If I'd Only Known (Milan Women Series Book 1) (31 page)

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right, Perri, spill it,” Tyler ordered, accosting her older sister.

Perri said, “Spill what, honey?”

play with me, girl.” Glancing at Barrington's estate and back to her sister,
she said, “You know darn well what I'm talking about.” For some reason Tyler
felt her liver quiver.

her sister’s hair out of her face, Perri said, “Tyler, I just got here myself,
in case you haven't noticed. So, no, I don't know what you're talking about?”

her with an evil eye, Tyler stated, “So I suppose you didn't see that stranger
who just walked into Barrington's house then?”

was about to comment when Barrington suddenly appeared in the doorway. “Perri,
baby, look who's here,” he announced. At that moment, the stranger Tyler
referred to stuck his head out the door.

smiled eager to get inside, not only to see her daughter, but also to greet their

Tyler asked again.

Perri knew what her sister meant, she couldn't help teasing her. It was rare
that any man caught her little sister's attention, so when it happened, both
Perri and Hunter teased her immensely. “So?”

playing with me, girl. Tell me now,” Tyler demanded, blocking the path leading
from Perri's car to Barrington's huge mansion. “Who's that fine tall, deliciously
sunbathed man that walked up in there with your husband? Who is he?”

Perri said, “All right, all right. That refreshing sight you're drinking in
happens to be Kane Devoe.”

wrinkled her nose. “Kane Devoe?” she repeated. “As in—”

and Dazzy Devoe from Soul Deep,” Perri finished for her. “Yes.”

Tyler was stunned but pleasantly so.


how come you didn't tell me about him? I've never seen him before. He's not part
of Soul Deep, right?”

right, Tyler.”

They’re from the same gene pool, so I'm sure along with being blessed with good
looks, he's got to be packing a mighty fine tune, too.”

right; he can belt them out just as strongly as his brothers or cousins.”

you just say cousin?”


that as in Barrington's cousin?”


man, Kane Devoe is my brother-in-law's cousin?”

second cousin to be exact, baby sister.” Perri laughed at the awestruck
expression on her little sister's face. “He's a doll, isn't he?”

swallowed hard. “He's plain gorgeous,” she stated dreamily.

are you coming in or what?” Barrington hollered from the doorway.

Perri called back. Taking her sister's hand, she announced, “Come on, Tyler,
I'll introduce you to your future babies' daddy.” She laughed when Tyler’s
mouth fell open.

didn't say all that, Perri. I just think he's really good looking, that's all,”
Tyler insisted with a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “So
what's he doing here?”

find out. You ready?” Perri asked, seeing right through her baby sister’s calm

eyes said no; her mind said, go for it. And her mouth said, “Yeah,” and she
allowed her sister to lead her up the walkway.

who's that stunning woman outside, B?” Kane asked with a wolfish grin.

laughed. “That's my wife, man, so step off.”

playing, man. You know who I'm referring to. Now tell me. Who is she?”

chuckled at the awestruck look on his cousin's face. It was a first where any
woman—beautiful or otherwise was concerned—which meant this particular woman
had awakened something interesting within him.

Kane prompted after boldly looking out the window, watching the two women

his head, Barrington knew for sure now that Kane Devoe had finally discovered
that, in spite of his chosen area of music, he was still a man who could
appreciate a fine sister when he came across one. Especially one as beautiful
as the Milan sisters were blessed to be.

up, man,” Kane ordered anxiously. “They’re getting ready to come inside.”

a good thing because I miss my wife and, I'm—”

Kane half shouted.

laughed out loud. “Easy, man.” He laughed again. “That's Perri's little sister,
Tyler Milan.”

felt a stirring inside at just the mention of her name. “She got a man?”

the pair of sisters enter the house, Barrington only shook his head no. He held
back a laugh watching his cousin nod in both understanding and appreciation.

baby.” Barrington greeted his wife with a welcome kiss. On the sly he whispered
in her ear, “Wait until I get you alone; I got big plans for you tonight.”

yourself,” Perri returned her husband's warm kiss. She grew hot upon hearing
his promise of a beautiful night, no doubt, filled with much lovemaking.

cleared his throat. “Hey, Perri,” he said and held open his arms for a hug.

Perri went into his outstretched arms, hugging him in a brotherly fashion. The
two of them had always interacted like brother and sister. “Hey, man. It's good
to see you. It's been a while.”

say so, little mommy.”

lit up at the reference of her daughter. “Have you seen her yet?”

received the pleasure just yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.”

gonna steal your heart,” Perri promised.

have no doubt. Besides, your husband basically made the same statement, so it
must be true.”

all laughed.

appreciative eyes traveled past Perri, landing on the beautiful Tyler Milan. He
couldn't help noticing she was even more striking up close. Now, he wanted to
get personal. “I see you have company, too.”

smile sent shivers racing up and down Tyler's spine as she melted under the
heat of his gaze.

stepped back, reaching for her sister's hand. “This, Kane Devoe, is my little
sister, Tyler Milan.” She joined her husband's side as the two strangers shook
hands. Perri gazed up at Barrington at the same time he lightly squeezed her
waist. “Looks like a hit to me,” she mouthed to her husband, who nodded.

nice to meet you, Kane.” Tyler greeted, ignoring the butterflies she felt under
his intense gaze; and that was pale in comparison to the incredible jolt of wonder
and awe that shimmied in her lower belly with just the mention of his name. But
his eyes a striking shade of ice blue to be exact is what truly lured her in.
Well, that along with the fact that he was at least six-three, well built in
all the right places, and his whole demeanor screamed “man—all man.” Tyler
tried forcing her eyes to stay focused on his enchanting ice blue eyes and
nothing more.

squeezing her hand affectionately, Kane assured her, “The pleasure belongs to
me, Tyler.” He couldn't help staring at her, though he did try not to. But with
an exquisite face such as hers, it was hard not to become enthralled with her. Kane
smiled inwardly guesstimating she was at least five seven in height and judging
from the tasteful, but form fitting short-sleeved black and white jumpsuit she
sported, she was easily a size five, her waist being the tiniest part of her
shapely figure. Kane’s eyes traveled back to her face, resting on her light
grey eyes that had him mesmerized. He definitely appreciated the baby fine
light brown ringlets that framed her oval shaped face so well. This woman was a
goddess, he decided, as he wrapped up his blatant survey of her appearance.
Normally he wouldn't have been so bold, but Tyler Milan was definitely not a
woman a man could ignore and he was no exception. He also couldn't deny feeling
a positive attraction to her, to which, a certain part of his anatomy also took
notice of.

chuckled, “So, umm, Kane?”

visible hesitation, Kane turned his gaze to Perri.

had to laugh out loud. “What are you doing here, anyway?” She smiled as
Barrington swaying her back and forth in his arms. Man, was she ready to get
this man home and into . . .

here for B,” Kane stated. Looking at his cousin, he said, “Guess he didn't tell
you, huh?”

was going to but never got around to it. I wanted to be sure Toby would go for
the idea first, baby.”

He must have seen the confusion on Perri’s face because he rushed to explain.

asked Kane to finish out my tour for me so I can be home with you and Imani.”

heart skipped a beat, touched by his gesture, Perri smiled. “You did?” She was
definitely ready to get back home to her man tonight and show him how
appreciative she was.

the look of pure desire of fire in her chocolate brown eyes, Barrington smiled,
kissing her lips ever so softly. “I did.” Then he whispered for her ears only,
“It won't be long, sweet Perri. Just hold on for Daddy a little while longer.”

her core flood with cream, Perri, slightly nodded.

cleared his throat for the second time. “You know, you two could always head
upstairs for a little afternoon delight because I could swear I smell hormones
all up in the air.”

laughed, but Kane was taken by Tyler's laugh; it was distinct and he was sure
from here on out he’d be able to pick it out in any crowd simply because now he
was enchanted by it.

baby, where's Imani?”

Barrington could answer, Perri's cell phone rang.

at the screen, she said, “I have to take this y'all.”

your thing, baby.” Barrington kissed the side of her neck and released her.

it may take a while, Perri crossed over to the other side of the room for

Kane, you ready to hit the studio?”

you are, man,” he answered Barrington while openly gazing at Tyler.

I'm sorry,” Perri joined them. “I have to leave now; that was a buyer from New
York inquiring about the Imani Collection. Says he wants to pre-order the
entire line,” she squealed and did a victory dance and laughed when Barrington
picked her up swinging her around.

great, baby.” Barrington congratulated his wife with a sensuous kiss.

you.” She returned his kiss with a passionate one of her own.

is great, Perri,” Tyler was saying, “I'm proud of you, sis.”


Perri, congrats,” Kane said and hugged her. Then his gaze automatically fell
back to Tyler. The woman was absolutely enchanting.

Perri complained. “I'm not gonna get to see my baby before I go.”

worry, baby. You'll see her shortly.”

up at her husband, Perri inquired, “How's that gonna work out with you and Kane
having to go to the studio?”

worry, Perri. I'll take Imani with me and just bring her home later,” Tyler
happily volunteered more than ready to focus on someone other than the gorgeous
Mr. Kane Devoe.

don't mind?”

be silly, Perri. Of course I don't mind spending time with my niece.”

smiled and hugged her sister. “Thanks. Don't know what I'd do without you.” She
turned to Barrington. “I'll see you tonight, G-Man.” She winked at him.

walk you out, baby.” He caught hold of her waist, ushering her outside.

do you think about those two?” Perri gestured with a nod.

the first time ever Kane is totally immersed in a woman.”

not alone; Tyler can barely stop gawking at him.”


give it two days before Kane moves in for the kill.”

bumping him with her rump, Perri said, “Hey, that's my sister. And I don't mind
so long as Kane doesn't treat her like road kill.” She laughed, lacing her fingers
in between her husband's hand. “I think you're right though. It won't be long
before those two are spending time together. He's gonna have to be careful,
though, because Tyler doesn't trust men too easily.”

run in the Milan women gene pool,” Barrington teased.

true,” Perri mused, she knew he expected her to deny it.

a good man, baby. He'll be very good to Tyler. So that's one less concern for
you.” He stopped abruptly and turned to stare down at his wife. “Now, you, Mrs.
Knight, can concentrate on just how many ways you want me to do you tonight.”

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