Keep it Secret (22 page)

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Authors: Olivia Snow

Tags: #romance, #love, #love triangle, #na, #new adult, #new adult romance, #steamy romace

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“You have a good heart to,
Ava, don't diminish how you are as a person.”

Ava chuckled humorlessly.
“If you only knew, Vanessa. If you only knew.”

Chapter Twenty-One


The next couple of days were
uneventful. Except for the Headmistress finally giving me
permission to park my truck in the student parking lot school was
the same as it was last week. Gabriel and I exchanged looks
throughout our classes together and when lunchtime came around, I
tried my best not to be around him and Vanessa. Talon still
insisted on taking me out on a date and every time he asked I said
‘no’. Surprisingly, Mallory and I became fast friends she had moved
in with her wealthy father after her mother decided to move to
Canada with her new girlfriend. Like me, she didn't grow up wealthy
but in the poorer side of Denver. Back at the mansion things were
unpleasant to say the least. Bill and Cynthia barely spoke to me,
which made living in their house extremely awkward. Vanessa didn't
ask any questions, but I could tell she was hurt by my lack of
honesty. Rose and I made it a point to take a walk together every
time I got home from school. We would talk about our day but mainly
we’d talk about
. By Friday, Mallory and I agreed to study together after
school for an economics exam we had the following week. I called
Rose to let her know that I was going over to Mallory’s house to
study but would be home for dinner, maybe even later because Mal
was having a hard time grasping the concept between Micro and

“No, Microeconomics is the
behavior of people and companies within the economy.
is a
study of “the big picture” in the economy. Think of it this way,
micro is small, i.e. people and companies. Macro is the economy as
a whole.”

“Ugh, this is so
frustrating! I’m good at everything else except anything that has
to do with business.” Mallory whined banging her head on the open

“Don’t worry Mal, you'll get
it.” I pet her head pressing the home button on Mallory’s phone to
check the time. Mine was in my bag and I was too lazy to bend down
and pick it up.

“Damn, I need to leave, I’m
late for dinner.” I said, collecting my things shoving them in my

“I’ll have Franklin drive

“Thanks.” I said, getting up
from the table walking towards the front door as Mallory walked
behind me.

“Thanks for your help, babe.
We should hang out this weekend.” Mallory said turning the knob to
the door.

“Yeah, that sounds good, text
me.” We exchanged hugs goodbye before I climbed into the black
luxury SUV. As Franklin pulled into the driveway, I spotted
Declan’s Rover parked in front of the door.
This should be fun
. I thanked
Franklin for the ride and hurry inside. Closing and locking the
door I call out after the robotic alarm announced the opening of
the front door.

“Sorry, I’m late.” Setting
my satchel down next to the stairs I walked into the dining room.
To my unwelcome surprise, I saw Gabriel sitting next to Vanessa. I
must have missed his car. I was too busy looking at Declan’s.
Luckily, the adults were not at the table and Vanessa was too busy
looking at Gabriel to miss the look on my face. Gabriel on the
other hand, looked like he was about to throw up, that, or launch
himself across the table to kiss me. Suddenly, I felt my bra strap
crack against my skin I squealed in horror turning around to see
Declan’s grinning face.

“Damn it, D, you know how
much I hate that shit!” I snapped rubbing my stinging back. Declan
let out an evil laugh. Why boys find that amusing is beyond

“I missed you too,
.” He said, taking
me in for a hug. Flipping him off with a smile we both took our
seats at the dinner table.

“Hey, Gabriel. I didn't know
you were joining us for dinner?” I said looking between him and

“I didn't see you all day at
school and you weren't answering any of my texts either.” Vanessa
responded. My phone was on silent all day I didn't bother to look
at my text messages.

“How was your study group?”
Gabriel asked.

“It was just Mallory and I,
no group.” I replied. The adults interrupted our small talk as they
entered the dining room. Instantly, Bill and Cynthia’s smiles
disappeared noticing that I was in the room Rose on the other hand
kept hers while walking over to me to kiss the top of my head. The
affection was still something I was getting used to, but it was
becoming easier to tolerate.

“How was the studying?” She
asked sweetly, Rose had the voice of a kindergarten teacher without
even meaning to she could make any sentence sound like a

“Good.” I replied smiling back
at her as she took the seat next to me. Throughout dinner Bill and
Cynthia grilled Gabriel about what he wanted to do after high
school, what college he'd gotten into, where his parents were
from...the questions seemed endless. It was short of asking him for
his blood type and sperm count.

“Hey, Ava. There’s a party
tonight, want to come?” Declan asked, as the adults debated about
what the President was doing with healthcare. Gabriel’s eyes
snapped in my direction.

“Umm, no thanks. I think I
want to go for a run and then go to bed. It’s been a long week. I’m
exhausted.” I replied, smiling weakly at Declan.

“Aha, okay, if you say so.” He
said suspiciously.
Damn, he knew
something’s up

After dinner Gabriel, said
his ‘thank you’ and ‘goodnight’s’ to everyone while Vanessa walked
him out. Before going to my room to change, Rose stopped

“Its dark outside, are you
sure it’s a good idea for you to be running this late?”

“I promise it'll be a short
run. I need to run. I feel antsy.” Antsy was an understatement I
hardly had anything to drink today and I was getting the shakes.
Adrenaline was the second best resort.

“All right, promise me
you'll be careful?”

“I promise.”

Just outside the gate I
stretched for a good ten minutes before strapping my phone to my
arm and placing the headphones inside my ears. Hinder’s,
Lips of an Angel
playing I grunted at the song choice my shuffle picked. Not even
ten seconds after my feet hit asphalt was the song interrupted by a
text message.

Blue: Look behind

I stared at the screen for a
second or two before taking off my headphones turning around, as
Gabriel got closer. My mouth unwillingly broke out into a goofy

“What are you do—” I’m
interrupted as his lips crashed into mine. His kiss was desperate
as his tongue invaded my welcoming mouth. Our kiss deepened while
he groped my ass lifting me up I wrapped my legs around his waist
just as he walked towards the car. Gabriel laid me on the hood of
the car propping one knee on the bumper to keep from sliding off
the car. We’re far enough from the mansion that no one can see us
but if someone were to drive on the same road we were on, they’d
get one helluva show. Our kiss breaks as his lips move down my neck
feeling his teeth gently bite down I softly moan his name.
Gabriel’s hand squeezes my thigh while he moves up my body cupping
my breast his thumb grazes my nipple making it hard.

“Baby, I need you.” He
whispered in my ear, his desperation sent a quiver to my insides.
Nonetheless, the reality of our situation slaps me cold.

“Gabriel.” I said, my voice
shaky dripping with lust. I placed my hands on each side of his
face forcing him to look at me. “What’s going on?”

He lets out a heavy sigh,
pushing himself off the car. Standing, he runs his hands through
his hair making his neatly combed hair all disheveled and

“I can’t do this anymore.” A
hundred things ran through my mind.

“All right, you're going to
have to be more specific, you can’t do
anymore?” I was terrified of
his answer.

“Be with me.” He
Not this

“Blue, we’ve had this
conversation before.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not doing
it anymore, I can’t just be your friend. I want to be more Ava, why
can’t we be together?”

“You know why.”

“Damn it, Ava! I don't want
to hurt Vanessa, but I want to be with you. I need you. I try to
find any way to see you, to talk to you. Can’t you see how crazy I
am about you?” Instead of swooning from his declaration it actually
pissed me off, it pissed me off something fierce. How could he so
easily let go of Vanessa?

“You don't want to hurt
Vanessa? Give me a break, Gabriel I see the way you look at her, as
crazy as you say you are about me you feel the same way about her.
The only difference is you've been inside of me, that’s all this
is, you just want to keep getting your dick wet.” I was being crude
but damn did it piss me off that he could let go of Vanessa without
consequence. Gabriel took a step back like I had punched him in the
gut and in that instance I regretted saying what I just said to him
because I knew our connection was more than physical. He looked
down at the asphalt and when his eyes met mine again his expression
had hardened.

“I’m done.” He walked back
to his car and drove away. I was stunned replaying the last ten
minutes of my life over and over again. I felt the pain settle in
my heart as I grasped what just happened. He was gone. It was over.
Part of me—a tiny minuscule—part was relieved the rest of me was
distraught. My breathing labored my hands shook and I knew it was
time for some comfort in a bottle. Before heading back into the
mansion, I cracked my neck putting my emotions in check not wanting
anyone to see the way my heart was breaking as I walked back to the
house I was startled by a shadow standing right outside the

“You know, I had my
suspicions about you and Gabriel. After witnessing that little
tirade I finally know.” Aunt Cynthia said. This was exactly what
she wanted. She wanted to broadcast my true colors to Vanessa.
Honestly, I don’t blame her I wouldn’t want my daughter to turn out
like me either.

“How long have you been
standing there?” I asked, anticipating what she would say

“Long enough to know that
there’s something going on between the two of you.”

Great, she didn't see my
make out session with him on top of the car. She would have called
me a whore by now.

“Why do you hate me so much?
What have I ever done to you?” I could see the joy of catching me
displayed all over her stiff Botox filled face.

“No, Ava, I don’t hate you.
You remind me of a girl I used to know. A girl who would do
anything to get ahead in life regardless of who she stepped on her
way up, including her family.” I knew very well this
she was talking
about was her. She just didn't know I knew. I remember the secret
phone conversations
and Billy would have about her.

“Lady, you have the worst
perception of me. I’m not trying to climb anywhere and I would
never intentionally hurt my family that includes you. Even though
you royally screwed me over or have you forgotten Aunt

“I knew you would be fine.
You always could take care of yourself. It was not my
responsibility to take care of you or your mother.”

“So, your conciseness is
clean, is it? Then why beg her to move in with you? That to me
sounds like a guilty woman trying to make peace with something she
did.” I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for her

“I asked your mother to move
in because I needed to repair my relationship with my sister, not
you.” Ouch! What a bitch, I snorted and chuckled pretty sure I
inherited her bitchiness and Rose passed down her sweetness to

“What’s the point of this
conversation? I know you don't like me, you just heard the
conversation I had with Gabriel, so spare me the theatrics and get
to the fucking point.”

“If your father, God rest
his soul, could hear the way you talk, you have no respect for your

“Please, he's the one who
taught me how to swear and you are my elder but I’ve never
respected you. Ever.”

“You know what, Ava? Keep
digging your grave Vanessa will find out sooner or later what
you’re doing. I won’t tell her anything, but I’m counting down the
days until you're exposed and she sees the kind of person I’ve been
trying to keep her away from. She’ll be distraught from your
betrayal, but she’ll survive and she’ll hate you. I’ll make sure of
that. It kills you that she has everything you couldn't help
yourself could you? You had to take her boyfriend because that’s
the only thing you’re good at, is what’s in between your legs.” She
stepped closer to me as she ranted pointing her finger at me in

My lips curved into a
knowing smile. “I’d say you and I both know a little bit about
betrayal, isn’t that right Aunt Cynthia?” Cynthia stumbled a little
from my words this bitch really didn't know what I knew. I was
going to make sure I’d torture her about it as much as

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