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Authors: Samantha Fontien

How to Catch Butterflies (49 page)

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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Lucy looked at Rebecca, really what she wanted to say was No it’s the last night, and it’s a big night, it was supposed to be THE night. Lucy looked back at Christopher and Jackson, who were chatting away together walking behind the two girls, both men very relaxed with each other’s company. And Rebecca had never looked so happy. She swallowed her pride, trying not to sound disappointed.

“Nah go for it, I suppose you want to get your scream on seeing we’ve been holed up in cabins where walls can be very thin” she joked. “And I have to say, you two look
happy. And I mean
happy, you’re like two loved up loonies. What’s the score between you two?”

Rebecca looked back at Jackson, he caught her looking, he playfully winked at her, Rebecca felt her heart skip and her stomach flutter.

“Yeah, he’s cool, I like him”. As Lucy pulled a ‘Oh Yeah really’ face’.

As Lucy got into the car she leaned into the already seated Rebecca,

“You’re a loved up loony Bec’s anyone can see that” she laughed as the two chaps got in and sat next to each. The driver then set off for their villa up on the hills.

Once inside the villa, Rebecca stripped off and made her was to the wet room, she stood under the huge shower head. The water cascaded over her tanned body, Jackson joined her. He took her in his arms, his lips meeting hers, their tongues dancing.

She could feel him go hard, her hand reaching for him, stroking it with the full length of her palm. She gripped it firmly, moving her hand with purpose. Jackson’s hands moved to the wall, pushing her back gently against it with his firm tanned body.

“I love you Rebecca Keane” he whispered to her holding her gaze.

She felt her heart pound as he uttered those words, why had she been so afraid to hear them again.

Jackson lifted her up, his strong arms holding her she could feel him at her opening. Her heart pounded as she lowered herself down on to his length, moving up and down on him meeting his thrusting cock.

They moved as one, bodies grinding against each other. They’re tongues now in the throes of passion as they flicked and glided in unison.


Jackson could feel himself build; he took her face in his hands again;

“I love you Rebecca and I will never stop telling you that.”

He looked deep into her eyes; he saw the softening in her eyes

“I know” she kissed him firmly with such passion,

Jackson slid his length into her again and again driving it deeper with each thrust. Their eyes were locked; pounding her, driving himself deeper. She met his thrusts with groans of ecstasy, their pace quickening, moving as one. He still held her face, holding his gaze, as he plunged to her moans.

“I do too Jackson I love you too”.

And with that he could hold it no longer as he erupted spilling his load into her as she cried out his name.

Chapter 31

“Come away with me”

They arrived back into London on the Saturday afternoon. Chris’s driver dropped them off at Rebecca’s apartment. They were no sooner in the door when their clothes were off again.

Rebecca stood there in her bra and thongs, her legs wrapped around his jean clad waist as he walked them to the bedroom. Their lips locked in passionate kisses, she felt safe in his strong tanned arms, as they encircled her tiny waist.

Jackson had seated them on her bed, his lips still on hers, Rebecca’s hands undoing the button to his jeans. In one swift move Jackson had moved his hands from her shoulders, allowing her straps to fall as he single handed popped the clasps of her bra, releasing her tanned breasts. His tongue ran over each slowly teasing her nipples, causing them to pop with erectness into his mouth.

Rebecca edged off him till she was standing at the end of the bed as he pulled her panties down, allowing them to slide to the floor as she watched him wiggle out of his jeans from his still seated position.

Jackson now lay on his elbows, his hard length awaiting her. She stepped towards him, as he grabbed her pulling her down on the bed beside him. He moved over her, kissing her deeply as he positioned himself in between her legs. He slid into her, with slow powerful thrusts. Jackson looked at Rebecca, his smoldering eyes bore into her like his every thrust. Jackson slowed as he spoke;

“I’m going to love you forever Rebecca Keane. And I’m never going to stop loving you. I never have and I
will meet another woman, who does what you do to me”. It was all or nothing as he looked intently down into her blue eyes

“I know what I want for the rest of my life. I want you…I want you Rebecca. Marry me….. Marry me Rebecca. Do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Rebecca Harvey?”

Jackson brushed her cheek as he held her face as he moved to a gradual stop. Rebecca looked at him, her heart was thumping. She couldn’t tell if it was the excitement of the great sex or because of what he’d actually just asked her.

“Are you serious Jackson?” Rebecca looked at him her heart thumping.

“Yes I’m deadly serious Rebecca, Marry me. I want you to be my wife; I’ve been searching my whole life for you”. He reached down to his jeans pocket.

“I have this for you”, and he pulled out a small navy velvet box.

“I wanted to do this on your birthday, but you didn’t make that very easy” he smiled at her.

“All I know, is I’m 34, and since meeting you, I’ve never wanted anyone or anything else. All I know Rebecca is, that I love you”.

He opened the box, and there was a beautiful ring encased in the navy velvet box.

“It was my grandmothers, my mother never thought I would be asking for this” he laughed to himself as he starred at the antique ring.

“And I’m under strict instructions to bring you to Sunday lunch next week”. He was now lying next to her on his side.

“So Rebecca Keane, will you be marrying me”

Jackson lay there, having taken the ring out of its box ready for her finger.

“I know I should be doing this on one knee, and I will if that’s what you want?” he looked at her. His handsome face looking longingly at her.

“Of course I will Jackson”

Rebecca exclaimed as he scrambled excitedly to put the ring on her finger. She looked at the beautiful ring now on her delicate finger
it was a perfect fit. It was like it had been made just for her.
Jackson beamed with pride

“You’ve just made me the happiest man in the world” His lips on hers again as they melted into each other.

They spent the rest of the night making love. They were in their own little bubble of happiness.

Sunday morning arrived; Rebecca awoke in Jackson’s arms, a big smile on her face as she glanced down at the sparkly ring on her finger. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at it. Moving her hand as the ring twinkled in the sunlight the shone thru her window.

She looked up at the sleeping Hunk beside her, her stomach fluttered at the sight of him. Yes it was soon, but she knew it felt right, she knew she loved him more than she had ever loved David. Lying in this man’s arms felt right. He had awoken a passion in her that she never knew existed.

She couldn’t wait to tell Lucy as she still gazed at her ring. She knew she would be happy for her. Lucy liked Hunky Harvey and even said she was ‘El president of the Hunky Harvey fan club’.

And with that Rebecca slid out of the bed, silently as not to wake her handsome man. She walked into the open plan living area, grabbing Jackson’s shirt, and pulled it on over her head.

She grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, on the way back picking up her bag and got her phone. She slumped down onto the leather couch and dialed. She had only managed to get the words engaged out when she pulled the phone from her ear as Lucy’s squeals of delight nearly burst her ears.

“So what do you think? Is it too soon?” she asked a giggle in her voice to the still squealing voice at the other end of the phone.

“Oh Bec’s I’m SO fucking happy for you. So you’re going to be Mrs. Jackson Harvey, Mrs. Rebecca Harvey. Oh my god, I can hear hearts breaking all over the world. So when are you going to take the plunge, Oh my god Rebecca, you’re getting married”. She continued with the squealing.

Rebecca sat there bursting, feeding off the excitement her friend had induced.

“Well he only asked me last night, God I can’t believe it Luce I’m so happy”.

She looked up, there was Jackson, standing in the hallway, boxers on, leaning against the wall. He was looking at her a huge smile on his face watching her reactions to Lucy’s and her conversation.

He too had heard Lucy’s squeals of joy.

He walked over sitting next to her on the couch, as her ringed hand slid across his chest and she pulled him into her. He lay there in between her legs against her chest, as she stroked his bare chest with her free hand. Lucy was still fizzing with the excitement. Rebecca said she would speak to her later, but she wanted her to be the first to know her exciting news, after all Lucy was ‘Her Person’.

They made love all day, and discussed wedding plans. The holiday had finished perfectly.

Chapter 32

Someone Saved My Life Tonight’

When Monday morning came Rebecca walked the short distance to her office having left Jackson in her bed. There was certainly more spring in her step than normal as she wove thru the maze of corridors to her office.

She sat at her desk, taking another look at the sparkling ring on her finger. As she did Mr. Nichol’s knocked on her open door. Mr. Nichol’s had a smile on his face when he saw a tanned and beaming Rebecca. He walked into her office.

In his hand there was a document folder which he put on the desk in front of her. She opened the file and started to read as he spoke.

“So while you were away, our various departments have been rather busy. We had a breakthrough as you can see. It wasn’t an easy task I can tell you, but as you know we have the best of the best here. We left no stone unturned. I have to say it was an ingenious set up even if I say so myself, I commend them on how long it took for us to track them down, but we done it. We always do”.

He was looking rather smug with himself.

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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