Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga (11 page)

BOOK: Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga
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Si, I can feel her clutch me, I can feel the release of her hot nectar that I love. I need more, and Jessy is going wild. I just love rubbing mi cara into her. I love how she smells
, he thought as he rubs his cara into her hot essence.
She tastes like no other
, he moans.

Jose Enrique releases his shaft plunges inside her, taking her deep, and hard. Her core clutches him in a hot tight grasp, milking every single drop of his seed.

They fall onto the cama trying to catch their breaths. He holds her tight in his brazos, wraps his legs with hers, falling asleep.

Jose Enrique wakes up with hunger pains, and he looks around.
Si, I’m in the hotel with mi mujer and making love like un loco. She is amazing
, he thought.
She’s as passionate as I am.

Slowly he starts to wake her. They need to eat.
We cannot continue like this and not eat our regular meals
, thought Jose Enrique. “Mi amor, wake up. You need to eat,” said Jose Enrique kissing her neck and caresses her breasts. Her nipples instantly pucker up for him in need of his touch.

Jessy wakes up feeling his kisses and caresses.
It seems like we cannot get enough of each other
, thought Jessy as she moves. “Okay, I’m awake. Let’s eat before we start making love again,” said Jessy grinning. “I do believe that you taste better than food. I can probably survive with just loving you, mi vida.”

Jose Enrique stands up naked walking to the cart, he looks at the food. It is still a little warm.
I can feel Jessy’s ojos on me and feel her hunger. Si, I can feel her greedy desire to love me.
He turns around grinning at her. She is still on la cama naked on her side looking at him.

“Come here and have some food, mi amor,” said Jose Enrique turning to get something to eat.

He feels Jessy come to stand behind him and feels her kneel.
Ugh, she just bit mi.

She kisses the sting and puts her manos on him to stroke him. “I want to love you Jose Enrique. Who knows when I will be able to do this?” she said in a low husky voz.

Jessy kneels down to love him.
She is making me forget about eating and about everything.

I only feel her loving me.
Jose Enrique grabs the chair for support.
I think she will kill me. She’s drive me loco. I have never had such fantastic loving
, he thought as he let himself go.

Jessy loves every single moment. Jessy observes his cara the entire time that he reaches his release. He’s simply gorgeous, totally mio, only mio. She releases him, standing up, and pushes him into the chair.

Jose Enrique seems to be in a daze. She then spoon feeds him some food. Slowly he takes a sip of water. Jose Enrique simply looks at her, in awe of her passion for him. Finally sated and content, they started to eat.



It’s time to leave. We need to get back in a decent hour. We don’t want our padres upset,” said Jose Enrique as he kisses her.

Ahh, this afternoon has been incredible
, thought Jose Enrique.
I have never had such hot sex before. Making love to Jessy is like heaven. The more I love her, the more I want her. Her taste drives me loco.

“Okay, I’m awake now. I’ll get dressed after a quick shower,” said Jessy. “I’m just a little tired from our entire lovemaking,” she smiles at him with felicidad.

“I know mi amor. I just want to get going. We also need to discuss our wedding date. Do you think that I can come over with mis padres on Saturday to ask for tu mano?” asks Jose Enrique pulling on his pants.

“Mi amor I will like to have you start work on Monday. I want you to have plenty of time to wrap up any loose ends with your other jobs. It will also give you some free time to think. You can start to plan our boda. You know that Paty y Bella want to help.”

Jessy stands up and starts to dress. Jose Enrique walks to her hugging her. “Hmmm, you feel so wonderful,” said Jose Enrique. “Okay, let’s go home” They exit the cuarto.

They walk over to his carro. He starts the carro and backs out of the parking space onto the street heading to the freeway entrance.

Jose Enrique reaches over to take her mano into his, raising it to his lips, and kisses her palm. He then turns her mano over to look at the ring he put there.
It feels fantastic seeing mi ring on her, claiming her as mia
, thought Jose Enrique.

Jessy turns to look at Jose Enrique.
I really love him
, she thought.
I’m feliz that I’m his. I just need to make sure he loves me. I’m pretty sure that he is starting to feel something for me.

“Mi vida have you thought of when you want us to marry? Do you want to marry in a couple of months or more like six months?” asks Jessy. “I feel that a couple of months will be sufficient time to plan our boda. How about the end of July? This will be about three weeks after the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration.”

“Mi amor, I think that the end of July is great. I don’t see the need to wait longer,” said Jose Enrique with a husky voz. He takes a quick glance over to Jessy. “I really want you en mi cama every day, and the only way that will happen is when were married.”

“Mi vida, okay, let’s get married at the end of July. I will tell mis padres that you will be over on Saturday to ask for mi mano. We will tell them of our wedding date,” said Jessy. “Do you want to have the ceremony and reception at tus padre’s casa? It’s big and beautiful.”

Jose Enrique gives her another glance.
Boy, she’s bella and amazing
. “You know Jessy I have never thought about it. You’re correct. It will be perfect in July. The flowers will be blooming. We will invite only our familia and closest amigos,” said Jose Enrique with a huge grin. “You will be a very bella novia. I can just see you. We need to decide where we will go on our luna de miel. Oh, that will be the best part. I will have you all to myself day and night. I will not have to share you with anybody. Yeah, there will not be any interruptions, familia, or distractions. Oh Yeah, I like that.”

Jessy grins.
He really wants me. I cannot wait.
“We can go to Cancun. What do you think?” asks Jessy. “I can wear a bikini. What color do you want mi bikini to be?” she smiles with a mischievous twinkle in her hermoso golden ojos.

She’s teasing me, and I know it.
Closing his ojos and
just imagining her in a bikini is killing me.
The little brat knows it.
“I want it red. A little bikini and tu hot body in it,” said Jose Enrique in a husky, sexy voz. “I want to be able to rip it off when I take you.”

“Mi vida, you’re a savage.” She smiles getting excited just thinking about it. “I will always let you rip off anything you want.”

“Okay, I will make arrangements for our luna de miel in Cancun. I am feliz that you selected Mexico. I truly enjoy our music, our food, and our gente. When we have the exact dates of our boda, I will make our reservations. I think that we will leave a day after our boda. I want to spend our wedding night here,” said Jose Enrique. “You do have your passport, don’t you? If you don’t, we will need to select another place for our luna de miel. I am not going to delay our boda until you get a passport. It’s just not going to happen. If you’re not sure in marrying me, you need to tell me now. I will never let you go later.”

Jessy takes a deep breath.
Jose Enrique is real serious about our boda. I do love him. I know that he will love me. I know that he has some feelings for me now.
“I do want to marry you and I do have a passport,” said Jessy, looking at Jose Enrique.

Jose Enrique smiles and glances at Jessy. They arrive at her casa. He drives into the driveway. “Mi amor, do you want me to come in and speak to your padres, or do you want to speak to them by yourself?” asks Jose Enrique shifting in his seat to look at Jessy.

“I think it will be best for me to tell them that you will be here on Saturday with tus padres to ask for mi mano,” said Jessy. “Will I see you mañana?” asks Jessy with a little apprehension.

“Si, me bella novia, and I will call you mañana. Think about what you want to do. Do you want dinner and movies? Do you want me and dinner?” asks Jose Enrique with a wicked grin leaning forward for his beso.

Jessy pulls him close wrapping her brazos around his neck to kiss him deeply.
Yeah I love the feel and taste of him
thought Jessy. She feels him pull her close to slide his manos under her skirt up her thighs to go to grab her firm sweet rear end.

Jose Enrique groans as he feels his shaft grow firm and hot with pulsing need.
I cannot believe this. I just had her until we were both sated and exhausted. Mi amigo obviously wants more, aches with need. Will I ever stop wanting her with this burning passion?

Pulling back with frustration and a hot passionate need Jose Enrique forces himself to let her go.
We need to stop. If we continue I will love her in mi carro. This will not be right.
“Mi amor, we really need to stop. I will be making love to you if we don’t,” said Jose Enrique in a hoarse voz. “I’m aching and hot for you. You’re killing me.”

Yeah I know he is ready and in desperate need. I can feel his passion,
thought Jessy.
Mi body is in sync with his, and I respond to his needs.
“Okay,” said Jessy as she takes a deep breath.

“Allow me to walk you to the door,” said Jose Enrique as he gets out of the carro, walks around to her side to assist her out.

He then pulls her close against him on his side as they walk to the front door. “Don’t forget to be ready for us to go out mañana. Think about what you want to do, okay? I can be here to pick you up at around five. Is that a good time?”

“Si, five is good. I will think of something to do. You’re still going to call me mañana earlier in the day?” asks Jessy. “I can then tell you what mis padres said about Saturday, so you can make arrangements with tus padres.”

“Okay, I will call you before I have mi lunch,” said Jose Enrique. He then leans into her to give her un beso. He tries to make it a quick beso.

Oh, no. He’s trying to give me a quick beso and that will not do. I want more, especially since I will not see him until mañana. That will be lots of hours from now
thought Jessy. She pulls him closer until she hears him moan. She kisses him devouring his mouth and nipping his lips.

Jessy decides to mark him as he has marked her. Jessy goes to his neck marking his neck right by his collar bone feeling him shudder. Jessy decides that is enough torture for her vida and pulls back with a wicked grin as he whimpers.

“Okay, my vida, I will see you mañana,” said Jessy. “I love you. Thank you for mi ring. It’s so beautiful.”

Jose Enrique is beyond delivering any type of verbal response. His body is overwhelmed with passion. He is only able to nod, and he turns around to walk to his carro thinking,
need a cold shower. I am on hot, I’m on fire.



her casa as soon as she sees Jose Enrique drive away.

I am just so feliz
thought Jessy
seeking out her padres. She calls out to them, anxious to display her engagement ring and to advise them about la boda.

“Mama! Papa! Where are you?” asks Jessy. “I want you to see mi engagement ring,” Jessy walks into the familia cuarto. Her padres are standing up smiling with felicidad. They were watching their favorita Spanish novela on television.

“Where is mi hermana Jacki?” she asks approaching su padres. “Look at mi engagement ring. Jose Enrique asked me to marry him. He wants to come over on Saturday con sus padres to ask for mi mano. Esta bien for Saturday, Mama, Papa, I am so feliz.”

“Mi hija Jose Enrique is el hombre that you love?” asks her papa Juan. “If that is the case we will be extremely contentos to have them come over on Saturday to ask for tu mano.”

“When is the wedding?” asks her mama Rosa hugging her niña.
Si, I know that mi niña has always loved Jose Enrique.

“We decided that the wedding will be at the end of July. Look at mi engagement ring. It is so hermoso. We have already selected our wedding bands. Jose Enrique also bought me a wedding gift, a ring that I loved. An emerald ring with diamonds all around it,” said Jessy in a dreamy soft voz. “We will be having our boda y reception at Jose Enrique’s casa. I was the one who thought of having our boda there. That’s the place where I have always dreamed of marrying him.”

“Mi hija, I’m muy feliz for you. We have lots of planning to do. We need to order tu wedding dress y the maids’ dresses. We need to order the cake and los invitations. We will barely have time to take care of all the details for la boda,” said her mama Rosa wringing her manos.

“Mama, Paty y Bella offered to assist me. All I want you to worry about is tu dress, okay? I do want you to help me select mi dress, invitations, and cake. Where is mi hermana? I want her to see mi ring,” said Jessy.

“Tu hermana Jacki went out on a date. She will return a little later,” said her papa Juan.

“Okay, Mama, Papa. I am going to mi cuarto,” said Jessy turning, striding down the hall toward her cuarto.

Jessy is thinking of what type of dress she wants.
I really need to get mi dress ordered, or I will not have it in time. I will also need to get Paty, Bella, Jacki, Erica and the twins to get their maids’ dresses. I want Paty to be mi maid of honor. I wonder who Jose Enrique will get as his best man,
thought Jessy entering her cuarto.

I think I will text las chicas to ask them if they want to go Saturday morning to have the dresses ordered. I want the wedding motif to be a beautiful aqua, which is mi favorite color.

Jessy starts to undress to get into her nightgown.
I will need to get some sexy baby dolls, undies, bras, garter belts at Eve’s Pleasures just for mi vida,
thought Jessy with a wicked grin
. I need to make a list before I forget what I want to get this week. I will not have time to make any purchases after I start working on Monday. I know I will also be seeing mi vida in the evenings. This week is really the only free time that I will have to get ready for our boda y luna de miel.

Jessy grabs the hair brush and starts to brush her long pelo. She then looks at her breasts in the mirror.
Jose Enrique loves to love mis nipples, and they are a little tender. I can see that he did mark mi breasts. He left lots of love bites
, she thought, shuddering as she remembers the feel of his hot mouth, loving her breasts. They are still so sensitive that she shudders when she touches them herself.

Oh dios mio, I need his touch. I am aching for him
, she thought.
I have never been this sensitive before. It must be from his loving
, she told herself.

Jessy takes her cell phone out of her purse to text her hermana y amigas about Saturday. She requests them to meet at ten in the morning at the bridal shop.
That should give us plenty of time to select our dresses. I will probably have to pay extra for them to rush the order
, thought Jessy.

Mañana I am going to Eve’s Pleasure for mi naughty sexy undies and bras. Ummm, maybe I should just order them on the Internet. That is a great idea.
Jessy rushes to the computer turning it on to start her shopping spree. Good
thing I have some money saved. I need to look y smell delicious para mi vida.

Jose Enrique parks inside the garage of his casa.
Finally I have mi emotions under control. Jessy left me in excruciating need y out of control. She’s such a tease y sexy as hell. I have mi very own Eve’s Pleasure model. Jessy is hot y passionate.

I truly believed that I was going to expire. Jessy pushed me into hot raging need y into insanity. We made incredible hot love
, grins Jose Enrique opening the carro door.
I need to speak to mis padres. I need to request them to go on Saturday to ask for mi novia’s mano. I know that they will be real excited y feliz.

Jose Enrique walks into la casa looking for his padres in the familia cuarto. They are always watching the Spanish novelas on the television. He walks into la familia cuarto, he encounters his hermana Paty.

“Hi hermana where’s Mama y Papa?” asks Jose Enrique observing her sparkling ojos.
I can see that she is enjoying mi captivity
, thought Jose Enrique with a wicked grin.
I’m enjoying it too.

“Hermano, our padres went to the store to get some pan to enjoy with their coffee,” answered Paty with an impish grin. “Why? What do you want to tell them? Are you going to ask for Jessy’s mano?”

Jose Enrique chuckles at his hermana. “Si, I want to ask for her mano on Saturday. I want to know if our padres are available,” said Jose Enrique watching Paty jump up with joy running to hug him.

“Wow hermano, I always knew that you would love her when you met her. So when is the wedding?” asks Paty. Her cell phone beeps, she runs to get it, immediately reading the new text message.

It is from Jessy. All excited she responds. S
i of course I will be tu maid of honor y si Saturday morning is super for me. Si, we need to hurry to get everything reserved, planned, y ordered

“Hermano, it’s a text from Jessy, and she wants me to be her maid of honor. I’m so feliz!” exclaims Paty turning around like a little niña.

“Really it’s mi amor? I just left her. I think she has finally realized that she needs to hurry to get everything taken care for our boda. We have decided that our boda will take place at the end of July. That’s only about fourteen weeks away,” said Jose Enrique turning to watch his padres walk into the cuarto with a huge smile.
I know they heard me
. Jose Enrique walks over to his mama to give her a hug y un beso. He turns to his papa to give him a hug y un beso also.

“Papa, Mama, I am going to get married. I know you know her mama. I’m marrying Jessica Maria Cortez, Paty’s amiga,” said Jose Enrique observing his padres.

He sees his mama’s surprise expression y his papa trying to make the connection between the name y la cara among Paty’s amigas.

His papa finally connected the name with la cara smiling. Jose Enrique sees their delighted expressions.

I’m muy feliz that mis padres like Jessy. This makes me trust that mi gut feeling, corazon, y alma are not wrong. Paty knows she’s good, and so do mis padres. Paty told me she loves me, and I can feel Jessy’s love. I know I care for her. I am not sure if it is love. I know that she has etched mi alma with hers, her taste, and her touch. I crave her y she drives me loco. I also know I will not let her go, ever. Is it amor? I don’t know, but I am certain that she is mia, only mia. I also took her innocence that she kept safe just for me. It feels so right. How can it be wrong? I’m confident that I’m making the right decision.

“Papa, Mama, I want to go on Saturday to ask for su mano. I ask that you accompany me. Will that be okay with you? We intend to marry at the end of July,” said Jose Enrique standing in front of his padres watching their emotions flashing in their ojos. He waits for his padres’ response. Paty approaches standing right next to him.

“We wish to have la boda y reception en la casa. It is Jessy’s idea, y I like it. Will you mind having our boda y reception here en la casa? We want to invite only la familia y close amigos. What do you think?” asks Jose Enrique.

Jose Enrique’s padres look at each other smiling with gusto. This is what they have been waiting for these last couple of years. They have waited for their hijo to marry y to have his familia. His papa Francisco walks up to his hijo hugging him tightly. Pulling back he looks into his hijo’s ojos confirming that his hijo is in love.

“Mi hijo we are feliz, y we will accompany you on Saturday to meet mis compadres. It is a pleasure to ask for Jessy’s mano. La boda y reception can be held here en la casa if it is what you both desire. I do remember Jessy, y she has been over la casa often over the years,” said papa Francisco with a huge smile.

“I also remember how she always looked at you with todo su amor in her ojos. I’m contento that you finally saw her. She is una bella chica with un grand corazon. I know that you have made the right choice. I know she will make you muy feliz. Jessy has the same Mexican customs y values as we do,” said his papa Francisco turning to his esposa Queta.
I know she wants to say something.

Mama Queta walks over to her hijo hugging him tight. “Mi hijo, estoy extremely feliz that you have selected Jessica Maria as tu esposa, I have known her for years. I have known her since she started coming over to hang around with Paty. I have seen her grow up into a bella y smart mujer. I have always known how much she loves you. I prayed that you would someday notice her. I didn’t want you to lose out en tu opportunity of having una bella mujer with un grand corazon as tu esposa. All I can say is that it is about time you woke up y noticed Jessy,” said his mama Queta with felicidad.

“I will now be very impatient for mis nietos. Especially knowing how bellos they will be having Jessica as their mama,” said his mama Queta.

Jose Enrique is overwhelmed with emotions.
It appears that la entire familia knew of Jessica y how much she loves me. Damn. Nobody ever told me. What if I had never met her or noticed her? I would have never known her besos, her touch, her sweet nectar, her passion, y todo about Jessy that drives me loco with need. How amazed and proud I am of her intelligence, corazon, y talents.

“Is there a reason that nobody ever pointed out that Jessica was around me, and that she loved me? What if I had never noticed her?” asks Jose Enrique with some frustration in his voz.

“Mi hijo, I know that dios knows what he is doing. What if we would have told you, or if you would have noticed her before? You might not have seen her as you see her now. Everything happens for a reason. It is time for you two to fall in love y marry. I’m muy feliz for you y for Jessica,” said his mama Queta. “Why don’t you just enjoy this time en tu vida? I want you to enjoy this wonderful time of tu engagement, of the wedding plans, and la boda.”

“Si mi hijo, gracias a dios that you now have such a wonderful mujer as tu novia y soon will be tu esposa,” said his papa Francisco nodding his cabeza.

“Mama we need to go to the bridal store on Saturday morning with Jessica. We need to order tu dress y mi dress. Jessica is selecting her wedding dress y the maids’ dresses. Jessica asked me to be her maid of honor,” squealed Paty with excitement.

“Mi hija of course I will go to the store and order mi dress. We have a lot of things to buy, plan, y prepare for la boda. We need to make sure the patio is painted, and the yard needs to be cleaned. There are a million things to plan. I need to make a list,” said his mama Queta striding to her desk to start her list.

“Mi hijo are you okay?” asks his papa Francisco. “If there is anything that you need help in, let me know. Will you bring Jessica to la familia Sunday dinner? I really think you should. Everybody will be able to meet tu novia. It is very important to la familia.”

BOOK: Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga
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