Love Slave for Two: Family Matters (40 page)

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Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Book/Menage

BOOK: Love Slave for Two: Family Matters
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Another question answered.

He started crying. “As a mother, how can you even stand to look at me? I abandoned my children.”

“You did the best you could.”

She had to get going, to meet Tyler, and she had a few other stops to make first. “Look, what are you doing tomorrow night?”

“A night in front of the telly. Why?”

“I’ll come by tomorrow morning after Tyler leaves and take you to the store. My treat. How about you cook dinner, and I’ll bring Tyler over?”

“He won’t want to come, I’m telling you.”

“Yes, he will.” She smiled. “He always enjoys meeting dedicated fans.”



* * * *



On her way back to the hotel, Nevvie made a few stops and several purchases, arranged a few things. She hadn’t told Thomas what she’d done. Keeping this secret from both men had been hard on her. Once Tyler learned the truth she hoped he wouldn’t be upset.

Getting him through the initial shock might be tricky.

She left some of the items in the trunk because they were for Andrew, whether he wanted them or not. When Tyler walked into the restaurant and spotted her, he immediately scowled.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

He leaned in to kiss her before taking his seat. “I should ask you that, love.”

Her heart hammered in her chest. “What?”

“You look like you’ve been up to something.”

Nevvie fought the urge to gulp. “I went shopping.”

He raised an eyebrow, but his lips curled in a smile. “You’re not much of a shopper, pet.”

“I was today.”

He laughed. “Is that it? You’re concerned about how much you spent?”

She nodded, latching onto the deception. “I went a little overboard.” Technically it was the truth.

“Well, no matter. I want you to enjoy yourself. Not like we can’t afford it, darling.”

Nevvie edged closer to the facts now that his suspicions had been allayed. “I do have something else to admit.”

He looked at her over the top of his menu. “What’s that?”

“We’re going to have dinner tomorrow night with someone. Really big fan. I didn’t want to tell you ahead of time because I wanted it to be a surprise.”

He cocked his head, studying her. Finally, he asked, “Anything else you wish to admit?”

She smiled. “I looked them up today, they’re really big fans, very sweet, and have all your books.”

“You’re sneaky.”

Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I also bought something else today, Master.” She knew how to derail his train of thought.

His eyes playfully narrowed. “And what’s that?”

He’d apparently fallen for it. “You can see me in it when we get to the room.”

His eyes traveled her body. “Are you wearing it now, my little slave?” he murmured.

Okay, now she was on the receiving end. A deep, comfortable throbbing started between her legs. “Yes, I am.” She’d stumbled across the lingerie shop and figured it’d be a great way to distract Tyler after breaking the other news to him.

Thank God.



* * * *



After dinner, he walked with her to the elevator and they waited in silence. Alone inside after the doors slid shut, he hit the button for their floor and pulled Nevvie to him.

“Little slave, your master expects to see your purchase when we get to our room.”

She ground her hips against him. “Whatever Master wants, Master gets.”

He growled against her neck as he pulled her to him, his lips scorching her throat. “Damn right.”

In their room, Tyler closed and locked the door behind them then started unbuttoning his shirt. “Get Master Thomas on the phone.”

Nevvie called him. It would be early afternoon in Florida, hopefully the boys were taking a nap or Thomas wouldn’t be able to play. They might not be able to have a full phone sex session.

She sat on the end of the bed.

“Long distance love line,” Thomas teasingly answered. “Florida phone fucking at your service.”

She grinned. That most likely meant the boys were asleep. “Master Thomas, Master Tyler asked me to call you.”

There was only a moment of hesitation. “Goddamn, girl!” he hoarsely muttered. “We’re playing that today?”

“Yes, Master.” She winked at Tyler, who now had his shirt off and draped over a chair. She activated speakerphone mode and set the phone on the bed. “Are you able to play?”

“The boys are safely sleeping, probably for another hour or so.” He let out a soft grunt she suspected was from him lying down. He must be in pain. “Don’t want me in slave boy mode, huh?”

Nevvie shimmied out of her slacks, giving Tyler a preview. The lacy thong panty was uncomfortably chafing her but his pleased smile when he saw it made her wedgie well worth it. “Master Tyler is going to punish me for shopping today,” she said, nudging the conversation the way she wanted it to go.

“Oh, really? And what did you buy, little slave?”

Tyler worked on his belt. “So far, it looks like she’s added to her delicates.”


Tyler rolled his eyes. “She bought some lacy undergarments.”

“Oh. Well why the hell didn’t you say so? Just say underwear.”

Buzz kill.
Time to get her boys back on track. Nevvie started unbuttoning her shirt, giving Tyler a view of the matching lace camisole. “Master Thomas, I didn’t ask permission to spend the money,” she coaxed. Which all three knew was bullshit, because she didn’t need their permission. But it added a little spice to the game.

Thomas finally followed her well-laid path. “Master Tyler, I think our slave needs a lesson, don’t you? She needs to work off what she spent.” From the way his voice deepened, she suspected he’d started stroking his cock.

“Absolutely, love.” Tyler’s passionately smoldering blue eyes fixed on her. “I think she needs to be taught a lesson. What would you suggest?” He slipped his pants and underwear off. His cock stood at rigid attention.

“What’s she got on?”

Tyler knelt on the bed as she lay back. “A very pretty off-white ensemble. Lace and satin. Thong panties.”

“Goddamn!” Thomas grunted again. He wouldn’t take long to come.

“Yes, quite.” Tyler leaned in and kissed Nevvie, traced her lips with his tongue. His cock brushed against her thigh. “She looks exquisite.”

“Why don’t you suck Master Tyler’s sweet cock, baby girl?”

Her turn to moan. Her boys knew what she loved. “Anything my masters want.” Tyler knelt over her and she swirled her tongue around his cockhead.

“Oh, Christ, that’s beautiful,” Tyler gasped.

“She doing it?”

“Damn right she is.” He leaned forward on his arms while she swallowed his cock.

Tommy’s soft grunts told Nevvie he was really close. After a few minutes, he hoarsely said, “Why don’t you fuck her, Ty?”

Tyler gently tapped the top of her head and she let him go. In a fluid motion, he yanked down her thong and pushed her legs wide. “How should I fuck her, love?”

“Fuck her hard.”

Nevvie moaned, her own need sending waves of aching pulsations through her sex. Thomas was usually her fast and furious fuck, when he felt up to it. Since his accident it was sometimes difficult for him to be as vigorous as he once was, settling for a gentler, calmer way.

Tyler firmly grabbed her hips and thrust, hard, deeply burying his cock inside her.

“Oh, Jesus she’s wet,” Tyler moaned.

“She damn well better be. Give her a good, hard fucking.”

Tyler met her eyes. “Is that what you deserve, little slave? A good hard fucking?”

She eagerly nodded. “Yes, Master!”

Both men moaned. “Fuck her hard, Ty,” Thomas said. “You know I haven’t been able to do that for her lately.”

Tyler studied her face as she wrapped her legs around his hips. “Hard, Master. Please.” Tyler was always passionately sensuous, in a different way than Thomas.

He slammed his hips against Nevvie, drawing a deep, needy moan from her.

She tried not to dig her fingers as hard into his back as she usually did with Thomas, not wanting to hurt him. “Yessss!”

“Like that, love?” He did it again.

“Oh, yes, Master!”

He thrust, hard, repeatedly pistoning his cock inside her.

“Is he fucking you good, sugar?” Thomas gasped.

“Yes, Master!” She closed her eyes and hung on for the ride. She wouldn’t come like this, but still enjoyed the hell out of it.

“Oh, baby, you sound so good—ah!” And there went Thomas.

She opened her eyes and looked at Tyler. “Come for me, Master. Please come for me.”

With a final thrust and cry he did, trembling as he dropped his head to her shoulder. She held him, her arms tightly wrapped around him.

“You guys okay?” Thomas asked.

Nevvie laughed. “We’re okay.”

“When slowpoke gets his act together, we’ll take care of you next, sugar.”

Tyler lifted his head and laughed. “Oh, right. Nice. I could bloody well outrun you, I should think.” He kissed Nevvie and slipped his hand under her camisole. Her nipples were tightly peaked already from the friction of his body and the filmy garment rubbing against her.

He pushed her legs apart and settled between them. “Talk to her, Master Thomas,” he said. “I’ll do the hard work while you lie there and loaf,” he teased.

Thomas laughed. “Hey, babe?”

She closed her eyes. “Yes, Master?”

“When you get home, I’m going to have a little surprise for you.”

Tyler bent his mouth to her mound, laving her clit with his tongue while Thomas continued.

“I’m going to take you into the bedroom and I think I’m going to spend a little time playing Master again. Would you like that?”

“Oh…yes, Master!”

Tyler pushed two fingers inside her, stroking in time with his tongue.

“I’m going to put your pink collar on you and bend you over the bed and fuck your sweet brains out. You know I love having my hands on your gorgeous ass while I fuck you.”

Nevvie shivered from what Tyler did to her, and from the mental image of what Thomas had in store.

“And if you’re a good girl, maybe Master Tyler will do to you what’s he’s doing now, while I’m fucking you. Would you like that?”

“Please, yes, Master!”

His voice dropped to a hungry growl. She suspected he might have grown hard again. “Then I want you to show me how much you want it. You’d better come for me, baby girl. Come hard for me.”

She cried out as Tyler brought her over, playing her body, stretching her climax out for what felt like hours. With his hands firmly gripping her thighs he kept working at her sensitive nub, refusing to stop or let go while she twisted beneath his skilled mouth on the bed.

“That’s it, baby,” Thomas whispered. “Come for us.”

Only when Tyler knew he’d almost pushed her from pleasure to pain did he relent. He kissed her inner thigh. “How was that, my pet?”

Unable to speak, she simply nodded.

“Did you fry her brain, Ty?”

“I think so.” He moved to lie next to her, cuddling her to him. She automatically rolled into his embrace, one leg hooked around his. “I think our girl is suitably well-fucked.”

“Yeah, well, now I’ve got a problem.”

Tyler chuckled. “Then why don’t you stroke that sweet cock of yours and let me hear you come, love. You are still my little slave boy, you know.”


Enjoying her bliss, Nevvie didn’t open her eyes. “Yes,” she said. “Our little slave boy needs to show his Master and Mistress how much he misses them.”

“Holy fuck!” he gasped.

Tyler gently squeezed her. “Imagine how good it’ll feel when I get to slide my cock up your arse. Maybe instead of me taking care of Nevvie, perhaps while you have your cock buried in her, maybe I’ll be fucking your sweet arse.”


Nevvie quietly giggled. “That didn’t take long.”

They heard him gasping for breath. “Fuck, that was hot.”

“We know what our little slave boy loves,” Nevvie purred.

Thomas laughed. “I’m so screwed.”

“You will be once we get home, love,” Tyler assured him. “As for now, go clean up and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Love you guys. Be careful.”

Nevvie reached for the phone. “Love you, too. Kiss the babies for us.”

After she hung up and put the phone on the bedside table, she returned to Tyler’s arms.

“Ready to go to sleep?” he asked.

She nodded. “Exhausted.”

It was only after she knew Tyler was sound asleep next to her that she allowed herself to think about tomorrow.

How would he react? He’d never refused her anything before, but this was different. This intruded into his past, his personal pain. Could she get him to listen long enough to mend the rift?


Chapter Twenty-Five

Nevvie and Tyler went their separate ways after breakfast. Tyler had four interviews and lunch with the head editor of his publisher’s London branch. Tyler had tried coaxing Nevvie into coming, but she gently refused.

“I want to sightsee and wander around. You enjoy yourself. Remember, dinner tonight.” She kissed him and quickly left before he could question her too much.

She would pick him up after his last interview. By her best guesstimate, it would take a half-hour to make it to Andrew’s house from there.

When she knocked on Andrew’s door around ten that morning, Nevvie’s arms were full of boxes. His eyes widened.

“What’s all this?” He reached for one, but she gently shouldered him aside and carried them inside to his small kitchen table.

“These are for you.” She turned and hugged him. “And you’re not saying no, either.”

He looked at the boxes for the laptop and printer. “Love, I don’t want you to waste your money on me.”

She grabbed his hands. “Andrew. Listen to me. I don’t have a dad. I haven’t had a dad in a lot of years. My sons haven’t had a grandfather.” She struggled and failed to contain her tears. “Tyler will understand and you two will get back together. And you’re damn well going to let me spoil you, whether you like it or not. I don’t know if I can ever get Henry and Wanda to see the truth, and that’s not my business. But you are part of
family. I want you with us.”

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