Laid 2 Rest Two Halves of a Whole (25 page)

BOOK: Laid 2 Rest Two Halves of a Whole
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“Yes, please.”

“Ooookayyyy.” They sounded off as they slid off the bed together and left the room.

“Here. Sit up and drink this, love,” Jay said, turning his undivided attention back to me.

Taking a firm grasp of the mug that he held out, I blew on it before sipping the steamy discolored liquid.
Ooh that’s nice
… tasted like chamomile. Jay stood hovering over me watching, waiting. Therefore, I took a few more sips to appease him before I rotated my head around to crack my neck

It felt as if I had been run over by a bus. TWICE!
Every part of my body ached. Even the roots of my hair.

“Can you do me a favor and start a bath for me please?” I asked Jay politely since he was just standing there.

A nice long soak in the tub should make me feel worlds better. It has always worked in the past. So let us hope that that continues to hold true.

I guess, I should tell you guys that I wouldn’t be surprised if I used to be a fish in a former life, seeing how I loved the water so much. I could bathe myself three times a day and still look forward to a fourth one.
No wonder my parents were always complaining about the water bill when I was growing up.

My bad!

Jay removed the mug from my hands before I could get one last sip in and sat it down on the nightstand after doing what I had asked of him. I didn’t even have the strength to protest, my eyes couldn’t even see straight. With a huge sigh, I pushed the covers back and stumbled towards the sound of running water.

This is not my bathroom,
I thought to myself when I first walked in. This isn’t even one of the bathrooms at Jay’s house. Where in the hell are we? I tried my best not to think about it. I needed to get rid of all this pain and discomfort before trying to riddle out another mystery. A tub is a tub and this tub will have to do.

The water felt nice against my skin. It must have been super thirsty since the water seemed to quench my need for it. I let Jay remain in the bathroom with me as he sponged water down my back. In my present condition, I could have cared less about how morally wrong, him being in there with me was.

“I’m sure the twins didn’t mean to make your headache any worse,” he said plainly, trickling another sponge full of bubbles down my neck and spine.


Did I hear him right? Jasmine and KJ were twins.
They couldn’t be. However, no sooner did I think it; a fresh memory flooded my mind of me in my hospital room recuperating after giving birth to them… both of them. My beautiful twin babies lay perfectly content in my arms. One wrapped in pink while the other was bundled in blue.

I suddenly cried out in pain as my skull cracked open as all the extra memories invaded me.
All at the same damn time
. Jay caught me before my head slammed against the back of the tub as I thrashed wildly around in the water.

“What is it? Is it the baby?” he yelled out, horrified.

I tasted bile. My breathing was erratic. Sweat had begun to bead on my forehead.
Well, I guess that explained the tea instead of the drugs. My hands instantly flew to my stomach, feeling the bulge already formed there. My baby.
Oh my God…
I’m pregnant. Pregnant with Jay’s child… our child.

Could it be? I searched his orbs for confirmation. Please let this be real. Please, I cannot be dreaming. The worry in his eyes and the concern on his face was too much for me. I broke down in tears, trembling in his arms while clinging desperately to his now soaked shirt with my mind spinning around, around, and around.

“It’s alright, love. I got you. Everything is going to be fine. Tell me where it hurts. Jazz please. Let me help you!” He practically begged me.

“I’m okay, Jay… I’m okay… just hold me… please just hold me and don’t ever let go.”

“I’m here, I’m not going anywhere,” he assured me, rocking me lightly back and forth.

When my body refused to stop shaking, he scooped me out of the water, dried me off and dressed me in a silk cream nightie that barely covered my rear end. Helping me back into bed, he recovered me with the thick blankets and tucked me in tight, hoping that would help warm me up. “There now. You rest for a minute and I’ll put the twins to bed and be right back. Will you be alright by yourself for a little while?”

I simply nodded, thankful to have a few minutes alone in which to pull myself together. My headache had subsided, thank goodness. It wasn’t the amount of time I spent back in the past that triggered these painful episodes after all… it was the amount of changes made to “my present” that caused all of my discomfort when I returned and this time… I… managed… to change… EVERYTHING!

Since I had been so upset at Diego and my old boss, I reacted without thinking. I couldn’t help myself. All I saw was RED as my anger consumed me. I turned my back on that job without realizing all that it would entail. I just walked away, never to be employed there. That meant that I never met my husband, and if I never met Diego, then we never got married.

Oh my.
A scene from a wedding at sunset on the shores of the Greek Isle filled my vision suddenly. OH MY LORD.
I’m married to Jay.

Raising my arm to look at my left hand, I found that
sure enough,
there sat a huge rock on my ring finger. I laughed aloud. I couldn’t help it. Did I just erase the last ten years of my sad, pitiful, lonely life and replace it with everything that I have ever wanted? I must be dreaming… there is no way that this could possibly be real.

Pictures from our past swam around in my head along with continuous new ones. I cannot be this lucky, I thought, mentally fighting with myself.
No one is this lucky, in fact.

Have my prayers really been answered after all this time?

Please Lord, I only ask that you don’t provide me with everything I have ever wanted to just turn around and rip my fairytale away. Even my wildest of dreams couldn’t have dreamt this up, I realized as my body started shivering again from being happy, scared, elated, and panicked all at the same time.

Jay shut the door behind him as he came back into the room, plunging us into complete darkness. Snuggling up next to me, he buried his face deep in my hair. “Are you feeling a little better? Should we call your doctor?”

My memories showed me that we had built a strong, happy life together, but my brain still couldn’t process it. I needed to feel it, smell it,
before I could fully accept that I wasn’t just fantasizing.

“I’m a little better now. Thank you,” I said, ignoring the second question as I shifted closer to him, placing a hand on his face, tracing it with my fingers.

I knew this face. With my eyes now adjusted to the dark, I found his orbs staring back at me. I felt so shy… timid even. Am I really allowed to touch him like this? Unable to accept that I was no longer bound to someone else, I found that I didn’t know what to do at that particular moment. My mind was going a hundred miles a minute, in a hundred different directions. Jay was my husband and I was his wife. We were actually together, happy, and raising a family of our own.


He leaned in closer. “I love you. Both of you,” he assured me, placing a large warm hand on my belly.

Closing the gap, I lightly pressed my lips to his for a few seconds, hesitantly. “We love you too,” I whispered while he kissed me sweetly back.

Oh man, oh man, oh man!

There was no need to worry anymore. I was no longer tied down to Diego. I have never been married to anyone else other than the man right next to me. There was no one standing between us now. I was perfectly free to love him and he was free to love me back.

My heart could barely contain the overwhelming joy that hit me as I began to accept this new reality. I kissed him again, softly at first, but it was building and turned more passionate by the second. He pulled back for some air, unsure if I had totally lost my mind or not. One minute, I was a hysterical mess in the bathtub with a splitting headache and then the next; I was kissing the daylights out of him.

I pleaded with my eyes, letting him know that I needed this… that I needed him
. Please touch
Prove to me that this is for real, babe.

He groaned deep in his throat, still not 100% sure, but allowed me to recapture his lips anyway.
Oh, man!

My body vibrated as I felt his warm hand slide from my belly to cup my breast as the look in his eyes changed from concern to one of desire. Wrapping my leg over his hip shifting my body closer, he glided his hand from my breast to my thigh, up under my nightie and around to cup my bare ass. In one fluid move, he rolled me on top of him and whipped off the only thing I was wearing, leaving me completely exposed to him.

His fingers were hot on my bare-naked skin as they burned a trail down my body. He caressed me as if touching me for the first time, causing my skin to goose pimple. He rolled us again, positioning himself back on top, kissed my lips before his tongue trailed down my neck to my breasts.

I found they were a little sensitive due to my pregnancy, but his touch was warm and tender. He gently suckled each nipple before letting his tongue trail further down to my stomach, where he kissed my belly bump before continuing his journey down my outer thigh, around my knee, down to my tippy toes.

Stripping himself out of his boxers, he nipped the sole of my foot before licking his way back up my leg. His tongue glided effortlessly along the side of my calf to my inner thigh, causing my toes to curl as his tongue reached the tip of my hot spot. I moaned deeply as he flicked back and forth, tasting me for the very first time. My fists twisted themselves around the sheets as I erupted into flames, sending tremors rippling throughout my body. He had never done this to me before, even though I now seem to have plenty of memories of it.

Teasing me until I was on the verge of climax, his tongue released me to work its way higher. Pausing only once to kiss my belly again, he firmly reattached himself to my nipple.

This is it folks. The moment we have all been waiting for!

My eyes rolled back in pleasure when I felt my muscles stretch as he slid himself gently inside me and if I had thought he was large when he was sixteen, he is even bigger now that he is all grown up.

I felt like a virgin again, losing my virginity to him for the second time in my life. I couldn’t breathe, this moment seemed so surreal. This was the first time we had made love since we were teenagers. My mind had the memories of us being together of course, but that’s all they were to me…
just memories
. What was happening now was real and my body relished in the feel of him inside of me again after all this time, but Jay was being far too gentle with me.

Taking matters into my own hands, I wrapped both of my legs around his waist plunging him deeper inside of me. He paused, caught off guard, to look at me for a moment as if remembering something. I spun us, so I was back on top. He was shocked and a little taken back by my actions. I didn’t want slow and easy right now. I need some wild monkey love to release all the built up sexual tension I’d been tormented with from being around him these past couple of months.

My movements were a lot faster than his were and by no means was I being as gentle with him as he was being with me. He had to bring his tempo up to match mines and needless to say, things got hot and sweaty real fast… down right rough! Our breathing was loud and heavy as Jay continued to impale me. I never wanted it to end. I had waited so long for this, but I climaxed harder than I ever imagined I could before triggering his orgasm with my own.

I collapsed on his chest, panting while my breathing slowed. “I see my little sex goddess has returned,” he said, chuckling to himself.

“That’s not gonna be a problem now is it, babe?” I said embarrassed, looking up at his face with hair matted to my head with sweat.

“I’ve waited almost twenty years to see her again. So no, love… it is not a problem. Not a problem at all.”

“Well… expect her to be around for a while.” I physically prepared him.

We made love repeatedly that night until we were both spent. I lay content in his arms on cloud nine and watched him sleep. I still couldn’t believe it. I had prayed for this moment so many times.

This is my life now, I told myself. He belonged to me and he was the proud father of our children…
so why couldn’t I just relax and enjoy it.

Afraid to let my guard down, allowing myself to fall asleep and find that this was just a dream, I was happily surprised to wake up wrapped in his arms the following morning.
He is still here. This is real!

Therefore, it was only right that I woke him up to make love to me again, just for good measure. There was nothing like getting broke off first thing in the morning to start your day off right. We jumped in the shower (where we made love again) and were dressed by the time the twins got up and had breakfast, before sending them off to catch the awaiting school bus.

“What time do you have to go in today?” I asked my husband.

“I have to leave in about an hour for a facility meeting,” he replied, thinking exactly what I was thinking. We had sex right then and there, in between the twins plates of half-eaten waffles left on the kitchen table.

I loved this man. He wasn’t scared to do it when and wherever the mood hit.
I liked that…
it really turns me on. You don’t need a bed or for it to be nighttime in order to do it. Once our hour was up, I sent him on his way with a huge smile on his handsome dimpled face.

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