Kya & Xavier: It's Always Been You (Life As We Know It Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Kya & Xavier: It's Always Been You (Life As We Know It Book 1)
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“That works, let me get my keys from Rick.”

Ethan disappeared into the crowd and reappeared again shoving
something in his pocket. The four of us made our way back to Xavier’s room this
time opting for the elevator instead of the stairs.
I moved close to him and whispered, “So
you're drinking tonight?”

“Chill, this is it.” He said nodding toward the beer in his

“Okay.” I said without looking at him. I knew he still drank
occasionally but it didn’t mean that I was okay with it. I could see images of
him drunk, high and barley aware of where he was or who he was with. The “with”
was always some low class girl that opened her legs way too easily simply for
the right of being able to say that she had been with Xavier Adams.
Mhm I bet.

When we reached Xavier’s room it was empty so Ethan and Toni
got cozy on the couch while Xavier sat in the arm chair with me on his lap. He
had one arm bent behind his head and he was messing with his hair while the
other hand rested on my stomach underneath my shirt.
He was always so comfortable with me. It's
like we never missed a beat and were right back where we had left things every
time we fell back into our old habits.

“So what's up with your name?” Toni asked Ethan. They were
snuggled up in one corner of the sofa. Very comfortable for two people who had
just met ten minutes ago.

“What do you mean?” Ethan asked with a strange look on his
face. I couldn't help but notice how perfectly smooth his dark chocolate skin
looked and how the glare from the lights above his head made his low cut neatly
trimmed jet black hair shine.

“I mean what sane black woman names her son Ethan?” She threw
her head back so that she could see his face.

Ethan laughed. “Hell I don't know because my mom is white.”

“Wait what, stop playing.” Toni slapped her hand down on
Ethan's leg.

“I am serious.”

“Uh boo there's no way you're mixed with all this sexy dark
Toni traced the muscles in
Ethan's arm with her finger.

“I'm not mixed but my mom is white. I'm adopted.”

“Seriously?” Toni sat up and turned towards him.

“Tell her Zay.”

“He is.”

“Well hell that explains it.” We all laughed.

“So you’re not feeling my name.” Ethan said pulling Toni back
into him.

“I can work with it.”

“That's what's up.” He reached down and linked his fingers
through hers. “So what are the goods on you? I don't need some random dude
running up on me talking about ‘you kickin’ it with my girl yo’.”

“Yeah Tee, what's up with you.” Zay smirked at Toni.

“Let's just say I have a situation, but nothing serious.” She
said and then shot Xavier a bird.

“Well you need to handle your situation.” Ethan put emphasis
on the word situation, “Before we fall into something.”

“I got you but that goes for you too.” Toni said.

“I don't have any situations to handle. I’m just chillin’.”

“Famous last words.” Toni said sarcastically.

“I'm good, you can bet on it.”

“We're gonna take this to another room so that we don't have
to testify.” Xavier said as he lifted me and attempted to stand. When we were
both on our feet he stepped behind me and shoved his hand into the pocket of my
hoodie and leaned forward to place his chin on my shoulder.

“Don't do anything I wouldn't do.” Toni said.

Xavier looked back at Toni, “Stay out of grown folks

“I will when you show me some grown folks that have
business.” But Zay ignored her and kept moving.

We walked in his room, he pushed the door so that it closed
but didn't shut all the way and laid back on his bed with one arm folded behind
his head with on foot resting on the floor.
I sat down at his desk.

“Why you over there? Come lay down with me.”

“This is my safe zone.” I said with smile.

“You don't trust me?”

“Should I?” I asked.

“Always. And I should be your safe zone.” He said trying to
sound offended.

“You are.” I bent my knee and grabbed my left foot and tugged
at my UGG boot until it came off and then did the same to my right foot. I
tossed it on the floor and then laid down next to Xavier.

So you're drinking now?” I asked unable to let the beer
situation go.

He maneuvered his had under my hoodie and slid his thumb
under the waistband of my leggings but he stopped there. I flinched because his
hand was cold against my skin. “It's just one beer Ky, I'm good.”

“Okay.” I
whispered softly.

He pulled me closer to him and kissed the side of my neck. “I
told you I'm done with that and I mean it. I closed my eyes and let it go. I
didn't want to ruin the moment.


Xavier Lee

When my alarm went off I half expected Kya to wake up too but
she just rolled over and covered her head with a pillow instead. I climbed over
her and stood up my body was stiff and sore from the game last night combined
with a headache from hell due to the four shots and two beers I had. I lied to Ky
about what I was drinking because I didn't want to start an argument. I had
learned my lesson about that years ago and I knew that she would never know since
I downed them while I was waiting on Ethan to lie his way out of spending time
with Shaunie so that he could meet Toni.

I walked
into the bathroom, turned the light on and then shut the door trying not to
wake up her. After I lined my toothbrush with toothpaste and stuck it in my
mouth I lifted my right arm and turned to the side to check to see if I was
bruised from the elbow to the ribs that I received during the game. I could
still feel it as if it had just happened.

When I was done in the bathroom I shut the light off again,
stepped back into my room so that I could finished getting ready. As soon as I
was done I grabbed my practice bag out the closet, plugged Kya’s phone into my
charger, left my room and shut the door behind me.

I had already received a text from Ethan saying that he and
Toni were on their way up to my room so I stepped into the hallway to see if
they were coming. They were nowhere to be found so walked back inside, sat down
on the sofa and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I heard the door opened and
Ethan and Toni walked in.

“You ready to roll?” Ethan asked.

“Not really but it doesn't look like I have a choice.”

Toni fell back into the sofa next to me still half asleep so I
got up to give her room to stretch out. She was wearing Ethan's team sweatshirt
on top of her clothes so the second I moved she balled up and pull her knees to
her chest and tucked them under the oversized sweatshirt.

“Do you want covers?”

Toni just waved her hand at me as if she wanted me to leave
her alone which I did but not before I leaned down and whispered, “stay outta
my fridge,” which prompted her to hold up her hand up to shoot me a bird.

“She is definitely not a morning person.” Ethan said and then

We left my room and headed towards the elevator.

“So what's up with you two anyway?” I asked curious about
whether or not he was feeling her.

“She's straight but I’m going to have to calm her down a

“Good luck with that.” I said and laughed. “She's always on

“She’s just use to those weak dudes. I can tell but I got
something for her.”

“Bruh, like I said good luck with that and you better keep
Shaunie away from her because you haven't seen crazy until you've seen Toni in

“Shaunie knows we're just chillin’ but Toni needs to take
care of her so called situation before I do anything.”

“Man don't sweat old boy. He's some old wanna be thug. I've
seen him a few times. He barely even speaks, always trying to play hard. I told
Ky I'll lay his ass out in a heartbeat if he keeps walking around there acting
like he’s brand new.”

“So she like thugs?” Ethan asked now curious about Toni's

“Not really. Toni always picks weak dudes that she can
control and old boy tries to play hard but I can tell she's running him.”

“I'm not the one she wants then if she’s trynna run things.”
Ethan said and laughed. “Only one of us can call the shots and it damn sure
won't be her.”

“That’s between you and Toni, my parts done but I feel ya

Ethan and I took the elevator downstairs and then got in his
truck. It was a charcoal gray 2000 Land Rover discovery in perfect condition.
He said he loved that body style so his dad searched for months to find one for
him that was in good condition with low miles and then they spent another
couple months getting it painted and serviced.

I thought that was weird because they could afford to buy any
vehicle he wanted but this old school classic was what he chose. Ethan was just
like that and in fact you would never know that he came from money at all if
you didn't know him and his family personally. He was just kind of chill not
flashy or arrogant the way money sometimes made people.

In fact because of that, Ethan was one of the few people I
trusted enough to know about the trust that my mom set for me and Leigh with
her insurance policy. Every time anyone found out they couldn't understand why
I wasn't so called balling out being so young with access to so much money but
Ethan on the other hand was cool about it. He understood that the money wasn't worth
not having my mom around. Maybe it was because he was adopted and both his
birth parents had died when he was a baby but either way he was always chill
about it.

When we reached the practice gym I noticed a few other cars
that belonged to our teammates so Ethan pulled in near them and parked.

“You know coach is about to run us to death.” I said
referring to the group text we received at 5:00 that morning promising death
since we decided to party after losing an “important” game. Hell, this is
college you party if you win and you damn sure party if you lose to help you
forget about it.

“Bruh, what! He is about to put it on us and I was barely
even there. I was in my room most of the night with Toni.”

“Hell me either. I was in my room with Ky.”

“Let’s get this it over with.” Ethan said and opened his

We got out and made our way to the locker room where half the
team was already there and dressed in their practice clothes.

“Has coach been in here yet?” I asked to no one specific
before I sat on the bench in front of my locker.

“Not yet.” Trey said.

“I wonder how coach found out about the party.” James, one of
the freshman said and then looked around at all of us.

We all looked at each other before me, Trey, Davis and Ethan
said in unison, “coach knows everything.”

“You damn right I do, which is why for the life of me I don't
understand why you continue to break my rules.” We all turned around to look at
coach. His balding head and face were red and I couldn’t tell if it was because
he was pissed or from the cold air outside but either way he didn’t look happy.

“Come on coach, we've gotta party every once in a while.”
Davis said.

“You’re right and we're about to party right now.” Coach
said. “So make sure your shoes are laced tight.”

“Dang coach, that's cold.” Trey said.

About ten minutes we were all on the court facing coach who
was armed with a whistle, clip board and bad attitude.
Let the torture begin.


Chapter 5

Kya Renee

“Ky wake up.”

I slowly opened my eyes to see Toni standing over me. The
first thing I noticed when my eyes began to focus was that she was wearing a
Spartan basketball sweatshirt that was about five sizes too big. I pulled
myself up to a seated position and extended my arms above my head to stretch.

“What time is it?” I mumbled.

“9:30. We've gotta go.”

“Wait where have you been all night.” I asked looking around
and realizing that I was in Xavier’s room and had left Toni and Ethan alone in
the living room the night before.

“You abandoned me so I stayed with Ethan and before you go
there nothing happened. We just chilled, talked and watched movies. They had
practice at 8:00 so before they left I came up here with Ethan, crashed on the
sofa and just woke up like ten minutes ago.”

I looked on Xavier’s desk expecting to see a note from him
but all I saw was a book bag and his laptop. I reached for my phone which he
had apparently plugged into his charger before he left for practice to check
for a text from him.

“Did you talk to Zay before they left?”

“About what?” Toni asked.

“Nothing, I was just wondering if he said anything before he

“Like what Ky, are y'all straight?” She looked concerned.

“Yeah, we're good, we’re just supposed to be going home today
to see Leigh play.”

“Nope he just told me to stay out of his fridge.” She said
and then rolled her eyes.

I pulled the covers back, scooted to the edge of the bed and
stood up to stretch. I had slept in my legging since Xavier had his room below
freezing as usual so I sat on the foot of his bed to put on my boots. After I
had them on I opened his closet, grabbed a washcloth off the top shelf and went
into the bathroom to wash my face before we left.

An hour later we back at our dorm, I had showered and was
currently laying on my bed stretched out on my stomach with my Chemistry notes
scattered in front of me.

Xavier had texted me after he finished his first practice and
told me that he would be there to pick me up by 1:00 so I had a few hours to
get some work done. Toni had already provided the goods on what went down with
her and Ethan so she was currently sleep in her room leaving our dorm quiet
which made it easier to study.

Apparently it was a little too quite because after a while I
dosed off and woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating next to my face.


“You sound like you're sleep.” Xavier said sounding just as
drained as I did.

“I'm up now.” I rolled over onto my back and bent my knees
placing my feet flat on my bed.

“I'm about to shower and then I'll be on my way.”

“Okay I'll be ready text me when you get here and I’ll meet
you outside.”

I threw my phone on the bed and opened my closet door. I
found a pair skinny jeans, a blue off the shoulder slouch shirt and threw them
both on my bed. After I wiggled my way into my jeans I open one of the drawers
to storage units under my bed and got out a navy tank top, pulled off the t-shirt
that I was wearing put it on and then my slouch shirt over it. I found a pair
if no show socks and put one my navy Chucks.

I checked myself out in the full length mirror hanging on the
back of my bedroom door and then reached up to release my hair from the
ponytail that I had secured on the top of my head. I raked my fingers through
my hair to gently release the tiny coils that had been formed from the double
strand twist that I had been wearing. Once I was satisfied I grabbed a pink
grapefruit body spray and sprayed it on my body, neck, and wrist a few times
before returning it to my dresser and then hopping back onto my bed to wait for

I picked up my notes and attempted to try studying again and
about forty five minutes later I was standing in front of my dorm while Xavier
pulled into the parking lot in his black Wrangler Jeep. As soon as he reached
the curb I walked up to the passenger side but he got out.

“You feel like driving?” He asked.

“Is that the only reason you wanted me to go.” I asked.

“Coach found out about the party last night and tried to kill
us today. We ran for literally two hours straight and then scrimmaged for the
last hour.”

That's what you get.” I said as walked around to the driver’s
side of the Jeep and Xavier got into the passenger’s seat. He pushed the seat
back as far as it would go, leaned it back and propped his arms up behind his

“You better be glad I love you.” I said and the started the Jeep.

“You can blame my coach. He literally tried his best cause us
physical pain today and believe me when I say mission accomplished.”

“That's your fault. Throwing a party the night you lost a big
game wasn’t really the smartest thing to do.”

“Hell I wasn't even at the party. I was in my room with you.”

“Guilty by association.” I said and laughed “Aren’t ballers
all about that one team on win crap.”

“I was until I had to run today and I can't feel my legs
because of it.”

“You owe me and you're driving home.”

“You know I got you.” He reached over and rested his hand on
my thigh.

“You better.” I replied.

“Always, you know that.” Xavier reached forward, turned up
the volume on the stereo and then leaned back again but this time he closed his
eyes while I settled in for my hour long drive.

After what felt like forever I finally pulled into Xavier’s aunt’s
neighborhood and parked his Jeep along the curb in front of her town house.

“Wake up big head. We're here.” I said as I shook Xavier’s

He opened his eyes and extended his arms over his head and
then behind him to stretch before he pulled the lever on the side of his seat
to raise it up again.

“You're welcome.” I said with a smile.

He leaned over and kissed me on the neck. “Thank you.”

We both got out and walked up the stairs to the front door of
the townhouse and Xavier used his key to unlock the front door and stepped
inside. The smell of something sweet hung in the air and I smiled knowing that
there was literally always something baking in this house. It made me think
about high school when I would spend hours in the kitchen while she taught me
all of her cooking secrets. My mother was a master at ordering out and Xavier
had no interest in anything remotely related to cooking aside from him sampling
the finished product. It was a win win situation for both me and his aunt
because she wanted to teach and I wanted to learn. Xavier hated it because it
took time away from him but I loved his aunt and it was always fun cooking with

“Hey baby. “ Xavier’s short round aunt moved passed him and
placed her hands on the sides of my face before she leaned into me offering a tight
welcoming hug. I immediately noticed that she had lost weight and looked tired
even through the huge smile on her face.

“What a great surprise.” She announced cheerfully. “We
weren't expecting to see you today. This is just lovely.” She stepped back,
looked me over and smiled at me.

“Well I'm glad to see you too.” Xavier said sounding a little
put off.

“Oh baby. I'm always glad to see you but this lovely young
lady I haven't seen in a while.”

“Exactly.” I said and stuck my tongue out at him. “I missed
you too.” I smiled at her and then hugged her again.

“Let me get my coat and we can go. Leigh is already at the
school, she rode with a friend so that I could wait for you.”

She left the two of us standing there and disappeared down
the hallway.

“She loves me more than you.” I whispered to Xavier
displaying an evil grin.

“Not even close, she's just being nice.” He whispered back.

I cut my eyes and him before I responded with, “Jealous

“Okay babies lets go so we don't miss the start.” His aunt
said she pulled on a black fleece jacket. She wrapped a gray knitted scarf
around her neck and made her way to the door. The three of us piled into
Xavier’s jeep with his aunt insisting that I sit up front with Xavier so she
wouldn’t interrupt us “young folks” as she put it. Fifteen minutes later we
arrived at our old high school and walked towards the gym.

Xavier held the door open and the three of us stepped inside.
Both teams were in the middle of their pre-game warm up so when Leigh noticed
us she smiled and threw up a quick wave before completing a three pointer. She
was wearing her brothers number as always twenty two.
Xavier’s little mini me
. We took our seats and waited for the game
to begin.

Everything was going smoothly until just after halftime when
I heard a familiar voice which caused Xavier and I to both turn towards the gym
doors. This made me immediately turn to look at Xavier knowing that his entire
mood was about to change. Johnny had just entered the gym, talking loudly and
stumbling towards the bleachers. He was what you called a functioning alcoholic
so he managed to keep his balance but you could clearly tell that he had been
drinking because of the way he was moving and how loud he was talking.

I placed my hand on top of Xavier’s hoping that it would keep
him calm. His fist was clenched tightly and I could tell that he was beyond
angry. Every time he heard Johnny’s drunken slurred words he glared at him but
when he went on a rant after Leigh was fouled and sent to the free throw line I
could tell that he'd had enough.

“That's my baby. You better watch it and keep your hands off
my girl.” Johnny yelled from the stands. He stood and stumbled down the
bleachers until he was standing on the floor so that he could continue his
embarrassment with a full audience.

“Leigh, you okay baby. You need me to talk to somebody. Hey
man you need to control these girls out here.” He pointed to the floor as he
yelled at the sideline referee.

“Sir if you don't sit down I'm going to have to ask that you
leave.” The referee said calmly.

“Leave! You can't make me leave.” He yelled pointing his
finger in the refs face.

Xavier stood up and stormed down the bleachers towards him
with me close behind. I didn’t exactly know why I followed but I felt like if I
was at least near him that things wouldn’t get out of control. Xavier was
extremely protective over Leigh especially when it came to Johnny and I knew
that it could get real ugly really fast. When he reached Johnny he moved in
close to him. “You need to leave now!” He said sternly.

I looked around the gym and all eyes were on us. Leigh was
standing on the free throw line balancing the ball on her hip with a horrified
look on her face.

“Awe son you see what they did. They’re cheating your sister
out there.”

“I'm not going to say it again! Leave now or I promise you'll
regret it.”

“Oh so you're a man now. You think you can tell me what to

“I’m more of a man than you'll ever be and if you want to
find out just try me.” Xavier was about a foot taller than Johnny and his lean
athletic frame threated Johnny’s out of shape pudgy frame. A body that
displayed years of unhealthy habits and bad decisions but that didn’t faze
Johnny. He leaned in towards Xavier as if he was still that scared little kid
that used to hide from him in his closet or behind his mother.

“Please little boy, your ideal threats don't intimidate me
because I know deep down inside that you're just a scared little shit that
doesn't know his head from his ass.”

“What I know is that you’re causing a scene. Look at her.”
Xavier said and pointed to his sister. “If you care at all you’ll leave. She doesn't
want you here and I damn sure don’t want you here so be a man for once in your
life and just leave.”

Johnny didn’t budge he just stared at him like he was about
to say something else but Xavier didn’t’ give him the chance to speak. “Leave!
Now!” Xavier shoved him in his chest and Johnny stumbled backwards. He looked
at his son and could tell from the look in his eyes that this was not a battle
that he wanted to fight. He eyed him again briefly as if trying to decide
whether or not he wanted to try his luck before he retreated, turned and walked
away. He pushed through the gym door with so much force that it swung wide open
before it slowly closed behind him.

Xavier grabbed my hand and sat on the bottom row of bleachers
near the doors as if was anticipating Johnny’s return.
Please don’t let this idiot come back in here.

Leigh took her first shot and missed. She looked over at her
brother who smiled and nodded his head towards the basket. She still looked
like she wanted to cry but his words relaxed her a little. “Free money. You got
this squirt.” He said calmly.

“She squatted low dribbled the ball twice and then stood
slowly releasing it into the air. It fell through the net and the crowd
cheered. Several parents and teammates sang in unison, “Way to go Leigh.” “Good
job two-two the coach yelled from the bench.”

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