Leaving Triad (3 page)

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Authors: K.D. Jones

Tags: #erotic romance, #scifi romance, #other worldly, #jk publishing, #kd jones

BOOK: Leaving Triad
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“Jeremy, you know I don’t sleep around,” she
answered frustrated at him. “But I’m sure if I did, he wouldn’t
hurt me like you do.”

Just as she finished her sentence, Jeremy’s
hand made contact with her face. It had happened so fast she hadn’t
even realized he had raised his hand to her. It stung for a couple
of minutes after he hit her.

“Did you really just hit me?!” she asked in
shock of his actions. Then she grew angry. “You know because of
you, I have to get a damn job. We would have been fine until we got
to a new planet. Get out!” she yelled.

There was a knock at the door then. Jeremy
opened it and stormed out as soon as he saw who was standing there.
He didn’t bother to acknowledge Zor’s presence.

“Is everything alright?” Zor asked as he
glanced into the room.

“Everything is fine,” Emily lied, keeping her
head turned so he couldn’t see the handprint on her face.

“I’m here because there are a lot of
complaints about the couple in this room yelling,” he stated. She
didn’t reply and kept her head turned away from him. “Get some
rest, lock the door until you have to go to work,” he said and
closed the door with a strong feeling that something was wrong.

Zor walked swiftly up to Jeremy and pushed
him. “What did you do to her?” he asked angrily, growling through
his clenched teeth.

“Why does it concern you, alien? The bitch
got what she deserved,” he said and walked off.

Zor stormed off in the opposite direction. He
was so furious, he knew if he tried to follow after the human male
he would kill him. There was no way he could be sure she was hurt
unless she told him or he saw it happen himself.


Zor waited until Emily’s shift was supposed
to start and went to sit at the bar. He watched as she walked in.
Her tiny white shorts were skin-tight and barely covered her ass,
showing off its form and her silky pale legs. Her bright orange
shirt barely covered her breasts. It lifted them and ended at the
very bottom, twisting in the middle of them with thin spaghetti
straps to hold it up, although it was so tight he doubted it would
fall off even without them.

When he looked up at her face, he had to hold
back the rage that instantly tried to take over his body as he saw
the swelling on her cheek.
That bastard hit her.
He tapped
Emily’s arm and made her turn to look at him.

“You’re early, would you like to sit with me
before your shift starts?” he asked.

Her cheeks flared red although it was hard to
tell with how swollen and bruised it already was. “I can’t. I came
early so I could learn the table numbers and how Henry wants me to
make all the drinks.” She fidgeted with her rising top.

“You look stunning,” Zor said as he sat down
on the stool. She did, even with the bruise.

“Thank you,” she said and smiled as she
continued back toward the grill. Zor could hear her talking to
Henry. He smiled as he heard her say, “Do I have to let them stick
their money down my clothing?”

She came back out and Zor signaled for her to
come over. “I’ll take a beer,” he said.

As she poured it right in front of him, he
couldn’t help but stare at her breasts as she bent down to grab the
cup. He couldn’t look away. She set the beer down in front of him
and he went to hand her some cash for a tip.

“Zor!” the bartender yelled.

“Henry, if she doesn’t want me to shove money
down her shirt, I won’t,” he returned.

“No, go ahead,” she assured him as she leaned
over the bar for him to shove it down her shirt. “Please, I need
this job,” she whispered.

He pushed the money in between her cleavage
trying not to let his fingers linger. “Hey, Zor, why don’t you show
her all the ways customers will give her tips?” Henry suggested.
“It’s good practice for her.”

Emily looked at him in question. “What

“They usually just stick it in the shirt. I’m
sure I’m the only one who has done it any of the other ways,” Zor
told her.

“No, there are the occasional men that like
to do them. It’s all for fun,” Henry added. “Better her learn with
you, Zor, than someone else.”

“Please,” Emily mouthed out unsure.

“Well, it’s obvious they will shove it down
your shorts too. The other one is a bit more complex,” Zor told

“Don’t lie to the girl, Zor, it’s easy once
she knows how we want her to take it,” Henry said it with a bit of
a double meaning. “And she will have to learn how to do it on both
a stool and booth seat.”

“Alright,” Zor said, raising an eyebrow as he
took the money back out of her shirt. “Are you sure?” he questioned

She nodded and he put the money in between
his teeth. She looked at him confused and went to grab it with her
hand but he shook his head.

“Mouth, sweetie,” Henry stated, barely being

She walked around the bar and stood in front
of Zor. She approached him nervously.

“There’s two ways to do it when they are on a
barstool,” Henry stated seeing the chemistry between the two

“Show me,” she asked as she walked up to

Zor grabbed her by her hips and pulled her so
she was in between his muscular thighs. He grabbed her hands and
made her place one of each on his thighs so she was slightly bent
over. She moved her mouth closer to his with her cheeks flaring red
again and took the money straight from his mouth. She grabbed it
out of her mouth and smiled, her heart was racing in her chest, she
couldn’t believe how close she was to his lips.

“Like that?” she asked, feeling the heat rise
up in her stomach, a burning desire that she hadn’t ever felt

“That was perfect, sweetheart. Now for one of
the more favorable customers,” Zor said, smiling. “You might not
ever use this one, it’s your choice if you do or not.”

“Sweetie, you need to walk up to him like you
want to take him to your room,” Henry stated. “Then sit across his
lap, both legs to one side and then take the money from his

She handed Zor the money back and took a few
steps back as he put the money back in his mouth. She walked toward
him, swaying her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and
slid onto his lap. She gave him a look of lust and moved her mouth
to his with a sexy smile as she stared deep into his eyes. Her lips
tickled his as she took the money out of his mouth. She swung her
legs so they were out in front of his and slowly stood, allowing
her ass to rub on his pants as she did.

“Perfect,” Zor growled a little. She was
absolutely perfect. His cock was at full attention. “I’ve got to go
for now,” he said as he started making his way out of the bar. The
idea of her doing that with the other males made him furious. He
turned back and yelled so both the bartender and Emily could hear
him. “She does not do that with anyone else, only the VIPs.”

The bartender nodded his understanding with
huge grin on his face. Zor frowned at him and stormed out of the

“How will I know which customers are the
VIPs?” Emily asked with concern. She didn’t want to do those things
with just anyone.

The bartender laughed. “Honey, you just met
the one and only VIP.” He pointed at the door that Zor had

“Oh.” Emily was relieved. She only had to do
those things with Zor. That was something she looked forward


Zor had been so turned on by her performance
at the bar that he totally forgot why he was angry. All he could
think about was how her lips felt when they brushed against his
when she took the money from his mouth. He knew he had to have her,
no matter what it took. He needed to feel her body against his, he
needed to be able to explore her soft, pale skin. He shook his head
in an attempt to get her off his mind, a very unsuccessful attempt.
He walked to his room unhappy about laying in his bed without her.
She was all he thought about and all he wanted since he first saw

It was hard for him to find sleep, he was
falling for a woman that he knew was being abused by her current
If only she knew how a real man would treat her. He would
take her to heights she had never seen before. Once he had her—he
would never let her go.

Chapter Three


Emily’s shift went better than she had
expected. Some of the customers wanted to do the special thing with
the tips, but the bartender told them that Zor did not approve of
that. They grumbled but respected the captain’s wishes.

The more she worked and became independent,
the more Jeremy drank. She asked the bartender to take part of her
salary and put it in a credit account for her. That way, when she
brought home money, it was only a small amount that Jeremy would
get his hands on. He was never satisfied though.

This is all you got paid?” Jeremy had
grabbed the wad of money from her hand.

Yes,” she told him.

You should tell that freak bartender
you’ll quit if he doesn’t pay you more than this shit,” he huffed
at her.

I don’t want to quit. I like my job,” she
said firmly.

Yeah, you like hanging out with all those
freaks,” Jeremy sneered.

You know, you could get a job and make
more money if you wanted,” she suggested.

He snorted, “I am over qualified for the
jobs they have here on this lousy ship. I will have to wait until
we get to the next solar system and put out a new resume.”

Jeremy complained about the money she earned
but he would immediately take the money she had to buy his alcohol
or to buy his way into a game. She would be completely broke if she
hadn’t asked for the credit savings account. Her goal was to earn
enough money so she could move out into her own space and finally
end things with him.

Captain Zor came by every night when she
worked. She looked forward to seeing him and hated when he had to
leave. He was so beautiful to look at and he flirted with her

Come home with me tonight.” Zor would
offer her. He said this to her every night.

She would smile and give him a wink. “I’m

Not yet you’re not.”

She'd blush and giggle. He always said
things that had double meaning to them. She'd swear he loved to
watch her face turn red.

The times she hated the most were when Jeremy
would come by wanting free drinks. He even tried to have the
bartender take her tips as payment. He drank to excess and would
became rowdy, starting fights. The bartender kicked him out and
told him not to come back anymore.

After that, working the bar became her
'Jeremy free' time. She found herself relaxing and having a good
time. She enjoyed joking around with the customers. They teased her
at first for being a human, but it was all done in innocent fun.
She learned a great deal about the different alien races.

There were five main alien species. The first
was humanoid, which was anyone that originated from Terra, Emily’s
home world. Next there were the Aquadratics, who looked almost
humanoid except for their gray skin and the tiny gills they had
underneath their ears. She suspected Captain Zor was an Aquadratic,
but she hadn’t seen his gills yet. The Squids had many tentacles
and most were blue in color like the crewmember they had first met
when coming onboard. She hadn’t met any of the Quadrupeds, but she
was told they were very hairy and moved around on all fours, kind
of like chimpanzees. The fifth type of alien species was the Sotos.
Sotos were known for their white coloring, their much larger heads,
and they had four arms. She had a few Sotos who were her customers
and their large, black eyes would follow her throughout the bar
while she did her rounds. Sometimes it made her feel a little

All of the aliens tipped her well, so she
didn’t have any problems serving them their drinks. There were
three other girls who also worked at the bar. Talia was a beautiful
blond Aquadratic. Sarn was a bald-headed Soto. Bethany was another
humanoid like Emily but she was stick thin with thick, red, curly
hair and glasses.

Emily hadn’t had any friends since she began
dating Jeremy. He ran them all off and demanded that she never see
any of them again. So it was a true pleasure to become friendly
with the other girls at the bar. They treated each other like a
small family. They also all knew what her home life with Jeremy was
like and would always give her the customers with deep pockets so
she could earn enough money to move out.

For the first time she actually felt like she
was building a life for herself. She had a job, friends, and a goal
to work toward. If she didn’t have to share space with Jeremy, it
would be perfect. At least she only saw him a few hours a day. He
slept at night and she slept during the day. There was only those
few awkward hours when he would take her money when she got off
work and then head out to do his day of gambling.

Jeremy took all of her money, leaving her
nothing to buy food with. If she didn’t eat while at the bar, she
would starve to death. It was humiliating but no one brought it up
with her. She felt the others suspected something though. Her
friends offered to help her with a place to stay, but she wanted to
have her own space.

“You should leave that asshole,” Talia told
Emily as she placed her tray on the bar.

“I’m working on it.” Emily placed the new
order of drinks on Talia’s tray. She was helping Henry behind the
bar so he could take a break.

“I have a pull out sofa bed if you want to
stay with me,” Sarn offered.

“I appreciate that, but I should be able to
get my own place in a few more weeks.”

“Hey, Emily, your new boyfriend is here,”
Bethany called to her from the other side of the bar.

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