Losing Me, Finding You (19 page)

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Authors: C.M. Stunich

BOOK: Losing Me, Finding You
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“Am I interruptin' something?”

Gaine swings his feet to the floor and sets his own glass of wine down on the side table.

“I just stopped by to pay you a visit and ended up meeting Miss Cross here,” Gaine says, shaking his head like he's had a bit too much to drink. “When she told me she was the newest member of Triple M, I had to personally show her a warm welcome.” He smiles, but his lips are tight, and his eyes are angry.

“Austin!” Shit. Mireya's banging at the door with her fist and when I don't come to open it, she uses her key card and waltzes in. “What the hell is … ” When she spots Amy, she freezes, dark eyes locking onto the blue-eyed girl who's lounging on my bed in her shiny, little pj's. She looks from Amy to me and then back to Amy again, black hair flying around her face and getting stuck to her painted lips.

Gaine moves around the bed and puts a hand on Mireya's arm.

“This is Amy Cross,” he says. “Our newest member.”

“Oh, shit no,” she snarls, looking back over at me. “This bitch has probably never even ridden a fucking bike. She can't join Triple M.” I stare back at her, but I don't really know what to say. My mind's a bit preoccupied with the thoughts of cops buzzing around and asking questions and even more so with the idea that Amy and Gaine were here for hours together. They were drinking, but what else did they do? I can't stop thinking about those fuckin' sheets. Why change 'em? God help me, if I find out that he fucked her, I will kill 'im.

“Get ready to go and worry about yourself, Sawyer,” I say, turning to look at Amy. Her lips are pursed and her blue eyes are pulsing with anger, but at least she doesn't look scared. I wonder if there's anything in this world that could scare Amy Cross. “Amy, get dressed and gather your things. You can wear one of my jackets for now.”

“But she's a prospect!” Mireya screams. Gaine tries to comfort her, but she tears her arm away and gives Amy a glare the likes of which I've never seen. She spins on her heel and storms out, slamming the door shut so hard behind her that a picture falls off the wall and breaks.

“Gaine,” I begin, but he's already waving goodbye to Amy and moving to the door.

“I'll take care of her,” he says. “See you on the open road, Miss Cross.” He disappears and leaves me alone with this strange girl, this girl that I can't get out of my mind, who I want more than anything or anyone I've ever met, but who I know nothing about it. It's strange as shit.

“Is everyone okay?” she whispers, voice soft. My body reacts to the sound immediately, dragging my unused sexual tension right back out into the open and making my cock so stiff I can barely walk around the bed to touch her. My fingers brush the skin on her arm and she shivers, glancing away and biting her lip.

“Everyone's fine, sugar,” I tell her, stepping close and folding her into my arms. Her hair smells sweet and her body is hot, too hot, like she's been sitting in the sun all day. I wonder if anything happened between her and Gaine. “Just a little slip up,” I whisper, my hot breath stirring her hair and brushing against her ear. Her hands come up reflexively and clutch my shirt. “But we've gotta get dressed and go.”

“Okay,” she says, and I think she's waiting for me to step back and let her go.

My body is pulsing, and I'm full of tension – not a good way to ride.

“How fast can you get dressed?” I ask her, tightening my grip around her body. Amy's breath catches in her throat and she swallows hard.

“Five minutes?”

“Good girl.”

I relax my arms and spin Amy around so that she's facing the wall, grabbing her pajama pants with my hands and sliding them down her hips so I can pull them off of her feet. I toss the damn things onto the dresser and take note of the pretty, little panties she put on for me. Or Gaine. I frown and unzip my pants, remembering almost too late to use a condom. Last one, I think as I pull it out and put it on.

I lean in and reach my hand up her shirt until I find her breast. It's trapped in a bra, but I don't have time to take it off. When we get to the next town, Amy Cross better be ready for me because I'm stripping her down and tasting every inch of that body.

“We've got to be quick,” I whisper and she nods, putting her hands on the wall and pushing her ass out for me.

I shove aside her panties and slide in, glad to see that she's wet and ready for me. I close my mind against the rest of my thoughts and let myself pick up right where we left off, pulling that sexual tension out and thrusting it right into Amy. She's already biting her lip and pressing her forehead to the wall, whimpering as I slam myself against her with deep, hard thrusts. I'd much prefer to play around a little, but time is of the essence, so I'll make do.

“Goddamn,” I growl, feeling my orgasm comin' on fast. Something about this damn girl. As I move inside of her, I think maybe that I'm kinda lucky that she's coming with me because I still haven't had enough, not yet. If I thought a few fucks could get her out my system, I was dead wrong. There is so much more I want to do to her.

“Hurry,” she says and my heart starts to beat faster, making my blood run molten hot and my head pound with desire. “Faster.”

I move my hips deeper, harder, quicker until I'm pounding Amy into the wall and growling like a Goddamn animal. When I hear her start to scream, I let myself go, wishing with all that is holy in hell that I was coming inside of her.

We both finish and I slide out of her, stepping back and wiping the sweat from my brow. When Amy turns around to look at me, she's smiling. My heart skips another beat and my arm snakes out and wraps her waist, pulling her to me for a kiss. Gaine, better have kept his hands to himself, I think. Because this girl is mine.

Maybe, just maybe, I've found a girl to match me. Guess only time will tell me that.

My heart is pounding a strange rhythm in my chest, and I've got the world's most terrible stomach ache.
That's what you wanted, isn't it? Some of that heart-stopping angst that's always in your books?
I swallow a lump of anxiety and tug Austin's leather jacket tighter around me. It smells good, like soap and oil, but it's far too big, and it's drawing stares like no tomorrow. I wonder why since everybody else is wearing one just like it. There's a big round emblem on the back with three capital
s inside of it. To the right is another small patch with the letters
and across the bottom,
is written in red. I stare at the words
Triple M
across the top of Austin's vest and shuffle along behind him as we enter the parking garage and find ourselves surrounded by even more people.

“Hey.” A hand falls on my shoulder and makes me jump. It's Gaine. He smiles at me and nods his chin at the cluster of grumbling, weary-eyed people. “Don't mind them. They're all just a bunch of tired assholes.”

“What do you want, Gaine?” Austin asks, sounding slightly annoyed with his friend. “Don't you got shit to do?” I watch as both their gazes travel over to the dark haired woman from before. I recognize her as the one that was dancing on the bar that night.
I hate her instantly. Something about her puts me on edge, and I don't like it. To be honest, I think she's the scariest one out of all these bikers. Well, except for maybe Kent.

“She's fine,” Gaine says, waving his hand dismissively. “A little pissed, maybe, but … ” He trails off and I notice that both men seem to be avoiding my eyes. Gaine shrugs and starts to move away when Kent pops out of nowhere, seemingly materializing next to us. I shiver and his eyes immediately find mine.

“Welcome, Miss Cross. Sorry we couldn't be a bit more accommodating.” Kent smiles, but there's no joy in his face. “In the next town, I'm sure Austin will do his best to give you a proper welcome.” Kent's lips split and his teeth poke out like fangs. He turns his attention to Austin. “So,
Road Captain,
where to now?” The words are mocking, almost dismissive. I watch Austin's expression and see that it's tight.
He isn't happy.

“Well, I don't rightly know,
Seems our time here was cut a bit short. Why don't you follow me and leave your intercom on?” Austin's hand wraps my wrist and drags me off, weaving us between men and women in leather. They watch me go, some curious, some annoyed, most just looking like they'd rather be in bed. I wonder how many members this group has. At least thirty. Maybe more. “Beck,” Austin snaps and the redhead untangles himself from a short woman with dark, black hair.

“Yeah?” he asks, green eyes catching on mine. He scopes me out at first, raking his gaze down my body until Austin stops him with a small growl in the back of his throat. The hair on the back of my neck stands straight up and my lower parts begin to pulse. I can still
Austin inside of me, pushing me against that wall with his firm body. I wrap my arms around myself to hold back a shiver.

“I need your extra helmet.” Beck stares at him and then looks down at me, face splitting into a goofy grin. He's handsome, sure, so I can see why Christy was initially attracted to him, but he also looks like a pervert. I smile back and can't help but wonder what would've happened if Christy had come with me. Would she have ridden with Beck? Gaine seems like a nice guy. Maybe she could've gone with him? My smile slides away, replaced by this aching feeling in my stomach.
I let out a small sigh and follow Beck and Austin to a massive motorcycle with gleaming gold paint and a comfy looking backrest. There's a big, red helmet with black stripes strapped to it. Beck takes it off and hands it over to Austin.

“Have fun, Amy,” Beck says, tossing me a wink. “And welcome to the club.” I smile back, but Austin flips him off, pulling me away from his friend and pausing next to another motorcycle.

“Well, beautiful, it's not a Road King, but what do you think?”

I examine the bike carefully, certainly not an expert but able to appreciate the little things – the shimmer of the red paint, the perfection of the chrome, the beautifully oiled, leather seats. It's huge, enormous.
Kind of like Austin.
I hold back a shiver.

“I guess I'd have to say,” I begin, circling the motorcycle carefully, running the tips of my fingers along its quiet body. I can't wait to see it revved up and burning rubber. My smile turns into a grin. “That
one, hot fucking bitch.” Austin chuckles and throws his head back.

“Oh, sugar, you sure are somethin' else.” He drops his gaze down to mine, locking onto my eyes and holding me suspended in time. My heart ceases to beat and my nerves get all tangled. I'm the one that looks away first.
If I spend too much time with this man, he could be the death of me.
I look back up and wince as Austin sets the helmet on my head. “This here, is a custom bitch,” he tells me as he yanks the visor down and smiles at me with his white teeth. “I made her up from bits and pieces. She might not be winning any shows, but she's all mine.” Austin continues to stare at me through the plastic of my visor and I swear to God, a little voice whispers in my head,
Kinda like you, sugar.

I look down at the oil stained pavement below my feet and tuck my hands in the pockets of my jeans, jumping as a motor revs up nearby. It's so loud, like a gunshot. I turn my head and see Gaine on the back of his black bike. He's gunning his engine and looking pointedly at Austin. In fact, as I turn my head and survey the garage, I see that everyone's looking at Austin, even Kent and that dark haired girl, Mireya.

“Shit, doll,” he curses, grabbing a black helmet and crushing his sandy hair beneath it. “I feel bad for thrusting you into all this, but … ” Austin shrugs and reaches out, grabbing me around the waist and pulling my legs out from under me. The world spins as he lifts me into his arms and a chorus of hoots explodes from around us, making Sparks grin nice and big. “You ready to put this big, hard piece o' metal between your thighs, baby?” he asks as he sets me down on the back of his bike, sliding his hand between my legs to help me straddle the seat. I try not to shudder when his fingers brush my – you can say it, Amy! – my …
but it feels too good to sit still. Another chorus of shouts follows Austin in as he grabs me by my hair and pulls my face back for a kiss. His lips crash against mine, making me shiver. He pulls away, far too soon, and relaxes his grin into an easy smile that tugs at his scar. “I hear the first time's the most painful, but I promise, beautiful, I'll try to be gentle.” More cheers and whoops surround us, and I find that my cheeks are almost hot to the touch.
I bet I'm as red as my aunt's prized tomatoes. Oh, God.

I keep my gaze focused forward, watching as Austin straddles the motorcycle and presses the long, hard line of his body against mine.
Great. I get to travel hundreds, maybe thousands, of miles with him tucked between my thighs. How will I ever survive?
I sit there for a moment, wondering if I'm making a fool of myself. There's a big backrest and arm rests on either side, plus a little bump of leather between us. I think, but I'm not sure, that I could probably sit back and ride comfortable, but am I supposed to wrap my arms around him?
I'd sure like to.

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