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Authors: Samantha Fontien

How to Catch Butterflies (39 page)

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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“And this IS a working environment after all. Really, gentlemen, please or we will have to call security”.

Thomas’s palms on each man’s chest mimicking a referee at a boxing match (the irony). He spoke again pleading with each man

“Please gentlemen, enough” as he tried to separate the two men who were now butting chests.

“For god sake Jackson put some clothes on” as he pushed on Jackson’s bare chest, he turned to the man in the suit.

“And please”. Thomas’s hands still flaying trying to reason with the suited man.

“This is a place of work. GO. Before we call security and this situation gets a whole lot worse”. Jackson had now disengaged from the Mexican standoff, and walked to his desk, returning to his chair,

“Just get him the hell out of my office”

Thomas was ushering the suited man out of his office like he was shoeing geese with his hands, at the man who had made a spectacle of himself for nothing and with no results, he was just crossing the threshold when Jackson spoke.

“If she wanted you to know where she was, don’t you think she would have at least contacted you?”

Jackson smirked at the man and pressed his lips together which made a kiss sound as a sort of fuck you gesture.

The man instantly turned having seen what Jackson did, and bolted straight for him. Jackson who was already on his feet rushing to the suited man, it was as though a primeval instinct had taken over both of them.

Thomas had started to franticly nod to Mandy who was now at her desk with the telephone handset in her hand set to her ear while the fight that had been brewing between the two handsome men had erupted into an explosion.

Two burly security guards bent in separating the two men scuffling on the floor. They grabbed each man by the shoulders, pulling them instantly apart and to their feet. Each of the men still tried to lunge forward at the other to break free from the grip of their security guard.

In one swift move, the two security guards grabbed the shoulders of the suited man escorting him roughly out of the door to an awaiting elevator. There stood an old skinny guard holding it open with his keys on the button panel housed in the lift. The doors only closed when the two burly men and the suited man entered, once he had turned the key the lift doors only opened at the ground floor.

They still had hold of his shoulders and lead him out the entrance doors onto the street. They stood there, watching the suited man walk to his vehicle and get it. Once he had done that, one guard said to the other

“That Mr. Harvey’s a fucking legend, A legend I tell ya. I don’t think I will ever get bored escorting the men of the women he’s fucked, off the premises. It will never get boring” he laughed to the other.

“Mind you, ya can’t knock him, he’s a fucking pussy magnet” he continued “yeah he’s a fucking legend” as they returned into the building talking to themselves.

Jackson was now seated at his desk with Thomas pacing back on forth while he lectured Jackson about this being a place of work.

It didn’t matter what Thomas was saying Jackson wasn’t listening to a single word that was spouting from his mouth.

He was thinking about Rebecca, and who the hell was the guy, who was just in his office. She wasn’t someone who went into every little detail about her life. She told you only what she wanted you to know, mind you in fairness she answered any question he had asked of her.

He looked at his Cartier watch noting the time, she was already in the air, and he would have to wait for her to call. She had said she would when she was in her hotel room. Then it dawned on him, he was the one now who would be waiting for a call. He smiled to himself, another first, as he started to button up his shirt.

* * * *

Jason was talking on his car’s blue tooth driving to his office.

“Morgan I need you to find someone for me. ‘Lucy’ I can’t remember her surname for the life of me, but she works within the music industry and
I don’t know what she does or who for, I’m on my way into the office”.

Jason disconnected the call. He was fuming with himself; he should have remembered Lucy before.

He also should have punched that fucking Jackson Harvey’s lights out when he had the chance.

He shuddered at the thought of Rebecca in his arms as he gripped the wheel to stop them shaking with the adrenaline, as he drove to his office cutting through the London traffic.

Chapter 25

‘Weather with You’

Rebecca and Mr. Nichol's flight had landed 5 minutes ahead of schedule, their luggage was on the ground promptly, and on arriving at Melbourne they were through immigration and customs within 25 minutes of landing. When they finally walked thru the arrivals gate, although relaxed due to their Business class travel, they were glad to see their names on one of the big white cards that the chauffeurs meet and greet you with.

He was a nice enough chap, who met them with a huge smile welcoming them to Australia. He grabbed their luggage and asked them to follow him out to the car. As they stepped out of the Airport they were hit with the instant heat bouncing of them. They followed the driver who brought them to Hotels limousine. He pressed a button opening the boot and popped the cases into the boot. He then opened the door to the vehicle Rebecca seating herself first, flowed by Mr. Nichol’s, and he pulled out of the Airport on route to the Hotel.

Mr. Nichol’s had pulled out his hanky and was starting to swab the beads of sweat that had been caused by his few short moments in the Australian heat. The Driver having seen this in his rearview mirror apologized saying they should be feeling the air conditioning any moment now and with that he pressed the button which rose the privacy screen up, leaving Rebecca and Mr. Nichol’s able to talk and discuss a plan of action for tomorrow afternoons meeting/ introduction as Human resource Consultants working on behalf of the Company from Head office.

Once they were checked into ‘The Crown Towers Hotel’, they were each shown to their suite’s which were almost next each other bar one or two. Rebecca was finally alone standing there with her luggage.

She decided to look around the luxuriously ‘The Executive Club Suite’. It was a contemporary furnished suite; it was a beautifully finished luxury space. Rebecca walked to the window’s which had the most breathtaking views of the picturesque Port Phillip Bay through floor to ceiling windows. It had a separate lounge area which had a Personal bar and refrigerator which were fully stocked.

The suite also had a walk-in dressing room which separated the bedroom and its grand modern bathroom. Its luxurious oversized bathroom had marvelous architectural details like the glass walls separating the toilet and the shower. The bathroom was steeped in marble over the double vanities and its deep soaking bath. Hers and Mr. Nichol’s Executive Suites each offered them postcard-worthy sweeping views of the Bay and the city skyline from the 15
floor. The hotel itself was set in a truly fantastic location located on the southern bank of the Yarra River.

She had dropped her handbag on top of the King-size bed, which had a coordinating ottoman at the foot of it, with the softest chenille throw folded beautifully across the length of it. She then decided now was a good time to familiarize herself with the suite and its decor.

The Executive Suite was amazing it married classic Modern elegance with contemporary comforts. Custom-made furnishings like the Sofa with corresponding ottomans, there was a day Bed which coordinated with all the other soft furnishings in the room.

As Rebecca walked around she came across the Modern writing desk and its writing lamp where she could picture herself working late into the night over the next two weeks she would be staying here. Everything about the suite, even down to its two day chairs themselves alone, reflected the hotel's bespoke charm she thought.

The dimmer of the lights was a very nice touch,
god it was so sophisticated, she loved it
. . She walked back into the bedroom from the living room. She sat back on the bed and reached into her Lemiena bag taking her phone out. Mr.Nichol’s was brilliant on the long flight he had actually been great company, he even showed her how to change her phone into flight mode, and how to change network when they landed.

She spun over to her front and kicked off her shoes. She looked at her phone and pressed the call button she had only an hour before herself and Mr. Nichols left to go to the company’s office and her working day would begin.

Jackson was sitting on his soft leather couch, watching some random program on his flat screen on the wall in facing him, his head resting on his upturned knuckle his elbow embedded into the soft tanned armrest.

By the way he was sitting he looked as bored as hell but somewhat distracted as he kept looking at his watch. When his mobile rang it wobbled as it vibrated on his coffee table, his eyes quickly scanned the display as Rebecca’s name lit up the touch screen. Jackson fumbled for the phone, trying to answer it as quick as he could.

He had missed not speaking to her. She hadn’t told him her flight details or anything, so he was completely clueless if she was in the air or not, and she was traveling with her boss so he couldn’t randomly call her especially with the different time zones they were nearly 12 hours ahead of London.

“Hey you” he composed himself, “How was the flight? Did you get any sleep?” he was sitting back in his big leather couch, his smolderingly handsome face erupting into a huge smile at hearing her voice. Jackson sat there squirming slightly, talk about sounding needy.

“Yes thanks, I slept on the plane, Oh and I’m staying at ‘The Crown Towers’ she could hardly contain her excitement. “I have my own suite, its SOoo beautiful, and I’m lying on my King-size bed while I’m talking to you “she cooed to him.

She was excited rushing thru her sentence like a child coming home from school bursting with news to tell.

“So” she asked having now calmed herself after telling her exciting news “Are you missing me?” she couldn’t believe she was talking to him like this, hearing Lucy fall out of her mouth as she spoke in her sultry tones, she shocked herself at her forwardness.

“Yes I am ….It’s crazy I know, but it’s probably because your too many miles away for me to come over and ravage you”.

He leaned back further sinking into his chair, smiling to himself. And he really meant it; it wasn’t one of his lines.

“So what time is it there then?” as he looked at his Cartier watch eyeing the hands on its antique face.

“It’s 12 pm local time here. Mr. Nichols and I are leaving the Hotel at 1o’clock, we’re going straight into a series of meetings. We will possibly finish late with dinner, God I haven’t a clue what time we will finish up actually. It’s probably best I call you when I get back here to the Hotel, it may be late though. I’ve lost all concept of London time, and well I’m a little tired but Mr. Nichol’s reckons it’s best to push thru it, that way I’ll be ready for sleep tonight at whatever time I’m going to see this big empty bed again” she laughed.

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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