Read How to Catch Butterflies Online

Authors: Samantha Fontien

How to Catch Butterflies (46 page)

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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She went off to a meeting, and returned to her desk, all the while, the note called to her
. No Rebecca was happy, and she wasn’t going to mess with that. Maybe it was for the best, after all, it didn’t work before, why would it work again. No Rebecca was going places. It was probably for the best. The message would stay in her drawer, well for now at least. It’s not like she was throwing away the message, she was holding it for safe keeping. She could always blame her P.A. saying they forgot to give it to her. Genie Mac, shit you Jason Hallow.

Why did he have to call her and put her in this position? No it was defiantly staying in the desk,
she wasn’t getting involved.

The truth is she didn’t want to be involved and she didn’t appreciate him putting her into this position. Her phone rang, she looked at the display, it was Chris, and she answered telling him there was a good possibility of, all four being a big ‘yes’ to Ibiza. She noticed the time, having to cutting him short,

“Hun, I have to go into a meeting, yep pick me up at 6, I’ll see you outside.” And off she was gone to her meeting.

The whole Music industry was changing. The company was going thru a major shakeup due to a recent buyout, and as the industry was moving more to digital sales. No-one was safe; there was a good chance of heavy redundancies. The company who had bought them had their own staff. Some departments would be merged, but never the less there would be losses throughout.

Lucy looked down at the envelope in one hand, in the other was the letter bearing her name. Her eye’s burning with tears; no she wouldn’t be the only one today.

She sat at her desk, replaying the meeting over and over again. She felt stupid crying, it had been the shock, and she never even saw it coming.

There had been rumors, but they were only rumors. Today she had seen a lot of boxes in people’s hands with their personnel belongings. She didn’t have that worry, she hated all that pomp, she came to work, not a mini art gallery.

She just felt a little stupid, never put two and two together in the meeting, until they uttered those words ‘Redundant’ and handed her the paperwork to sign.

The only upside to this, was the payout, it was good; she really couldn’t complain She grabbed her Coat and Bag.

She was just about to leave her office for the last time. She stood at the door, taking one finial look. She was just about to close the door, when the ‘Tell Tale Heart’ started to beat yet again. Lucy went to her draw and pulled out the massage, stuffing it into her purse hurriedly, she just wanted to get out of there. She held her head high, and was past the reception out to a waiting Chris who was sitting in his car. She jumped into the car planting a huge kiss on his lips, and they were gone in the direction of his place.

“What a bloody day I’m having” she smiled at him.

Christopher looked at her placing his hand on her thigh,

“Tell me about your day” he smiled at her giving her thigh a little squeeze.

So she just said she had a hard day. She of course omitted to tell him about her redundancy, the message from Jason and of course her visit from George. There was no point in telling him; actually it was more of her pride which wouldn’t allow it.

She knew she could handle her own battles she didn’t need him fighting them for her. She didn’t need anyone doing that for her. She always stood on her own two feet.


Christopher Harper pulled up in the underground car park of his building. He could clearly see that Lucy wasn’t her normal bubbly self.

“What up Lucy?” he asked his face full of concern. “You’ve been quiet on the way home. Are you okay? “

She nodded her head,

“Work okay” he sat there his hand on her thigh again, she really wasn’t herself. He hated those awkward silences, All he wanted to do was to see his ‘Cinderella’s eyes sparkle like they normally did.

“I’m just sitting here wondering what will put a smile on your face” Christopher looked at her.

He saw her look at his crotch momentarily and jumped at the opportunity she had given him.

“You’ve got a one track mind Lucy, sometimes; I think you’re only using me for sex” trying to look wounded.

Lucy burst into laughter. Good, that was the first smile of the evening from her if he had his why there would be many more.

“Come on lets go for a quick bite. Marco’s, yes?” she nodded her head grabbing her bag and off they walked to the lovely little Italian restaurant that had become their place.

As normal the food was of an excellent quality. It was an undiscovered gem. It was a wonderful meal they shared a nice bottle of Chianti. They walked the short distance to his apartment block his arm around her. She hadn’t said much all night, there was definitely something on her mind; He wasn’t going to force it out of her. If he knew his ‘Cinderella’, she would tell him in her own time, when she was good and ready and not before.

Once inside his apartment, their feast continued, with each other. Already, their torsos were in some state of undress. Garments were tossed aside as they headed into his bedroom, their lips locked.

They were now just only in their underwear as he backed her into the bed. She lay there, awaiting his touch. He leaned down, hovering above her lips. His tongue, softly teasing her mouth as he slowly licked. Her tongue greeted his, she was hungry for him tonight, more so than usual.

He already could feel himself stiffen as he licked down her neck flicking as he descended to her breast, nipping as he ran the hard nipple between his teeth, applying just enough pressure to enhance her excitement. He trailed his tongue down to her panty line flicking and gliding.

By now she would normally be giving some umbrage to this and would have stopped him. He slipped his fingers either side of her hips as he pulled her panties down her legs and over her ankles; He dropped them to the floor, his tongue now gliding up her silky thigh. Lucy’s fingers now running thru his hair, he could feel his excitement build further.

Chris’s tongue, glided now over her pleasure palace, as he teased her with the heat of his tongue. Her fingers pulled tighter as he slid his tongue into her, dipping and flicking into her with vigor. His thumb moving in a swirling motion centered on her clit, as he continued to dip his tongue in and out of her as she jerked her pelvis involuntary to his every move. All the while he watched her writher.

His tongue now replaced his thumb, as it swirled her love button. His hand was now reaching for her swollen nipple, tweaking and twirling, all the while, his enormous cock swelling. Encased still in his shorts, he needed to release the beast as he yanked the shorts off.

Chris’ tongue now moved up, slowly past her navel, as he crawled up to calm her mouth. He could feel his tip at her opening; he grabbed himself, holding his firm big cock at her entrance. looking into her eyes while he slid himself slowly into her, thrusting back and forth, all the while he watched her.

He loved to watch her not just because he was a voyeur, but because she was an amazing woman.

She fascinated him greatly. She was fiercely independent; she worked hard and played just as hard.

He very much enjoyed the time they spent together. She was incredibly sexy.

He wanted her the first time he had seen her, and now, now she had given herself to him fully. Christopher looked at her as he thrust deeper into her; he could see a tear roll out from the corner of her eye and down her temple. He slowed his movement, although the tear had disappeared into her hair, he could clearly see the track it had made. He leaned down; he could feel her breath on him.

“What’s wrong Lucy?” he whispered to her, his hand smoothing her hair back, his voice full of concern.

“I’m fine, don’t stop” she replied her tongue reaching into his mouth.

He held her face, wiping the track. His thrusting resuming, as she melted into his hands. They’re kiss intensifying, as the excitement overtook them. Both they’re body’s movement fluid with each other, as if in one perfect rhythm.

He was now deep in her, plunging deeper with every move. Lucy’s body quivering under the strain of the unmerciful pounding his enormous cock made. Her moans encouraging him to ram his full length into her and drive it harder as her hands pulled his hips to her.

He was waiting for her to ride him before he would cum and he could feel it build. He couldn’t wait any longer.

“Ride me Lucy, you need to ride me now” as he pulled his length out, he was now laying against the pillows upright as she straddled him as he held his weapon of choice.

She lowered herself down, sliding down it with ease as she lifted herself up and down on him. Placing her hands against the padded wall that was his headboard, steadying herself as she moved up and down his full length varying her pace.

His arms encircled around her waist as his urgency increased he drove himself deep into her as she pushed down on him moving her hips slowly side to side as she rocked back and forth.

He could feel her clench down on him as he buried his cock. Her nipples were brushing against his chest. His hands now firmly on her hips, as he moved her up and down on him as he pounded her with force.

Christopher’s tongue found hers again, as he rammed his cock deeper and deeper. She bounced on him with every slam he made near collapse. Lucy’s moans filling the room as she rocked back and forth;

He drove his cock harder meeting her movement. He knew he was near he wouldn’t last with her riding him like this, he moaned, he could feel the cum rise to his tip as he fought to keep it at bay.

He held her face; looking into her eyes he released his load to her orgasmic groans of ecstasy.

He kissed her hard, the passion coursing thru them both as they devoured each other. She lay against his chest stroking his sides as they both tried to catch their breaths. His eyes were the first to close as he fell into a deep slumber.


Sleep did not come easy for Lucy that night. She watched Chris peacefully sleep.
In the morning she could just simply stay in bed with him all day.
Something he had wanted to do from the first night she had slept with him. And now this was possible.

The redundancy package was very good; it would most certainly take the pressure off trying to find a new job straight away. With this she could take her time in finding the right position
. She could relax for a good while and not worry about money.

Then she remembered
two weeks in Ibiza
, she felt a tinge of excitement
, two weeks in the sun, in a private villa, own pool
. It was funny how things worked out when they came back she could start looking.

She really hoped Rebecca had spoken to Jackson. Rebecca would probably still be up for it. But it would be good if he could come for Rebecca she had been working hard since starting at her new company. It would be good for Rebecca and Jackson to have this time together.

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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