Losing Me, Finding You (18 page)

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Authors: C.M. Stunich

BOOK: Losing Me, Finding You
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“Austin,” she says, nodding her chin at me. She doesn't acknowledge Kent. “So, um, what the hell is going on? Did you drag me out here just to tell me the bad news?”

“Actually,” Melissa says, pushing Kimmi aside with her shoulder and hanging on Kent like she's a Goddamn monkey or some shit. I swear to God, that bitch is hornier than I am. “We have a plan.”

“Oh, do tell,” Kimmi says, crossing her arms and staring at me from bright, green eyes. She never looks Kent or Mel in the face, says they're not worth the effort. I think Kimmi would be president if she could. Kent's got some hardcore loyal fans in the group though, people who don't know about the inner workings of Triple M. It'd take something pretty damn big to knock him and Mel off their thrones.

“Walker and his group are planning to go in at midnight.” Kent smiles his croc smile, big and ugly. “You're going to beat him to it.”

“Splendid,” Kimmi says, rubbing her temple with stiff fingers. “In an age of heightened security, we're going to break our decade old, fail proof plan, so that we can beat Tray Walker and Bested by Crows? Sounds like a real good way to go down and take the whole MC with us.” She smiles tightly and shakes her head.

I'd love to jump right in with my own arguments, tell Kent and Mel to go screw themselves, but then I think of Mireya and Gaine and Beck. If we don't go, Kent's going to send somebody else in our places. Besides, for what he did to Sawyer, Tray deserves to have the rug pulled out from under him.

“I've got an idea,” I say and Kimmi snaps her gaze over to mine, eyes questioning.


“Let's do it after dark, soon as we get the chance. We'll take what we need and leave the rest.” I hold up a hand before Kimmi can argue with me. Mel and Kent are both smiling stupidly. I hate that they think I'm wrapped around their finger, and it really pisses me off that they used Mireya's secret to try and hook me harder.
“Let's leave them a little surprise behind. I mean, hey, if they take the fall for our gig, that'll get 'em off our backs.” I pause. “At least for a little while.”

Kent's already snapping his fingers.

“I like the way you think, Sparks. Do what you need to do to prepare.”

“So that's it?” Kimmi says, still looking at me and only me. “We're just gonna charge in there at dusk and try to frame another gang? Pardon my French, but that plan sounds kind of … ” Kimmi twirls her black nailed finger around for a moment. “Fucked up. Austin,” she pleads, leaning in as Kent starts to fade into the shadows. He's real good at that, like one of Batman's arch nemeses you've never heard of. Mel stays, but she looks bored, like she isn't even listening anymore.

“Make it happen,” Kent says, turning around and walking away dismissively, like he could care less about the most important operation that goes on in this group. “I've got some other shit to take care of. If you need anything, come find me.” He knows we don't need shit. He gives the orders and we follow them.

I let Kent go, and I don't argue. Why? Who the hell would argue to spend more time with Kent Diamond? Yeah, not even Melissa Diamond, his fucking wife. The blonde bitch yawns and plants her hands on her skinny ass hips. We work a certain way, me and Kimmi. Well, we used to until Kent demanded we take Mel under our wings and teach her the ropes. And he decided to wait until we got into this weird ass little town before he decided to say anything about that. I look at Mel and I know, just friggin' know, that she's going to screw this up.

“Has Mireya ever told you about her time with Tray?” I say, and I can't help but notice the way Mel's smile burns across her face like acid.
God, I hate that little cunt.

“Mireya hates my guts,” Kimmi says matter-of-factly. “She wouldn't tell me shit. Now start explaining why my ass is out here and not back in my room with Margot.” I smile gently. Kimmi is going to like Amy Cross a whole lot. I'm probably going to have to beat her off with a stick.

My smile fades.

“Did you know that Mireya was married to that asshole?” Kimmi's nose wrinkles up, and she tugs on her left earring nervously.

“Mireya Sawyer?
Mireya Sawyer? The girl who built her own bike from the ground up
we were on the road? That girl?” I grin, can't help it. Mireya's one of my best friends. Still, I owe her a serious talk about what she did to Amy. I still can't figure out why she'd do something like that. We've never been a couple, just friends with good times. Why the hell is she jealous all of a sudden? Why this time, with this girl?

“She married him when she was fifteen,” Melissa chimes in, running her finger down Kimmi's bare arm. Kimmi jerks away with a growl. She's like Gaine and won't mess with Diamond either. Kent might seem calm, but we've all seen him in his rages. Nobody but Beck wants to risk him finding Mel in their bed. Anyway, I think Kimmi would rather kill Melissa than sleep with her. I couldn't agree more.

“Okay, so this is like a
get back at your ex
thing?” she asks me. “Is that what this is all about?” Kimmi looks disgusted.

The smile slides off my face, and she pauses. Kimmi and I have known each other since I was eighteen and stupid. She knows when I'm serious about something.

“No, Kimmi. This is more than that. This about vengeance against the wicked.”

I wait in Austin's room with butterflies in my stomach and pangs of guilt in my heart. I thought briefly about … finishing myself, but I couldn't bring myself to relax enough to do it.

The bed is rumpled and smells like perfume, and I'm pretty sure that it isn't Austin's which in turn makes me wonder who was here last night. I mean, I know he isn't mine and he doesn't owe me anything, but the thought of Austin in this bed with another woman bothers me so much that I strip the whole thing down and call the front desk for new linens.

I ring my hands while I wait, pacing back and forth in front of the TV and staring at the phone on the nightstand.
Should I call my family? Should I call Christy?
The pressure in my head gets so bad that by the time the linens arrive, I've already got my purse on my shoulder and am debating heading downstairs for a glass of wine in the lobby restaurant. Austin told me not to leave, but then, he also didn't tell me he had perfume and God knows what else all over his bed.

I wrench the door open and find two men waiting for me. One of them is wearing a uniform and has a pile of white sheets in his hands. The other is tattooed and pierced with dark hair and bruises all over his face. I step back for the hotel employee and keep my eyes glued on the face of the other man.

“Well, hello there,” he says as I listen to the crinkle of fabric behind me and wait for the employee to take the sheets away. “I was looking for Austin, but maybe I came at a bad time?” The stranger gives me a once over that I do not like, checking me out from head to toe, taking in my rumpled appearance with a crooked smile.

“He's with Kent,” I say simply, repeating Austin's words. The man's heavy brows wrinkle and he rubs a hand over his stubbly chin. He's got on a tight black shirt and leather pants with
on them. If I hadn't seen Austin first, I'd probably have found him attractive. As of now, I've gotten spoiled, and I can't stop thinking of the sandy haired stranger and his searing kisses.

“Ah, okay,” he says, putting his hand on the doorframe. “Did he say when he was going to be back?” I shrug and step aside as the employee bustles past with the offensive laundry.

“He didn't,” I say, hoping this man will go away, so I can go and have my drink. I feel that I deserve one, and it doesn't seem as if Austin is going to be back anytime soon. The sky is growing dark outside my hotel window, and the reality of my situation is starting to sink in. A bit of alcohol might do me some good, I think.

The man gestures at my purse.

“Are you on your way out?” he asks, taking a step back and glancing left and right down the hall like he's afraid somebody's going to stumble onto us. I clutch my purse strap with a nervous hand. If he comes at me or does anything weird, I'll be ready. I did manage to remember my pepper spray this time, thank you very much.

“Oh, I was just going to head down to the restaurant for a glass of wine.”

The man smiles and runs a hand through his dark hair, cringing like his whole body hurts.

“Mind if I join you?” he asks, and before I can respond, he's introducing himself. “Name's Gaine Kelley.” He pauses and holds out his hand. His fingers are scraped and covered in small cuts, and I can't help but wonder what happened to the poor man. He seems nice enough, and I'm pretty sure I've seen him before, so I decide to take a chance.

“Amy Cross,” I say, holding out my own hand and taking his. “I'm assuming you're a member of Triple M as well?” Gaine nods and releases my hand.

“Ever since I turned sixteen.” He thinks for a moment and then whistles sharply. “Seven years now. Seven long, wonderful years. And Austin's been by my side for every single one of them.” I smile at him and look around for a key card.
I don't have one.

“Everything okay?” he asks as I look around the dresser and push aside some of Austin's clothes with my hands. Unconsciously, I think I'm looking for lacy panties or something, too, but I don't see any. Whoever was here last night is gone. I sigh.

“I don't have a key,” I say. “For the room.” I turn around to look at Gaine again and notice that he isn't smiling anymore and is instead examining me like he isn't sure what to think. I wonder what he's heard about me. I hope it's nothing horrible. Austin doesn't seem like the kind of man that feels the need to brag about his sexual exploits, but then, I met him two days ago, so what do I really know?

“We could stay here and order in?” Gaine says, noticing me staring at him and switching his expression to something more pleasant. “I promise I don't bite.” He holds out his hand and gestures at the bed with a wink. “I could even help you make this bitch if you want?” I narrow my eyes at him and keep my purse by my side.

“Okay,” I say, unsure if this is really a good idea or not. But then, I'm running away with a biker gang. Can't really be all that picky about things like that, now can I? “But I just want you to know, if you try anything, I've got a can of pepper spray in my purse.”

Shit. Fuck. And damn.

I hit the back door of the hotel with Kimmi and Mel at my heels.

“Obviously we've got ourselves a mother fucking rat,” Kimmi snarls as the three of us climb the stairs as fast as humanly possible. We've already put the call into Kent. Time to go.

“Maybe,” Mel says, not sounding nearly as upset as she should. We almost got our asses screwed back there and she's acting like it's no big deal. No big deal that the cops were already waiting for us. If Kimmi's paranoia hadn't gotten to her, we'd be behind bars right now.

“No, not maybe,” Kimmi growls as I shove open the door to the hallway and storm down the brown carpeting, watching as doors on either side of me are opening and Triple M'ers are appearing with frowns and mussy hair. Fucking sucks to get up and leave in the middle of the night, and it's never happened with my group before. Not once. A few of Kent's other operations have fucked up, and we've had to leave town, but nothing like this, nothing orchestrated by another MC. What bullshit.

“How much time do we have?” Kent asks as I pass by him and Melissa attaches herself to his bare chest like a leech.

“Before the cops come a knockin'?” I ask, jamming my key card into the metal of the door. “Thirty minutes? Less? Shit, I don't know, just hurry up.” I push open the door and stalk into the room. My plans of coming back and ravishing Amy Cross are being tossed to the wind, and I am not happy about that. Stopping mid-fuck? Not exactly my idea of a good day. And now I ain't got time to ease her into things or introduce her to the group. Shit.

I pause at the end of the bed and find myself face to face with Gaine.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” I ask with a frown.

Amy's dressed in a pair of silky, pink pajamas that are just begging to be torn off of her body. I didn't even know adult women wore shit like that anymore? Admittedly, it's kind of hot. But then I see that she's laying on the bed with a glass of wine in one hand, Gaine lounging just a few inches from her, and what I am supposed to think? And then I see that the linens have been changed out.

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