Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (8 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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An image slowly appeared through the fog of
her troubled thoughts before it cleared, and she found herself
staring at her reflection in the full length mirror. To her utmost
shock, she realized her nipples were hard and poking against the
flimsy material of her top.

Enough!” she said angrily. She
snapped away from the mirror with flushed cheeks. She really needed
to get her mind off her brother
. She needed to preoccupy her mind with
something other than Aidan.

Dionne went to the bed and bent, gathering
the old photo albums to return them to the shelves in the living
room. If she was lucky, there’d be a huge gallon of ice cream in
the freezer so she could eat her sexual frustrations away.

But it wasn’t as simple as that.

The tingle in her nipples and between her
clenching thighs reminded her how much power her younger brother
had over her—even though he didn’t even know it. She pressed her
eyes shut, sighed exasperatedly, and then slowly straighten by her

She opened her eyes, and as if in a trance,
she raised her slender hand and gazed at her palm. It was as if she
could still feel the heat and power of her younger brother’s cock
against it.

She was so stunned he’d do something like
that that she had never once thought of snatching her hand back.
But deep down inside, she knew she hadn’t because she really didn’t
want to. She actually wanted to know how he felt. She wanted to
feel her younger brother’s heat and girth.

She slowly balled her aching hand as she
moaned softly, bringing her slow-forming fist to her chest where
her heart thudded hard. Why did she continue to torment herself?
Why couldn’t she just get things back to where they were? Couldn’t
she just see her brother as her brother? Why did the attraction she
felt for him turn against her?

Simple. Aidan was very interesting. She’d
always understood that. He was her polar opposite in almost every
way. That alone almost guaranteed she’d be fascinated by him even
though he didn’t appear to share the same for her.

The poverty she suffered her first six
months on this planet before the authorities took her away from her
biological mother, had a long-lasting effect. Mom and Dad told her
she’d been horribly underfed, and basically, left to her own
devices, while Aidan, despite his biological mother’s choice to put
him up for adoption, had been well cared for.

Dionne straightened and went to the full
length mirror fastened on her bedroom door. She gave her reflection
a critical look, not seeing what Aidan, lately, seemed to see.
Instead, all she saw was an uninteresting young woman who couldn’t
hold a candle to even one of his less-than-perfect girlfriends.

Her legs were shorter than she wanted,
or, her torso was too long for her legs? Either way, she they
looked disproportionate and weird. She took the hem of her top, and
pulled it up to gaze at her small but firm breasts. They were much
too small, and their golden nipples were too big. And her hips . .
. geeze. She could write a book on how unattractive her hips were,
but she could definitely write
on how unattractive her behind was.

She dropped her top, and twisted in front of
her mirror with a frown growing on her brow, checking her huge butt
again. Fortunately, this time it was somewhat camouflaged by her
baggy shorts.

She sighed.

She wished she’d gotten more of
on her chest. The way she
looked now, she was convinced she resembled a bowling pin on legs
with a brunette wig plunked on top of it.

What did you ever see in me?” she
whispered, recalling how Aidan always told her she was

Over the years, and when she needed it
the most, her only ego booster was her younger brother. Initially.
He always told her he thought she was really pretty because she
had, as he called it, “meat on her bones”, and he told her real
women should. She would have believed he meant it, too, were it not
for the girls he chose to date.
had “meat on their bones”. They were all
willowy and slender.

So much for

Then again, she never considered herself a
beauty in any way, and that was okay. Boys scared her to death,
anyhow. She wasn’t planning on drawing their attention by
attempting to be attractive simply because she wouldn’t know what
to do with it if she got it.

But that was then. This was now. And the
excitement of being seen by a sexy, handsome guy, even if he was
her much younger brother, made her wish she was more like Candace.
For the first time in her young life, Dionne wished she was as sexy
and as beautiful as the girls Aidan seemed to prefer to date.

To be completely fair and honest with
herself, she knew she wasn’t an ogre. She was just kind of . . .
plain. And easily overlooked.

She had mousy brown hair in a part of the
country where blondes were revered, and she had boring brown eyes
where blue were idolized. She didn’t have long, lush lashes until
she found a friend in mascara, and her lips were cartoonish. Like
that Betty Boop character. They were much too small for her face,
too. She also considered her face too pudgy.

So again, she asked herself, what was the
attraction? And what was that all about hating Helmut because they
were “competing for the same thing”? What same thing? Getting her
in bed?

Right.” Dionne looked frustrated and
troubled. Then she sighed. “You were so much easier to understand
when you were little. Now you’re just an enigma to me.”

As a boy, Aidan had always been restless and
full of energy, but at least she understood him. She recalled the
only time he seemed to notice her was when he needed a quiet moment
to “recharge”. He’d look her up, usually finding her on the sofa
reading a book like all nerdy girls did when they were too afraid
to date, and he’d join her there.

She remembered how he’d wrap his arms around
her for a little cuddling, and she’d naturally oblige. As wonderful
as it always was, it was also always brief, because before she knew
it, he was gone; off to explore new and exciting things.

She frowned in thought. New and exiting

That had to be it. Right? Turning his
attention to his sister was just another “new and exciting” thing
for him? And when he said he felt threatened by Helmut, was it
because her boyfriend was an obstacle in his way to explore this
“new and exciting thing”?

She sighed. “I don’t know what’s up or
what’s down anymore.”

She knew she should know better, though. She
was the older sibling, and she wasn’t a hormone-driven teenager
anymore. She was a twenty-three-year-old college student, and
Aidan’s oldest sister.

Yeah, right. Older, but not wiser,”
she scoffed.

Still living at home, and in addition to
going to classes, she worked part-time at The Video Paradise. She
had to keep herself as busy as possible and away from Aidan as much
as possible.

The Video Paradise was her first job. It was
a family owned and operated video store by Thai immigrants. They
also had a special XXX adult section where she’d learned more than
she thought she’d ever needed to.

With Dad having the foresight of buying real
estate in Arcadia when it was still affordable, then flipping it
when property values shot up, the van Nuys family lived
comfortably. That’s why Dad bought her a brand-spanking new Honda
Prelude! It was the most popular car among young Californians, and
it had to be special ordered from Japan. Unfortunately, she didn’t
get the color she wanted. She begged for fire engine red, but it
ended up being a subdued maroon.

She used her Prue, as she lovingly named her
car, to and fro PCC and The Video Paradise. She used it that
morning to drive to Aidan’s soccer game. After witnessing how her
not being able to come had upset him, she knew she couldn’t skip
this one. So instead of accompanying Helmut to Loma Linda, she
drove to Aidan’s final championship game.

Then the locker room incident happened.

She hadn’t really recovered from the shock
of a stark naked Aidan that morning, so when she walked into the
locker room looking for him after waiting long enough outside to
make sure he was done—Shawn, being the last to exit the locker
room, told her he was—she got another shock to the system before
she could recover from the first one.

She was the designated driver to take him to
Black Angus for the surprise celebration party that, in hindsight,
really wasn’t a surprise to him. Since Dad drove him to the game
with the excuse he was taking his car, a black Honda CRX, in for an
oil change just so he wouldn’t drive off right after the game—which
is what he normally did—it gave her the excuse to offer him a ride
to dinner.

She never got to ask him since they were
interrupted. Good thing Aidan was a clever boy and already knew
what was happening. . . . and good thing Shawn had returned.

Most times when she saw Aidan half naked,
there were always people around. It made things less personal. Or
it happened in a setting where desires were basically stunted—like
when he’s at swimming practice and asked her to come along for

But after getting the shock of her life that
morning in his bedroom, she was already shaken, and when she walked
in on him in the boy’s locker room, she was completely thrown

Perhaps that was the reason why she,
so out of character, responded so voraciously to his advances when
she’d normally hide them with a vengeance. She discovered she

Dionne frowned, troubled. Were her feelings
for her younger brother escalating and becoming too strong for her
to handle? When did that happen? When did her will begin crumbling
in the presence of her brother?

Did it happen when she went down to
his basement room after he’d been such an ass toward Helmut for,
what she perceived to be,
no reason
whatsoever? Was it before that?

It’s not as if she hadn’t seen him half
naked before. But this time it was different. This time he was in
his room, in the middle of getting ready for bed, and the setting
was far more intimate. The air in there felt as if it were
sizzling, too.

She also noticed that his loose-fit, black
Levis had a distinct bulge behind the zipper. She recalled just
staring at that spot while her rather slow brain digested it all.
When it finally did, she felt her face burn beacon-red and she
promptly rushed out of his sight, embarrassed to the core of her
soul. Not because of her younger brother’s obvious state of
arousal, but because of the effect it had on her.

Even CNA and LVN nursing credentials didn’t
prepare her for the affect she experienced when she noticed her
younger brother’s state of arousal. It was as if her body had a
mind of its own, and it began to tingle in all the not-so-sisterly
places! It was that, not Aidan, what embarrassed her the most.

Memories of that moment, something that had
happened just a few months back, made her face heat again as she
stared at her reflection in the full length mirror. To her utmost
shock, she also realized her nipples were hard, poking against the
flimsy material of her top.

Oh, this is not right,” she said
softly in despair, slowly shaking her head. “I need to stop this. I
have to, or I’ll go insane.”

As she recalled it, after that day, she
couldn’t close her eyes and not see him standing in his basement
room beautifully aroused. She recalled having writhed feverishly in
her bed, tormented by visions of him and what could have happened
as memory and fantasy collided to provide hot, steaming visions of
her not running up the stairs, but actually staying with him. This
was before she knew how beautiful his cock was, but now she had
seen him, she knew those fantasies were going to torment her until
the day she died.

Enough!” Dionne said angrily. She
snapped away from the mirror with flushed cheeks, gathering the old
photo albums to return them back to the shelves in the living room,
and to see if there was a huge gallon of ice cream so she could eat
her frustrations away.

Between Helmut, her classes, her job at The
Video Paradise, and household chores, she had very little time to
think about her ever evolving feelings for her younger brother, and
she didn’t want to start now. When she was alone with too much time
on her hands, she always felt that conflict inside her.

In public, she never allowed herself to feel
more for him than the usual things big sisters were supposed to
feel. But she wasn’t in public now. She was alone in the big house.
No one was there to bother her. No one was there needing her

She paused. Then she sighed in
exasperation. She darn well knew she couldn’t let this physical
state continue simmering inside her or she’d have another one of
those spontaneous orgasms, which were highly embarrassing
when you’re in

She needed to unload the . . . what? What
euphemism was there for girls who were in that state of sexual
arousal? What was the equivalent to a guy’s “unloading the

Who cares,” she said, rolling her
eyes. What she needed now was
, so she surrendered to her need, turned,
and headed for her queen-size brass bed.

There, she quietly laid herself on her back.
She closed her eyes and let her hand slip down between the elastic
waistband of her pajama shorts and her panties, following the
intensifying burning. She wasn’t surprised she was already wet.
She’d been holding off, telling herself she didn’t need this, but
as always was the case, she succumbed to her secret need and

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