Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5) (16 page)

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Authors: Celia Kyle

Tags: #werewolf, #werebear, #BBW, #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5)
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“One, don’t snap at me. Two, he’s right. I’ll explain why, later. For now, we need to get ready to go.”

With that, she slipped from his lap and strode toward the door, ignoring the smack of skin on skin and the snarl that answered the action. She imagined Asher whacking Reid for screwing up and she… liked it. She liked that her mate was being called to the carpet as well as the knowledge that he was close enough to someone else to
them that liberty without retaliation. He may have gone after Owen, but there was more than a passing acquaintance between Reid and Asher.

She’d make Asher cookies later.


Chapter Eighteen


Reid was gonna kill Asher later. Bloody. Painful. Long and drawn out. He’d torture the male for days.

Not because Ash had been right, but because the male hadn’t told him to shut up
he’d pissed Evie off.

Now he tromped through the woods after Evie toward the gathering, trying
to stare at her ass as he followed her. He’d made that mistake once already, stared at her butt and imagined nibbling the plump globes, only to be caught. That had her glaring at him and when he looked to his Enforcer for help, Ash glared at him too.

He was not made for this mating shit. Give him an easy lay any day.

Okay, that was a lie. His dick—and wolf—didn’t want anyone but Evie Archer even if she hated him a little bit at the moment.

When she looked over her shoulder and flashed him another glare, he knew enough was enough. She needed to get over being pissed already.

Using speed he’d learned long ago, Reid darted forward and snatched her, spinning them until she was pressed against a tree, their bodies aligned chest to chest.

She squeaked and pushed against him, but he ignored her, leaning down to bury his face in her hair. He licked the juncture of her shoulder and neck, aching to sink his teeth into that bit of flesh. She moaned with the action and tilted her head to the side to give him more room.

“I need you to not be angry with me anymore, Evie. I can’t go into this clan gathering with you furious.”

“Reid,” she sighed and relaxed against him.

It was submission through sex and he wished it was because she trusted him—trusted
him. But he’d take what he could get. “You know what I’ve lost, Evie. I keep saying this, it is probably gonna drive you crazy by the time we’re old and gray with a dozen kids and two dozen grandkids, but I can’t let anything happen to you.”

He didn’t care if he sounded like a pussy. It was the truth.

Evie’s breath caught, her heartbeat picking up a rapid pace. “Dozen?”

He smiled against her damp skin. “At least.” He pulled back and met her gaze, his stare steady. “I want a life with you. Ezekiel’s standing in the way. I also want you safe and as far away from him as possible. If I had my choice, you’d be behind a locked door, but I need you for this. So, quit giving me shit, lemme make you safe, and then you can yell at me later. I need to have my head on right for this. I can’t do that if you’re pissed at me.”

Bare bones truth and it made him seem like a little bitch, but there was no denying his feelings.

“Okay,” she whispered.

“Okay?” He pulled back, eyebrows raised. “Really?”

“Yeah, really. I wasn’t… I haven’t…” She licked her lips, the plump flesh glistening and reminding him of what they’d looked like wrapped around his dick. “I never thought past today. I mean, I never want to lose you but I didn’t really consider life after all this. I just… kids. Grandkids.
. I want that.” A single tear slid down her cheek and he cursed himself for making her cry.

“Aw, baby, don’t cry on me now.”

“No,” she shook her head. “They’re good tears. I just realized that you… You’re thinking of the future. You’re planning ahead and I’m in it with you.”

“You’re my mate. Of course you are.” His mate was damn beautiful but maybe she’d been dropped on her head as a child.

“Yeah, I just hadn’t really
about it. I was focusing on the choices you’re taking away in the short term but you’re taking those choices away because of what you want in the future. You’re not being controlling so much as you’re trying to protect what we’ll have.”

The way she smiled at him, the dreamy look in her eyes, was a hell of a lot better than her anger. So, if that was what she wanted to believe, he’d let her. Especially since the more he thought about her words, the more he realized she might be right.

But he wasn’t a sentimental dick no matter what she said.

“That mean you’re gonna stop giving me shit?”

Evie rolled her eyes. “Yes, it means I’m gonna stop giving you shit.”

He didn’t have anything to say to that, so he just grunted and pulled back, yanking her along with him as he returned to their trek through the forest. It took longer to reach the clearing than it had earlier in the day, but he wasn’t chasing his mate through the trees this time, either. They took their time, scenting the air and keeping their eyes open as they sought Ezekiel. He didn’t imagine the male would show up so early, just as the sun disappeared, but a male could hope.

They finally stepped free of the forest and he paused to let his gaze sweep the glen. His bears—
—filled the empty space, groupings of men and women scattered around the clearing, waiting for him to start the gathering. The females most affected by the Archers were off to one side, huddled together and clinging to one another. He’d never done anything to make them wary, but he didn’t really have to. He scared others by existing. Hopefully they’d get used to him, let him in so he could help them heal.

Seeing them, he glanced back at the males trailing after them.

“Owen,” he kept his voice low so he wouldn’t draw attention. Or rather,

The younger man bolted forward. “Itan?”

“Is there anything that should be addressed? Did anyone come forward and request help? Have something to report?”

Owen’s gaze drifted to the small group of females. “Nothing to report. They are… injured,” he paused. “But I think you’ve handled the problems already.” Owen stepped closer, dropping his voice lower. “They have a lot of healing, Itan. They’ve been,” he paused once more. “Forced. Repeatedly. Two had their mates killed in front of them. They… it was bad. And you’ve helped with a lot of it by taking out the Archers, but they’re always gonna be afraid of you. Of what you can do and represent.”

He wasn’t surprised. Saddened but not surprised.

Reid nodded. “Let me know if we can help.”

At the
, Evie squeezed his hand as if thanking him for including her. What the hell? Of course he included her. He couldn’t do anything without her.

“Yes, Itan.” And like that, Owen retreated, easing to the back of their group, but his gaze remained trained on the cluster. His expression was one of heartache and… need?

Aw, shit. If Owen wanted one of the women, he knew he’d never be rid of the male. That sucked.

Pushing the annoyance to the back of his mind, he strode forward, Evie at his side, until they reached the center. All conversation ceased entirely as he took his spot. The group slowly circled around him until they each took a seat on the grass.

“I’m Reid Bennett, your new Itan.”

“You’re a wolf,” a male shouted from the back and Reid held onto his control by a thread.

“Thank you, Captain Obvious. Yes, I’m a wolf. Yes, I killed your Itan. Yes, I killed his brothers. And yes, I will kill the last who still evades me.” He paused, attention drifting over the bears before him. “I was going to come up here and explain my past. I was going to tell you I ended a wolf pack for harming my sister. That I destroyed half of a hyena pack because of what they did to my mother. I was going to explain how I came to be here and lay out why I will make your clan a good Itan.”

Another pause, one giving them a chance to absorb his words. “But the truth is, any other male who stood before you, the last Itan’s blood on his claws, wouldn’t have to answer a single question. This means I will not, either. You can choose to stay and follow a wolf who claims this position by death or you can leave. You are welcome to request assistance from the Southeast Itan. In fact, you can use my cell phone to make the call.” He dug into his jeans, and tossed the device toward the group.

“Speed dial one will get Terrence. He knows me, he
me, and he’ll help you get away from me if that is your choice. If I find out you were part of the madness that overtook this clan, I will force you out myself. And no phone call will save you then.” Seconds ticked past, no one moving. Some would. Maybe not while they were all gathered together, but he didn’t doubt that some would leave.

“If you stay, I will remain dedicated to you. No one will hurt you and if they dare, the pain you experience will be avenged on the idiot who was dumb enough to touch what belongs to me. You are mine. You will be mine. I am not crazy. I am possessive. I do not glory in blood, but in retribution. I do not enjoy violence, but welcome it with open arms when it comes to someone who harmed someone I claim.

“If that means I strike out at one of our own members, then that’s what it means. No crime will remain unpunished, no matter the offender. You will be safe from me and from yourselves.”

He let the quiet envelope them, let it drift over them, and he drew in the scents that flowed from the bears. There was anger and fear. Happiness and concern. Emotions he expected. Emotions he welcomed.

Then there was another. A twisted, sticky, burning hate that crept into his pores.


He’d come, the stupid bastard.

Good for Reid. Not so good for Zeke.

“Think about what I’ve said. Consider your options and make your own choices without threat of retribution. For now, I’m going to run with my mate,” he held up their joined hands, showing off the fact that he and Evie stood together. “And I’m going to claim her. So, to preserve a little of her modesty, I ask that you hunt north. Evie and I will head south.”

“What about the…” A timid female voice drew his attention and she slowly rose to her feet. “What about our…” She trembled and cupped her stomach protectively.

Evie gave his hand a gentle squeeze so he let her handle this one, allowing her to pull her hand free before she padded toward the shaking bear. Soon the woman was in his mate’s arms, soft shushes reaching his ears until she no longer shook and then it was his mate who turned and spoke to the gathered bears. “If you have children from or are pregnant with children fathered by my uncles or Patrick, they are welcome here. No one is going to throw you out. You belong to us. All of you. Two feet, four feet, or still in the womb, you are ours.”

Some of the fear bled away with his mate’s words and he knew he could not have picked a better—stronger—female had he tried. Evie was perfect. Deliciously, lusciously, perfect.

She turned to him, their gazes clashing and he hoped she saw the emotions that filled him. Possessiveness, sure. But there was happiness. Desire. Need. Something he might think of as love, but he wasn’t sure what that emotion felt like. It was what he felt for his sister, but more. So much, much more. Indescribable yet so basic. It encompassed everything inside him and yet left a part of him empty.

The part that was supposed to come from her. The other half of his soul.

It was love then. That’s what others called their mates.
Soul mates

That’s what they had.

And he was about to put it at risk.

Evie whispered to the woman and then passed her off to another obviously pregnant female. His gut churned, his ache to destroy Ezekiel growing by the moment. He’d already destroyed the others, but at least he had one left to massacre.

He couldn’t wait.

Soon Evie was at his side once more, her fingers twined with his, and he knew it was time. He turned his head and spoke to Asher. “Do it.” His Enforcer immediately spoke into his phone, passing on Reid’s message, and he spoke once more. “Look to the west.” Not a single person denied him, each bear turning to stare behind them and then a fireball of red and yellow exploded into the sky, the fire burning high and bright. “That is your past. It’s gone. Destroyed as if it never existed. And I,” dozens of eyes were now trained on him. “I am your future.”

Evie elbowed him. “We,” she hissed and it was exactly what the crowd needed. A handful of chuckles passed through the crowd, smiles accompanying the sounds.

are your future.”


Chapter Nineteen


Hell yeah,
were the clan’s future.

I am your future.

Evelyn would give him a future. Six feet in the ground, that was going to be his future.

I am your future.


Evelyn stomped through the foliage, Reid on her tail, but thankfully silent. Self-preservation, probably.

I am your future.



“Evie,” he called after her, but she didn’t stop.

“Evie.” Nope, still not stopping.

“Dammit, Evie.” Oh, sure, that’d get her to stop.

Next, he growled. That was it, a single growl. Followed by a low oomph—from her—as he tackled her. Tackled her, but cradled her as well.

“Evie,” he sighed and she had to admit their new position was nice.

He’d rolled them so she landed on top, much like the fun they’d had earlier in the day. When Gary came after Reid with a gun.

She crawled from atop him, worried that somehow Zeke would get the drop on them and then her uncle would hurt her mate and then…

He didn’t let her go, instead, wrapping his arms and legs around her so she couldn’t move. “Hey, calm down,” he murmured. “Stay with me.” He cradled her skull and urged her to lower her head. “Don’t leave me.”

She was going to stay alert. She was. Really. But then he licked her neck and nibbled her ear and his cock grew hard and, and, and…

And she sighed once more, relaxing into him and letting him do as he desired. So when he changed their positions, moving until she was on her back beneath him and he hovered above her, she didn’t protest. Not when his hands teased her skin, plucked at her buttons until her shirt parted to slowly expose her pale flesh.

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