Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (2 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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His body tensed because he was holding back,
knowing he was going to fuck her to a second orgasm because the
point he needed to make was that he was better than all her
boyfriends ever were. His pride demanded no less. He needed her to
see him as the man he’s become, not as the brother she’s always
considered him to be.

Oh god, Aidan!” his sister gasped as
he pushed into her gripping channel. “Your cock feels so good. It
feels so hot and perfect inside me . . .”

The best cock you’ve ever had,
right?” he asked with unmistakable need to hear her confirm it. His
hand covered a small, full breast, and he gently kneaded the soft
mound in his large palm. “Tell me, Dionne. Tell me mine is the best
one you’ve ever fucked,” he urged as he gently rolled a hard,
golden nipple between finger and thumb.

It is,” she gasped, throwing back her
head. “You are. You’re the only one for me, Aidan,” she whispered
deliriously as he began a slow push and pull. “I can’t believe it,
but you’re going to make me cum again.”

Believe it, Dionne,” he whispered.
“My cock is the only one that can do it for you. I’m the only one
who can make you cum over and over again. Believe it, because I do.
Believe it because we’re made for each other.”

She answered by wrapping her legs
greedily around his hips, helping him push deeper inside her. It
felt so warm, so snug inside his sister’s pussy that it didn’t take
long for the telltale sizzling in his sac to begin. He didn’t want
to cum just yet. He wanted to make this last. He
to make this last. For

He was soon fucking her with such zeal it
made her bed thump against the wall. He drove into her with all his
hot passion, grabbing her fleshy thighs to hold her put as he
pounded his sister’s pussy with vigor, driving her deep into her
bed. She took it all, begging for more until he silenced her by
capturing her lips in a wet, hot kiss.

He felt the sizzle in his sac intensify just
when he heard her break the kiss to cry out his name a second time.
Then he felt as if he were struck by lightning as his spine tensed
and his sac jumped, and a nuclear explosion went off inside

he ground out through gritting teeth as cum jettisoned through his
shaft and exploded from the tip of his dome in thick, white strings
inside his Dionne’s body.

FUCK!” he growled when he felt his
own cum hit his face.

He snatched his head away as he grabbed his
discarded boxers beside him on his bed, and clamped it down on his
continuously spitting dome. “Shit,” he growled before he dropped
back on the bed and closed his eyes, feeling his dick moving under
his boxers over his hips as it spurt the last strings of cream, not
into his precious big sister, but into the soft material of his
boxers, and safely away from his face.

Aidan closed his eyes and swallowed, feeling
his body tremble. His long, tanned frame was stretched out naked on
his bed in his basement bedroom. A gleam of perspiration covered
his entire body having experienced another forceful orgasm that
left him completely drained and dizzy. But he knew he needed to do
this even though it wasn’t such a laborious chore. He knew he
needed to “unload the gun” before rising to face a new and
torturous day . . . around her; seeing her, but never touching

It was early Saturday morning, the morning
of the soccer championships, and the last game he’d play for the
Arcadia Aces. The last thing he needed was to lose focus because of
a loaded cock. He needed to do his best because she was going to be
there, and he didn’t want to look like a loser in her eyes.

He was about to get up to shower when he
heard the door to the basement open at the top of the stairs.

Shit!” he thought as he grabbed his
covers and stuck his long legs under before pulling them up. Then
he paused when he felt a little stickiness on his chest, and he
looked down to see the shining trails of his explosion. He quickly
grabbed the boxers from under the covers, frantically wiped away
the last traces, then shoved his boxers under the covers before he
kicked them further down and dropped back on the bed, pulling his
covers up to his chest.

He was expecting his little brother,
Nathanial, who idolized him, and who always came into his room
unannounced. Or it could be one those impish, redheaded twin
sisters of his always ready to make his morning miserable.

What he didn’t expect to see were all too
familiar, creamy legs coming down the stairs. Instantly recognizing
them—he’d studied them so closely the vision of them was engraved
in his overheated brain—he immediately went into peacock mode. He
folded a tan arm behind his head as he looked down through his
lashes as his older sister, Dionne, came to the last four steps,
bending down to look at him with bright bunny eyes.

Unlike the sex kitten of his fantasies,
Dionne was all lady. Always was.

Good! You’re awake, Sleepyhead!” she
said with a happy lilt in her voice that never failed to melt him.
“I was wondering if partying all night put you in a coma this

She finished clearing the steps and only
then did he notice she was carrying a serving tray with his
breakfast, balancing it on a folded stack that was his red and
white soccer uniform, clean and ironed.

Good morning, Sis,” he said as she
came to the side of his bed and carefully set the tray on the
nightstand while struggling to remove the folded clothes from under
it. “Bringing me breakfast in bed? That’s pretty thoughtful,” he
mused, looking at her rather than the lavish breakfast Mom had
cooked for him.

Thanks for helping,” she said

Sorry,” he said sheepishly. Cheeks
red under his tan.

Uh-huh,” she returned with a wry
look, but when she saw he was embarrassed, she relented and smiled

Yes, he was embarrassed he couldn’t help
her, but not because he was lazy. No. It was because he was
painfully aware of his nakedness under the covers, and although he
wanted nothing more than to stand in the buff before her, hoping
she would finally see him as a man, he remembered what happened the
last time he tried. She had turned tail and rushed up the stairs,
because unlike his fantasies, Dionne was a natural born, prim and
proper young lady.

But speaking of tail . . .

She’d successfully slipped the folded soccer
uniform from under the tray, and turned before going to his dresser
to set it there. That’s when he noticed what she was wearing. It
was a sleeveless, denim dress that followed her feminine lines
perfectly . . . and what made his blood instantly boil. The dress
emphasized her round, lush ass. He always thought she had the best
looking behind he’d ever seen and even his best buddy, Shawn, made
a comment about it that nearly made him punch his lights out in
pure jealousy.

Still, he couldn’t deny his sister’s behind
was sexy. It was like a plump, upside down heart. It was simply
made for lovin’, and although she never did get the big boobs she
always wanted, her bottom more than made up for it.

At the moment, though, he damn well knew she
wasn’t dressed like that for him.

Is that a new dress?” he asked
casually as he took a piece of toast off the tray and crunched into
the buttery slice without tasting a thing. He was inwardly

Why yes,” she answered, standing in
profile now and he stopped chewing. She had one fucking grade A
ass. “Helmut’s mother bought it for me.” She looked over at him as
she finished setting his uniform on the dresser and took out a pair
of clean, rolled up soccer socks from his drawer. “Do you like it?”
she asked with a bright smile before she set the socks on the
uniform, and turned to face him, sweeping up hands oh, so ladylike,
cocking her head a little, and looking at him with big, sparkling
bunny’s eyes.

He felt his insides knot.

Well, yeah, it’s nice and all, but .
. .” he bit into his toast and shrugged succeeding in looking
absolutely nonchalant, letting that loaded “but” hang in the air.
It got the result he was after because her smile faded.

But . . . what?” she asked,

Nothing. It’s a nice

Dionne set hands on her ample hips as
she looked crossly at him. “But,
, Aidan?”

This toast is really

Aidan van Nuys! I
you heard me,” she said,
practically seething.

They make your . . . hips a little,
um . . . full.”

She stiffened before she looked down her
curvaceous length, highly critical of herself. Her wide hips were a
real sore spot for her. “Really?” she looked a little alarmed.

He could kick himself for making her
feel anything but beautiful, but he was jealous she was wearing
that sexy dress. Well, it was sexy to
! But she wasn’t wearing it for him. She was
wearing it for that idiot boyfriend of hers.

Nah,” he said unconvincingly, and he
knew she heard it. “So, Mom made this special breakfast hoping
it’ll help me play a good game?” he said, twisting his waist and
taking the glass of O.J. from the tray. Then he noticed her looking
a little sheepishly back as she wrung her hands. Uh-oh, he thought.
“She’s coming to the game, right?” he asked with a worried

Oh yes, of course!” Dionne quickly
assured. Then she cleared her throat and smiled. “You know she’d
never miss it for the world, but um,
made you breakfast this morning.”

His black eyebrows shot up. “You did? That’s
. . . really, really nice of you, Dionne.” His blue eyes slowly
took in her fidgeting as she cleared her throat again. “Right?”

Why yes. Of course it is,” she
laughed a little guilty.

Spill it, Sis,” he said with
half-lidded eyes, seeing the color creep into her face.

Um . . . I don’t know if I’ll make it
to the game.”


Oh?” he finally said.

Well, see, I know I’ve never missed a
single game you’ve played, Aidan, but Helmut asked me to accompany
him to Loma Linda to check out the university’s—”

This is the
last game
I’ll play for the Arcadia Aces,
Dionne. You can’t
go!” he
said, upset. “Can’t Heimlick go anywhere without you having to hold
his goddamn hand all the time??”

Aidan! Language!” she reprimanded
hotly. “And his name is Hel

Fuck language!” he snapped. “And fuck

You’re acting like a big baby,” his
sister admonished tersely, crossing slender arms.

Why shouldn’t I?” he snapped. “You
treat me like one all the time!” Then he tossed aside his covers
and shot angrily out the bed, uncaring she’d be shocked to see him
naked. “Tell me, Dionne, huh?” He threw dark arms wide. “Do I look
like a baby to you

Dionne stared at him in stunned silence.

What are you waiting for, Dionne?” he
honed. “Why don’t you do what you do best, and turn tail and run up
the stairs like the prissy little girl you are?!” he snapped at her
before he marched to his bathroom and slammed the door shut leaving
her stunned, blushing, and silent.






Chapter Two:
Winning Her Heart


This is a fucking nightmare, Ace.
Those Brazilians are just too good. I’m really gettin’ a little
scared here,” grumbled tall, tawny-haired Shawn Puretti. He almost
looked as distraught as Aidan did, but just as downtrodden as the
rest of his teammates. He stood by his team’s Captain and fellow
forward, feeling as if they were going to lose this all-important
game. “And to be honest, Ace, you’re not really in the

Yeah, well, stop whining. It ain’t
over till it’s over, Shawn,” Aidan grumbled, but who was he
kidding? The Beach Blazers were tough this year since they had two
incredibly talented team players from Brazil.

The bleachers were packed that sunny day.
Fans and spectators were there to cheer on their respective soccer
teams with enthusiasm, and excitement sizzled in the air. The
Arcadia Aces, the prominent Arcadia soccer team, was playing that
season’s championship game on home turf against the Long Beach
Beach Blazers.  

The Arcadia High soccer field looked lively
and bright. It was given a fresh coat of paint showing the bright
white lines that made up the boundaries of the playing field. Large
goals stood coy on either side of the lush, green fields containing
twenty-two, sweaty, and exhausted players. 

The goal board showed: Home: 04 ~ Visitors:

They were on time-out since one of their own
had fallen and hurt his thigh. He was being looked over by the
coach and doctor, but it didn’t look good. As they took that
time-out by the sidelines, they were handed bottles of water by
very willing young ladies. The two forwards for the Arcadia Aces
drank their fill to rehydrate precious fluids they were losing much
too rapidly under a merciless California sun. 

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