Make Me Yours (5 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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“I think you need glasses.”

“And I think you’ve been listening to the wrong people.” Pulling eggs and cheese out of the refrigerator, he gave a gimme motion with his free hand. “Give. Were you mortified, excited, what?”

Morgan found it was easy to lose her modesty and, to some extent, her embarrassment, with Marc. His easy going manner and friendly smile made him easy to confide in. “At first I was too shocked to be anything, but it didn’t take long for embarrassment to take over. “God,” she groaned, resting her head against her hand. “It was so humiliating being treated like a wayward child, and in public no less.”

Breaking some eggs into a bowl, Marc grinned at her bowed head, her thick dark hair falling down to hide what he knew was a bright red face. “Come on, Morgan, admit it. By the time Jack finished smacking that cute little bottom, your pussy was wet.”

Morgan raised her head prepared to blast him, but instead found herself giggling as he wiggled his eyebrows comically. “My butt is not little.”

“Your butt is perfectly proportioned with the rest of you. Now answer me.”

“What are you making?” she asked instead.

“Omelets and quit stalling or you won’t get one.”

“Fine,” she muttered. “Yes, I was excited, but that doesn’t mean the spanking turned me on. It was being half naked with Jack, just being near him that got me excited.”

“You want him that bad, do you?” Pouring the eggs in the pan, Marc watched her closely, waiting for her answer, as was Jack who had just returned quietly.

“For as long as I can remember. If you had ever wanted anyone that bad, for that long, you would understand why I don’t want to leave, why I need to at least try to get him to see me as a grown woman who wants more than friendship from him.”

Marc firmly shoved aside the image of the young twenty-one year old he had fallen hard for seven years ago. He had made a grave mistake with Cassie, one they both had paid for dearly. She was the only woman he had ever wanted on a permanent basis and after driving her away by exposing her too quickly and too strongly to his lifestyle; he had lost his only chance with her. His gaze met Jack’s worried look, knowing that was what Jack was worried about doing to his relationship with Morgan. The difference was Jack and Morgan had known each other for twenty years, become closer than friends and already had a special bond, one he believed would withstand a test to see if they could be more to each other than friends, something he knew they both wanted.

Jack must have seen something in his face, because he slowly shook his head as Marc asked, “Tell me, Morgan, just how badly do you want Jack? You saw what went on downstairs. How far are you willing to go?”

Morgan recalled the total concentration and desire on Jack’s face as he had first flogged then fucked that girl last night. To be the recipient of such focused desire would be heady, that it came from Jack would be the dream of a lifetime. “I’d try anything he wanted me to.”

“What if you didn’t like it, it was too much for you?”

Morgan shrugged as if that outcome would be no big deal. “He’d stop if I asked him to. And I’d always be his friend, no matter what.”

That she instinctively knew he would stop anything with her that she didn’t want reminded Jack of how well he and Morgan knew each other. The memory of how her ass felt under his hand and the damp heat of her pussy had kept him awake last night as he fought the urge to join her in his bed and take her the way she had been asking. Maybe he ought to take advantage of her unexpected appearance to explore a more physical relationship with her. It wouldn’t be the first time he had given in to her, and certainly not the last. Still, he couldn’t imagine his life without Morgan in it, definitely a risk he would be taking if, in a few days, she ran from him in disillusionment. He remembered all too clearly the consequences between Marc and Cassie when he had pressured her into exploring his lifestyle too fast, too soon. Since Cassie fled from him seven years ago, Marc hadn’t had a steady relationship with a woman, and never took one to his bed for more than a week or two.

“That’s good to know, Princess,” he said as he made a quick decision to test her.

Morgan jerked guiltily and turned around to see Jack leaning negligently against the back of the sofa, his muscular arms folded across his chest, his dark eyes unreadable. “How long have you been there?” Morgan felt her face redden even though she was glaring at him.

“Long enough.” Moving towards her, he dropped a kiss on her nose before taking a seat next to her. “Breakfast about ready?” he asked Marc.

“Just about.” Marc grinned unrepentantly when Morgan turned an accusing glare on him. “A look like that will get you punished, darlin.”

“You could’ve told me he was there before I made an idiot of myself,” she replied, ignoring his threat and the way it made her nipples tighten and pussy cream. Damn, she thought uncomfortably. One hour in their club room as an observer and one trip over Jack’s knee had left her in a state of perpetual need.

“Eat, Morgan, and we’ll talk,” Jack instructed in his no nonsense tone.

After Marc had set a plate of eggs and bacon in front of them and joined them, Morgan worked up the nerve to ask Jack, “Are you going to make me leave?”

“Your car’s going to have to be towed, but I brought your bag with me. You have three choices, Princess.” Jack looked at Marc, silently seeking his encouragement and support. When he simply nodded, Jack gave in to the inevitable. “I can drive you back to Denver and put you on a plane back to Chicago, or you can hang out here for a few days while you decide what you want to do about your engagement, agreeing to stay up here while this group is playing in the clubhouse.”

Morgan swallowed her bite of eggs with difficulty then sipped her coffee, waiting for her third choice as neither of those appealed to her. When he remained quiet, she tentatively ventured, “And the third choice?”

Jack set his fork down and looked directly at her. Her pretty topaz eyes stared at him with such hope, such longing, he knew he couldn’t deny her, or himself any longer. “Or, you can stay here a few days and we’ll see if you’re really willing to submit to me sexually.” When desire and excitement replaced the wariness in her eyes, Jack felt himself harden and it took all his control to keep from grabbing her, bending her over the stool and fucking her until she screamed in pleasure.

“I choose door number three,” she quickly answered before he could change his mind. He was offering her a chance at everything she had ever wanted, she wasn’t about to hesitate now.

“You always were rash and impetuous, Princess. Let me show you what that will get you around here. Come here.”

Morgan followed Jack when he rose, walked into the great room and stopped in front of one of the sofas.


“Uh?” Morgan was so surprised by his abrupt order she just stood there and gaped at him.

Narrowing his eyes at her, he said, “Your only response should be ‘Yes, sir’. Do you need me to repeat my order?”

“N-no,” she stammered before casting an embarrassed, nervous look at Marc who had remained leaning negligently against the kitchen counter and was watching her closely.

“Never mind Marc, Princess. If you want to be with me, you’ll have to get used to having him around, as well as public play.”

Morgan jerked her gaze back to Jack and was relieved to see his eyes soften and the small, one sided smile on his face that always made her heart turn over. Her fingers clumsily released the buttons on his shirt before she shrugged it off. Her eyes refused to meet his and her hands clenched into fists to keep from covering herself. As both men stared at her, she had never been more self conscious of her less than slender figure.

“Look at me, Princess.” When she blushed and her eyes met his, Jack wanted to rave at her mother for causing her to feel so self conscious and undesirable because of her full figure. Reaching out, he fondled her breasts, rubbing his palms against her hard, little nipples. “I like a full figured woman, I like soft and plush.”

Morgan’s mortification swiftly turned to desire as he molded her breasts with his big hands, his palms and then fingers rough on her sensitive nipples. She couldn’t prevent a whimper when he took both nipples between thumbs and forefingers, pinching the tender buds until she gasped at the erotic pain. Grasping his wrists, she leaned into him, and pleaded, “Jack, please.”

Chuckling, he released her breasts, grabbed her hands and sat on the sofa. “Not yet. Last night you received a spanking as punishment. Now, I’m going to show you how much pleasure you can get from the same act.” Before the surprise she showed could cause her to pull away, he tugged her wrists and pulled her between his spread knees and over his right leg. With his left foot, he separated her legs and held them apart.

He had moved so fast, Morgan didn’t realize what he intended until she found herself once again in a prone position over Jack’s lap, her naked ass on display. “Jack, wait...” she gasped, her hands reaching behind her to protect her vulnerable buttocks.

Pushing her hands aside, he landed a hard slap on her right cheek. “Quiet. Either keep your hands out of the way, or I’ll have Marc come over here and hold them.” He couldn’t help but smile at how quickly she moved her hands.

“I’ll be good,” she quickly complied. It was bad enough she was facing away from Marc, her spread legs revealing everything to his gaze.

“Good girl,” Jack murmured approvingly.

When he did nothing but fondle her buttocks with one hand and run his fingers lightly between her legs, caressing her rapidly dampening folds with the other, Morgan relaxed. Resting her head on her arms, she quickly became aroused, surprised by how fast Jack had brought her to an elevated peak that had previously taken a lot more foreplay for her to achieve. Moaning, she soon forgot Marc’s presence and tried to push against his hand, hoping for deeper contact. “Jack, please,” she begged before biting her lip.

When the first slap landed, Morgan cried out, more from shock than pain. Two more light slaps fell before he resumed rubbing the flesh he had just abused and running his fingers over her damp slit before inserting two fingers into her pussy and very lightly caressed her engorged, swollen clit. As soon as her hips lifted for more, he pulled from her pussy and his hand smacked her again, once, twice, three times, each hit harder than the previous one. She cried out in unfulfilled need and confusion and he waged war on her senses, alternating between smacking her buttocks and then fingering her increasingly wetter vagina, his fingers tormenting her needy clit just to the point of climax before retreating again.

When his swats turned hard, landing repeatedly on her cheeks and accompanied by the thrust of now three fingers, Morgan came apart. The pain blended with the pleasure, the combination driving her higher and higher. Nothing could have prepared her for such an intense experience. Crying, she struggled against the overwhelming onslaught of sensations, but when his thumb rasped over her clit and then pressed against the tender, aching bud, accompanied by a continuing barrage of hard slaps against her sore buttocks, she splintered apart. Screaming, she let the pleasure engulf her, swamp her senses and take her to a height she had never dreamed imaginable.

“Shh, Princess, I’ve got you.” Jack cradled Morgan’s shaking body in his arms, her response more than he could have ever hoped for. Marc handed him the small throw off the back of the couch before quietly leaving the loft. Tucking the blanket around her, he cuddled her close, giving her time to come down from what he suspected was the best orgasm she had ever had. Her tears soaked his shirt as he softly praised her. “You’re beautiful when you come, Princess. I loved seeing your pleasure, hearing you scream with it.”

Morgan looked up at him, her eyes wide and dazed. “I’ve never felt anything so intense, Jack. I’m beginning to think there’s something wrong with me. These people, your guests, do they do this all the time?”

Jack smiled at the awe and disbelief in her voice. Naïve she was, but his girl wasn’t going to let her ignorance keep her in the dark. “Some live the lifestyle twenty-four/seven, but very few. Most of them, including both Marc and I, save the domination/submission for sex only.”

“Well, that’s good, because if you think I’m going to bow down and scrape to you, you better think again.”

Her acerbic tone delighted him, as always, but she did need to learn when to curb it. “However, right now you are naked in my arms and we are starting a sexual relationship, so it’s time for you to answer ‘yes sir’. Am I clear?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered but couldn’t keep a straight face. Smiling goofily, she couldn’t help but be ecstatic about being naked in Jack’s arms.

Removing the blanket, Jack gazed down at her body, his hard cock insisting he take the feast before him. “You’ll tell me if I do anything that’s too much for you, if you’re unsure or in too much pain,” he stated in a hard tone, his voice implacable. He needed to know she wouldn’t hold back in her effort to please him.

“I will, Jack, I promise,” Morgan quickly agreed.

Pushing her to her feet, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his bedroom. “Kneel on the bed, Princess, ass up, legs spread, head down.”

Morgan crawled onto the bed and got into position, her heart beating frantically with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She was twenty-seven years old and had a total of three lovers, including her one-night stand on the eve of her graduation when she lost her virginity to a guy she barely knew after Jack rejected her. She had never allowed her fiancé or the guy she had a six month affair with to take her this way. She was way too conscious of her larger than acceptable hips and ass and just the thought of being taken from behind humiliated her. But with Jack, doing his bidding seemed natural and exciting. He seemed to like her body and she wasn’t going to let her self consciousness keep her from experiencing everything she could while she was here. Hearing him rummaging in a drawer, she turned her head to see what he was doing. When he walked over to her carrying a few objects that made her cringe, she couldn’t prevent her uncertainty from coloring her voice. “Uh, Jack?”

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