Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga (10 page)

BOOK: Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga
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“Okay, let’s go,” said Jessy in a breathless voz.
Good thing I don’t live far.
They were at her casa in ten minutes. Jessy drops off her carro y jumps into Jose Enrique’s carro before anyone sees her.

“Mi amor, do you have an idea on what style ring you want? You can select anything that you want,” said Jose Enrique driving away.

Jessy turns around looking at him.
He’s todo mio, finally todo mio.
“I know what style I like y hopefully the store has one,” said Jessy.
I just love looking at him.

They arrive at the store. Jose Enrique parks his carro, quickly getting out of his carro to assist Jessy. He holds her close to his right side. They stride into the store.

“Good afternoon, Mr. De La Cruz. We have been expecting you. Ms. De La Cruz called to advise us that you are looking for an engagement ring. I am John Smith at your service. I am happy to assist you in selecting a ring for this joyous occasion. We have taken the liberty of pulling out our entire exclusive inventory for you, so you can make your selection,” said the store owner.

“Mr. Smith it is a pleasure to meet you. I will like to introduce you to my fiancée, Ms. Jessica Maria Cortez. I will like you to show her every ring that you have available. I want her to select the ring that she loves,” said Jose Enrique as he pulls Jessy into his side wrapping his brazo around her small waist as he looks at Mr. Smith.

“Yes, Mr. De La Cruz,” said Mr. Smith as he starts to show Jessy the rings.

Jose Enrique simply stands close y beholds Jessy.
I cannot believe that I’m seriously thinking of getting married. Of course Jessy is a bella, sexy, y una incredibly passionate mujer. She matches mi passion. I love how she is so greedy and passionate. I know it is just a matter of time before I’m in love with her. She makes me hot. Of course I took her innocence y la familia will expect me to marry her. All in all, I truly believe this will work out. I know that I’m starting to care for her. She has loved me since she was in her teens. She even saved herself for me.

She’s getting all excited about the rings, and she cannot decide on what she wants. Maybe I should assist her.
He pulls Jessy close whispering “select any ring that you like. If you want mi help I will give you mi two cents. However, whatever you want is okay, mi amor.”

Jessy smiling looks at Jose Enrique. “I know exactly which ring I want, mi vida. I want this ring that has the green emerald with diamonds. The emerald matches tus ojos.”

“Mi amor are you certain? You don’t desire a diamond ring? I can get you both. I want you to select an engagement ring. I will also get you the emerald ring as a wedding present. Okay?” asks Jose Enrique as he gives her un beso.

Jessy cannot believe it.
He is so incredible. The more time I spend with him the more I love him.
“Okay, mi vida. I want this diamond ring to be mi engagement ring,” said Jessy as she tries on a princess cut diamond with smaller diamonds of the same cut on each side of the main stone. “Mi amor, what about our wedding rings? Can we can get matching wedding bands?”

“Mi amor I want you to select what you desire. Go ahead y select our wedding bands since we are already here,” said Jose Enrique as he continues to observe how excited Jessy is. “Mi amor, Paty wants to help you plan our boda. I‘m positive that mi mama, tias, y primas will want to put in their two cents.”

“I don’t mind at all. The more help I have with the wedding plans, then it will allow me to have more time to spend with you,” said Jessy as she turns around to give him un beso.

Jose Enrique returns the beso but tries hard to control himself.
I don’t want to cause Jessy any embarrassment.
He pulls away smiling.

Jessy turns around to look at the wedding bands. “Do you like this style for our wedding bands? I really like the diamonds in tu band. Mi band will fit perfectly with the engagement ring making them appear like a set,” said Jessy.

“Mi vida, if you like them, I see no problema. We will get them, okay?” said Jose Enrique as he turns around to tell the store manager that they will take the green emerald with diamonds ring, the diamond engagement ring, and the matching wedding bands. “Please have the emerald ring and wedding bands delivered to my office.”

“Yes, Mr. De La Cruz,” said Mr. Smith taking the rings to wrap up.

“Oh, this is such a beautiful ring, mi amor. Thank you,” said Jessy as she gives him a hug y a passionate beso.

Jose Enrique purchases the rings. He takes the engagement ring sliding the ring onto Jessy’s finger with a smile. He pulls her into his brazos for a beso, pulling back to whisper in her ear. “Let’s go. I need you now!”

“Okay,” said Jessy striding next to him to his carro.

Jose Enrique opens the door for her, assists her into the carro. He quickly goes around the carro to get into his seat turning on the carro. Jose Enrique pulls out onto the street heading toward the freeway.
I think that we should go a few cities down. I really will not like to have Jessy seen at the hotel with me, knowing how our padres and the people around us will react. I don’t want her to get hurt.

They arrive at a nice hotel a few cities away y Jose Enrique parks the carro to register. He swiftly returns with the key to a cuarto. He opens the door for Jessy, assisting her out. He hugs her close to his side

“Mi amor, we need to order some food because I am starving,” said Jose Enrique as he opens the hotel door. “Not bad. The room is clean and it looks comfortable,” he walks to the phone to order some room service. “Yes, room 1020. Please bring some wine, strawberries with chocolate, two tri-tip steaks, baked potato, and salads. Thanks.”

He walks toward Jessy, taking her into his brazos, holding her tight, swaying with her. “Do you want to go into the Jacuzzi? Do you want to get into la cama after we eat? Can we start making love?” groans Jose Enrique, trying to control himself.

Jessy wraps her brazos around his neck pulling his cara to hers so she can look into his ojos. “I need you now,” said Jessy pushing off his coat, taking off his tie. She unbuttons his shirt y pushes it off his shoulders.

Jessy explores his chest with her manos.
I need to see his chest
, she thought. Oh yeah, she looks at his curly black hair that tapers down to the waistline of his pants.
I need to see more. I need to get him naked.
Jessy starts to undo his pants y pushes them down.

Stepping back, Jessy looks at him.
Oh, it really looks as good as it feels
, thought Jessy as she runs a finger around the sensitive edge of its crown observing a drop emerge from the slit.
Si I want to taste mi amor

Jessy decides she wants to taste him, pushing Jose Enrique onto la cama slowly running her mano down to his soft sacks hearing him moan.

Jose Enrique moans with hot desire.
I hope she continues and not back out,
thought Jose Enrique.
Jessy drives mi loco with passion.

Jessy moves her mano up, grasps him, barely able to hold him in her mano. Jessy moans leaning down to taste the edge of his pulsing crown.
I need to taste the emerging drop
thought Jessy. “Hmmm, you taste yummy, spicy, and hot. You make mi mouth water,” she whispers.

She continues to love him around the crown, taking the entire crown into her hot mouth, tasting him, and driving him loco with need. Jessy continues this sweet torture until he lost control.

Jose Enrique pulls her to him, tugging her dress up to her waist.
Yeah I know that she doesn’t have any panties on
thought Jose Enrique taking her. They both sigh in relief. Their need is overwhelming y urgent.

“Mi amor, ride me. Just move. Ride me as fast or as slow as you want,” groans Jose Enrique relishing Jessy’s essence tightly seizing him.

I love how he feels inside me. He feels so hot, hard, and infinite. It’s absolutely incredibly delicious
, thought Jessy savoring him.

She rides him fast and hard whimpering with need. She forgets everything but her need to feel him deep inside. She rides him harder shuddering with pleasure. She squeezes him as she reaches her release along with Jose Enrique as one complete alma.

Jose Enrique yells out her name with his intense release, feeling her core tightly grasp, milking him.

Jessy falls onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat, it sounds like it is going to explode. She can hear the harsh breaths that he takes.

Jose Enrique feels like he is going to explode. Jessy takes him to a hot intense passion.
I feel every single tight grasp, and her sweet hot essence. I feel that mi blood is on fire. I need to hold her tight. Si, she’s mia, only mia and I’m not letting her go ever.

Jessy sits up looking at Jose Enrique. He is utterly gorgeous. “Jose Enrique I love the way you taste. I love how you feel so hot,” said Jessy. She leans down, nibbles his chest loving him.

I can feel him get ready again. That turns me on. I just cannot get enough of him. I want to kiss and taste every single inch of skin on his gorgeous body.
“I am going to taste all of you today,” she informs him as she continues to kiss, bite, and love him. She feels him buck and groan.

Jose Enrique just cannot think or talk. All he can do is feel every sweet torture that Jessy is doing to him.
I need to take control.
He takes off Jessy’s dress to get her naked. He then feasts on her breasts. He tenderly cups her breasts. Si I need to enjoy, taste her awesome breasts.
Hmm so hermoso
he nibbles, loving her exquisite red flesh.

I can feel her clutch me every time I love her nipples. Oh, this feels great.
He lightly bites her, leaving his mark on her breasts.
I just have to mark her breasts
, he thought as he rubs her flesh with the palm of his manos. Then he takes each nipple in his fingers and softly loving them.
Hmmm, I love to taste her flesh. They are so luscious.

Jose Enrique turns Jessy onto her back. He takes her fast, pounding in and out with a fast fiery need. They explode together into one burning release. They reach heaven united as one complete alma. They kiss with desperation, devouring, each one wanting to get closer.

It is several minutes until their passion is spent and sated. They hold onto each other until their heart rates slow down. Jose Enrique goes onto his back pulling her along with him.
I just love the way she fits just right on mi chest.

“That was so delicious. I will always want more of you, Jose Enrique,” said Jessy.

Jose Enrique whimpers when he hears her need. “The more I taste you the more I want you, need you. I cannot get enough of you,” he holds her rubbing his mano down her back. He reaches for her sweet tight rear end.
She gets me drunk with her touch, her taste.

They fall asleep. The room service rings the bell waking Jose Enrique up. He puts on his pants. Jessy is lying on her stomach. He covers her up with the bed sheet. He grins when he sees Jessy’s black lace bikini panties on the floor. They must have fallen out. Today she didn’t wear any just for me. He smiles with felicidad.

He walks to the door opening it. The room service is here. He takes the cart, tipping room service. He closes and locks the door.

He walks over to Jessy pulling back the sheet. He starts to kiss her luscious firm rear checks.
So amazing
, he thought and he then starts to nibble just hard enough to sting and kiss the sting away.

He rubs his cara on her soft silky flesh, scrapes her with his facial hair causing a burning friction. Jessy starts to moan with pleasure.

Jose Enrique is already, pulls her up on her knees and starts to love her hot sweet essence that coats her silky flesh. “You’re so delicious, so sweet. I rather love you than eat,” he said loving her.

BOOK: Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga
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