Inner Circle (20 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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“You want Master Frederick to command you. Isn’t that right, Mrs. Ryan?’

Kathy closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking back at the stern older woman, “That’s what I want, Mrs. Foster. I want Master Frederick to order me to…to…do things.”

Mrs. Foster watched her closely, “Things you have never done before?”

Kathy appeared puzzled as if she were trying to grasp what Mrs. Foster had asked her. After a moment, she nodded, “Doctor Gruber…his nephew…yes, they will tell me to do things I have never done before.”

“And you will obey?”

“Yes, I’ll obey.”

“I’ll return in an hour,” Mrs. Foster said. She didn’t lock the door.

Chapter Eight

After her bath, Kathy rubbed her body with perfumed oil. Then she sat at the dressing table for a long time and looked at herself in the mirror. In her eyes she saw a brightness that startled and pleased her. She’d taken her cosmetics from their case and arranged them neatly on the dresser tabletop. She chose black mascara and a blue eye shadow that she applied expertly. The lipstick was fiery red over which she spread a thin coat of gloss. She brushed her short black hair until it shown. The beautiful image that now looked back at her from the mirror was not at all trancelike. In fact, it was animated, expectant. She felt aroused, energized. Her face was flushed with excitement. Her eyes sparkled. She smiled at the image in the mirror feeling better than she had in a very long time.

She ran her hands over her smooth body. The treatment at the Facility had proved to be permanent, not a stubble of hair anywhere. She slipped a finger along the crease of her smooth cunt and wasn’t surprised to feel that it had already become very wet. Taking the form-fitting red spandex dress from its hanger, she wiggled into it. Finally, she slid her tiny bare feet into the five-inch heels. A thin strap crossed the base of her toes. She smiled as she buckled the wide leather band around her ankle and pulled it tight. “Yes,” she said, standing up and taking a few steps, “that’s better.” She looked down at her feet.
‘I have cute little toes,’
she thought,
‘they should be seen like this, bare and in stilettos.’
She took several more steps. The spike heels felt natural. She turned back toward the mirror. The light glinted off her full red lips. The matching red dress clearly revealed she was wearing nothing beneath it.
she thought,
’ they will see that I’m naked under my dress.’
The red shoes accentuated the graceful curve of her calves and bared her bright red toenails. “Yes,” she whispered again, smiling into the mirror, “this is who I am. This is who I want to be.” Without speaking the words, she thought to herself,
‘I’m sure they will be pleased. The Doctor and his nephew will like the way I look in my tight red dress and my obscene shoes.’
Frowning, she heard the bells again. She reached into the corner of her suitcase and took out the collar. She put it around her neck and buckled it.

Ten minutes later she was once more sitting across from Doctor Gruber. “You are, indeed, an astonishingly lovely woman, Mrs. Ryan.” Kathy felt herself blushing. Gruber continued, “Frederick will join us shortly. Did you wear that revealing dress hoping to please him?”

“Frederick?” She paused as if trying to recall who he was. Then, remembering, she brightened. “Yes, Doctor, I’m hoping to please Frederick. Hoping to please both of you.”

“And I see you are wearing Negra’s collar? You want to please him as well, don’t you?” Kathy caught her breath and shook her head. Before she could answer, Gruber hurriedly went on, “We’ll speak of that later. Tell me, Mrs. Ryan, do you still hear those noises you complained of, the bells?”

Kathy looked puzzled, “What bells? No, Doctor, I haven’t heard any bells.”

“Good. I had the impression you were disturbed about something. Will you do something for me now?”

“I’m not sure.” Kathy edged back in her chair.

“Will you place your hands on the outside of your dress and play with your nipples for me?” Without answering, Kathy did as he requested. She could feel the tingle as her nipples stiffened. “That’s enough,” Gruber said. Kathy quickly dropped her hands into her lap.

“You find yourself eager to do what I ask, is that not true?”

Kathy glanced away for a moment, then looked across at him, “Yes,” she said clearly, “yes, doctor…eager.”

“Do you intend to obey Frederick as readily as you obey me?”

“Frederick?” Again, Kathy looked confused for a moment. Then she nodded, solemnly, “Oh, you’re speaking of Master Frederick. Yes, Doctor, I’ll obey him just as I obey you.” She hesitated then continued, “It’s what I want. I mean pleasing you and…and…your nephew is what I want.”

“Do you remember our little conference this afternoon?” he asked.

“Yes, certainly. I said I wished to go home.”

“And I told you to get your things and leave if that was what you wished to do. I gave orders that your door was not to be locked. Was it?”

“No. I listened for the key in the lock. Mrs. Foster didn’t lock it.”

“You could have gone home then.” He paused. “Perhaps you stayed because you didn’t wish to disappoint dear Frederick?”

Kathy was slow to answer, “Yes, I suppose that’s the reason. I didn’t want to disappoint….” She frowned seeming to concentrate then repeated, “I didn’t want to disappoint dear Frederick.”

Gruber’s hard eyes bored into her, “Aren’t you forgetting something, Mrs. Ryan?”

Kathy looked down at her hands then quietly said, “Master Frederick…I didn’t want to disappoint dear Master Frederick.” Saying the words sent a flow of heat to her crotch, even as she remembered his horribly pockmarked face.

“Frederick will arrive momentarily. Perhaps you will arrange yourself in a more provocative way? Raise your skirt. Cross your lovely legs. Slide one strap of your dress down over your shoulder. You are most anxious to win Frederick’s approval, are you not?

Kathy waited a moment, then pulled her dress up and crossed one bare leg over the other. She glanced at Gruber who nodded. “I…I...want very much for Master Frederick to be pleased with my appearance,” she said. She pushed the thin strap of her dress over her left shoulder.

“Ah, speak of the Devil,” Gruber chuckled. The door at the far side of the room had opened and framed in the doorway was the Doctor’s psychotic nephew. He seemed paler and skinnier than she’d remembered. For a moment she wondered if she was uncontrollably drawn to the grotesque and if that might be a form of madness. As he pulled a chair up next to his uncle, Frederick didn’t take his eyes from her.

“Well, I see the beautiful Mrs. Ryan has returned,” he sneered. “What is it you want here, Mrs. Ryan?”

“I…I…don’t know. I just…”

“Maybe you came all the way from Pennsylvania to show me your cunt.”

Kathy shook her head, “No…no…that’s not why. That’s not it at all.”

“What if I ordered you to show me your cunt?”

Kathy bowed her head. The men waited. “Yes,” she whispered.

“Yes, what?” Frederick said.

“Yes, Master Frederick, I wore this dress so that…I mean, I want to…I…I’ll show you.” Frederick frowned, waiting for her to continue.

“I want to do whatever you say. I want to show you my…my cunt.”

“I’m waiting, damn it! And I don’t like to wait!” his voice rose to a high pitched screech. Trembling, Kathy tugged at the hem of the tight dress and slid it further back along her thighs. “Pull it up around your waist and spread your legs!” he shouted. Kathy did as he ordered and parted her legs. Frederick pointed at her, “Do you see, Uncle, how the little bitch opens herself to us, but not quickly enough. I think she may not be as anxious to please us as she says.” He got up and crossed to stand in front of Kathy. “Are you wet, bitch?” he asked.

Her head still bowed, she said, “Yes, Master Frederick, I’m very wet.”

“But you know Uncle and I are impotent. We can’t give you what you want, and you want fucked. Isn’t that right?”

It took a moment for her to answer. She felt herself blushing, “Yes, I thought…I thought Jamie, for your pleasure you could watch us, watch Jamie and me…watch Jamie fuck me.”

Frederick looked back at Gruber, “What do you say, Uncle, shall we let her have Jamie’s splendid black prick?”

Gruber thought for a moment, then leaned back and closed his eyes, “No, not just yet. Jamie is a treat Mrs. Ryan wishes to earn. Isn’t that correct, Mrs. Ryan?”

Kathy felt her mouth go dry. She swallowed hard. “Yes...a…a treat I need earn,” she said.

Frederick held his open hand, palm up, just beneath her chin. “You know what to do,” he said. Gently she touched her lips to the cold white skin. “Stupid cunt!” he spat at her. “I don’t want you to kiss it. Lick my hand like a dog bitch who adores her master,” he said. Feeling her stomach churn, she extended her tongue and licked.

He laughed at her and returned to sit beside his uncle. “Mrs. Ryan needs to learn respect. She needs to learn to beg for what I just gave her,” his voice had risen again. “You will beg, you know. In the not too distant future permission to lick my hand will give you much pleasure, very much pleasure.” He leaned forward, his small eyes glittering with hatred, “You will kneel on the floor at my side and be filled with gratitude if I permit you to lick my hand. You will soon be my devoted pet bitch. Isn’t that right, Mrs. Ryan? Tell us.”

Kathy bowed her head and didn’t answer. From far away came the faint sound of the discordant notes. She cocked her head listening intently for a few moments, then looked up at Frederick, “Yes, Master Frederick, it may be as you say. If so, I’ll be pleased to kneel at your side. Being permitted to lick your hand will give me much pleasure.” She looked directly at him “It seems, Master Frederick, that soon I will belong to you.” She looked away, then back at him, “When I imagine it, I am terribly ashamed and very frightened. It…it’s not what I wish.” She glanced at Gruber who was staring hard at her. She looked down at her hands, “But, yes, I believe it’s quite possible, Master Frederick that one day I will become your pet.”

“My devoted little bitch, always in heat,” he said.

Kathy felt the familiar sinking in her stomach. Without looking up, she repeated, “Yes, your devoted little bitch, always in heat.”

Frederick nodded, “How soon, Mrs. Ryan, how soon?”

Gruber smiled across at his nephew, “In time, dear boy, in time. But you see our Mrs. Ryan has come to us wearing a sexy new dress under which she is naked, and those delightful high heels. She’s bathed and perfumed her body and taken great care with her cosmetics. Surely she didn’t go to all that trouble simply to chat with us at this ungodly hour. Is there some other member of our little family, aside from Jamie, you’d like to visit, Mrs. Ryan?”

A shudder went through Kathy’s body. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “No, no one else,” she whispered fiercely.

“I don’t believe you mean that,” Gruber leaned forward. “Look up at me, Mrs. Ryan.” She lifted her head to meet his penetrating gaze. “There’s an elevator that goes from here directly to the cellar. You won’t have to navigate those damp stone stairs in your heels.”

“Yes,” she said, frowning, “I remember. The stairs are steep.” Kathy lowered her head again and was silent. Frederick was about to speak when Gruber held up his hand. They waited. Kathy seemed to be listening to something. Finally, looking down at her shoes, she said, “You are right, Doctor, in these heels the stairs would be difficult.”

He stood. Both men came around the desk. Each took one of her arms... She didn’t resist as they led her to the small elevator at the back of the room. As the elevator began to descend, Gruber tilted her head up so that she had to look into his cold unblinking eyes, “The revealing dress, Mrs. Ryan, you didn’t choose it just for Frederick, did you??

It was as if Gruber’s eyes dictated what she had to say. “No,” she whispered, “not just for him.”

“And the scent of your wet cunt. Is that only for my dear nephew?”

Gruber continued to force her to look into his eyes, “The scent…scent of my cunt,” she said, her voice trembling, “no, not for Master Frederick.”

As the elevator came to a stop, she could hear the dog barking. “He knows your smell. When I gave him your mother’s scarf he went a bit wild,” Gruber said. “Do you remember sending us your dear deceased mother’s scarf drenched with your cunt juice?”

Kathy didn’t answer. Frederick’s grip tightened on her arm, “We told him you would be paying him a visit.”

Kathy tried to twist away, “No, please, no I don’t…” The door opened and they were in the brightly lit stone cellar. Negra continued to claw at his cage and bark. Kathy noticed her mother’s scarf had been woven into the wire above him just out of his reach.

Frederick pulled her out to the center of the room. Next to Negra’s cage was another similar to it, the cage they’d said would someday be hers. Faintly, again as if from far away, she heard the familiar notes. Her body stiffened. The two men exchanged glances. The three of them walked closer to the cage, Kathy’s heels clicking on the stone floor. Negra’s barking grew more frantic until Frederick shouted, “Quiet, Negra!” Immediately the dog lay down panting and whimpering softly. They had stopped about three feet from the dog’s pen. Frederick turned to Kathy. “You see, bitch, that’s how pets act when they hear their Master speak. That’s how you will be trained to behave.”

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