Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (7 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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Dionne closed her eyes and dropped her hand
holding the comb to her lap when a white-hot flash lanced her
heart. She didn’t want to think about it. She shouldn’t and she
couldn’t. It would only hurt her as it always did when she saw him
with another girl.

She sighed as she opened her eyes and
resumed combing out her long, damp locks with a blank stare in her
eyes. When she was finished, she rose from her bed and walked to
her dresser where she tugged on her towel and let it slip down her
naked body to puddle on the floor, catching her reflection in the
mirror hung on her bedroom door.

She frowned. “Seriously. Who’d want to

She set her comb aside and took the
bottle of body lotion, squirting a few dollops in the palm of her
hand before bending and smoothing the cream up her slender calves,
knees, thighs, and hips before she squirted more in her hand and
smoothed the soft scented lotion over her arms and the rest of her
body. She paid extra attention, and needed
more lotion, on her backside.

Feeling curious, she turned around to check
her big butt in the mirror. She let her slender hands rub in the
lotion as she watched her plump, blushing cheeks slip under her
wet, massaging hands and fingers. Much to her surprise, the sight
titillated her.

Dear lord,” she said, dropping her
hands. Her cheeks burned hot red and she tingled all over. Was she
getting excited by the sight of her own behind now?

What is wrong with you, Dee?” she
reprimanded herself.

Deep down, she knew she wasn’t turned on by
her own behind. She knew it had everything to do with thinking
about her brother, and what he once told her. He once teased her,
telling her she had a sexy butt. Whatever he saw in that grotesque
thing was a mystery to her, but the fact that he did affected her
more than she first thought.

With an exasperated sigh, she turned and
pulled out a dresser drawer, taking out a fresh pair of panties and
her pajama set. It was a pretty pink and white, two-piece. It was
sleeveless with a wide, loose hem that moved like a bell around her
flat tummy when she walked. Her shorts were a little longer and
baggier than most shorts for the current fashion, falling nearly
mid-thigh, but it was extra camouflage for her distracting rear

She was never one to reveal too much
of her body if she could help it. She knew she was probably the
only girl
in the world
still wore a bathing suit rather than some sexy bikini. She just
didn’t think she had the right body for something as revealing as

She wasn’t overly skinny, as was the norm in
their community, but she wasn’t overweight, either. Not like she’d
been throughout most of her life. She hated her backside, though,
because it was so disproportionate to the rest of her.

It was huge.

You could land a freakin’ Boeing 747
on it,” she mumbled.

When she was done dressing, she sat on the
bed and took up the family photo album from a stack beside her.
Usually, a house full of boisterous van Nuys children provided the
distraction she desperately needed, but no one was home. And she
was still tingling.

It was Saturday. Their parents were either
still at Aidan’s party, or they were off with her younger siblings
visiting friends. Helmut was, most likely, still in Loma Linda. She
expected his good night call in an hour or so.

night?” she scoffed. “Right. Not after
day like today.” She
sighed, turning another solid album page.

She saw an old photograph of Mom and her on
the day they brought Aidan home. Wrapped in a blue and white baby
blanket, Aidan came as a complete package. A week’s worth of
diapers, baby formula, carefully typed instructions, short medical
history, and detailed records. He also came with a first and middle
name. It was a condition his young, biological mother insisted
upon: Aidan Boyd.

Dionne remembered how ecstatic she’d
been. She was going to be a big sister for the first time, and she
couldn’t have wished for a more beautiful baby brother. And
! Aidan was absolutely
as a baby, and he only got
more beautiful as he grew up, soon breaking hearts at a very young

Little did they know this was just a
prelude for things to come. Little did
know the happy summer day when she held her
new baby brother in her arms as she sat beside Mom on the sofa, he
would come to mean more to her than she could’ve ever imagined

Their father snapped rolls and rolls full of
photos. Many of them were of her all teary-eyed just like Mom. A
few were of her holding Aidan close to her heart, like the one she
was looking at now. He’d forever occupy a special inside her heart
no matter where life would eventually take them.

Yes, unfortunately that’s true,” she
said softly, flipping through the old photo album.

That was an understatement. Fact of the
matter was, she’d been sexually fantasizing about her handsome,
younger brother for months now, ever since that evening when she
marched down into the basement where Dad had sent Aidan after he
acted like an impossible asshole toward Helmut.

Over the years, more children were
added to the van Nuys’ growing brood, but
as young, or as special
to her, as Aidan. He had five and a half months on her when she
first arrived at Mom and Dad’s home as a six-month young baby.
Aidan and she were literally the oldest van Nuys children, but also
the youngest when they were adopted.

It was inevitable that a special bond would
grow between them.

It most certainly did,” she said as
she flipped another album page. “And that’s the freaking crux of my
problem.” She sighed again.

Since she remained the eldest child, she was
naturally given the responsibility of helping Mom keep the unruly
brood somewhat civil. Mom, being a traditional Indonesian woman,
honored the cultural tradition that the eldest daughters act as
their mother’s aide, although she never forced it. She merely let
it happen.

It was probably during that time she
developed a deep nurturing soul. It was one that would ultimately
have her decide to become a Registered Nurse, something she
discovered she was a natural at.

As the years passed, Aidan and she grew ever
closer. She always believed he saw her more as his mother than his
sister. Mom had her hands full with the other children which left
her to care for Aidan most of the time.

Out of all of the van Nuys kids, Aidan was
by far the most beautiful. He was the one who got the most
attention no matter where he went. How could people resist? He was
as gorgeous as he was charming, and he could tempt a nun without
even trying.

His hair was blacker than a crow’s wing, his
eyes were a deep, penetrating azure, and his lips were full, sexy,
and simply made for kissing. But they only came to their full
potential when he flashed that big, bright smile.

The crystalline blue of his eyes was
enhanced by long, sooty lashes arming his already potent peepers
with a powerful weapon, to say the least. At times, all he had to
do was look at you, and with no effort at all, he’d make you
fluster and blush.

Dionne paused flipping a heavy album
page. She frowned recalling the blonde in the locker room. Candace
Baeren. Even
around Aidan. And
for a
girl who’d been around the block more times than not!

Maybe she blushed because she was
horny. But whatever made her do it, she
been blushing. Candace was a renowned flirt
even if her Cal-Tech professor father didn’t believe it. She
should’ve known Candace would eventually end up with

She sighed. “I just wish I weren’t privy to
it,” Dionne said, downtrodden.

It was hard for her to see pretty, sexy
girls always prancing around her younger brother. He was just so
engaging that it was inevitable he’d find himself surrounded by the
most beautiful girls in their community.

So that begged the question . . . why did he
try to come on to her?

With so much beauty around him, and no
shortage of sex partners, why did he bother with
? What was his motivation to say
the things he said or act the way he had?

It just didn’t make sense.

They weren’t blood related, but they’d been
raised as siblings, so was that the attraction? Was it because he’d
had so much of the usual, and got it so easily that he now wanted
to try something . . . more challenging. Different?

He had a strong competitive nature and an
insatiable curiosity, always ready to try new things. Could this be
why he was suddenly making unmistakable overtures her way? He
wanted to try something . . . new?

Dionne frowned.

She shut the album and set it aside as she
rose to her feet and seated herself in her bay window. She pulled
up her knees before hugging them, and laid her head back against
the wall, staring pensively out into the starry skies.

Was that what it was? Aidan was bored and
needed something that was more of a challenge?

She felt a little downtrodden. If that were
the case, then his feelings for her were limited to sexual
experimentation, and she knew she’d have to pass. She wasn’t
anybody’s guinea pig, and unlike him, her feelings always ran deep.
Much more deeply than they should. She knew an experiment like that
would hurt her for the rest of her life.

Her head shot up. “Jeezus!” she said
in shock. Was she actually thinking about having sex with Aidan?
Was she out of her freakin’

She left her bay window to get her comb from
the dresser, but she was distracted by her reflection in her mirror
again. She turned and looked at her flushed reflection before
quietly gathering her drying tresses high at the back of her head.
The image of her looking back in the mirror, faded, as her thoughts
floated away.

Although she knew they weren’t blood related
since she was already five when he arrived, she also knew they were
raised as family. No matter how many times she’d sexually
fantasized about him when she masturbated, which always guaranteed
the most powerful orgasms she’d ever known, she needed to remember
that all-important detail. Her desires could never go beyond secret

Desires. Yes. Unbeknownst to Mom and Dad,
and the rest of the civilized world, she was a powerfully
passionate, sexual creature. She had aching desires just like every
other red-blooded American girl. Of course, she’d die if anyone
ever found out, but it was, nevertheless, the truth.

There was a time she suffered frightening
fantasies that her family would discover she wasn’t that modest
girl they all believed she was. In her heart and soul, though, lay
hidden a fiery vixen who only showed herself when she was alone in
her bath, or bed, or wherever the mood hit her—provided she was

Speaking of fantasies . . . at the moment,
she just couldn’t stop her body from tingling. Even her intense
pondering about this crazy situation did little to extinguish the
fires burning inside her the moment she thought about Aidan, and
they’ll only get worse now she’s seen him completely naked that

Jeezus! He was amazing. He was absolutely

Then again, she thought to herself, her body
already began betraying her ever since she stalked down to his
basement room after he’d been such an ass toward Helmut. Although
he wasn’t completely naked then, it was clear he was on the verge
of getting there. She recalled feeling that naughty sex-kitten
inside rise and purr in anticipation.

It happened after Dad finally sent Aidan to
his room just to give Helmut a moment’s reprieve from his constant
verbal attacks. Aidan was particularly grumpy that evening.

Once down there, though, he was probably in
the middle of undressing because he’d just pulled off his t-shirt,
thinking it was a good idea to make it an early night.

Infuriated by his bad behavior toward
her boyfriend while she’d been nothing but polite and cordial to
his many,
over the years, she made the mistake of following him down just to
give him a piece of her mind.

But she was the one who ultimately got
burned, because when she stepped down the stairs into his basement
room, Aidan had already come to stand by his bed and was busy with
undressing. She was plenty upset to give him a verbal boxing around
his ears, but nothing really came of it.

First thing that filtered through her red
haze was that Aidan was the epitome of young, virile male. She had
been able to hurl a few angry words his way, but that was about it,
because she soon realized, not only did he stand there about to get
ready for bed, but his loose-fit, black Levis were a little

There was a distinct bulge behind the

For a few unnerving moments, she just stared
at that spot while her rather slow brain digested it all. When it
finally did, she felt her face burn beacon-red, and like the coward
she was, she promptly rushed out of his sight.

Even with her CNA and LVN nursing
credentials, she was still
to see
her younger brother in that state of arousal. Memories of that
moment, something that had happened just a few months back, made
her face heat again.

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