.

After filling his trolley, he went to the checkout. The moment the bored-looking female assistant looked up her whole demeanour changed and interest sparkled in her eyes. While she scanned his items through the till, she started up a conversation, flirting to the best of her ability, even going so far as to say she was about to go on her break if he wanted to join her.

This was the opportunity he’d been waiting for. It had been too long since he'd gotten laid. He had been dreaming about stripping down a willing female and feasting on her wet, juicy pussy for months. He’d secretly hoped that he could get some one-on-one time with a female while out with Torq.

So why did he find himself declining? “While that sounds like a very tempting offer,” it so was not, “I am afraid I must refuse.”

She didn’t like his answer and tried her best to get him to change his mind, leaning over to show off her ample cleavage. His cock remained unresponsive. What the hell? What was wrong with him?


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