Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (9 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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She was only human, after all.

Mmm . . .” she purred when her
fingertips slowly slipped under the elastic of her panties and
curled over her swollen mound before gently cupping

She shuddered when she found the
over-sensitive, swollen lips of her pussy, and slowly dug in. She
loved the fact she was so wet, the hot honey already oozing
plentiful from her aching hole. It felt so good, so hot, and so
sexy to cover her fingers with her own wetness.

She widened her thighs as she closed her
eyes, taking her back to that very morning, and that very moment
when Aidan showed her what a big boy he’d become. She slowly ran
her fingertips up and down her needful pussy, spreading her thick,
hot nectar until her stiff petals were covered with it.

She licked her lips before a gasp gushed
from between. She shuddered when her fingers found her hard,
swollen bud barely hidden between her slick nether lips, and as she
pleasured her feverish and wet pussy, her other hand slipped up her
softly trembling body, under the wide hem of her top, until she
found a hard, erect nipple.

In her fantasies, her fingers were not the
ones gently nipping and tweezing her erect nodes. No. As always, in
her fantasies, it was her brother’s lean fingers and full, sexy
lips that were pleasuring her . . .


Chapter Five:


Aidan wasn’t in the mood to party. He was a
good actor, though. He pretended to enjoy himself, and he did a
convincing job at it. He just went through the motions, going the
rounds, laughing at unfunny jokes, and looking as if he were having
a great time.

But he was only moving around so much
because he was antsy to leave.

He’d just experienced something wonderful
with Dionne—she responded positively to his kiss—and he felt he
needed to strike while the iron was still hot. Besides, it just
wasn’t the same without his big sister there—the one person he
wanted most in the world celebrating this victory with him.

Dad had left the keys to his car with him
before he and Mom left for their friends’ home in Eagle Rock. The
moment he saw his chance he left the party and walked out into the
warm California evening air.

Fuck ‘em all. He wanted to be with Dionne.
And damn it! He was going to make sure she wanted to be with him,

As he drove back to the house, his
heart began beating harder. He was giddy with excitement, hoping
she was there. He wasn’t sure if she was. She might’ve gone out
with Hel
, but he had to
know for sure. He couldn’t back down now. Not while he was finally
making progress! He could still feel the touch of his sister’s lips
against his, and the sweet surrender it promised. There was a
gentle fire there, and he wanted to explore it more thoroughly, any
which way he could.

But the moment he thought about Dionne’s
stupid boyfriend, he felt his insides twist and his jealousy burn
white hot. Like always.

He never liked that limp dick. Even
though he was damned well aware that his not liking Dionne’s
idiotic boyfriend had everything to do with him being the guy in
her life, he wouldn’t have liked the dickhead anyway.
had the charisma of a
wet rag, and Dionne deserved better. MUCH better.

Yeah,” he muttered, thinking about
this behind the wheel as he waited for the light. “She deserved
better. She deserves a guy who’ll treat her right, and who’ll never
hurt her.”

Then he winced.

He immediately recalled a time when he knew
he’d hurt his older sister himself, and in ways that still tore at
his insides even though it happened months ago. He never meant to.
It was something that both embarrassed him as he’d never been
embarrassed before, and something that made him feel like the
biggest asshole in the universe.

The incident happened one afternoon when,
unbeknownst to him, two of Dionne’s classes had been canceled for
that day. He knew she was vying for an internship with Santa
Teresita Hospital in Eagle Rock, and that she had an appointment
with the school counselor that afternoon to make plans to increase
her chances to be accepted, so he thought she’d be gone for at
least a couple of hours. But, unfortunately for him, she’d returned
earlier than he expected.

Since Dionne began college, she’d moved out
of her old bedroom, which was closest to his basement room, and
into the attic. It was as far as you could get in that house, too!
Dad had built her own private place up there, against Aidan’s offer
to share the huge basement with her.

Dad didn’t think Dionne would like a
basement bedroom.

He said his oldest daughter had to have her
privacy where she could see the stars by night, sitting in her bay
window seat, and study without the ruckus of a busy van Nuys brood
constantly vying for her attention.

So Dad divided the attic, building a room
with a private bathroom and with real walls, complete with the
raddest wall-paper around.

It had a solid door—with an equally solid
lock he, much to his annoyance, soon discovered—and the bay window
and seat he said she always dreamed about. It also had a full bath
that boasted a full length bath tub.

It was Dionne’s very own studio apartment in
her childhood home! Rent free, too. She couldn’t get it any better
out there.

Dad simply didn’t want Dionne to get an
apartment closer to Pasadena where she attended Pasadena City
College, so he made sure her attic room was too irresistible to
refuse. He even went out and bought her a queen-sized brass
bed—something she also always wanted—and an oh-so feathery soft
mattress—the place where he’d ultimately suffer the most
embarrassing event of his young life.

He helped Dad build the room. He was good at
drawing up plans and building shit. That’s why he decided to become
an architect.

His offer to help build Dionne’s room was
also out of wanting to be a part of something that was Dionne’s and
Dionne’s alone. So, it wasn’t all out of the nonexistent generosity
of his rather selfish soul. Having a hand in building that attic
room gave him a sense that it was a little bit his, too.

He was sure Dad had an ulterior motive as
well. He believed Dad really did all of this for Mom since she and
Dionne were very close and Mom was a little depressed at the
thought of Dionne moving out and getting an apartment closer to

But whatever Dad’s true motive, the result
was the same: Dionne remained living at home, and Mom was as happy
as could be. And when Mom was happy, Dad was, too. But no one could
be happier about that than he.

The kind of relationship Mom and Dad shared
was the kind of relationship he wanted for himself, and Dionne had
always fit the bill. He wanted a relationship as tight and close as
their parents’ . . . once she finally gave in, that is.

And he was going to do everything to make
that happen.

That fateful afternoon might have made
things a hell of a lot more complicated, though. It was the
afternoon when the most embarrassing episode of his life

Mom was busy cooking an elaborate rice table
dinner. It was a miniature rice table of spicy Indonesian dishes
that always made the whole house smell like home, but it also
opened a great opportunity for him to sneak up into Dionne’s attic
room, as he’d been doing for a few months, sight unseen, because
cooking such an elaborate dinner always kept Mom and the other kids
busy in the kitchen.

With Dionne at her interview, and not due
home for at least two hours, and Mom in the kitchen teaching the
brood all about her Indonesian culture, he and Sharon, his
gorgeous, sexy, blonde girlfriend at the time, could sneak up into
Dionne’s room for some afternoon delight. They’d be done and
downstairs before anyone would know. It was foolproof!

Or, so he thought.

Dionne came home ahead of schedule. She
probably needed a nap before she had to head out to The Video
Paradise for work, and she wanted to catch a few z’s. Nobody was
more surprised to see her home early than he was. Well, except
maybe Sharon.

He had put on one of Sharon’s favorite songs
to get her in the mood for some hot and heavy sex. It was from a
British boy band, Wham!, and it was one of their sexier songs,
entitled, Edge of Heaven. It was also one of Dionne’s CD’s. She
loved that group, but so did ninety-five percent of all the other
girls, although he doubted she liked that one, risqué song.

He often wondered what she’d been thinking
about when she came up the attic stairs that afternoon, hearing
that particular song coming through her closed door. It was a very
sexy song about BDSM love. He was convinced Dionne had never
listened to it since she, apparently, liked the CD for the
bubblegum pop songs. That was just the kind of girl she was.

Sharon, though, was a hell of a lot

He was so giddy to have sex with his
girlfriend in his sister’s bed that he’d forgotten to lock the
door. He’d grown a penchant for having sex in Dionne’s bed because
he discovered he could close his eyes and pretend it was her he was

Dionne’s delicate scent was everywhere, and
although it wasn’t nice of him to do this to his girlfriends, it
was something he desperately needed since he couldn’t get the real

Never, in his wildest dreams did he think
he’d be caught—especially not by his older sister. But it happened.
The music was too loud and he was too busy to hear her door open.
He was also too caught up in his fantasy to hear his sister’s
shocked gasp, and he certainly didn’t hear the thumping of the
apple that had fallen from her limp hand in shock when she spotted
them. On her bed.

He knew the
thing Dionne expected to see when she swung
open her bedroom door, was a completely naked younger brother, on
her bed, doing the nasty with his hot blonde girlfriend!

Neither the draft from the opened door
passing over their sweaty bodies, nor the sight of the forgotten
apple on the floor that had rolled close to the bed, was enough to
catch their attention. He and Sharon were too caught up and happily
humping on Dionne’s multi-colored quilt covers to even notice
they’d gained an audience of one.

audience of
one with a
face pale as the moon.

What the

A car honked and he jolted out of his
memory, bringing him back to the here and now. He snapped his head
around to see a large truck vroom by. “Jesus,” he muttered, then
shifted and pulled up, not feeling his usual competitive streak to
race that truck with his speedy CRX as he’d normally do.

As he resumed the drive home, he slipped
back into his thoughts and recalled how he’d quickly snatched the
extra throw at the foot of Dionne’s bed over his and Sharon’s naked
bodies. And with a much too painful clarity of mind, he recalled
how absolutely embarrassed he felt.

He also recalled his reaction.

Damn it Dionne! I didn’t know you’d
be home this early!”

Yeah. It was a

Well, at least he had the decency to
look ashamed! Not that he had any choice there, nor that it
mattered because Dionne was so intensely
pissed off
she was literally seeing red. He was
certain she really couldn’t give a shit what he said or did because
at that moment visuals spoke louder than words.

Get the HELL out of my room!” he
recalled her scream. “

Shit! Okay! All right! Calm down,
Dionne. You’re liable to crack your voice box! Sheesh!” he recalled
saying as he gave her his best disgruntled look.

Without thinking, he quickly got up. BAD
idea. Maybe having Sharon under him shoving up at him to get off
her had a lot to do with that stupid move, but whatever it was, it
was a BAD one.

The throw slipped off his tall, naked body
and shocked the bejeezus out of his sister! With a cry, Dionne had
snapped around, presenting her back, with cheeks redder than a
boiled lobster.

And she was

She suddenly flew into a tirade, shouting
profanities over her shoulder he never could’ve guessed she knew,
and went ballistic on them as both he and Sharon quickly got

Dionne’s furious shouting and cursing
literally reverberated throughout the entire house and,
unfortunately, attracted attention he really didn’t need at that

In no time flat, Mom and their siblings came
rushing up the attic stairs.

Luckily, by then, both he and Sharon were
decently covered, and he was already busy ushering her out of
Dionne’s room as his sister stood against the door. He should’ve
known better than to try an apology right after what she’d seen,
but he was totally embarrassed, and he just wanted to make amends
as quickly as possible.

Another BAD move.

So, instead of just leaving and guiding
Sharon to the car, he paused as he came to stand beside Dionne’s
tense frame. His hand shook when he ran it back through his tousled
hair, feeling so self-conscious. She looked so distraught, and he
hoped she would just look at him so she could see how sorry he

Jeezus . . . I’m real sorry, Dionne.
I—” he tried to apologize, and then he made yet another bad move:
he stepped closer to her.

Just get
Get out of my sight, and stay the
out of my room! Don’t you EVER
bring your goddamn—” Dionne stopped short of saying the “S” word.
He was surprised she’d say the “G” word, but at least she didn’t
finish the “S” word. Not because she didn’t want to, but because
she’d noticed the pain in the embarrassed girl’s face. Dionne
swallowed, and with a trembling but soft voice, said, “Just-Just .
. . stay out of my room.”

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