Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (10 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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Dionne had calmed down. She was still
shaking, but she was calmer. Or so he thought. Her voice was softer
without that shrill, piercing anger, and because of that, he
mistakenly believed he could make amends with her then and

Dionne . . .”

That’s when he made his all-time biggest

In an attempt to reconcile with her, he
gently took her arm, but the moment she felt it, she went stiff as
a board. And before he could blink, she made a furious cry not
unlike a cat’s, and dealt him a slap so hard that it made his head
snap off to the side.

It was so loud it seemed to echo throughout
the house! It was so vicious, it made Mom and Sharon both gasp in
horror, but at that moment he was the one least affected by it.
Sure, he felt the sting burn his cheek and he knew it had left a
mark, but he welcomed Dionne’s physical punishment because it
dampened the pain he felt inside seeing how he’d distressed

It was the first physical contact she’d ever
made in rage, and it would be her last.

Don’t TOUCH ME,” she growled as she
blasted him with snapping eyes.

Silence followed. Everyone was in shock.
With her nostrils flared in pent up aggression, she glared up at
him, but the hurt he knew she saw was not because of the slap. It
was because he’d upset her so, that she’d resorted to an
aggressive, physical act that would hurt her more than him. He
instinctively knew that, and he knew she’d hate herself for it.

A thousand words flooded his mind, but none
poured from his lips. He wanted to say whatever it took so she
wouldn’t feel the horror and pain of having lashed out at him. But
words failed him.

Instead, all he could say was, “I’m

Dionne quickly snatched around before she
disappeared into her room and slammed the heavy door in his face.
She barricaded herself in her room for the rest of the day. She
didn’t go to work. She didn’t come down for dinner. She just locked
herself up in her room with the volume of her music set high. But
no matter how high she set the music, he could still hear her
weeping inside, and it shattered his heart. She was the only person
in the world who could do that to him.

Aidan sighed as he parked his car by the
curb across from the big house. Evening had fallen, and all was
dark. The engine was still running as he looked up at the bay
window of his sister’s attic room. His handsome face stood stark,
hidden in the shadows, as memories of that awful day slowly slipped
to the back of his mind.

Things have gotta change,” he said to
himself. “We can’t go on like this,” he added with a more
determined tone, and a look to match.

She had to understand how he really

He turned off the engine and got out, but
something caught his eye up in her bay window. A movement. He
narrowed his eyes and remained utterly still. On the outside. On
the inside, he felt his heart thud hard against his chest.

It was Dionne.

She hadn’t seen him down in the street. She
had seated herself with her pretty face up, looking up at the
stars. He knew she loved doing that. He also knew she never knew
how he’d sometimes just stand outside in the shadows to watch her
in her bay window, daydreaming as she looked up at the stars;
wondering what she was thinking.

Then his full lips tightened when a less
pleasant thought hit him.

She was probably thinking of
! That’s what she was
doing. She was looking all dreamy up at the stars thinking of that
blond boyfriend of hers. What the fuck did she even see in that
sorry asshole?? He felt the fire of pure jealousy burst to the fore
inside him, never failing to make his blood boil.

Yeah,” he mumbled beneath his breath.
“This shit’s gotta change, and now’s as good a time as

With his competitive nature fully aroused,
he exited his car and closed the door before he crossed the street
to the big craftsman house. His heart beat hard, and his step was
determined. Dionne’s got to know, once and for all, how he really
felt about her, and she had to know it in a way that left zero room
for any doubt.

No more Mister Nice Little brother!


Urgh!” Dionne cried, furious with

She snatched her hand out of her panties and
sat up on the bed.

Damn it, girl, you’ve got to stop
this!” She nearly snarled. Then she deflated and looked utterly
defeated. “I know I do, but it’s so freaking
.” She sighed. “But I also know I can’t keep
torturing myself. Even if it’s in secret. It’s bound to get so out
of hand I might not be able to control myself and jump his bones
the moment he gets within ten feet of me.”

She made a wry face.

Yeah,” she mumbled, cynically. “Like
I wouldn’t do that

She swept her legs off the bed and gathered
the photo albums into a stack before she rose with them. “I really
do hope there’s a five gallon bucket of Haagen-Dazs in the
freezer,” she muttered as she walked to the door on bare feet.

Dionne wasn’t expecting anyone to be
home. She was 200% sure everybody would be out and about since,
well, it was Saturday, and the family was never home on Saturdays,
let alone Saturday

So when she opened the door with that idea
in mind, she got the shock of her life. The first thing she spotted
was the tall silhouette of a man standing by the newel post of the

With a cry, she dropped the small stack of
photo albums as a dozen, or so, things flashed through her mind.
And they all had to do with defending herself from an intruder.
Unfortunately, the heavy albums dropped around her feet with one
album’s corner stabbing her instep.

Ouch!” she cried and hopped on one


Fortunately, the intruder turned out to be
her brother.

The moment she heard his familiar, deep
voice, she knew it, but it didn’t ease her temper one iota! The
sting in her instep had a lot to do with her sudden bad
disposition, too.

Aidan! You idiot!” she snapped
unfairly, but her heart was racing, and she was nearly out of

What?!” she heard Aidan’s response.
He was taken aback by her brusque manner and that gruff word, and
she immediately regretted her reaction.

I’m sorry,” she quickly apologized.
“You startled me.” She quickly dropped through knees and began
rubbing her instep.

Damn! That hurt!

Are you all right?” her brother asked
as he dropped through knees, too, while she was busy drawing in
sharp breaths through teeth while rubbing her bare

I will be,” she got out with a pained
face. “Eventually.” Then she looked at his concerned face. “What
are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at your victory

Yeah, I’m supposed to be,” he merely
said as he lowered his thick, long lashes, and began gathering the
fallen albums into a stack. “I didn’t mean to startle you,” he

Yeah, I know you didn’t,” she said,
briefly looking up with an apologetic smile. “But you did—” But
then she froze.

Their faces were so close she could actually
feel his warm breath fan her face. With sudden clarity of mind, or
a mind still fogged with unrequited lust, she suddenly discovered
she couldn’t move. Strange, but despite that paralysis her body
came alive in a whole different way. It was sizzling.

It was as if time stood still. All she could
do was stare into her beautiful brother’s compelling eyes; eyes
that seemed darker, more magnetic than she’s ever seen them.

A-Aidan—” but the words stuck in her
throat and then vanished from her mind when she suddenly felt his
full, warm lips against hers, hushing her.

Everything sane and rational inside her just
melted suddenly away. A blazing fire burst from the glowing ashes
of her simmering lust, and her protests were instantly silenced. A
heat inside her glowed brighter and brighter as the passionate
woman inside her sped to the fore, and her body reacted.

Dionne felt her nipples tingle, then harden
almost painfully under her pajama top. She felt white-hot sparks
shoot down to that special, private place between her legs, and her
heated blood gathered between her moist nether lips, filling her
sensitive clit until it throbbed almost painfully. Her thighs
trembled as her growing need to spread for him was becoming
unbearable, and as her brother’s lips twisted over hers, her body
grew a mind of its own . . .

Her hands released her foot, then rose and
cupped Aidan’s handsome face. Her lips moved, twisting across his,
kissing him with growing ardor as she slowly opened to this deeper
need for him that went beyond sister. Beyond brother. Beyond loving
siblings . . .

But no matter how bold she was, her brother
proved to be a step ahead of her. His tongue caressed then slipped
between her surrendering lips, and he let her taste the sweetness
of his tongue as he gently encouraged hers to dance with his.

Dionne purred long and softly. Oh god, her
brother’s tongue felt and tasted incredible. She told herself it
was just a kiss. She told herself nothing really bad was happening.
It was just a wonderful, sexy, toe-curling kiss, one she’d never
experienced with any other guy. And oh, his masculine scent, his
warm, full lips, and that incredible tongue were intoxicating . . .
but, she told herself continuously, they were just kissing. Just
kissing . . .

Dionne?” She heard her brother’s
hoarse voice whisper against her lips.

Hm-mm?” she nearly purred.

I’m so hard for you now it

She suddenly froze. Her lips went still
against his. In the next instant, she snapped her head back and
blinked big, dark eyes as she looked into the smoldering depths of
her younger brother’s stormy blues.

It’s true,” he said with yearning. “I
want you to know how I really feel—” but that’s as far as he

In the next instant, his sister was on her
feet and he was gazing at the soft pink and white material of her
pajama pants! He snapped up his head just in time to see her whip
around and vanish in her room.

Dionne!” he cried when he finally had
enough sense to. He broke out of the red-hot haze surrounding his
brain, and on pure instinct, shot to his feet and to her just when
she closed door. “Dionne! Open up!” he called through the door,
jiggling the lever only to find she’d locked it solid! “Oh
come on
, Dionne! We can’t leave it
like this!”

Inside, Dionne stepped to her CD player. Her
hands were trembling, but she still had enough control to turn on
the music—but not before she heard his last, muffled words through
the door.

Her lips tightened. She couldn’t believe he
just said what he said! She was as hurt and furious with herself as
she’d never been hurt and furious in all her life.

She pumped up the volume as loud as she
could before she sank down on her bed in shame and despair. She was
trembling all over, and she needed a hug right now, but she was
alone, so her own arms had to suffice. Wrapping them around
herself, she bent her head, pressing her eyes shut in shame and
disillusion as she realized her horrible error of judgment.

How could she be so stupid?? And right after
she’d reprimanded herself for losing her sanity for god’s sake!
Jesus! When did she become such an idiot?!

She snapped up her head when she heard him
knocking on her door, but she wouldn’t open the door for the rest
of the evening. She bit her lip with big shimmering amber eyes, and
turned her head to stare out the window and into the starry

What irreparable damage was she
causing Aidan with her mixed messages? What irreparable damage was
she causing
? If only
she could turn back the hands of time . . . but did she really want

Outside her door, Aidan arched a brow
hearing the music, the loud “Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun” track by
Cyndi Lauper. He looked totally disappointed and grumpy because he
knew she wasn’t going to open the door.

Damn it,” he cursed beneath his
breath. But then, as the lyrics of the song seeped through his
disappointment, a slow smile spread across his lips and he slowly
nodded as he stepped back, looking at the door with blue eyes set
and determined.

Oh yeah, Bunny,” he muttered. “Girls
just wanna have fun, all right. But I’m gonna make sure no matter
what you’ve had, and from here on out, all the fun your sexy butt
can handle is gonna be with me, and me
. Bank on it, Dionne.”

With a chuckle and a much lighter heart, he
turned to leave, but then he paused. He noticed the scattered photo
albums on the floor where she dropped them. He walked over to them
before he lowered through knees and reached out to close one that
had fallen open.

He paused as he looked at an old photograph
of a young Dionne holding a baby, and with watery eyes, sat beside
Mom on their old sofa as she smiled for the camera.

His handsome face took on a look of profound
love and endearing as he stared at his sister’s pretty face smiling
back up at him. Dionne. His Dionne. His from the get-go.

He quietly closed the album and stacked the
others before he lifted them and quietly left the attic, but the
smile that had faded now returned, because he recalled how she
responded to his deeper kiss. They were taking it a step further
and beyond that stolen kiss in the locker room, and their
relationship was growing even if she was being stubborn and
difficult about it.

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