Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga (14 page)

BOOK: Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga
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movies hurrying to el carro. It’s getting late. Jose Enrique opens the door for Jessy assisting her in. He quickly goes around sliding into the driver’s seat.

“Do you want to go and select the invitations with me?” asks Jessy. “We need to get them ordered so that we’d have time to hand them out. Can we go mañana?”

“Si, I want to go with you to select our wedding invitations. I want to participate in anything that you want,” said Jose Enrique.

He then starts the carro and pulling out onto the street to take her home. Jose Enrique grabs her mano and gives it un beso.

“Then we will go and pick out our cake next week. Do you know where we’re going to live after the wedding?” asks Jessy, looking at him. “Do you want us to live with tus padres?”

“Mi amor, I would rather live in our own casa. We can look for our casa. I really want to have our privacy,” said Jose Enrique. “We should look for our casa next week.”

“Okay, mi vida. Can we look for our casa in the same neighborhood as our padres? I would love to be close to them,” said Jessy.

“You know that is a great idea. We are a close familia, and I can see that so is yours. I think that we’re going to have a great marriage,” said Jose Enrique with a huge feliz smile on his cara.

Pulling into the Jessy’s padre’s driveway, Jose Enrique turns off the carro pulling Jessy onto his lap.
No way am I not having mi last good taste
, thought Jose Enrique as he starts to kiss Jessy deeply. He immediately goes crazy with need.

Si, he is going to kiss me before we part. I really need another taste before saying good night
, thought Jessy wrapping her brazos around his neck, running her fingers through his pelo.
Hmmm, he smells good.

Jose Enrique’s mano is slowly going up her thigh over her hip to grab her tight sweet rear end. Jose Enrique starts to caress her cheek, squeezing it ever so gently causing her to whimper.
Oh dios mio, she’s so responsive to mi every touch. We need to stop. Okay this is enough.

He pulls back smiling. “Okay mi amor” said Jose Enrique. He steps out of the carro walking around to the other side to assist Jessy out, holding her mano as they walk to the door. Jose Enrique takes her back into his brazos and kisses her softly, slowly with lots of amor and tenderness.

“Mi vida, I love you. Call me at lunchtime, so we can plan where we will meet to order the invitations, okay?” asks Jessy, looking into his hermoso green ojos.

“Okay, I will see you mañana,” he said as he leans in for one last beso. Jessy grabs him giving him a real beso. Taking some nibbles on his lower lip. She then pushes him away, so he can go home. She waits until he leaves. Sighing happily, she walks into la casa.

“Well, it’s about time you came in. What were you two doing?” asks Jacki. “Were you leaving him all hot y bothered again?”

“Hermana that will always be a given,” said Jessy with a grin. “He is a sexy hunk. How can I not want to kiss him?”

“Yeah, you’re right,” said Jacki. “Our padres are not home. They went to visit some amigos. Have you decided on what colors you’re going to have for la boda?” asks Jacki, looking at Jessy take off her heels.

“Si, I want you chicas to wear aqua. You know that is mi favorite color,” said Jessy.

She starts to walk to her cuarto. “I want to have lots of flowers at la boda. La boda y reception is going to be at mi vida padre’s casa.”

“Jose Enrique told me that you will be managing the interior design department. That is so awesome,” said Jacki, smiling with felicidad for her hermana.

“Si, I love mi new job. I will start on Monday,” said Jessy. “I have a lot of things to order and buy for la boda. I will need your help, Jacki. Is it okay?”



It must be mi vida, thought Jessy. “Good morning, mi vida. What’s up?” asks Jessy. “Do you want to pick me up, or do you want me to go to the office?”

“Good morning, mi amor. How are you feeling? Are you up to going to look at some casa’s that are for sale in our padre’s neighborhood? I had un amigo look up what is available. There are a couple casas available. Do you want me to pick you up in about half an hour?” asks Jose Enrique.

“Si, that sounds great. How exciting, there are some casas available! We can then go and speak to the priest and order our invitations. July 30 is the last Saturday in July. These are the most important things that need to be taken care of since we are short on time,” said Jessy.

“I want to pick you up, mi vida. I will leave the office for lunch and not return, okay?” said Jose Enrique. “Be ready.”

“Si, me vida, see you,” said Jessy as they end the call.
Good thing that I’m dressed. I was thinking of going with Jacki to look at the dresses today and make some selections.

“Jacki, we have to go mañana. Mi vida is coming to pick me up to see some casas. Okay?” said Jessy as she walks into Jacki’s cuarto.

Jacki is getting ready. Jacki turns around to look at Jessy. “Can I still come along with you? This is all so exciting. I want to see the casas too,” said Jacki, smiling looking at Jessy with excitement.

“Okay. I don’t think it will be a problema with mi vida,” said Jessy. “Hurry he said he will be here in a few,” said Jessy striding out el cuarto to advise her mama.

“Mama,” calls out Jessy entering the kitchen where Mama Rosa is preparing their dinner.

“Mama, Jose Enrique is picking me up. We are going to look at some casas that are available in this neighborhood. I’m muy feliz, Mama. We will be close to you,” said Jessy smiling.

“That is wonderful mi hija. It appears like Jose Enrique only wants to give you everything you want. You are very lucky to have such a kind y considerate novio,” said her mama. “Will you be here for dinner?”

“Mama I really don’t think so. We still need to speak to the priest y to choose our boda invitations. Jacki wants to accompany us, and so I’m taking her,” said Jessy.

“Okay, mi hija. You enjoy tu engagement period. We will see you two later this evening,” said Mama Rosa nodding her cabeza.

“Si, mama we will see you later,” said Jessy hugging her mama.

Jessy walks back into the living room just as the doorbell rings.
It is mi vida
, thought Jessy opening the door. Smiling really big Jessy walks up to Jose Enrique. She wraps her brazos around his neck, pulling him closer to her, kissing him deeply.
Oh, si. He just tastes so yummy.

Wow, it’s Jessy and she’s ready to love me. Oh, I’m so lucky
, thought Jose Enrique pulling her closer to him, returning her devouring beso.

I think we need to stop
, thought Jessy pulling back to gaze into his hermosos green ojos.
I just love him so much.

Jessy smiles, “Hola, mi vida.”

“Hola, mi amor,” said Jose Enrique, smiling at her really feliz.

“I’m ready. Mi hermana Jacki is going with us. She wants to see the casas also,”—said Jessy leaning into his ear to whisper—“she is going to be our chaperon today. Okay?” pulling back smiling with a wicked smile.

Jose Enrique sees her wicked smile and knows she invited Jacki on purpose to test him.
Mi novia is such a brat.
He grins. It will only make it hotter trying to get some. “No problema, mi amor. You know it will always be whatever and wherever you want,” pulling her back into his brazos for one more hot quick beso before his suegros walk in.

Jose Enrique holds her really close, so she can feel his need. He is devouring her mouth, nibbling her up in the beso. He is trying really hard not to touch her sweet rear end.

Jessy responds with the same need, sliding her brazos up his neck and running her fingers through his pelo just the way she loves to.

I can feel her wild passion
, thought Jose Enrique as he starts to feel an urgent need to love her.
I need to stop. We need to stop. I can hear someone in the hall is walking toward us.
Pulling back, looking into her flushed cara, Jose Enrique gives her a quick soft beso. He whispers in her ear, “Mi amor, later I am going to take you anywhere I can. I might even sneak into your cuarto tonight,” then he nips her ear. Jose Enrique feels her tremble with need and anticipation.

“Okay, I’m ready,” said Jacki stepping into the living cuarto watching them pull apart.

I can see that they have been kissing. Hmmm, will this be going on all day? Most likely it will. Oh great.

“That’s great. I have a couple of casas to show Jessy. Mi amigo is waiting at the first casa. We need to go,” said Jose Enrique, taking Jessy’s mano.

He turns walking toward the front door pulling her along his side where he wants her, loving the way it feels to have her right next to him.

Jacki is following them, she is observing how possessive Jose Enrique is with Jessy.
I think more than just besos is going on. Good thing they’re getting married soon before there is a little surprise. I know Jessy is not on birth control since I also know she is or was a virgin. I can see that he is in love with her. Good. This is going to be a great marriage.

Jose Enrique opens the door assisting Jessy’s hermana, Jacki into the back seat. He then assists his Jessy into her seat smiling. He strides around the carro sliding into the driver’s seat. He turns on the carro y the stereo. The carro stereo plays romantic Mexican Spanish music.

Driving down the street he quickly turns a corner. Toward the end of the street he stops the carro. Jose Enrique turns to watch Jessy pointing to la casa at the end of the cul-de-sac with the two front pillars at the door entrance.

“Mi amor, this is one of the casa’s that is available. Do you want to go inside to view it?” asks Jose Enrique gazing at Jessy.

“Si, mi vida, let’s go assess this casa. It really looks nice from the outside,” said Jessy. “Let’s get out. Come on Jacki.”

Jose Enrique gets out of the carro opening the door for Jessy. He then assists Jessy out of the carro, he turns to assist Jacki. Jose Enrique takes Jessy’s mano walking toward la casa with excitement. Entering la casa he starts calling out to his amigo, Alfredo.

“Alfredo where are you? I have mi novia with me y su hermana,” said Jose Enrique, smiling.

“I’m coming amigo,” said Alfredo entering the living room. Alfredo takes a quick look at Jose Enrique’s novia y future sister-in-law.
They are unas bellezas. No wonder mi amigo is running to get married. He is also getting her everything she wants, I heard from our amigo that works at Smith’s & Son’s jewelry store
, he thought. Alfredo walks right up to his amigo extending his mano to greet him. He then turns to introduce himself to his novia y future sister-in-law.

“Hola, it is a joy to meet you. I’m Alfredo Ortiz. It is a pleasure to show you some casas. I have confidence that you will like one of las casas. I understand you will need la casa by August?” asks Alfredo looking at his amigo y novia.

“Si, we will need it available by the time we come back from our luna de miel in August. Right, mi vida?” asks Jessy, looking at Jose Enrique.

“Si, Alfredo. We will definitely need la casa ready for us when we return from our luna de miel in August. We will be on our luna de miel for a few weeks,” said Jose Enrique pulling Jessy closer.

Oh, it’s so hard to keep control of mis manos. This is killing me. I can see Jessy is surprise that we will be a few weeks on our luna de miel. No way will I miss out on the opportunity of having her all to myself without giving excuses. Maybe after spending a few weeks loving her I will be able to concentrate at work. It has been a struggle lately.

“That sounds great. I will make sure that la casa you select will be ready for you. Allow me to show you this casa. I believe it has a very appealing location. It is in a cull de sac, which will be good when you have children. The yard is beautiful and has a Grecian swimming pool and patio with Grecian pillars. Allow me to show you the yard. It is also beautifully landscaped.”

Jose Enrique takes Jessy around with him to inspect the yard. He stops next to the swimming pool that also has a Jacuzzi. The yard also has a lot of privacy with the huge trees that provide lots of shade.

“I like the yard, mi amor. Do you?” asks Jose Enrique. “It also has a good BBQ island that has a refrigerator, sink, and bar area.”

“Si, mi vida I think it’s a nice yard that will allow us to enjoy our free time,” said Jessy smiling looking at the Jacuzzi.

“If you will follow me into la casa, I will love to show you the kitchen and the rest of la casa,” said Alfredo walking into the kitchen, turning around to point out the kitchen’s features. “You can see the kitchen is newly remodeled and has new appliances. The entire casa has new marble floors and carpet. The seven bathrooms also have been remodeled. The casa has six bedrooms. Allow me to show you the master bedroom, which is simply beautiful. La casa is fifty-seven-hundred square feet. It is a good size casa. The garage is a six car garage. Jose Enrique you will love it. The garage has cabinets, and the floor is finished.”

Walking into the master bedroom Jessy falls in love with it. The master bedroom has a big sitting room with a circular window with a built in bench below the window sill. It has cabinets and huge custom-made pillows for the bench.
This will be perfect for when we have our bebe. We can put the crib here. You can see the yard from the window and the waterfall that drops into the pool.

Jose Enrique can see that she loves this cuarto. “Mi amor, do you like this casa?”

Jessy turns to gaze into Jose Enrique’s ojos with felicidad. “Si, I love it. Do you?”

“Si, I like it. It is on a nice piece of property, and it is located halfway from our padre’s casa like you desire,” said Jose Enrique. “Do you want to see the other casa, and then we can select one?”

“Si, mi vida that will be great,” said Jessy. “I think we should see the rest of this casa. That way we can select the right one for us. I do want to be able to stay here and raise our bebes.”

Finishing inspecting la casa they hurry to get to the other casa. They still have other errands to make. Jessy did not care very much for the other casa and told Jose Enrique. Jose Enrique excused them from Jacki and Alfredo. He takes Jessy into another cuarto for privacy. He takes Jessy into his brazos holding her close. He talks to her softly in her ear so the others cannot hear them.

“Mi amor, I like the first casa better. I know that you did too. Do you want that casa for our home?” asks Jose Enrique in Jessy’s ear. “We need to have Alfredo draw up the purchase contract.”

Jessy turns to look into his ojos and sees that he is ready for this step. Looking into his ojos, she asks him, “Mi amor, you do want niños? Every time I mention niños, I didn’t see any response from you. I have always dreamed of having tu bebe.”

“Mi amor, is that why you have been so quiet? Si, I want all los niños that you will want to give me. I thought that you were only making a comment about la casa and that la casa will be perfect for niños,” said Jose Enrique gives her un beso with todo his amor. He is attempting to show her how much he wants her.

I have not thought about niños yet. I just didn’t think about it. What a fool I am. I have loved her frequently and without protection. How can I forget to use protection? I have never had sex without protection, never. What is wrong with me? Every time that I have loved her, it has been without protection. I know she is not on birth control. I probably got her pregnant already with all the times that I have loved her. I only know how good she tastes. I still want more of her.

If she’s pregnant, that will be okay. We will be married soon.
This thought made Jose Enrique immensely feliz.
Just think Jessy can be carrying mi bebe. Mi padres will be extremely feliz. I will just wait and see if her period comes in a couple of weeks. I need to see if I can find out when her last period was. Maybe her calendar will have that fact
, thought Jose Enrique pulling away from her besos.
I can see that she’s as passionate as I am. She’s breathing hard.

BOOK: Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga
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