Losing Me, Finding You (17 page)

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Authors: C.M. Stunich

BOOK: Losing Me, Finding You
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Austin releases me and steps back, moving towards the door like he's getting ready to leave.

“Wait,” I call out to him, desperate not to be alone. I don't care if he's thinking of leaving for one minute or one hour. All I know is that I'll do whatever I have to do, so I don't have to be by myself right now. “I want to thank you, to do you a favor.” I step towards him and swallow, dropping to my knees in front of him and reaching out for his zipper.

Austin doesn't stop me.

I slide the metal down the tracks with my fingers but keep my eyes on his face.

“You sure as shit about that, sugar?” he asks me, but I don't respond. Instead, I finish with the zipper and push my hands inside the denim of Austin's jeans, running them along the white cotton of his underwear and grasping onto the elastic at the top, rolling it down slowly, slowly, slowly until I can see his cock.

“I might not be any good,” I warn him, thinking about all the scenes I've ever read on the subject. Austin chuckles, warm and deep, and grabs onto my hair with one hand, tugging me up, so that my mouth is even with his crotch.

“A blow job's a blow job, sweet thing. No such thing as good or bad.” He winks at me and pushes his underwear down, so that the whole thing becomes visible to me. I pause for a moment and stare reverently, realizing that despite my recent forays into the sexual world, that I haven't yet seen a … a
All I can think is that this … this
body part
was moving inside of me, and I didn't even have the common decency to take a gander at it.

It's long and stiff, like velvet wrapped over steel, and I'm happy to see that the skin moves beneath my hand as I wrap my fingers around it and slide it gently back. His balls remain locked away behind the fabric, but I can see a dusting of sandy hair around them.
If nothing else, then this whole adventure might be able to teach me a few things about men. Time to separate fact from fiction.

“Let me know what I need to do,” I tell him, suddenly noticing a spot of bright metal gleaming in the tip.
He's pierced! Oh dear God. How did I not notice before?
“Austin, I … ”

“Oh shush, sugar, and just suck it.”

Austin pulls my head forward and thrusts his cock into my mouth, knocking the metal against my teeth with that first thrust. And of course, you must've guessed that my favorite book boyfriend, Glance Serone, is also pierced, so I find that (thankfully), I'm not completely clueless. I slide my head back, letting Austin guide me with his hand as I run my tongue along the shaft, pausing to nibble at the ring with my teeth. I know I'm doing something right when he growls and lets his head fall back. His fingers tighten their grip on my hair as I bring my hand up and wrap it tightly around the base of his cock, squeezing until he bucks his hips against my face.

“You've got a real talent there, Cross,” he tells me, looking back down at me and meeting my eyes with his brown ones. A shiver runs through him and down into me until we've
got goose bumps. I slide my mouth off of his shaft, purse my lips and blow, letting the cool rush of air tingle against the wetness on his cock. “Fuckin'
” he whispers as I flick the tip of my tongue against his ring, admiring the circumcised perfection that is Austin Sparks.
Glance always seems to like it when I suck his nuts? Is that a guy thing or just a Glance thing?
I remember Sali's words as if I'd read them yesterday and decide to go for it.

I reach up and slide my hand into Austin's underwear, using my wrist to push the fabric down, so I can free his balls. Austin groans again as I lick him until he's soaking wet, using the saliva as lube to pump my fist while I move my head down to the sensitive skin on his scrotum, pressing my moist lips against it and moving my tongue from the right down to the center. I move up and then down again, tracing that little seam of flesh and then head up to the other side, making sure I leave no bit of skin untouched.

Meanwhile, my hand sneaks between my thighs and teases my panties with gentle strokes of my nails. They're still a bit moist from earlier when Austin and I rutted behind the grocery store, so it's real easy for me to push aside the fabric and slip them in. A moan escapes my own mouth, sounding in chorus with one of Austin's.

“You touching yourself, beautiful?” he asks me, but I can't respond because his dick's back in my mouth, moving with long, sure strokes until it hits the back of my throat. I make a humming noise in my throat, a light little vibration, and flick my eyes back up to his. I guess I hit some sort of sweet spot with that move because Austin moves my head back roughly, using my hair like reigns. “Alright, that's enough of this shit. Turn around.”

“E-excuse me?” I ask, swallowing and wiping my hand across my mouth. Already, Austin is dropping to his knees and using his finger to make a circular motion in the air.

“Turn the fuck around, beautiful.”

“Why?” Stupid question on my part, maybe, but I've just given my first blow job. Well, sort of. I was kind of hoping he might come in my mouth, but I'm certainly not going to say that aloud, now am I? I wonder if pulling out every trick in the book (quite literally, since I pulled my inspiration from romance novels) was a good idea, or if I've shown all my cards too early.

Austin doesn't let me brood long.

“So, I can fuck you,” he says, grabbing me by the shoulders and turning me around, putting his hand against the center of my back, so he can push me over. He grabs my hips next, pulling them back, so that my face is planted against the floor and my ass is up in the air. The ugly fuchsia dress comes up and my panties … I hear the sound of rending fabric, and then they're just gone, leaving me open and wide and a bit breezy.

“Sparks,” I say because these people seem to like to call each other by last name. I see a silver package hit the floor near my face and know that he's got on a condom already. Convenient for me, maybe, but my sex ed teacher always said to avoid men who carry condoms with them.
If they've got 'em, means they use 'em too damn much,
she'd told us. She was promptly fired three days later. Did I mention my school has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the state? Hard to know how to protect yourself if nobody tells you how.

“What?” he says, voice pitched low. I can feel his cock pushing at the edges of my opening, teasing me, promising me dirty nights and sweaty days. I have a feeling that Austin and I are going to get to know each other real, real well.

“I forgot.”

“Good, because I don't like waiting.”

Austin thrusts into me with a grunt, slamming his hips against my ass so hard that my cheek scrapes the carpet. I put my hands up to steady myself and push back into him, moaning at the sensation of fullness as his body bumps against the end of mine. This is our first time doing it in private, so I let myself go, opening my lips and letting out whatever sounds want to come. I'm surprised to find that sex is like a chorus of devils, all that groaning and whimpering and moaning. And then there's that
sound as Austin's sweaty body grinds against mine. It'd be terribly embarrassing if I wasn't so wrapped up in it.

“You like to be ridden, don't you, Cross?” Austin snarls as he digs his fingers into my hips and makes me scream. “Tell me how much you like it or I'll stop.”
Stop? Stop? Oh goodness, no, he can't stop.

“I love it,” I whisper, trying to speak past the lump in my throat and the ache in my belly. Austin makes me … nervous. And I like it.
Love it.
I swallow my trepidation and force my lips apart. “Ride me harder.” It comes out so softly that even I can barely hear the words.

“Oh?” Austin laughs, pausing his speedy rhythm to laugh at me. “I didn't quite hear you, darlin'. Say it again. Louder. Scream it.”

“Ride me harder!” The words burst out of my lips, drawn by my angst that he's actually going to stop, just to tease me. I don't know Austin Sparks yet, but that sort of seems like something he might do. He chuckles again and the vibration travels through me, making me shiver. I arch my back and start to see stars in my vision, glimmering bits of light that tell me I'm getting closer to my orgasm. One of my hands sneaks back between my legs and rubs my clit, sending me over the edge. “Don't stop,” I whimper. “Please don't stop.”

And then that's exactly what Austin does, pausing and relaxing his grip on my hips.

“Austin?” I ask, and I hate how needy my voice sounds.

“Open up, Sparks, or I'm coming in. We need you. Now.” I don't recognize the voice outside the door, but now that the thrills of pleasure have lulled, I can hear the pounding of a fist coming from the hallway.

“Fuck,” Austin snarls, sliding out of me suddenly. I collapse to the floor and roll over, trying to push my dress down, so I can at least pretend to be decent. “Sorry, babe,” he says, bending down and pressing a kiss against my lips that sears, leaving me burnt and aching for him. “There is some hardcore Triple M shit I've been dealing with.” He tosses his condom in the trash can next to the dresser and zips up his pants. Austin looks down at me and I can see from the stress in his neck and jaw that I'm not the only one brimming with tension.

“That's alright,” I whisper, not exactly sure how this whole biker gang thing works. Guess I'll be learning a whole bunch of new things on this journey.

“I'll back soon as I can,” he says with a wink.

I nod and try to smile as Austin opens the door and reveals a man with skin that's whiter than mine. His hair is black as coal and he's got eyes to match. I dislike him immediately.

“Kent, this better be fucking good,” Austin tells me as those dark eyes find mine and the greasiest smile I have ever seen on a human being lights the man's lips.

“This must be our new member?” he says and the sound of his voice gives me chills, stealing away the hot pleasure of Austin's body and leaving me cold.
Whoever this guy is, I can't trust him.
I use the bed to climb to my feet, glancing quickly at myself in the mirror as I pass. My hair is mussy and my lips swollen; my dress is wrinkled to hell, and it's pretty obvious that I've been up to no good, but I force my feet forward as Austin introduces me.

“Amy Cross meet Kent Diamond. Diamond, Cross. Shake hands and make pretty later. What's this about?” I pause behind Austin and admire the strong curve of his back, wishing my body wasn't so hot and bothered.
This is horrible!
I think, suddenly very aware of the origin of the term
sexual tension.
My spine feels rigid enough to snap and the muscles in my face are so taut they hurt. I want to punch something and scream at the same time.

Kent watches me and both his dark brows raise up as he flicks his eyes to Austin and communicates solely with the look.

Austin growls and glances over his shoulder at me, softening the noise with a small smile that teases the scar on his lip.

“Stay here till I get back, babe.” He pauses and worries at his lip for a second. “And bolt the door behind me. If anybody shows up looking for me, tell 'em I'm with Kent.” I nod my head, but I don't speak. I don't think I can, not without begging Austin to stay and finish what he started.

“Got it,” I whisper as he leaves and slams the door shut behind him.

Kent takes me downstairs and out the front doors, down the block and into the parking garage before he finally opens his fucking mouth and tells me why he felt the need to interrupt my time with Cross. I'm of the mind to snap his skinny head off his broad shoulders, but I manage to control myself.
I've still got the world's worst hard-on rubbing against the inside of my jeans. Doesn't exactly breed patience, now does it?

“What. The. Fuck.” This isn't a question from me, just a statement. It means that Kent, despite his position as President, better start talking or I'm going to leave and finish what I started.

“Walker knows,” he says, shrugging his shoulders like he can't even be bothered to come up with an explanation for that.

“The fuck?” I ask, patting my pockets down for a cigarette. “That we're moving in?”

“Yep.” Kent reaches into his back pocket and hands me a cig and a light. I snatch it from his hand and press the skinny stick between my lips. I'd much rather have my mouth pressed up against Amy's sweet spot, but in a bind, tobacco will do just fine.

“How?” He shrugs again, and I have to close my eyes to keep myself contained. “Only me, you, Mel, and I'm assuming Kimmi knew. Explain how that shit got back to Tray?” I open my eyes when I hear the sound of heels coming from across the parking garage. I glance over my shoulder and find Mel swaying her way towards us with Kimmi Reynolds in tow. The redhead isn't smiling, so I'm guessing that Diamond's already filled her in. She's got on a pair of dark jeans and a leather corset with Triple M's colors on the back of it. Her high heeled leather boots and dangling earrings used to bother me, but that was way back when I hadn't seen the girl in action. Me, I could never outrun the cops in heels like that, but Kimmi, she pulls it off. She's proven herself to the point where I no longer question what she wears to a job.

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